Dr. Kitty Muffins
Get a Digimon that either ignores defense or does a set amount of damage. Devimon, IceDevimon, Lucemon, Plesiomon, Kirpymon (Vice), etc.
Uh, oh. I have none of those. What are they weak to?
Get a Digimon that either ignores defense or does a set amount of damage. Devimon, IceDevimon, Lucemon, Plesiomon, Kirpymon (Vice), etc.
What is the best strategy for beating an eater?
I believe I am on Chapter 7. I'm fighting wisemon and then an eater shows up. I'm having issues with both.
Uh, oh. I have none of those. What are they weak to?
What the above said. Kuwagamon, Okuwamon, and GranKuwagamon are all in the same line and all of them learn DEF pierce moves.
You can get Kuwagamon with Tentamon
Is there a base Digimon I could eventually evolve into tentamon?
Pabumon > Motimon > Tentamon
Any tips for Legendary/Master cup? I'm gettin straight up fucked
I've got lots of hard hitters/good strategy mons including UlforceVeedramon/Beelzemon BM/Lilithmon.
In particular the last battle of the Legendary cup I get to and since none of my virus types can do their normally amazing damage and character reverse doesn't work, all of my even halfway decent people end up being useless. Even my lv. 99 Megas that are strong against them only do like 100-150ish damage a turn. If I can even get one of them close to being dead then someone just ends up totally healing them all and I'm back at square one.
I see. so essentially you can't close them?He means that the farm would keep spawning new ones.
And Gabunon looks like a dinosaur for some odd unexplained reason![]()
Do you have any strong Data Digimon?
The master and legendary cups were also rough for me. What saved me was having a good disposal of different types of Digimon.
I see. so essentially you can't close them?
also, someone on another forum told me that having two platinumsukamons in your fighter party will make you gain more XP at the end of battles and help level your digimon up quicker, is that true?
I have MirageGaogamon and Jesmon. But neither seem to do much at all, MirageGaogamon especially.
Any recommendations for better ones?
I don't get it though...so you need 3 PlatinumSukamons instead of two? And what, I need to have all of them as my fighters while the rest in my party just in enjoy the level ups?No, you can close them but new ones pop up using the farm so it's an infinite supply of requests basically.
And yes, it's true.
3 PlatinumSukamons recommended (get via Pabumon -> Motimon -> Hagurumon -> PlatinumSukamon -> Etemon -> PlatinumNumemon)
The reason I listed it that way is that once you are far enough in the game with better memory, I recommend leveling one up to Etemon and then to PlatinumNumemon and then do another one and then another one til you have 3 PlatinumNumemon.
PlatinumNumemon being Megas means they can actually help kill things quicker and 3 = lots of EXP (since they all stack). PlatinumSuka and PlatinumNumemon are the only 2 Digimon that has the EXP up support skill.
They also stack with Tactician USBs (which do the same thing but are equip items) so at the end of the game you can essentially have 3 PlatinumNumemon with 9 Tact USBs (3 per PlatinumNumemon) giving you shit load of experience.
So to sum it up, yes it's true.
(also Character Reversal which inflicts bug can be learned from PlatinumSukamon. Bug reverses the strengths and weakness of any Digimon that gets inflicted with it meaning Virus Digimon can beat Vaccine Digimon if Vaccine Digimon is inflicted with Bug)
Plesiomon, a Mega level Data type Digimon with a piercing attack.
First one that came to mind.
I don't get it though...so you need 3 PlatinumSukamons instead of two? And what, I need to have all of them as my fighters while the rest in my party just in enjoy the level ups?
I can't WAIT to meet Jimmiken.
I don't get it though...so you need 3 PlatinumSukamons instead of two? And what, I need to have all of them as my fighters while the rest in my party just in enjoy the level ups?
I'm not sure how that's supposed to work unless it is an exploit that's been discovered in this game. Since you brought up Tacition USBs, that's something else I wanted to ask you about...I have "equipment", but I don't get how I can use them. Like, I needed some certain Digimon to have higher attack powers, speed powers etc..it says I have "equipment" for that but how come I can't use them on my digimon? Is the only way to make them stronger just to level them up?
At first I thought this translation was alright and didn't get what everyone was talking about.
Then I ran into Ryoko. I understand some people speak stupidly in real life as well, but come ON. That whole dialogue was cringyworthy.
I can't WAIT to meet Jimmiken.
I heard you like platinum so I put platinum on your platinum so you can platinum while you platinum.
after beating the game and not going to NG+ from the lab.
he also makes wolf howling sounds
but man this looks like a terrible wolf design
it looks like a tiger to me lol.
I don't get it though...so you need 3 PlatinumSukamons instead of two? And what, I need to have all of them as my fighters while the rest in my party just in enjoy the level ups?
I'm not sure how that's supposed to work unless it is an exploit that's been discovered in this game. Since you brought up Tacition USBs, that's something else I wanted to ask you about...I have "equipment", but I don't get how I can use them. Like, I needed some certain Digimon to have higher attack powers, speed powers etc..it says I have "equipment" for that but how come I can't use them on my digimon? Is the only way to make them stronger just to level them up?
So with the 3 PlatinumSukamon I'll get my digimon to level up much quicker?PlatinumSukamon adds +100%EXP when the battle ends. 3 PlatinumSukamons add +300%, so you get four times the XP.
They need to be active when the battle ends.
I hate that fucking guy. I also don't like Arata much. It pissed me off when I walked into Kyoko's office and saw him sitting in her chair. Like, the fuck you think you are mothafucker?I can't WAIT to meet Jimmiken.
That's what's confusing me here...I thought the point of having an all platinumsukamon lineup was to level up your reserves significantly faster. If that's not confirmed what's the point?So here's the rundown, load up all 3 of your Battle slots with PlatSukas (if you can stomach them taking a while to attack higher level Digimon) and leave the critters you want to level in your Reserve, that still get XP (I'm not sure if its full xp or slightly reduced for not being active in battle but from what I can tell its the same be it in Reserve or Battle).
I see...So, where do I get tactician USBs (I might have one already) and do they automatically equip or do I have to do it manually?Now, Equipment are items that Digimon can equip, obviously Platinum Sukamon can equip 2 items at once. The Tactician USB items you get from the Digifarm also grant bonus XP. All the PlatSukes and USBs stack with each other. Load up all your PlatSuks (all 3 of them) with Tactician USBs, and all the Digimon you can fit into your Reserve will receive unreal levels of experience. It's cheesy, but it's no exploit, this is exactly how the game's math was intended. At worst it would be an oversight by the devs.
I heard you like platinum so I put platinum on your platinum so you can platinum while you platinum.
I thought the point of having an all platinumsukamon lineup was to level up your reserves significantly faster. If that's not confirmed what's the point?
I see...So, where do I get tactician USBs (I might have one already) and do they automatically equip or do I have to do it manually?
The math part confuses me a little - they've always confused me in rpg/digimon games, but I trust the rest of the information you gave =] I've got one platinumsukamon now, a keramon on one of my farms, and once I get the opportunity I'll breed another to get a platinum sukamon. once I have three of them, where would you recommend grinding?You don't need 3, it just helps.
PlatSukamon gives you double EXP. 2 gives you more, 3 gives you even more EXP. They stack on top of each other. The rest of your party will enjoy the benefits if they are in the reserved section of your party. It's not an exploit either, it's using their 'support skill' found in Digimon -> Settings -> Click the digimon you want and press right to see your skills, the bottom bit (that says SS) is your Support Skill for whatever Digimon you're viewing.
Equipment can be equipped on the settings page. (which I showed you how to get to in the paragraph above)
Your Digimon gets stronger via leveling up and using bonus stats.
here is a short explanation:
Your ABI stat determines your max level and is raised via de-digivolving and digivolving. It also determines how many bonus stats your Digimon can get via training in the DigiFarm.
(ABI / 2) + 50 up to a max of 100 bonus stats across all your stats. (so you could have +80 bonus ATK and + 20 bonus DEF for a total of 100 bonus stats if you have 100 ABI as 100 / 2 = 50 + 50 = 100 according to the math above) The bonus stats are the brackets next to your normal stats on the digimons stats page.
Some Digimon NEED these bonus stats to digivolve (ie Tokomon -> Lucemon)
That's pretty much how it works, if you're too confused by all of this, just try it out and you'll get the hang of it quickly enough. A lot of this can be trial and error until you know how it works after all![]()
then it'll be worth it. now speaking of the digimon farm, there's things about this I don't understand...there are "commands" but are they really necessary? the digimon seem to be developing fine without my help. and I've tried to put "equipment" on them, there's three free slots, and I'm pretty sure I have farming equipment but I can't put anything there. what's the issue?Because, overall, it DOES level them significantly faster.
where would you recommend grinding?
then it'll be worth it. now speaking of the digimon farm, there's things about this I don't understand...there are "commands" but are they really necessary? the digimon seem to be developing fine without my help. and I've tried to put "equipment" on them, there's three free slots, and I'm pretty sure I have farming equipment but I can't put anything there. what's the issue?
btw, thank you, everyone, for your help
great job man, congratulations.
I've wanted to platinum several of my favorite games, but I think Me2 will remain my lone, one and only shiny platinum trophy.
Thank you! Probably one of the best RPGs I played in recent years. I hope we get a sequel soon.
What is the path of least resistance to get Gaiomon?
And by least resistance I mean CAM and ABI requirements lol
Because, overall, it DOES level them significantly faster.
1. DigiFarm, put Developer-know-hows into the DigiFarm (can be bought from shop in DigiLab), set it to develop items for 1000 Yen (not 100 or 10,000, they won't work), wait til it gets to about 1 - 2 minutes left, save it and then reset until you get them. You typically get 2 developed if successful.
2. Victory Uchida in one of the later Chapters (forget which)
3. PlatinumNumemon in the final dungeon of the game.
Only the first one can be done at almost any time. The other 2 are later in the game.
What the above said. Kuwagamon, Okuwamon, and GranKuwagamon are all in the same line and all of them learn DEF pierce moves.
You can get Kuwagamon with Tentamon
Okuwamon destroyed the eaters for the first half of the game for me. It's nuts how much its primary skill does to them. Half the time it one shots them. The other half it does 90%.
1. I think I'm on chapter 7. I'm1. Depends on where you are. I can't say without knowing the Chapter/where you are.
2. Yes, the Digimon don't do anything (apart from sending you DigiLine messages) without being told to develop (items), search (for requests) or Train (bonus stats).
3. Equipment should be able to be put on via the farm goods menu. If you can't, I don't know why. The farm goods have a yellow icon I believe. (see the DigiLab shop for examples).
=] Hi ZeroXOh, our friendly neighborhood Artisan is back.
I would love, love, love a direct a sequel.Thank you! Probably one of the best RPGs I played in recent years. I hope we get a sequel soon.
Does bandai namco ever do direct sequels though? Aside from the titles and some shared characters, it seems to me that digimon games have little to do with each other.Maybe after Next Order? (which hopefully we also get I hope)
2. I like that they message me. Even if it's all automated, it helps to make the game feel personal. Anyways, I haven't actually tried giving them commands...do they all do it at once or each digimon takes a task at a time?