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Disney Epic Mickey |OT|

a Master Ninja said:
I played tens minutes of this game at a retailer and have never played Sonic Colors. I stumble into this thread to find that the general consensus is that the latest Sonic game is better than Epic Mickey.

My worldview has been shattered.

Sonic Team making a better game than Warren Spector is pretty shocking if you think about it.


a Master Ninja said:
I played tens minutes of this game at a retailer and have never played Sonic Colors. I stumble into this thread to find that the general consensus is that the latest Sonic game is better than Epic Mickey.

My worldview has been shattered.

AniHawk said:
Amir0x said:
It's shocking to be excited for a third party Wii game, but here we goooo

At the end of the day,

Sonic Colors > Epic Mickey. Book it.
Amir0x said:
To me, collectathoning is bad. It's never fun for me to tediously scour a level instead of facing, say, compelling platforming challenges. And that's what collectathoning generally does in these games... it pads game length by forcing gamers to do something inherently less interesting (while simultaneously attempting to mask a developer's mediocre level design). I don't know about you, by my idea of fun isn't do someone's chores for them or find a fucking coin hidden in a gigantic fucking level.

This is why I rate Jak and Daxter so highly. Sure, we had to collect 100 or so power cells, but they were a reward for completing a significant platforming challenge,for beating a boss or for figuring out an eco puzzle. They got me to explore the envirionment fully and it kept things fresh and fun. The level design was great and by exploring that level or being good at platforming I got currency to move on in the game.

*Runs off to find his copy*


The true verdict on this game wont be out until I get a chance to play it. :D I watched my cousin play this on my Wii and it honestly looked cool, he was having fun. I hope it sells a ton just so we get exploration platformers back.


whoo~!! I started playing this!!

this game reminds me a lot like Deadly Premonition...

a super deep and interesting game that plays like pure jank...

except Deadly Premonition actually plays better than this game since DP didnt have me fussing over the camera so I can carefully jump onto a something.


Just finished up Skull Island. I really enjoyed how the
Animatronic Capn Hook
boss gave you the choice between tackling a platforming section or doing a regular fight.
I remember some pretty bad camera issues in the jungle and Tortooga portions of the stage. I kind of understood in the jungle section I was tackling an optional path backwards, which kinda made up for not seeing the jumps I was making. I was also cool with it since a messed up jump would just land me safely onto some ground. The cases in Tortooga were just awful. I'd jump out to some chests in tiny caverns along the edges of the thinner lake but the camera would not swing back to show me the bridges I jumped from.
Blindly jumping into the camera sucks.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
AniHawk said:
Really? Okami was polished? How about feeding animals, the fact that you had to go to a loading screen to see a cutscene, and then a loading screen to get back to the game. Or how the game was padded with collectathons (find the dogs! find/roll the big bead things!). Or the minigames you were forced to do again and again. Or the inability to skip cutscenes.

I mean, this is ignoring the standard bad and frequent load times between any area, the subpar-to-decent level design for most of the game, the inability to turn the hint system off (not that you'd need it), the stupid fight system that closed you off from the rest of the world, the stupid leveling system which didn't really mean much outside of combat, and the more obvious padding stuff like the repeat boss fights (which, in Orochi's case, was objectively bad game design).

And that's not to say the overall package was bad. I mean, it held my attention for 36 hours, but the first third was plain ol' drudgery, and it was a slow improvement from then on until the (mostly) great finale. But man, it had problems.

Oh! While I have your attention, I want you to heed this plea: Do not buy Donkey Kong Country Returns. Don't do it. Please, for the love of god. Never ever play it for the rest of your life.

What do most of your complaints about Okami have to do with polish, though? Padded with cutscenes? A stupid leveling system? That doesn't usually have anything to do with polish...


Y2Kev said:
What do most of your complaints about Okami have to do with polish, though? Padded with cutscenes? A stupid leveling system? That doesn't usually have anything to do with polish...

...Maybe I have a different definition of polish than the rest of the world. When I think polish, I think, ideas fully thought through, extra crap that should be removed (big things like Twilight Princess's early game stuff, or smaller ones like Metroid Prime's beam-doors), just... better design choices to make the game flow smoother in general. Following that line of thought, SMG2 would be a polished SMG.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
He he he, the game just got very fetch questy. No patience for mindless busywork like that. Bitch got ice cream. Screw that stupid cow. If Mickey goes to hell it's all my fault. :lol
What happened when you got her ice cream?


this game is confusing me...

like, is it one of those open world type games??

becoz I got to the
Gremlin Town
and I think it said I needed to pump something to open a big door to proceed,

but instead I came across two different projectors screens jus chillin, and decided to enter one which brought me to
Europe Land or something??

now I have no idea where Im going o_O
Fuck, I'm starting to feel like a fool for enjoying this, given the increasingly harsh consensus here. Yet I'm sill in line with the review consensus and am hovering around an 8. I mean, Donkey Kong is more widely liked but its ridiculous over-reliance on trial and error is really harming it for me and proving more irritating than anything Epic Mickey (or just about any game in the last 20 years, for that matter) has thrown at me. On the other hand it's a far more polished product mechanically.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
She rejected the pirate, and he was all huffy and charged me 50 etickets for the part I needed. Soooooo much better than flower scavenger hunt fetch quest
If you do give her the flower there's a second quest
They break up shortly afterwards anyway, and you have to get an icecream to cheer her up.
This game has the most useless quests ever :lol

Also one animatronic quest was terrible...
Find Daisy's parts, I missed a Goofy part before that I had to buy so I really wanted to get Daisy complete. I found 3 parts and looked everywhere for about an hour, I give up return to Ventureland and the pirate says: "Oh cool for helping me, here's the last Daisy part" WTF seriously. :lol


An blind dancing ho
FoneBone said:
From what I've heard (which is pretty much third hand so who knows) Disney insisted that it had to ship in time for the 2010 holiday season, which led to large parts being outsourced and to the final product not being nearly as polished as it should've been. :-/

smh if true , so they canceled Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned because it's not kiddie enough and rushed a freaking Warren Spector game to hit holiday..Disney Interactive need to go away already.


I think I'm almost done but I need some help here :(

Warning Late game spoilers
I'm in the Castle for the second time, found all the rocket parts and all that shit.
Now I'm in the castle hall with all the paintings and it says that I have to restore the ones that are happy, so I did just that. After that a Gargoyle turns around and now I have to do something, but the game doesn't tell me what. Seriously is this some shit to sell strategy guides or something. :lol


JEKKI said:
now I have no idea where Im going o_O
Once you get to Mean Street the game becomes a bit more straight forward.

[Nintex] said:
Also one animatronic quest was terrible...
Find Daisy's parts, I missed a Goofy part before that I had to buy so I really wanted to get Daisy complete. I found 3 parts and looked everywhere for about an hour, I give up return to Ventureland and the pirate says: "Oh cool for helping me, here's the last Daisy part" WTF seriously. :lol
That was a godsend for me. I already had over 1000 e-tickets so I was like "Ah well, I'll just buy it in the shop" and surprise! I didn't have to after all :lol

TheDrowningMan said:
Fuck, I'm starting to feel like a fool for enjoying this, given the increasingly harsh consensus here. Yet I'm sill in line with the review consensus and am hovering around an 8. I mean, Donkey Kong is more widely liked but its ridiculous over-reliance on trial and error is really harming it for me and proving more irritating than anything Epic Mickey (or just about any game in the last 20 years, for that matter) has thrown at me. On the other hand it's a far more polished product mechanically.
I'm somewhere in the 7-8 range myself. The game has a lot of things I really hate, but the highs are high enough for me to push through that and keep playing. Its honestly the only thing I have desire to play right now, Im currently shelving Shaun White Skateboarding and more damningly Donkey Kong until I'm done with EM


[Nintex] said:
I think I'm almost done but I need some help here :(

Warning Late game spoilers
I'm in the Castle for the second time, found all the rocket parts and all that shit.
Now I'm in the castle hall with all the paintings and it says that I have to restore the ones that are happy, so I did just that. After that a Gargoyle turns around and now I have to do something, but the game doesn't tell me what. Seriously is this some shit to sell strategy guides or something. :lol

You have to paint them all, actually, including the big one above the throne. When you do, another gargoyle will appear, and if you move it it'll shoot light that you can bounce around by moving the rest of the gargoyles


Finished and I was surprised at the credits, I don't remember all studio names but these two came up: Avalanche Studios, Virtuos Games among others. It's a good game to be sure and it must've been hell to work around the clock to meet Disney's deadline but I'm not sure if this was the best way to develop a game that mostly depends on creativity.


Lijik said:
Once you get to Mean Street the game becomes a bit more straight forward.
I got to Mean Street!!

and man it's like "Hi Mickey! I need something to fix this machine! u can get it from Chun Li!"

u go to Chun Li and she says "oh yeay, I had that thing, but I gave it to Terry Bogard"

so u go to Terry and he's like "yah I got it, but it aint free. I'll trade with u if u bring me Xiaoyu's panties"

and Im like got damn!!!


AniHawk said:
...Maybe I have a different definition of polish than the rest of the world. When I think polish, I think, ideas fully thought through, extra crap that should be removed (big things like Twilight Princess's early game stuff, or smaller ones like Metroid Prime's beam-doors), just... better design choices to make the game flow smoother in general. Following that line of thought, SMG2 would be a polished SMG.
I'm curious as to what you would replace MP's beam doors with. Not saying the idea is flawless, but how else do you identify to the player where they should be going next aside from making the game a completely linear path? (ie. you get the wave beam, now you can look at your map and go to all the areas with purple doors, there's not really a good alternative to this).
Really liking this game so far but the camera is shitty. :(

Anyone else buy the CE guide? I'm not sure why I bought it in the first place. :lol


schennmu said:
I'm about an hour in and this game is very boring. Does it ever get better?

The first couple of hours are like a big tutorial.
Game "opens up" once you get to the first hub world.

wizpig said:

This is... err...

Didnt watch but, isnt this the same video posted a while ago that has a pretty big spoiler somewhere?
This game is SO. WEIRD! It's like a 3/10 game and a 9/10 game made sweet love, and this horrible mutant baby was born. It's hard to love when it's in "Mickey! Find the 3 doohickeys to advance" mode, but then I'm choosing between helping a ghost scare a guy or helping him get his courage back, and the game is really sweet and charming and fun. I find it compellingly schizophrenic. I've never hated a game I liked as much as this one :lol


MYE said:
The first couple of hours are like a big tutorial.
Game "opens up" once you get to the first hub world.

Didnt watch but, isnt this the same video posted a while ago that has a pretty big spoiler somewhere?
That could be, i'll edit my post.
Still, it's one of those pretty cool Youtube "projects".

Agreed with Mega Man's Electric Sheep, btw.


RobbieNick said:
That was better than the game! XD
Yeah that was exactly what i wanted to say after "err" :lol ... but i don't want to criticize the game too much, it's not that bad really.


JEKKI said:
I got to Mean Street!!

and man it's like "Hi Mickey! I need something to fix this machine! u can get it from Chun Li!"

u go to Chun Li and she says "oh yeay, I had that thing, but I gave it to Terry Bogard"

so u go to Terry and he's like "yah I got it, but it aint free. I'll trade with u if u bring me Xiaoyu's panties"

and Im like got damn!!!
Yeah but at least you know where you're going right? :lol :lol :lol

I finished it this evening, and was pretty touched by the ending. Plus the meat of the endgame featured some pretty great platforming. Outside of one bloody room (
The slobber fight in the room with the paintings
) I didnt find the combat that much of a drag. In the portions that featured a lot of enemies you could just get to a higher position and blast them safely.
Despite hating the missions I was compelled to keep doing them for stupid reasons like I really enjoy hearing Horace's "Hoohoohoo, HOW-dee" and I'm really glad I did.
As simple as it was, I got chills visiting Walt's Apartment
Theres a good chunk of flaws with this game, especially when it goes into fetch quest mode, but the charm was enough for me to look past them to get to the better sections.


I played this for a few hours today and my opinion is that the game is downright awful. Of course it's well known that the camera (and camera controls) are on par with that Sonic abortion from 2006, but beyond that the gameplay is repetitive and not fun. Everything outside of the cutscenes reeks of sloppiness. I'm not sure why anyone would defend this title, even for the love of Disney.


seat said:
I played this for a few hours today and my opinion is that the game is downright awful. Of course it's well known that the camera (and camera controls) are on par with that Sonic abortion from 2006, but beyond that the gameplay is repetitive and not fun. Everything outside of the cutscenes reeks of sloppiness. I'm not sure why anyone would defend this title, even for the love of Disney.

Did you play Sonic 06? The camera isn't nearly as bad in this. You also need to realize that just because you don't like the gameplay doesn't mean everyone else will feel the same. The game has flaws to be sure but in my experience so far the good has outweighed the bad.
The love and care put clearly into the story, the world, the themes and the license is now completely buried by everything else. Have been waiting for this game to end for at least three hours now. Biggest disappointment I've played in a long time. It feels like Spector checked out and wished everyone luck after flowcharting the paint/thinner decisions.


Kard8p3 said:
Did you play Sonic 06? The camera isn't nearly as bad in this. You also need to realize that just because you don't like the gameplay doesn't mean everyone else will feel the same. The game has flaws to be sure but in my experience so far the good has outweighed the bad.
I'm not sure if this is a criticism of how open-minded I am or an assault on good taste, but plenty of people like bad games. It doesn't make them any less crappy. I'm unsure what point you're trying to make.
seat said:
I'm not sure if this is a criticism of how open-minded I am or an assault on good taste, but plenty of people like bad games. It doesn't make them any less crappy. I'm unsure what point you're trying to make.
And i am guessing that once you determined that a game is bad, it should be the same for everyone else right?


seat said:
I'm not sure if this is a criticism of how open-minded I am or an assault on good taste, but plenty of people like bad games. It doesn't make them any less crappy. I'm unsure what point you're trying to make.

You said the gameplay was not fun and said you didn't see how anyone could defend it. I'm saying just because you feel that way doesn't mean others will. Just because you think it's bad doesn't make it so.
Kard8p3 said:
You said the gameplay was not fun and said you didn't see how anyone could defend it. I'm saying just because you feel that way doesn't mean others will. Just because you think it's bad doesn't make it so.

Why do some people require that you preface every sentence with "In my opinion" ? It seems implicit that any judgment on quality is simply an opinion. And he didn't attack anyone who likes Epic Mickey, he simply said that "from his perspective (implied)" he does not understand why anyone would like the game. All that means is that "in his opinion" the game is flawed enough that it isn't worth defending. It wasn't an attack on people who liked the game, merely a way of expressing his opinion.


seat said:
I'm not sure if this is a criticism of how open-minded I am or an assault on good taste, but plenty of people like bad games. It doesn't make them any less crappy. I'm unsure what point you're trying to make.

Thank you for deciding for us whats shit and whats not. I'm really enjoying the game but i'l have to reevaluate the way i feel about it after your last posts.


ConcealedBlaze said:
Why do some people require that you preface every sentence with "In my opinion" ? It seems implicit that any judgment on quality is simply an opinion. And he didn't attack anyone who likes Epic Mickey, he simply said that "from his perspective (implied)" he does not understand why anyone would like the game. All that means is that "in his opinion" the game is flawed enough that it isn't worth defending. It wasn't an attack on people who liked the game, merely a way of expressing his opinion.

I'm pretty sure your theory went out the window when he said that plenty of people like bad games. :p


MYE said:
Thank you for deciding for us whats shit and whats not. I'm really enjoying the game but i'l have to reevaluate the way i feel about it after your last posts.

I liked the Evil Dead Xbox games somewhat because i liked the Evil Dead franchise and the game wasn't TERRIBLE but it was farrrrrrrrr from a good game. It's okay to like a game that isn't that good but you should accept the fact that it has major problems. It's like saying " well i prefer a game to have a bad framerate, it's fun to see your character pause when lots of enemies come into the screen, makes me feel like i get more time to decide what to do next"


Looking for Pants
AniHawk said:
...Maybe I have a different definition of polish than the rest of the world. When I think polish, I think, ideas fully thought through, extra crap that should be removed (big things like Twilight Princess's early game stuff, or smaller ones like Metroid Prime's beam-doors), just... better design choices to make the game flow smoother in general. Following that line of thought, SMG2 would be a polished SMG.
Seems like we have a similar definition of polish (other than the MP comment). SMG2 was a much more polished and streamlined version of SMG, though they still could have done things better.
I'll say this, at least--the game makes me want to hunt down a collection of early 20th-century Mickey Mouse cartoons. The unlockable Mickey and Oswald cartoons are treasures.

I was wondering why the "Lonesome Ghosts" transitions seem so familiar to me when I was suddenly hit with an intense wave of nostalgia as I recalled a toy Fisher-Price movie camera I had when I was three or four which let you watch filmstrips through the viewfinder when you turned the crank. The Lonesome Ghosts short was one of the "films" I had. I think I had forgotten that for at least 25 years.
FoneBone said:
From what I've heard (which is pretty much third hand so who knows) Disney insisted that it had to ship in time for the 2010 holiday season, which led to large parts being outsourced and to the final product not being nearly as polished as it should've been. :-/

A few days late, but source?


I find it humorous when someone shares a criticism about a game and that someone is attacked by the game's fans instead of offering any rebuttal of substance. It proves that the critic is right.
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