I think there are too much threads about Ryan, but I agree the OP.
I'd add that regarding Sony's support to the Japanese game development, that some people acts as if downsizing Japan Studio, Sony was going to stop getting Japanese games as if they weren't going to continue getting games from the Japan Studio/Team Asobi, Polyphony Digital, their Japanese 2nd party partners and Japanese 3rd party exclusives. In addition to the announced upcoming Japanese exclusives (like Final Fantasy VII Ep 2, FF XVI, Guilty Gear Strive, Babylon's Fall, Project Awakening and so on) remember that any moderately well known Japanese publisher or dev, big or small, made at least one PS4 exclusive so it's pretty likely that they will continue doing it specially if as some of these publishers announced, want to switch their strategy from a Japan-only focus to a more global appeal focus.
One of them is Kadokawa (who owns like half a dozen publishers and several developers like From Software), who made the 3 ways deal with Sony and CyGames and gave 2% of their company to Sony and 2% to CyGames in exchange for asking them to bring their games to a more global market.
OP: here’s the guy you’re going to bat for:
“That, and I was at a Gran Turismo event recently where they had PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 games, and the PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?”
-Jim Ryan
You may not like that, but it's true. To have PS1+PS2 BC would be a great plus, but Gran Turismo fans today play GT Sport, PS mini wasn't a success and people isn't playing these games where available. There are more PS2 games available on PS4+PS5 than Xbox OG are available in XBO+XBSX/XBSS and people don't care about them.