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DiRT Rally is available on Steam Early Access

First podium placement.

Up yours Lysenko! You smell of pants!


Holy shit this is awesome.

Looks like they have dropped all of that stupid dude bro shit and gone back to the Colin McRae Rally series roots!

If its true that would be awesome. I reinstalled Dirt 3 after the recent update that removed gfwl but still couldn't play it for long because of that shit.


i got

hd 5830
phenom ii x2 550 black
4gb ram


i'm building a new pc soon, might buy early access as an investment


This game treats me like I'm his bitch, and I F*CKIN' LOVE IT!

Codemasters got my wettest dreams and made 'em even more wet! I'm seriously in love with this game!

Sweet. Wondering how far we can up the graphics without it affecting 60fps much.

It runs at 60 FPS in pretty high settings (not on ultra though) most of the times, with some really minor drops here and there, BUT I had some major drops in some parts of Montecarlo, falling til something around 35 FPS, and I have no idea on why. Maybe it's because of the fog, but I'm not sure. Toning it down didn't had much effect. I tried lowering other effects too, but no dice, apparently. It's probably a bug, since it runs butter-smooth most of the time.

Mobius 1

This needs to be on PS4, I think it would benefit immensely from the connectivity for building a community.

C'mon Codies, redeem yourselves form failing us rally drivers since CMR2. Make it happen. For glory.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I've tried everything to get the damn co driver pop ups to show up. The most annoying aspect is that it works for some people, which makes me think I can somehow fix it on my end.

Poured through all the XMLs, installed every language pack, read every post I could find about people with the same problem...

It almost feels like Codemasters is trolling me. I can't believe that I finally have a real rally sim, and it's rendered unplayable by such a blatantly obvious bug.


I've tried everything to get the damn co driver pop ups to show up. The most annoying aspect is that it works for some people, which makes me think I can somehow fix it on my end.

Poured through all the XMLs, installed every language pack, read every post I could find about people with the same problem...

It almost feels like Codemasters is trolling me. I can't believe that I finally have a real rally sim, and it's rendered unplayable by such a blatantly obvious bug.

It's sounding like a bug with the North American version of the game. Other regions either aren't reporting it or it very rarely happens with them. I don't think there's a way to fix it on your own.


It runs at 60 FPS in pretty high settings (not on ultra though) most of the times, with some really minor drops here and there, BUT I had some major drops in some parts of Montecarlo, falling til something around 35 FPS, and I have no idea on why. Maybe it's because of the fog, but I'm not sure. Toning it down didn't had much effect. I tried lowering other effects too, but no dice, apparently. It's probably a bug, since it runs butter-smooth most of the time.

Awesome, thanks for the impressions. Gonna go buy it now. :D


Well I broke down and got it earlier. i5 3.5ghz GTX 970 is 60FPS+ on 1080p ultra. DFGT works but no FFB or wheel centering and I am US so no Co-Pilot yet. Still had a blast coming in last!!

A few screens:




Thanks for this Codemasters!!

1) Would love to have a replay camera option only like my shots above.
2) Option for higher resolutions to try out some oversampling
3) DFGT support please :)


This better become available on consoles in the future. I'm crazy about Group B rally cars and this game seems to have almost all of them!


Permanent Junior Member
These pictures are killing me because of my random Steam error.

EDIT: Fixed! I found a solution in the Steam forums - make sure 3GB is available on C: drive.


So, is this developed by Codemasters or is there a co-developer alongside CM Racing Studio?

Feels strange that they'd stealth-release this, and put it only on PC, when it's as decent as people are saying. It seems like it's a smaller overall concept of a game than the DIRT/GRID games they've been making (which may well be a good thing) but it's a much bigger effort than that Colin McRae relaunch (which didn't make too many people confident in the future of Codemasters) and it's a lot of what people want out of a realistic racer. It's technically an Early Access release, but go ahead and crow a little, Codies...


Well I broke down and got it earlier. i5 3.5ghz GTX 970 is 60FPS+ on 1080p ultra. DFGT works but no FFB or wheel centering and I am US so no Co-Pilot yet. Still had a blast coming in last!!

3) DFGT support please :)

It works fine out of the bag, i literally just plugged in mine and it shows up fine and FFB works as intended. Crank up wheel weight etc if you think it's too light. (tip: Rally cars usually have a light wheel because theres so much required steering wheel movement.)

PS. Lancia Stratos is amazing.


Permanent Junior Member
I can confirm this also fixes my "error 41" problem! Awesome!

Good stuff.

This game doesn't seem like much of a looker to me, but I do value their priority on performance over visuals. I get a min of 90fps with everything maxed. Things I'd like to see:

-More aggressive AF. The road seems to have very little in its current state, even with max AF set.

-A less 'clean' look to the road. It looks plain, flat, and a little too perfect for my liking.

-Increase the fps of the windshield wipers. Its currently 30fps and doesn't mesh with the rest of the game.

-An option to turn off the shaky cam on the cinematic replay view. I get that its a hot effect these days, and it makes sense to have it in there to an extent, but damn does it break immersion and look cheap.


Really tempted to pick this up, but I haven't played much of Grid Autosport and feel like I should make some progress in that, first. Plus, I don't like buying early access games.


Good stuff.

This game doesn't seem like much of a looker to me, but I do value their priority on performance over visuals. I get a min of 90fps with everything maxed. Things I'd like to see:

I've heard similar sentiments from 'the games media' and I really don't understand. For a rally sim it looks AMAZING.

I mean the alternative for us up until now was RBR which (with mods) can look... OK, but nothing like these gifs!


How early accesses is this game? I tend not to buy games till they are "released" but dang this game looks good

You can play full rallies and do all that jazz, but there are swathes of people with game breaking bugs and a bunch of wheels are unsupported. Even the wheels that are working are having issues with rotation matching in-game.
Some benchmarks for my i5-3470 @3.2GHz, 8GB RAM and GTX 660 (all @1080p and no vsync):

Ultra with 4xMSAA
max: 53.73
avg: 42.59
min: 29.96

Ultra with no AA
max: 79.49
avg: 51.99
min: 29.34 (less than with 4xMSAA ;))

High with 4xMSAA
max: 78.44
avg: 61.98
min: 33.86

High with no AA
max: 107.17
avg: 86.54
min: 69.67

So AA makes a huge difference. Gonna play without AA at high settings.
Don't really care about 1080p jaggies. Looks great imo and I get locked 60fps.


Well I broke down and got it earlier. i5 3.5ghz GTX 970 is 60FPS+ on 1080p ultra. DFGT works but no FFB or wheel centering and I am US so no Co-Pilot yet. Still had a blast coming in last!!

A few screens:




Thanks for this Codemasters!!

1) Would love to have a replay camera option only like my shots above.
2) Option for higher resolutions to try out some oversampling
3) DFGT support please :)

Use DSR on the nvidia drivers for down sampling.
What's missing so far and how long will it take to finish?
Regarding pure rally it's not missing much. It has a good selection of cars (17) incl. Subaru Impreza and Audi quattro, a full career mode and 36 neatly sized tracks.
Only 3 countries so far - so more tracks is basically the only thing missing rallywise.

In May we'll get hillclimbing (Pike's Peak) with appropriate cars and in summer rally cross will be added.

The game will get constant updates until early next year I think but it already has plenty of pure rally content to enjoy now.


How early accesses is this game? I tend not to buy games till they are "released" but dang this game looks good

It's actually very polished for an early access game and is more comparable to a £10-15 game. That said there is a few tweaks to be made and the additional £10 goes towards the upcoming DLC packs which you get to free until at least November if not even more in the future!

The only bugs I've read of people having is the Steam 41 error which seems to be a system configuration issue and not a game one. The other issues have been with certain wheels not working all that well and then players personal preferences about handling/grip levels.

I've played a few hours and have experienced almost no issues, the only issues I've had is once I got stuck and I couldn't reset my car for like 10 seconds, I must of just been on the boundary of being out of bound but my wheels weren't touching the road so I couldn't get out of the pit I was in :D Then I've had to alt-enter twice sometimes if I've alt -tabbed due to it not picking up the wheel the first time. Apart from that everyone has gone super smoothly.


I've heard similar sentiments from 'the games media' and I really don't understand. For a rally sim it looks AMAZING.

I mean the alternative for us up until now was RBR which (with mods) can look... OK, but nothing like these gifs!

The amount of detail on some modded RBR tracks (like Semetin) is still a bit higher from what I've seen from this game, including the organic look and feel to a degree.


Had a chance to try the FFB fix posted earlier, feels SO much better now, bit more oversteer feel and it will be perfect. I found it essential to reduce wheel weight to 0 to get a good feel after copying and pasting the settings into the forcefeedback.xml.. (T500RS)

Hip Hop

Well, I just bought this.

Just started a triple monitor setup as well so here I hope it can run somewhat on a GTX 670 while I wait for new cards/price drops.
If all fails, then back to a single monitor will do.

Was deciding in getting Project Cars but went with this instead. There isn't enough rally games out there.
Had a chance to try the FFB fix posted earlier, feels SO much better now, bit more oversteer feel and it will be perfect. I found it essential to reduce wheel weight to 0 to get a good feel after copying and pasting the settings into the forcefeedback.xml.. (T500RS)
It feels absolutely awful.


It works fine out of the bag, i literally just plugged in mine and it shows up fine and FFB works as intended. Crank up wheel weight etc if you think it's too light. (tip: Rally cars usually have a light wheel because theres so much required steering wheel movement.)

PS. Lancia Stratos is amazing.

Do I have to select the wheel in the game? I have no FFB at all, and I have set the strength to 100% in the options? I am getting FFB in WRC and Rfactor so I know I have it set up right in windows.

Use DSR on the nvidia drivers for down sampling.

I have it on, but you still have to go into the game and select the higher resolution that this enables. The higher resolutions are not available in the graphics options.

Edit: there is a preset for the DFGT in the game, use it an all is well! :)

Also, Co-Pilot Patch is up!!!! Works as intended.



Hehe, I do like that one. This is my other favourite;


There is more to this game than I initially though when you factor in buying new engineers / mechanics, upgrading them etc. it's actualyly not as bare bones as 'heres a car go race' as I thought this might be even as an early access.

The bous and girls in the Codemasters Dirt forum have a list of really good ideas to implement, if even half of them made it it would be unbelievable. This game just feels so awesome and rewarding when you're really on it, nailing all the corners. Just coming out of one corner and flowing into the next and the one after that.......only to see you're split is 5sec down per sector and you're like seriously? Fark!

My only beef so far, the single player championship. I can't get my head around it, you dont seem to choose what era or make of vehicle you race with, it just sort of throws up the championship and sometimes you can choose the era or group of cars to use, others you can't. It hasn't really made sense to me how the championship is structured. Sometimes I have discarded my progress and then it says ok this is the championship you are in and it's another group of cars instead of repeating what I was on so I am left wondering huh is the championships random, or what did I discard?

Is it worth playing with a controller?

Thats all I use, my wireless 360 pad and I am loving the shit out of it. Wheel and pedals is probably an advantage in havIng more precise control but Iam doing ok with the pad, mostly seconds or thirds with all assists off.


My only beef so far, the single player championship. I can't get my head around it, you dont seem to choose what era or make of vehicle you race with, it just sort of throws up the championship and sometimes you can choose the era or group of cars to use, others you can't. It hasn't really made sense to me how the championship is structured. Sometimes I have discarded my progress and then it says ok this is the championship you are in and it's another group of cars instead of repeating what I was on so I am left wondering huh is the championships random, or what did I discard?

I've only done one and a bit championships so I might not have the best answer but I thought it does 3 sets of 4 rallies (3 locations with 4 rallies each) per a championship and after that you can choose a new one which might be 3x7 rallies depending on which one you choose. It may also force you back into a lower one if you don't have the funds to buy a car for the next championship?
Can justbiglee or anyone confirm if the game is protected against modding or if CM are just "neutral" on it like DiRT 3? I'm loving the Group B cars in the game but I'm secretly hoping someone will make their historic liveries.


I've only done one and a bit championships so I might not have the best answer but I thought it does 3 sets of 4 rallies (3 locations with 4 rallies each) per a championship and after that you can choose a new one which might be 3x7 rallies depending on which one you choose. It may also force you back into a lower one if you don't have the funds to buy a car for the next championship?

Yeah, a championship is a series of events. Each event has a number of stages, (which increases as you get promoted to higher championship tiers, which you do by finishing in the top 3).

Car class is set for a whole championship, based on the car you pick for the first event. You can change cars between events, but only to a car in the same class. When the championship is finished, you get to pick any car again, (provided you own it).

Car classes have nothing to do with your current championship tier.
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