So I was at this highly popular bar, called O'Learys and it was just awful. Loud music _everywhere_, SUPER expensive drinks. $14 for a drink, I mean, I've heard about rediculous but something more extreme needs to be used here.. please invent this word for me.
People. Everywhere. You can only look at them, as sound obviously doesn't work in here. Either they look depressed out of their mind (friend), bored (me) or are just dancing and pretend they like it, to score a date equally mind numb.
Is this what humanity has come to? I'm disillusionized. God, it felt like I was in a different universe in there, totally bizarre place imo.
And sorry, beer sucks. I can't gulch down that stuff after a 3+ month break from it. I have to train myself to actually be able to drink it, or it goes like it went today, could hardly get drunk and just wandered around bored out of my mind because I couldn't do anything.
So I went up spending $70 on a night where I couldn't even get drunk. To drink has lost all meaning to me, now I'll focus on trying to find the perfect girlfriend who doesn't drink and likes me for what I am. G'nait.
People. Everywhere. You can only look at them, as sound obviously doesn't work in here. Either they look depressed out of their mind (friend), bored (me) or are just dancing and pretend they like it, to score a date equally mind numb.
Is this what humanity has come to? I'm disillusionized. God, it felt like I was in a different universe in there, totally bizarre place imo.
And sorry, beer sucks. I can't gulch down that stuff after a 3+ month break from it. I have to train myself to actually be able to drink it, or it goes like it went today, could hardly get drunk and just wandered around bored out of my mind because I couldn't do anything.
So I went up spending $70 on a night where I couldn't even get drunk. To drink has lost all meaning to me, now I'll focus on trying to find the perfect girlfriend who doesn't drink and likes me for what I am. G'nait.