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Dissent in the ranks! Republican Senator Chuck Hagel hates America and Freedom!

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Nebraska Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel is angry. He's upset about the more than 1,700 U.S. soldiers killed and nearly 13,000 wounded in Iraq. He's also aggravated by the continued string of sunny assessments from the Bush administration, such as Vice President Dick Cheney's recent remark that the insurgency is in its "last throes." "Things aren't getting better; they're getting worse. The White House is completely disconnected from reality," Hagel tells U.S. News. "It's like they're just making it up as they go along. The reality is that we're losing in Iraq."

That's strikingly blunt talk from a member of the president's party, even one cast as something of a pariah in the GOP because of his early skepticism about the war. "I got beat up pretty good by my own party and the White House that I was not a loyal Republican," he says. Today, he notes, things are changing: "More and more of my colleagues up here are concerned."

Another damned dirty Liberal!!!!


Hagel has my respect on this one, more so for properly portraying the administration on the issue. This should send Fox News reeling well into Thursday.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Chuck Hagel said:
The White House is completely disconnected from reality
But, but, I thought Jeff Gannon said it was the Democrats that had "divorced themselves from reality"?
Macam said:
I think it's debatable whether this administration is Repbulican at all or only in name.

I think they are more of a corporate party. It drives me mad to watch US citizens tear each other apart along party lines over this administration.


Small balls, big fun!
It's really not big news when Hagel, McCain, or Lugar says something like this. The phrasing is on the blunt end of the spectrum, but it's not that far out of the ordinary.

I'm sure if people here want to know what's on DailyKos, they'll find the site.


Regardless of your political stripe, I don't think pulling out of Iraq now is a good idea.

People confuse involvement in Iraq with Republicanism when in fact, conversatives generally dislike foreign entaglements. Bush came into power promising his conservative base less troops abroad and to pull back from Clinton's troop commitments overseas.

The whole attack on Iraq ordeal is something else, usually described as a neo-conversative world view of wielding American power and associated with the likes of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz. It's not Republican in the old sense or conservative, its an ideology of how you use American power.

In anycase, if the Americans leave now, it will make things worse, not better.
I bet Nebraskans are pissed. Nebraska has three passions: Bush, the Bible, and Husker Football. I don't think he's that liberal but most true conservatives are against the war. Its the neoconservatives that are backing it.


I have Zero respect for Chuck Hagel. He was saying shit like this before the elction and then sat their and endorsed Bush and did jack shit when he was doing the swiftboat shit. The whole party is a bunch of fucks.
Chuck Hagel is getting ready to run for President in 2008. I like Hagel but these guys say one thing and vote the other way, not a single one to be trusted.
Amused_To_Death said:
Chuck Hagel is getting ready to run for President in 2008. I like Hagel but these guys say one thing and vote the other way, not a single one to be trusted.

This is true for every candidate. By moving to the center, they'll appeal to the most Americans since, this is a guess but a good one, most Americans can be considered moderates. A Liberal Republican right now is a good idea since the Christian Republicans are getting a lot of shit and I think most Americans are getting tired of hearing how there's not enough of the Bible in government. Republicans have been fucking up this year. They're becoming too arrogant and now are paying the price:

- Social security reform was a flop.
- Americans hate the war in Iraq now (majority idea) and want to get the hell out of there ASAP. I don't think too many actually believe that it was justified. Even the Bush backers know it but will never admit it.
- The Schiavo business and basically the crusade to add more religion.

But, but, I thought Jeff Gannon said it was the Democrats that had "divorced themselves from reality"?

Them too. The Senate in my opinion is in a world of their own.


Even the Bush backers know it but will never admit it."


"And just how do you know this?"
Dan said:
But, but, I thought Jeff Gannon said it was the Democrats that had "divorced themselves from reality"?
It was probably snatched from yet another Republican talking points sheet pushing blame on a group of gonad-less legislators.
"And just how do you know this?"

After even hearing the people who were gung ho about it in 2002 and 2003 admit that they fucking hate the war. My friends who went to Iraq aren't wrecks but their lives have been sucked out of them. I was a Bush backer until he didn't know his asshole from a hole in the ground. I haven't supported the Republicans since late 2003. I gave nearly $400 to the DNC last year. It wasn't much but hell, it was a lot for me.

Who's against PRA's?

I was for them. Social Security is a huge mistake with no actual end to the thing. Nobody wants to pay more but nobody wants to give up their benefits or worse, want more benefits.
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