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I am heavy into the diet drinks, as I have a sweet tooth and am doing the low carb thing.. i used to drink TONS of soda in a day, and now i still do, but diet kinds..

diet coke and diet pepsi , i like them both... they are okay..

however, i discovered diet RC and diet rite cola, both amazing, both made with splenda.. none of that aspartame aftertaste..

i picked up a 12 pack of pepsi one, it just never caught my attention before..

that 1 calorie makes a big difference, its amazing! after drinking diet coke, diet pepsi and diet RC for so long now, pepsi one really does take more like a regular cola!

it uses a combination of two sweeteners, aspartame and Ace-K, and it masks any aftertastes well, and the Ace-K is a REALLY strong sweetener, but it gives it that 1 calorie..

essentially, its a re-forumulated diet Pepsi, or "diet pepsi 2"... but they came up with the name Pepsi one as it had one calorie.. so this gives them two diet colas on the market at the same time,...

i recommend any diet cola drinkers to give it a try, maybe it wont be your thing, i know alot of diet coke people are strict diet coke fans..

but pepsi one is really good IMO.
yah diet vanilla coke sells VERY well... its a good flavor.

diet dr. pepper would be another great one..

i basically buy diet dr pepper and now pepsi one as my main sodas.. and then ill pick up some other stuff like diet root beers, diet mountain dew, etc.

but i NEED to have diet dr. pepper and pepsi one in my fridge now (or maybe diet RC)..


pepsi max is very popular in the UK...

they also have PEPSI X over there, which is the energy drink pepsi... if they made a diet pepsi x over here, holy shit would that sell like hot cakes.. pepsi x/diet pepsi x combo would be huge... for the cost of regular soda, you could get your energy drink and your cola!!!! god i wish they did that.
mjq jazz bar said:
Didn't Pepsi One come out like five years ago? I thought it was absolutely disgusting, and tasted worse than Diet.

yah, i think it came out in 1998 and has been pretty slow/stagnant in terms of market share, like with 1% of the cola marketshare... i guess wish such low marketshare, they must believe in it enough, or that 1% is worth it enough, to keep it around.. though i guess lately with all the atkins, alot of people switching over to diet sodas, pepsi one has been doing a bit better...

you thought pepsi one tasted worse than diet pepsi? not sure how that could be the case, instead of just using 1 artificial sweetener, whats considered the worst tasting of the bunch, but cheapest (aspartame), it uses less of that and substitutes another sweetener which is pretty well regarded, to create a much less artificial sweet.

i guess different strokse for different folks, and alot of people are probably dead set in their fave sodas because they've drank them for so long, but pepsi one, its my cola from here on out, and I just wish it was available in fountains and what not...

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I wonder if it is Pepsi Max. That's very, very popular in the UK. I wouldn't be surprised if it sold more than regular Pepsi.


Coke and Pepsi are about to release new versions aimed at low-carb poeple in the US. The new Pepsi is Pepsi Edge, I forget the name of the new Coke. Basically the new drinks are a halfway point between diet and regular, for instance I think that Edge has 70 calories or so. Those should be interesting to taste.


Meier said:
Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Cherry Coke, Caffeine Free Diet Coke = only drinkable diet sodas.

Man, I thought I was one of the few to drink Caffeine Free Diet Coke. My friends think only senior citizens and home-schooled kids drink it. I also love Fresca, which tastes pretty good for a diet pop.


shitting in the alley outside your window
as far as really drinkable diet cokes go, i gotta throw props out to diet cherry coke. a fresh 2 liter of that poured over a fair amount of ice is like heaven.
Diet A & W root beer is another excellent choice for those who drink diet pop. And considering I don't like regular Mountain Dew, it was surprising that I found Diet Mountain Dew to be pretty damn tasty.


Unconfirmed Member
Diet Mountain Dew is good, but Diet Mountain Dew Code Red is like heaven. It's better than regular Code Red, in my opinion. And if you can find it, Diet Cherry 7-Up is fucking outrageously good, too. I like most diet pop, I drank it exclusively for a quite a while (lately I've been drinking lots of Snapple). I cannot do Diet Vanilla Coke, though. Diet Pepsi Vanilla is quite tasty, and a suitable substitute if I need to get my vanilla cola on.

I don't mind C2 at all, I thought it was good-not-great, but I'd much prefer an ice cold Diet Coke (or Diet Cherry Coke) to it any day of the week.
Coke C2 and Pepsi Edge are useless ot me, i dont drink any regular soda, and even half the calories/carbs is too much..

i could excuse maybe 2-5 carbs per serving, and deal with that.. but 15-20? nah, whats the point? Coke C2 is being marketed as a special/higher end brand of COKE, hence its coming in 20oz, 8 pks and 18pks, to disguise the fact that it costs more as well as to set it apart.. notice the very rich/dark/royal colors of the containers? they want it to be a premium coke product for yuppies.

pepsi edge, they arent following that same marketing route, not sure what their marketing for it is.


diet rite cola and diet rc both use splenda, and both are really good if you had the aspartame aftertaste.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I'm with the people who hardly drink soda.

Though I pretty much cave every time if traditional lemonade is around.
I wish they came up with cola that just has less sugar period. No artificial sweeteners or anything, just half the sugar. I rarely drink Coke nowadays, though I still enjoy it once in a while.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
This shit is all just liquified candy. Just drink water, dammit.
sp0rsk said:
i hear water is cool.

This man speaks the truth. Having permanently cut out regular soda from my diet 2 years ago, I've been working to cut down on the number of diet soda intake per day. I'm down to one or two cans a day now. Water is the best thing for you, and you should drink even more of it now in the summer versus soda, which is a diuretic.
why is it that you guys have to come in here and start talking about water everytime i have a soda thread.


the thread is about soda, not water.. we all drink water, we know what it is..

no SHIT soda is liquified candy, thats why I drink it, it helps me with my diet, because i have a sweet tooth..

a big "DUH!" to the water posters who pop in EVERY soda thread.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It helps with your diet BECAUSE you have a sweet tooth?

The only way I could imagine it helping anyone's diet would be if they're hypoglycemic.
i have a sweet tooth
i want to eat sweet things, those have carbs/calories generally speaking

diet soda is sweet
no carbs no calories
helps fight the cravings

no sweets going in

helps me diet.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Oh I get you, I thought you meant it was somehow good for you rather than that it's good simply because it stops you consuming even worst things.
What sweeteners are they using nowadays? Is Suclarose (or whatever) the same as Aspertame? The moment I can taste Aspertame in something is the moment I can't stand it.
yah aspartame is pretty nasty for some people, i hated it, but forced myself to drink diet sodas, and now i dont mind it so muhc, even though it is noticeably worse than splenda or other sweeteners..

splenda is the brand name for sucralose.. its in diet rite's sodas, diet RC, diet big red, and some other sodas like Stewarts Diet Cream Soda, and etc... its not widely used as its alot more expensive than aspartame..

there is also sacahirrin, which isnt widely used anymore, i know diet IBC uses it in small quantities.

and Ace-K is pretty good too, Pepsi One uses it in combination with Aspartame.

COKE C2 = aspartame + sugar combined
Pepsi Edge = Splenda + Sugar combined

theoretically, pepsi edge should take more like pepsi than C2 like coke... if those sweeteners are correct.


I like diet sodas, they certainly don't taste bad. But Aspartame gives me a splitting headache and sometimes makes me dizzy. When I was younger I had a hard time breathing if I had too much of it. Besides, there has been tons of research that suggests Aspartame and similar sweeteners are BAD for your brain.

I don't know why they don't use Splenda. Splenda is sugar, but its like naturally modified to not have nearly as many calories/carbs/etc
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