Rankings updated:
- Added all new players. Welcome, everyone!
- TEAM TKG (FFxStrife & Cherub) added to the roster. Welcome back, guys.
- Updated results in chronological order (Quickening ~> Challenges ~> Potential Unlocked ~> Challenges).
Besides, I would like the spreadsheet to be in the
results' thread's OP rather than a copy/paste. If you guys don't do it to facilitate my work and "yours", then do it for everyone else; participants and lurkers alike. Thanks for your cooperation.
Competitive OP updated:
- Prize for the 1st ~ 200%[Number of participants]$
- Feral Chaos unbanned; VD and BF are tho.
- First stage is now always randomized.
- Consequently, LR : Aim to Win's tournament will be inaugurated a few days after the conclusion of the major. It will be split up between the three regions: NA, EU and SA; three regional tournaments into one event.
I don't know if any of you came over but it was quite an eventful tournament.
In case some of you may have wanted it...
The lack of activity was something I've anticipated; and so did Dave, but for wrong reasons.
Neogaf? They aren't a forum for tournament action. When I hear Neogaf, I hear of a forum for information on games where people gossip about new developments within the gaming industry. The forum is so BROAD that newcomers will never go there for DF related material. GOOD LUCK STARTING TO establish something on Neogaf. Don't worry I saw your post on Neogaf about your Tier list. I wonder how thats doing? Now theres DF, where all the information in the world about "your" favorite game is here. If I was new and typed Dissida information within the google search, I would most likely select DF for their appearance and the amount of information I can get out of Dissidia. What will you have on Neogaf? One thread or two on DF? That's not good enough for a consumer.
In retrospect, presenting this project to Kagari as a community thread was pompous since it's more along the lines of those giant "Let's Play" threads we have here. It serves as a support to showcase the best of the Dissidia's community over the past years, as well as its competitive scene. It wasn't particularly meant to build up an user-base.
[FFGAF |Kagari|] ~> (DissidiaGAF |Me|) ~> [#DDFFCasual |Kayarine & LonelyGaruga|] <~ (DissidiaForums |Massfia|)
- [...] = community
- (...) = medium
- |...| = leader(s)
- ~> = related to
That's my vision. This thread ultimately aimed at being nothing but a bridge between the FF contingent of NeoGAF and #DDFFCasual. In other words, I wasn't expecting the Dissidia community to get bigger thanks to this thread.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying newcomers aren't welcomed with open doors and free food. I'm saying everyone out there interested in tackling Dissidia in-depth already knew about DissidiaForums; Professor Beef for instance, who used to play DFF over AHP back in the day and kept following the scene afterwards. However, there were also those who...
I didn't even know competitive dissidia was a thing.
Count me as surprised there is a tournament scene for this game...but maybe I should be! Now I feel like watching a bunch of these videos, darnit.
...had no idea of the very existence of such scene.
I didn't reply to them because everyone already knew about how aggressive I became at the thought of DissidiaForums at that point, but those two quotes spoke volume to me; same as the article I've mentioned
here. Those three pretty much summed up the sentiments I've had over the 3+ years of activity in DF. I took absolutely no pride at being a mod over there because I always felt like being the black sheep of the FF community by and large for being part of DF. I may be over-dramatizing again here, but really... the sole fact the forum has no affiliate whatsoever after four years of existence should speak alone;
Mayonaka Midnight doesn't really count since Mass Zero remains its Web-master.
Definitely #DDFFCasual is where the Dissidia community is at ever since its inception,
in July 2011. It remains very active to this day, with
20-40 regulars depending on when you get on. Sure, some people will tell you that is a ridiculous number compared to (actual) fighting games (
last paragraph) but really... that comparison makes even less sense than the one between FFXII and FFXIII. As Kagari put it herself, Dissidia is an "unique fighting game", so that I've never got why
those guys always wanted to consider it on the same scale as the likes of Street Fighter and Tekken. Game is short and sweet, just like its community. Striving for making it something it wasn't meant to be is a waste of time.
Every otaku needs a place to be other than home (I know I do) and, barring how long it takes to get approved on NeoGAF, some folks may not have liked it here, which is also why I intended this thread to remain a nexus more than a community thread. You can join the events hosted here regardless of whether you're part of NeoGAF, DF, #DDFFCasual or even all three. As of today, six people have asked me to provide them with an email address, and four of us have already got their account approved (Sparki, Stevie, you and me). Besides, I am not even going to touch on
how bad of an idea splitting a community is.
NeoGAF was my online home, even more so than #DDFFCasual since I don't like instant messaging. Going to sound lovey-dovey once more here, but if there is a thing I owe to Kagari other than supporting this thread, that would be to make me realize how much I was in the wrong for such a long time. Furthering Dissidia on GAF/alongside her/under her wing has been a shy ambition of mine for years, but I ultimately preferred staying on DF because, simply put, I was in a position of power there. Whether it was to weed out trouble-makers (
reply to the second quote) or for "administrative" tasks (stickying, organizing, archiving, etc.), I was always under the impression I had a duty to abide by.
I was lying to myself and Kagari's approval (unwarrantedly) allowed me to
reach out to the truth. She would be the one singing here, and every single word of the lyrics matches with the drama that happened over at DF, especially this part...
Stop the guerrilla warfare to keep it fair
Bro change your rage to a smarter greater cause
So, for the sake of keeping the vendetta as tame as possible, I'm going to delay the NA tournament once more: it will take place
on the week-end of the 22th since there is already an EU tournament for this week-end over at DF. However, I should stress that I'm not doing it for DissidiaForums, rather for the Dissidia community as a whole; for you guys to be able to follow and enjoy both tournaments separately.
In the meantime, here is its teaser...