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Did You Play Games Alone As A Kid, Or Together?


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At night, I used to lie in my twin bed and wonder where my brother was


I definitely did some couch co-op with my siblings. Though most of my gaming was done alone until I started going to arcades and playing Goldeneye with my friends.


Mostly alone, sometimes friend visits and play 2p games. At the time, NES or Sega is not the only media we can have fun as kid. Still sometimes go out with friends or exploring neighborhood alone.


Writes a lot, says very little

Memories of Mario Kart on SNES, Goldeneye, WaveRace, Mario Kart, Star Fox 64, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day (Colors was insane on that bitch) on N64, Tekken, GT, Ridge Racer, Tony Hawk on PS1

Even single player games, I recall my friends and I always played together, like someone playing Resident Evil and us strategizing if that herb made sense to mix or us as is or playing an RPG during a boss battle, waiting a long term seeing if it really makes sense to bring that character back to life, or kill the boss with 1 last hit (like is that XP really worth it bruv) lol

I think its because the group of friends I'm with, we've been friends since we where 3 years old, so its not unusual for a new game to come out and we buy 1 copy lol That game will be played by 1 of us and all of us watching and then maybe by another friend alone or something

I still play a lot by myself, but a set number of IP for decades have been played as a group with my friends. Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill and a few others.


When I was young (under 10?) I would go to my friends house down the street and we would play SNES together a lot. Eventually he moved, but I would go over for sleepovers every so often and we would take turns playing Age of Empires and stuff.
There was also another family up the street with a bunch of kids. I'd go over and we'd all play Goldeneye pretty regularly. There was another game we played a lot too but I can't remember what it was called.
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Played lots of Rally Speedway with my brother, Decathlon, Beach Head, with my friends, and Silk Worm, Nitro, Dogs of War, Midnight Resistance. Otherwise we took turns playing or I played alone.

Today I play alone. The kids watch me play too, thinking about getting Astro Bot for a family playthrough, it was awhile since the last one.


Neo Member
A bit of both but mostly with friends. Some of my fondest memories were sitting around a tiny TV with four-player Goldeneye on the N64.
together more with friends, i know everyone had that one friend who barely played games, but always kicked ass in fighting games,


Even back in the days of Coleco or Intelivision, where you had to swap and take turns. I always seem to have people around who wanted to play. C64, it was all about the Eypx Games series or Leaderboard Gold with 2-4 people. I call playing co-op with some Atari 2600 things like Ice Hockey. SNES and N64 really increased the amount of co-op though. Playing Contra or Rival Turff games, all those Capcom slashers like Knights of The Dragon, Magical Sword, etc. Neo Geo was all about Baseball Stars!

Hunter 99

Cousins playing streets of rage megadrive early 90s
Cousins playing goldeneye,mario kart on n64 late 90s,
Friends and Cousins Tony hawk pro skater ps2 in the noughties.
Blazing with good friends and playing pro evo and fight night champion at uni..2010s Good Times.
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Neo Member
Mostly alone but I remember playing Metal Gear Solid and all my friends were watching me play. It was like movienight! 😊


As a young kid I played Mario Kart and Super Mario on the SNES with my sister. But everything afterwards I played alone.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Season 6 Episode 3 GIF by Parks and Recreation


Both. I still play games with my friends! Street Fighter 6 especially and we're definitely going to play Monster Hunter Wilds together.


Pretty much alone....since I always prefer single player games...but playing PES would be crazy with me and my friends having leagues of 15/16 people playing .... It was glorious ...with league, tables and other stats done with pen and paper.

We even had home and away games with us going to each other houses to play.... Miss those days.


Mostly alone, sometimes with siblings/friends.

And when playing together it was mostly "my turn when you die".
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growing up with a brother it was almost always with someone, then when he hit his teenage years i had made friends who had a similar interests who we'd then lan at each others houses or play PS or 360 or whatever it was at the time.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Mostly alone, but I have fond memories of watching my older brothers play games on both consoles and PC.

Lots of memories playing multiplayer stuff on the N64 too.


Both. Have a lot of fond memories of going over to my friends place to play games and vice versa. Also when my cousin would visit during the summer we played a lot of stuff like perfect dark and halo.
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Gold Member
Both, with friends, siblings and siblings friends there wasn't anything we'd miss out on in the early generations. One kid in my class even had a Jaguar. The PS2 generation was mainly PS2's and PC's. I also had a DC and got a GameCube after Metroid prime but I could play Halo at a cousins house.

All the console war rivalry back then didn't matter to us. It only really caused issues when no one bought PS3's and all had 360's. I can think of 1 guys brother who had a PS3 while everyone was playing Gears and GTA on xbox.


I used to play both ways. In the 80s I played atari by myself cause I was really young but by the time I got an nes in 1990 I was in 2nd grade and bonded with friends over gaming and Sci fi stuff.


Mostly alone until I was about 14 and moved to a neighborhood with kids my age, then I started playing a lot of split screen games (especially on N64).

Nowadays it's back to mostly single player.


Some coach co-op for sure. But otherwise, alone for over 90 percent of the time.
Pretty much this. I always loved co-op, and tried to get my brother to play with me often but he almost never did, and straight up stopped altogether at around twelve. I always figured when I had a kid that was into games I'd do co-op more then at least, but my daughter plays very different games than me and is pretty much purely an online co-op person, like most folks these days I assume. I grew up in the arcade loving beat em ups so much, and I always just wanted friends and family who like co-op so I could play with others, but it just didn't pan out like that and I've pretty much let it go and become a single player gamer these days. Hell, my wife loves games but absolutely will not play anything multiplayer, she's single player only. Eh, guess that's just how my cookie crumbled.
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Mostly together. Both my childhood friends and me had diferent gaming devices so when we wanted to play games we always hanged out in eachother houses to play diferent games.


In the 90s, all the time.

Even Final Fantasy became couch co-op games where you'd take turns playing.

Fun fact, SNES Final Fantasy games (and also FF9) actually had 2 player mode, where you could assign some characters to player 2. Player 1 did all the world stuff though so it didn't really do a lot.

As for my answer, a mix of both. I played a lot by myself but also pretty regularly with friends, especially on SNES/Genesis, but then N64 was a beast and I regularly had 4 player things going on. Star Fox, Goldeneye, Smash Bros, Mario Party, the usual.
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Fun fact, SNES Final Fantasy games (and also FF9) actually had 2 player mode, where you could assign some characters to player 2. Player 1 did all the world stuff though so it didn't really do a lot.
I knew of this but I've forgotten all about it overtime. Would be a neat mechanic to implement again.


both - we would play PC games at my buddies homes. Most games were not 2 player so we would take turns - like when your character dies it is my turn.
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