- HD release on 360/PS3 had higher resolution and texture improvements back in the day over the original release
- New release has boosted resolution, comes with resolution and performance toggles
- Resolution mode targets 2160p. HUD and in-game assets are also revised
- Ground textures, skybox etc are all replaced. Some elements seem to use AI to up-scale
- Retains original design but sharper
- New specular highlights, geometry and shaders added to compliment character models
- All current gen consoles have performance / resolution toggle
- Resolution mode runs at 2160p on PS5/SX
- Resolution mode uses double buffer V-sync so some cut-scenes can drop to 30 fps for a second or two, happens in both cut-scenes and game play.
- 99% locked to 60 otherwise. Applies to both SX and PS5
- Changing to Performance mode drops resolution to 1440p
- Hits 60 FPS most of the time without any issue on PS5/SX
- Series S runs at 1440p in both Resolution and Performance modes
- Same 30 FPS double buffer V-sync drops as PS5/SX and runs in a similar performance profile
- Switch: Docked DRS 900p to 1080p. Portable: 720p
- Switch misses out on a lot of texture upgrades from PS/Xbox versions
- Mixed results but generally better than the HD re-release on PS3/360
- Reflections are half resolution compared to PS5//Xbox
- Switch runs at a 30 FPS target but at least has even frame pacing
- Drops heavily under 30 in some points, lowest drop of 11~12 FPS seen in DF testing
- Battles with a large amount of enemies can make segments run at 20 FPS
- The OG Xbox 1 version targeted an unlocked frame rate and reached 60fps in a lot of places, for comparison with Switch not being able to deliver a consistent 30
- DF noted that they ran into a few bugs in their testing including some soft locks.