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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Maybe the smurf army is back? 🤔🤔💭


With Scorpio coming, Xbox has cemented my decision for the past few years to have this be the platform I play the vast majority of multiplatform games on. I love the UI, all my Xbox friends, the controllers, and now the promise of Scorpio being able to maximize their potential.
And people wondered why Nintendo went in a different direction to avoid a tech arms race with Sony and MS 😂

I'll look forward to the PS4 Pro Plus at E3 with its 8tflop GPU!!
Specs look nice, and it's great what they're doing with older XB1 games and 360 games. I'm sure everyone who gets a Scorpio will be very happy with their purchase.

I'm primarily a PC gamer with a PS4 Pro for exclusives, so I was never especially interested in the Scorpio, but I am glad that MS looks to be fulfilling their original promises with the machine. I do have a XB1S for the few games that came out on Xbox but not on PC (and backwards compatibility for RDR!!), however with nearly all XB1 games coming out on PC as well I'm happy sticking with what I have.


And people wondered why Nintendo went in a different direction to avoid a tech arms race with Sony and MS 😂

I'll look forward to the PS4 Pro Plus at E3 with its 8tflop GPU!!

Sure and they'll be playing Destiny 2, Battlefront 2, Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA VI, and the myriad of other third party multiplatform games again skipping a Nintendo system.

You're acting like Nintendo isn't just coming off a massive failure with the Wii U or even the later years of Wii where it was all but irrelevant by late 2010. Switch early success has been great, but almost everyone I know with one has beaten BotW and it is now gathering dust while they're back to gaming on Xbox One, PS4 or PC while more games come.


Junior Butler
My main two reasons for Scorpio outside of the obvious hardware points:

1.) Sea of Thieves
2.) Hope (for other new IPs)

I'm weird.


Jaguar doesn't suck now. That was like 2 days ago.

I'm sorry, no. How many times do we go down this road on a new console?

Let's try and be technical in these discussions. When you make a claim this is "way beyond Jaguar" give us technical reasons to believe that. Notice we didn't get anything even close with that entire statement.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
That's why the price & design of this box is so important because it need to appeal to the people in between who are not building their own PC but still care enough about the power over the Xbox One , PS4 & PS4 Pro. That's a small market & even smaller if the price is out of reach & force people to think about the options but luckily for MS that option would still lead to their eco system which Scorpio will help them get more dev support for.

This is sort of where I'm at. The main reason I don't own an Xbox is because the exclusives just don't appeal to me. The Scorpio seems to be a nice piece of hardware, but I already own a Pro and I simply can't justify another $400-500 box for multiplatform games that are native 2160p vs. the 1800pC that I'm getting right now. The value proposition simply isn't there, particularly so since the CPU will remain a limiting framerate factor for most games.

Where I think Microsoft could make some progress is if they position Scorpio as the 'Steambox' that never was. Including an open Win10 boot option would actually be very attractive to me. The main problem I see is that Scorpio doesn't do a whole lot to distinguish itself outside of a marginal increase in power. If the exclusive library were more robust, or if there were other features (like Win10) included that greatly differentiated it from the competition, then the hardware proposition makes a lot more sense for both existing PS4 owners or those that would otherwise build a relatively cheap PC.


Junior Butler
I'm sorry, no. How many times do we go down this road on a new console?

Let's try and be technical in these discussions. When you make a claim this is "way beyond Jaguar" give us technical reasons to believe that. Notice we didn't get anything even close with that entire statement.

You're confused, as I've never made that claim. Not sure who you're quoting, but it wasn't me.


You're confused, as I've never made that claim. Not sure who you're quoting, but it wasn't me.

DwightSchruting made that claim. I asked Dwight to please explain. Then you replied to me with "Jaguar doesn't suck now. That was like 2 days ago." What do you want from me?
Preach! But maybe show the receipts....

AMD and MS worked together to develop the APU in this. It's overclocked and reworked.

I mean the rhetoric is that this leaps over PS4Pro, how would it if its chip is the same as the Pro? Doesn't make sense. It obviously isn't the same thing but it has the same building blocks but that's not a reflection of anything.
Dwight says the Scorpio CPU is "way beyond Jaguar" so I ask how and you reply with "Jaguar doesn't suck now" in response. Now you tell me to go to bed. Can we discuss specifics?

Come on guys! It's just a darn chip we all feign understanding when really we don't exactly.


I'm to the point where I need Dragonball Z power levels explained in Season 1-3 power levels.

Xbox One is Kaio-Ken x3 Goku, PS4 was Kaio-Ken x 10 Goku, PS4 Pro was Kaio-Ken x20 Goku right before his fight with Freiza, and if Xbox One Scorpio pans out, Goku hits Super Saiyan form finally. In the meanwhile, Sony is developing Super Saiyan 2 Goku to come out in a few years.
Look, I don't really understand very much about how gaming consoles are designed to run. So all you silicon sycophants can stop sharpening your statistical stencils for now please. As long as I can play smite and world of tanks on this new wonderbox then I'm a happy camper. Clearly this thing is going to be the most powerful console on the market and will make games look prettier than a baby panda riding a lemur through a field of poppies. It took courage on microsofts part to back away from the Kinect/media box debacle. I just hope they don't make the mistake of going down the VR rabbit hole. Also, the utilization of phones as second screen experiences is still worth revisiting. I feel like it's a great concept that never got a fair shot. Also, I'm not a fan of Kinect, but having video camera capability on this thing for playing uno and whatnot would be a bonus. Gives me more opportunity to unnerve folks. I like that very much.


Come on guys! It's just a darn chip we all feign understanding when really we don't exactly.

You said "this is way beyond Jaguar, it's night and day vs what's in PS4 Pro" but now admit this isn't what you know. This is how we get overhyped and often don't understand reality.


Neo Member
Xbox One is Kaio-Ken x3 Goku, PS4 was Kaio-Ken x 10 Goku, PS4 Pro was Kaio-Ken x20 Goku right before his fight with Freiza, and if Xbox One Scorpio pans out, Goku hits Super Saiyan form finally. In the meanwhile, Sony is developing Super Saiyan 2 Goku to come out in a few years.

which one is pre-driver's license goku?
This is sort of where I'm at. The main reason I don't own an Xbox is because the exclusives just don't appeal to me. The Scorpio seems to be a nice piece of hardware, but I already own a Pro and I simply can't justify another $400-500 box for multiplatform games that are native 2160p vs. the 1800pC that I'm getting right now. The value proposition simply isn't there, particularly so since the CPU will remain a limiting framerate factor for most games.

Where I think Microsoft could make some progress is if they position Scorpio as the 'Steambox' that never was. Including an open Win10 boot option would actually be very attractive to me. The main problem I see is that Scorpio doesn't do a whole lot to distinguish itself outside of a marginal increase in power. If the exclusive library were more robust, or if there were other features (like Win10) included that greatly differentiated it from the competition, then the hardware proposition makes a lot more sense for both existing PS4 owners or those that would otherwise build a relatively cheap PC.

I think the value proposition right now is that it's the best place to play multiplats, the only place to play last get games better than ever, and the only place to play xbox exclusives at 4K, and the only pace to buy to get access to your game on PC and console for one price. It's not a bad proposition. I know some gamers focus primarily on Japanese games and there Sony undoubtedly has an advantage.

It's pretty damn good. Backwards compat and what they're doing to boost these games on Scorpio is pretty cool.

There's something wrong with this comment.

Yeah. There is a whole lot. It's a JAG folks. They're polishing the turd the best they can but it's the same chip on a slightly different architecture than the PS4 Pro. It's clocked higher and has access to better faster RAM, but it's still a Jaguar.


It's pretty damn good. Backwards compat and what they're doing to boost these games on Scorpio is pretty cool.

Yeah it's cool, tho it's still held back by games that didn't have dynamic res built in. For example, I play a lot of Battlefield 4 - it's still going to be 720P on Scorpio, so the best console version of the game remains on the PS platforms.


I think the value proposition right now is that it's the best place to play multiplats, the only place to play last get games better than ever, and the only place to play xbox exclusives at 4K, and the only pace to buy to get access to your game on PC and console for one price. It's not a bad proposition. I know some gamers focus primarily on Japanese games and there Sony undoubtedly has an advantage.

It's pretty damn good. Backwards compat and what they're doing to boost these games on Scorpio is pretty cool.

Yeah. There is a whole lot. It's a JAG folks. They're polishing the turd the best they can but it's the same chip on a slightly different architecture than the PS4 Pro. It's clocked higher and has access to better faster RAM, but it's still a Jaguar.
Well no, PC is still the best place to play multi platform and MS games, and still the best place to play older games.

If you specifically want a "console" though, it will obviously be the best place for those things with that caveat.


Yes but this is way beyond Jaguar, it's night and day vs what's in PS4 Pro.

This chip is customized enough so that it's much better than PS4 Pro.

Jeezus...you probably believed that the discrete gpu in Surface book was some magic sauce dip.

One thing smart about the Panos team, is that, they sure know how to hype-up standard parts into something else.

I mean Scropio is more powerful, but it is also a year after Sony's update. Scorpio will not be using the latest AMD part by launch. MS is just doing the expected here, nothing more, nothing courageous guys...

Sure Sony could have gone more aggressive with the Pro gpu clocks, more GDDR5 instead of DDR3 and a UHD drive, but it is what it is and they wanted to hit $399.

The real battle come this holidays, is how Sony will price the Pro. PS2 was way weaker than OG Xbox, and Sony managed to survived then without undercutting MS.
Yes but this is way beyond Jaguar, it's night and day vs what's in PS4 Pro.

This chip is customized enough so that it's much better than PS4 Pro.

Let's see...
2,3Ghz / 1,75Ghz ~= 31%

So, the other customisations (besides simple overclocking) you mentioned are responsible for the rest of Scorpio's CPU power advantage towards Pro. How much was that again altogether in %?


The real battle come this holidays, is how Sony will price the Pro. PS2 was way weaker than OG Xbox, and Sony managed to survived then without undercutting MS.

If the Scorpio ends up costing more than $399 (like $499 or sommit), it would be very easy for Sony to manipulate the price of the Pro to be competitive during the holidays, indeed.

Even small price tweeks or bundles could shake things up.


Let's see...
2,3Ghz / 1,75Ghz ~= 31%

So, the other customisations (besides simple overclocking) you mentioned are responsible for the rest of Scorpio's CPU power advantage towards Pro. How much was that again altogether in %?
The Pro's CPU is 2.1 GHz.

And it also has enhancements to increase performance. The Scorpio CPU is an upgrade, but it's just a moderate one.
Well no, PC is still the best place to play multi platform and MS games, and still the best place to play older games.

If you specifically want a "console" though, it will obviously be the best place for those things with that caveat.

Good point. PC gamers will always be ahead of the power curve and have primary access to core RTS games like Starcraft, MMO's and MOBA's. There is always a place for PC. There are trade-offs of course, but if you're already a PC gamer you're savvy enough to know what those are and be OK with them.

The Pro's CPU is 2.1 GHz.

And it also has enhancements to increase performance. The Scorpio CPU is an upgrade, but it's just a moderate one.

Yep. I sold myself on the fact there was no way they were using Jaguar again. Joke's on me. I'm not mad. Just disappointed. I'm so excited about the RAM and throughput though. 4K textures for us console peasants are a real treat.
The Pro's CPU is 2.1 GHz.

And it also has enhancements to increase performance. The Scorpio CPU is an upgrade, but it's just a moderate one.

Ah, sorry, 31% was of course the difference towards Xbox One, should still be useful to determine what else MS put under its bonnet.


Yep. I sold myself on the fact there was no way they were using Jaguar again. Joke's on me. I'm not mad. Just disappointed. I'm so excited about the RAM and throughput though. 4K textures for us console peasants are a real treat.
I tried the best I could to convey to you guys what was happening. Throughout it I was called several versions of a hater or a Sony fanboy (for some reason...), but honestly I just knew people were setting themselves up for disappointment, and I wanted to do something to at least try and prevent that.
The Pro's CPU is 2.1 GHz.

And it also has enhancements to increase performance. The Scorpio CPU is an upgrade, but it's just a moderate one.

and i thought i was crazy for thinking this. ps4 pro cpu might have more enhancements while scorpio is just clocked a little higher.


I don't know a lot about technical stuff, but does it make sense to increase the GPU power by so much but only increase CPU by 30%? I mean, won't the CPU remain the bottleneck?


I don't know a lot about technical stuff, but does it make sense to increase the GPU power by so much but only increase CPU by 30%? I mean, won't the CPU remain the bottleneck?

For what it is (running the same XB1 games at higher resolution), not really.
It'll only become a bottleneck if they want to increase the framerate.
I don't know a lot about technical stuff, but does it make sense to increase the GPU power by so much but only increase CPU by 30%? I mean, won't the CPU remain the bottleneck?

It will limit some things. Like 4k60 will be as rare as 1080P60 is today. You're not going to get that boost to 60 in open world games many were hoping for.


But Sony is betting that checkerboard rendering (or similar techniques) can make that 40% difference, much less visible when actually playing from your couch

I don't know if they are right, but it's interesting

They would both be checkerboarded or not. That's not a Ps4 exclusive technique.
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