I have Gamers Club Unlocked at BB and Amazon Prime. I just don't want to pay $48 for this game. I want to pay in the $30 to $40 range. So I'm giving it a month or two.
Someone know if the game is challenging, i heard the Japanese version was a little too on the easy side ?
There will be a digital ver on PS4 right?
You realize this attitude is actively hurting bringing these niche games to the US right? I understand wanting to be thrifty but if you signed a petition and all you could at least put your money where your mouth was.
They added in some difficulty settings that the JPN release did not have.
There will be a digital ver on PS4 right?
Yeah, I also hope games I asked to be localized to bomb so I can get them for cheap.I know I signed a campaign to support having this game localized, but I really want to wait until the game inevitably drops in price for the PS4 version.
I have Gamers Club Unlocked at BB and Amazon Prime. I just don't want to pay $48 for this game. I want to pay in the $30 to $40 range. So I'm giving it a month or two.
And done I'll buy it, thank you !
I suppose the preorder bonuses are just for the physical ? There is no digital preorder ?
I'm French with an US account, not really interested in ordering a physical, but the bonus while not grounbreaking are nice.
I suppose the preorder bonuses are just for the physical ? There is no digital preorder ?
I'm French with an US account, not really interested in ordering a physical, but the bonus while not grounbreaking are nice.
I suppose the preorder bonuses are just for the physical ? There is no digital preorder ?
I'm French with an US account, not really interested in ordering a physical, but the bonus while not grounbreaking are nice.
Got a PS4 physical copy pre-orderd and im getting the Vita version next week, im so damn hyped for this.
I am kind of annoyed that BandaiNamco isnt pushing this harder though :/ I get that Naruto UNS4 is coming out in the same week, but man..it seems like all their tweets have been about that. You'd think they'd want to promote Digimon more.
Okay GAF, why is everyone so hyped on Digimon? I've watched the series when I was younger & have the first movie somewhere laying around on VHS. I've even played through that terrible PSone game, but could never beat it because my Digimon didn't poop enough (I'm not kidding). So is Cyber Sleuth something I should look into?
I know I signed a campaign to support having this game localized, but I really want to wait until the game inevitably drops in price for the PS4 version.
Is anyone in the US getting release date delivery from Amazon for this? Mine is scheduled for delivery on the 4th.
Okay GAF, why is everyone so hyped on Digimon? I've watched the series when I was younger & have the first movie somewhere laying around on VHS. I've even played through that terrible PSone game, but could never beat it because my Digimon didn't poop enough (I'm not kidding). So is Cyber Sleuth something I should look into?
I think it's more like digimon world 3.This game isnt like that digimon world game, this is more RPG ish/ like SMT persona like. Although i'm hoping this sells well so we get the sequel to that same digimon game which happens to come out in march in japan.
I'm hyped because I grew up with Digimon and this game is supposed to be really good.Okay GAF, why is everyone so hyped on Digimon? I've watched the series when I was younger & have the first movie somewhere laying around on VHS. I've even played through that terrible PSone game, but could never beat it because my Digimon didn't poop enough (I'm not kidding). So is Cyber Sleuth something I should look into?
I have Gamers Club Unlocked at BB and Amazon Prime. I just don't want to pay $48 for this game. I want to pay in the $30 to $40 range. So I'm giving it a month or two.
Is this game cross save?
You do understand you are actively hurting your chance of getting these types of games again, right? You even have GCU and Amazon, you're already getting it at a reduced price.I know I signed a campaign to support having this game localized, but I really want to wait until the game inevitably drops in price for the PS4 version.
Okay GAF, why is everyone so hyped on Digimon? I've watched the series when I was younger & have the first movie somewhere laying around on VHS. I've even played through that terrible PSone game, but could never beat it because my Digimon didn't poop enough (I'm not kidding). So is Cyber Sleuth something I should look into?
I already have it preordered just because I like the look of the battle system and I like to support niche JRPGs, but I was never really a Digimon guy growing up. Is this game its own stand-alone story that I can enjoy without knowing the history? And is it good?
Waiting for my physical Vita copy to arrive will be unbearable, at least I'll probably get Gravity Rush Remastered to sway me by then.
I already have it preordered just because I like the look of the battle system and I like to support niche JRPGs, but I was never really a Digimon guy growing up. Is this game its own stand-alone story that I can enjoy without knowing the history? And is it good?
what's the day 1 bonus?the game is available now in some stores in UAE
what's the day 1 bonus?
Hope Bandai Namco doesn't charge $50 for this on Canadian PSN. If they do I'm waiting for a sale or maybe importing R3.
what's the day 1 bonus?
Yep. The original JPN release was not but they added it in with the international versions. We also have 2 brand new digimon.
Thanks. Also is it cross-buy? Highly doubtful...
Thanks. Also is it cross-buy? Highly doubtful...
Dude that's messed up.I know I signed a campaign to support having this game localized, but I really want to wait until the game inevitably drops in price for the PS4 version.