His support skill makes the entire party go first at the start of battle. This gives a significant advantage.
Who's your dream team, Sparrow?
His support skill makes the entire party go first at the start of battle. This gives a significant advantage.
So no Digimon Xros digimon?
The Digimon games are great regardless of show knowledge. Hop right in!Having never played a Digimon game before and only really ever having a passing interest in the TV show ( was always a Pokémon fan) I am really interested in this game. I am a bit weary though that having basically no knowledge of Digimon will hinder my experience?
What says you GAF? I can get the game on PS4 for £33 so that price makes it really tempting.
I hate that I've to wait 3 days after all you until I can play it.
Why does it have to release on the 5th?![]()
Even they wanted us to forget about them.
Hagurumon is a starter choice!
Candlemon's not in this game, sadly. You can look at who made it in here.
Slim is superior in every way except for screen. Ergonomics and battery life are in the 2000 model's favor.
Does look like the PS4 version will be technically better though.
If your not anal about screen richness then go team slim.
Examon is a mega level Digimon that has never been in any Digimon anime except for Xros Wars. It is also one of the mega level evolution available in the Digimon World Re;Digitize game.Holy crap, who's Examon?
Looks straight Biblical! Edgiest Dragon. (I must have him.)
And Cherubimon (Virtue) is so cute~
Also, one more question. With the DLC, seeing as they are actual Digimon. If you mis-digivolve them or something, are you essentially screwed over? I really want Omegamon Zwart and I would hate to slip on the wrong banana there.
From what I've seen, that's still the case here! I really love Digimon game's evolution systems. They're easy and impossible to mess up but deep enough that it will take time to explore the fill thing.Examon is a mega level Digimon that has never been in any Digimon anime except for Xros Wars. It is also one of the mega level evolution available in the Digimon World Re;Digitize game.
For the evolution question, if the gameplay follows DS Digimon games closely then you wouldn't have to worry about mis-digivolving since the game has pretty lax evolution system. Throughout the game you can not only evolve a Digimon to a higher evolution level (e.g. champion->ultimate) but also evolve them to a lower evolution level (de-volve, e.g. ultimate->champion/rookie). De-volving is essential since it is used to increase the digimon potential stats and level cap so that you can achieve more higher level evolution.
De-volving also serves a different purpose in that you can change the Digimon evolutionary line to what you desire. For a general example (based on the DS games), you catch a Skull Greymon but you want War Greymon as its mega. You can then de-volve that Skull Greymon into Greymon and digivolve it into Metal Greymon thus going into War Greymon evolutionary line. The process can be repeated as many time as you want.
That's how it is in the DS games. Hope that answers your questions and I hope others that have play this game can validate whether this still applies to Cyber Sleuth.
Holy crap, who's Examon?
Looks straight Biblical! Edgiest Dragon. (I must have him.)
Who's your dream team, Sparrow?
So no Digimon Xros digimon?
Holy crap, who's Examon?
Looks straight Biblical! Edgiest Dragon. (I must have him.)
And Cherubimon (Virtue) is so cute~
Also, one more question. With the DLC, seeing as they are actual Digimon. If you mis-digivolve them or something, are you essentially screwed over? I really want Omegamon Zwart and I would hate to slip on the wrong banana there.
There is a warning I would give in regards to DNA Digivolving. You can only De-digivolve into one Digimon. So if you had Omegamon Zwart, but realized you haven't yet reached the max level for it and needed to de-digivolve, you would have to choose BlackWarGreymon or BlackMetalGarurumon.
Then to digivolve to Omegamon Zwart again you would need to raise another Digimon.
I've never really played a Digimon game before, but I'm hyped to pick this up on Vita in a couple weeks. I'm having little luck finding places to read up on game systems/mechanics. Everywhere kinda assumes you know how to play! Like, how do you "catch" Digimon? Do you learn new moves by leveling up with experience like in Pokemon? Can you carry a similar team through out the whole game or is it more like Persona where you're constantly upgrading/shifting?
But then, since you devolve into one of the two, wouldn't you need another DLC Black Agumon/Black Gabumon to return to form? Or could you use a digimon from its evolution line that's readily available to cut corners?
Nice that there's DNA evolution in the game. Couple of questions about DNA evolutionThere is a warning I would give in regards to DNA Digivolving. You can only De-digivolve into one Digimon. So if you had Omegamon Zwart, but realized you haven't yet reached the max level for it and needed to de-digivolve, you would have to choose BlackWarGreymon or BlackMetalGarurumon.
Then to digivolve to Omegamon Zwart again you would need to raise another Digimon.
What digimon is everyone looking to main?
Can't wait to get my hands on Beelzemon, Jesmon, and Dynasmon
What does this game play like? I know nothing about it besides googling some screenshots.
What does this game play like? I know nothing about it besides googling some screenshots.
Nice that there's DNA evolution in the game. Couple of questions about DNA evolution
1) Is it the same as in Digimon World 2 where you can combine any Digimon or is it restricted to Digimon that can DNA in the first place?
2) How is the level cap calculated? Average level of both combined Digimon or based on the highest level?
bro why so salty?
I'm leaving on the 2nd of feb for a business trip aborad and i'll be back between 20th and 25th of feb..
I wish i could play it only three days lateXD
When you encounter a enemy Digimon in the field, the Digimon Capture program will automatically scan it. If you accumulate 100% or more of a particular Digimon’s data, it is possible to convert that data in the DigiLab. The larger the percentage you scan, the more that will be added to the converted Digimon’s base abilities.
Moves are learned by leveling up, yes. Each Digimon has a "Signature Move" like Pepper Breath for Agumon, which won't be carried through digivolution. Other moves, however, can be inherited. This encourages you to go crazy with digivolution to get all sorts of moves.
You can carry a similar team though the game but you will probably be digivolving/de-digivolving them all the time. And if you're like me, you will probably want to try out new Digimon.
The DLC simply unlocks to ability to use the BlackAgumon/BlackGabumon lines, so you can have as many as you want. Other Digimon can digivolve into BlackWarGreymon and BlackMetalGarurumon as well.
About the Digimon scanning, what about super ultra rare, one-time enemy Digimon? Does your data shoot to 100% with that single encounter?
This game has only one difficult mode? Or it has selector? I read that in the normal option the game is very easy and I'm not sure if I can start it on hard.
So no Digimon Xros digimon?
Even they wanted us to forget about them.
What digimon is everyone looking to main?
Can't wait to get my hands on Beelzemon, Jesmon, and Dynasmon
is there a digital preorder for the ps4 ?
So how do you get Examon? From what I have seen it requires Slayerdramon and Breakdramon do dna digivolve but they don't appear in the game.
so what can metalgreymon digivolve to? i hate wargreymon
he's supposed to be able to digivolve into machinedramon, I thinkso what can metalgreymon digivolve to? i hate wargreymon
So I assume EU version has all the preorder content included considering it isn't up for preorder on EU PSN?![]()
The English release will have difficulty options.
Examon can digivolve from eitherorRizeGreymon. I don't know how much people care about spoiling non-obvious Digivolution routes, so I'll be careful.Doruguremon
Interesting, is there a reason why they didn't include those two? I actually really like Slayerdramon and it is a shame that he's not in it.
maybe import from amazon?Where can I get the pre order Dlc in the UK?
The hype is getting me but... you only get Beelzebumon if you pre order?!?!
Where can I get the pre order Dlc in the UK?
No that's Beelzemon Blast Mode. You can get Beelzemon in the game regularly I'm sure.The hype is getting me but... you only get Beelzebumon if you pre order?!?!