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Divinity: OS - EE |OT| No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses!


Is it possible to craft smoke grenades? They have been a lifesaver for tough fights with multiple enemy archers.

Any recommendation on the most useful grenades (aside from smoke)?

Toxic is cheap to mass produce. I have like, 200 odd.
Tremor and Static are the shit when it comes to groups of enemies.
Charm is...unreliable. But by god when it works it practically hands you the fight.


So there's so much to do and I'm not sure what to do first.

I'm in Cyseal and I recruited two people into my party already. I went out one way and killed some skeletons. Am I doing the right thing?

I don't want to head to an area I'm under leveled for.

If you come across something too high-level, make a note on your mini-map of their level and search elsewhere. There's enough of an XP curve in Cyseal for you to get through everything there without too much of a problem.


Is there any way, when an enemy gets a buff/debuff, to actually check what it does, specifically? Like, you can hover over your own buffs/debuffs and be like, "Oh, okay, I lose 20 Armor and gain 15 Fire Resistance" or whatever it is.

But you can only see what buffs/debuffs an enemy has, not the more specific information as far as I can tell. There's no way to hover over the icons because the information just disappears once your cursor leaves the enemy itself.


So I am playing on PS4 and just hit the maximum amount of save files, now every time I want to save I have to over write an old save and go through an extra set of prompts. I can't figure out how to delete old saves, is there any way?

I can't imagine having to deal with this for the rest of my play through.


Is there any way, when an enemy gets a buff/debuff, to actually check what it does, specifically? Like, you can hover over your own buffs/debuffs and be like, "Oh, okay, I lose 20 Armor and gain 15 Fire Resistance" or whatever it is.

But you can only see what buffs/debuffs an enemy has, not the more specific information as far as I can tell. There's no way to hover over the icons because the information just disappears once your cursor leaves the enemy itself.

Right click on the enemy, not the portrait, and Inspect (or however the option is on English):



Am I missing something? I don't have my Perception high enough but I should still be in the correct place for the spell that lowers the barrier around
Icara's Cabin
. Did they move it?


Holy crap. Is this new in the Enhanced Edition?

In the original game there was a similar function, but it was very, very crappy. If I remember correctly, you had to hold CTRL while moving the cursor over the enemy and some info would appear on screen. Depending on how high your Loremaster was, it could be a bit useful or just a gazillion of ??????. Most of the time it was useless.

Am I missing something? I don't have my Perception high enough but I should still be in the correct place for the spell that lowers the barrier around
Icara's Cabin
. Did they move it?

Did you
answer the mushroom questions
? In that case, you already have the spell on your inventory.
Am I missing something? I don't have my Perception high enough but I should still be in the correct place for the spell that lowers the barrier around
Icara's Cabin
. Did they move it?

You don't have to run around for it, you get the spell
right next to the shield now from the mushrooms
. So the old spot is basically useless now.


Getting annoyed by " path is blocked " especially with my knight.

I mean the knight is RIGHT next to the enemy and can melee attack him -.-


So thinking about it, you don't really need more than 15 STR or 15 DEX on a Warrior/Rogue/Ranger.

Considering that Tormented Souls adds 1/2/3 you can probably stop putting points at 12 (9 for dual wield) and let gear cover the rest until 15.

- No gear requires more than 15 of your main stat.
- Cooldowns lower by 1 at 15 and the next one is 20.
- The extra hit between 15 and 20 from your primary stat isn't needed as there are plenty of better ways to get % hit increases.
- Defense from DEX isn't bad, but Perception on a Ranger is much better and SPD/CON on a Rogue is much deadlier (CON if you cap AP each turn, not hard to do with dual crafted daggers)

Casters on the other hand I can see getting 20 or even more INT to have continuous nukes, although that really depends on the cooldown of your usual attack spells.
18 would be enough for continuous fireballs but you'd need 24 for continuous Chain Lightnings.
That said, if you can finish fights before you empty your attack spells, then you don't need more INT.


is handing my ass to me every time, probably tried the fight 10 times in a row but never even came near victory.

The fights leading up to it were all very doable but this one....

lvl 6 atm, maybe I need to get a higher lvl first?


is handing my ass to me every time, probably tried the fight 10 times in a row but never even came near victory.

The fights leading up to it were all very doable but this one....

lvl 6 atm, maybe I need to get a higher lvl first?

She's nasty. Use the stairs as a choke point. Make sure you throw a static cloud of some sort over her as quickly as possible.

The cheesy way of killing her involves knocking her over/stunning her before she can speak, thus stopping her summoning things.


Neo Member
is handing my ass to me every time, probably tried the fight 10 times in a row but never even came near victory.

The fights leading up to it were all very doable but this one....

lvl 6 atm, maybe I need to get a higher lvl first?

Stockpiled grenades did the trick.


She's nasty. Use the stairs as a choke point. Make sure you throw a static cloud of some sort over her as quickly as possible.

The cheesy way of killing her involves knocking her over/stunning her before she can speak, thus stopping her summoning things.

Maybe I should cheese it then.

My best attempt involved using Jahan as bait, I sent him to trigger the fight while the other 3 partymembers stayed around the corner on the stairs and in my first turn I used Jahan's teleport on her to get her near the other 3 partymembers. Problem was though that Jahan died in turn 2 and I couldn't get her down before all the summons came up the stairs. They hit hard, especially the archers.


Maybe I should cheese it then.

My best attempt involved using Jahan as bait, I sent him to trigger the fight while the other 3 partymembers stayed around the corner on the stairs and in my first turn I used Jahan's teleport on her to get her near the other 3 partymembers. Problem was though that Jahan died in turn 2 and I couldn't get her down before all the summons came up the stairs. They hit hard, especially the archers.

Go back town, buy every Tremor Grenade, Static Grenade and Static Cloud Arrow you can.Craft some, if you have a Crafter. Spread them around your party. First turn, everyone unloads with the aim of turning the area at the end of the stairs into a morass of hazardous fields. This should stop her and her summons making it up the stairs.

At this point you start focusing down enemies that aren't knocked over or stunned. Get her summons down first while keeping her disabled with stuns/knockdowns.

I'm sure there's a strategy for this using sheer damage ouput, but I've always relied on consumables in the early game to get me through tough fights.


Unconfirmed Member
It's funny how you're so occupied with shuffling little pieces of armor around for large parts of the game but what actually decides fights is mostly positioning of your party and your enemies.


Quick question about the church......

In the crypt, there is a control panel was a hexagonal hole, which I am assuming there is a hexagonal key for, does this key reveal itself via natural progression of the story?
I'm been playing the game with both Keyboard+Mouse and the new gamepad controls and have some thoughts on them I would like to share. I am already intimate with playing this game on KB+M on the original version but the gamepad controls really grew on me.

1. The UI completely changes aesthetically when you switch between the two control options. KB+M has a UI with colorful buttons and menu windows vary between a brown or tan coloured background. Gamepad UI has larger text, a more cleaner and consistent HUD, and all the menu backgrounds have a black background. It's honestly looks much better than the KB+M UI. I don't know why Larian didn't seek any sort of aesthetic parity between these control schemes UIs but whatever.

2. KB+M controls is still incredibly janky in some places.

Edge panning is too jittery and slow for comfort.

Trying to click those fast moving, tiny hitbox having rats is still a struggle.

It's also very easy to accidentally steal some NPCs belongings because of the crap hitboxes.

Don't get me started on battles. Even though enemies are stationary during your turn, their subtle idle movements sometimes causes you to accidently click the ground instead of them and thus screwing up your turns and wasting AP. Fighting in tactical view is must in KB+M.

Drag and dropping objects is incredibly janky. It's a much easier experience with an analog stick.

3. Features available between both control options are mostly inconsistent. You can sort items inside containers with a gamepad controls but not on KB+M controls. You can toggle hiding equipped helmets on KB+M but not on gamepad.

4. I very much prefer collecting loot on a gamepad versus using KB+M.

5. Some menu lists get very long on the gamepad control scheme, like your crafting recipe page. The current scrolling speed gets very inadequate real quick as a result. There's also no page-up/page-down function. Just map them to the shoulder buttons.

Overall I find the gamepad controls are superior in most aspects but it could use some improvements in some areas.


Unconfirmed Member
I quite like the gamepad controls, but there are some pretty annoying things in there, too. Like if you want to compare the potions between your characters, the focus will jump to the "all items" tab every time you change characters. I would also really like a "always sort" option or something similar.
And yes, accidentally stealing something is a pain and so is the missing formations option.
I started with KB&M, went to a controller, and now I'm back to KB&M. Sorting the inventory is so much easier with drag and drop, as opposed to X>Hold item>A. I had some misclicks in combat for sure, but it's been much better now that I pay attention and zoom in/pan around to get in the best position. I also like being able to pan the camera to an area, then clicking to go there, rather than tooling around with the analog stick. Everything just happens quicker being able to use a mouse, even though the implementation isn't perfect.

That being said, the controller scheme in this game is damn good, and I'm glad console gamers (and those on PC that prefer it) can play a sweet turn-based game without struggling with controls. I still use a controller when in-home streaming the game to the living room or whatever.

I restarted a while back, and a lone wolf 2h fighter type (with 7 int and 2 points in witchcraft for the buff and summon) and 2 glass cannon mages party is just making classic so easy. I mean that in a fun way. The mages don't do much damage, but they can really lock enemies down, while my fighter buffs himself up, walks around stabbing things on the ground for huge damage, or summons a skeleton as a meat (err, bone?) shield when needed.


Guys I am a freaking idiot because I can't understand this quest log and icon stuff. Sometimes (all the times) I don't understand why the icon stays there even though I moved on.

I quite like the gamepad controls, but there are some pretty annoying things in there, too. Like if you want to compare the potions between your characters, the focus will jump to the "all items" tab every time you change characters. I would also really like a "always sort" option or something similar.
And yes, accidentally stealing something is a pain and so is the missing formations option.

Formation as where they stand in the like box group? If so you can with a gamepad.


Unconfirmed Member
I started with KB&M, went to a controller, and now I'm back to KB&M. Sorting the inventory is so much easier with drag and drop, as opposed to X>Hold item>A.
I've read that before, but what do people mean by that? I just use "actions" -> "send to", I never had to hold anything.

Guys I am a freaking idiot because I can't understand this quest log and icon stuff. Sometimes (all the times) I don't understand why the icon stays there even though I moved on.
The icons on the map will stay there, even if you finished the quest. On the quest log itself you can toggle finished quests on and off.

Formation as where they stand in the like box group? If so you can with a gamepad.
No, more like the shape of that box.

I've read that before, but what do people mean by that? I just use "actions" -> "send to", I never had to hold anything.

As in sending items to a barrel/container/chest in home base, or by say an anvil and whetstone to store all your goodies and keep them sorted. Crafting items here, weapons there, etc.


You can choose who is chained with a gamepad. You can also move them up in that group.

Here I will upload a video on how to do it.

*** Welp the recording software doesn't like the game. Going to do a text and maybe update it later if I can fix it.

Basically with all ungroup (AKA split) Go to the character you want and hit A to select and then go select other. Than hit Y to group.


Unconfirmed Member
As in sending items to a barrel/container/chest in home base, or by say an anvil and whetstone to store all your goodies and keep them sorted. Crafting items here, weapons there, etc.
Well, that explains it, I just carry everything with me all the time.

You can choose who is chained with a gamepad. You can also move them up in that group.

Here I will upload a video on how to do it.
That's not what I mean, atleast. Look at the top of the image I posted.
I am going to agree that the inventory system is kind of a mess in this game. I find it so odd that they borrowed so much from Ultima 7 and 8 and yet forgot the keychain. Vanilla Ultima 7 without the keychain was just as obnoxious as this, but the introduction of the keychain solved that. This game needs one badly, pick up a new key, it would automatically get added to the keychain.

I also think something that would help with inventory management is allow crafting to use the Homestead chests. Similar to how Diablo 3 handled it.

Also does anyone know if it is possible to dye backpacks?

As for targeting does the PC version not have the right bumper functionality of switching targets when using M&K?


So I am playing on PS4 and just hit the maximum amount of save files, now every time I want to save I have to over write an old save and go through an extra set of prompts. I can't figure out how to delete old saves, is there any way?

There's really no way to delete a save with the in-game UI? Seems like a big oversight.

I suppose you might be able to find the saves using the PS4's save browser but I'm not sure if it will show individual entries.

Isn't there a quicksave feature? I doubt you'd have to confirm an overwrite with a quicksave. If it's like the PC version, it'll automatically rotate through the last ~5 quicksaves. Just use a permasave every once in a while.


I killed
Braccus Rex
, so I'm off to Luculla now. It was a long and somewhat delicate proccess, but not really hard. The main issue was
a pool of lava that emerged after killing the twins, which prevented my party from entering the room (I used the door as a bottle neck to easily dispatch the Baron, the Lighthouse Ghoul Thing and the Twins). Playing with the pyramids and two spiders I managed to get everyone in there and break the crystals protecting Braccus, then I kept him frozen or stunned while slowly bringing his health down

So far tactician mode looks easier than hard mode in the original release, but a bad planning can still wipe me out in the blink of an eye.


There's really no way to delete a save with the in-game UI? Seems like a big oversight.

I suppose you might be able to find the saves using the PS4's save browser but I'm not sure if it will show individual entries.

Isn't there a quicksave feature? I doubt you'd have to confirm an overwrite with a quicksave. If it's like the PC version, it'll automatically rotate through the last ~5 quicksaves. Just use a permasave every once in a while.

I wish that were the case. Even quick saves now give the error message that it needs to be over written. Maybe I will post on the developer web site.


I'm a little burnt out on first/third person shooters, I wanted to play an RPG. Almost went back and played through Chrono Trigger again (because of the recent threads)

Instead I remembered that people seemed to like this game, watched about 2 minutes of gameplay and bought it. Going in totally fresh tonight. Never played before, never played the original. Know nothing about it.

Wish me luck?


Arhu's spark master 5000......

the remote control command to disable weapons, sleepy,sleepy,happy, doesn't work, any ideas why?


Arhu's spark master 5000......

the remote control command to disable weapons, sleepy,sleepy,happy, doesn't work, any ideas why?

It only disables its physical attacks. You have to use the discharge command if you want to deactivate its lightning attack.
I started with KB&M, went to a controller, and now I'm back to KB&M. Sorting the inventory is so much easier with drag and drop, as opposed to X>Hold item>A. I had some misclicks in combat for sure, but it's been much better now that I pay attention and zoom in/pan around to get in the best position. I also like being able to pan the camera to an area, then clicking to go there, rather than tooling around with the analog stick. Everything just happens quicker being able to use a mouse, even though the implementation isn't perfect.

That being said, the controller scheme in this game is damn good, and I'm glad console gamers (and those on PC that prefer it) can play a sweet turn-based game without struggling with controls. I still use a controller when in-home streaming the game to the living room or whatever.

I restarted a while back, and a lone wolf 2h fighter type (with 7 int and 2 points in witchcraft for the buff and summon) and 2 glass cannon mages party is just making classic so easy. I mean that in a fun way. The mages don't do much damage, but they can really lock enemies down, while my fighter buffs himself up, walks around stabbing things on the ground for huge damage, or summons a skeleton as a meat (err, bone?) shield when needed.

If you click the left stick, you can make a special cursor appear that lets you command your characters to go to a specific spot. Lets you basically multitask with whatever split you have with your party.


Aside from being able to make melee weapons that on average do 30% more damage than what typically drops for your level, Blacksmithing seems quite useless compared to Crafting. Hell, even Crafting does stuff you would expect Blacksmithing to do.

Also, what's the point of a Scoundrel (Rogue with daggers) type character again? I was going to play a Scoundrel/Witchcraft hybrid once I could respec, but my level 13 dual wielding Man-at-Arms (5)/Witchcraft(2) doesn't seem like there's anything it can't do better than a dagger wielding build. Not only does it not need to constantly move to the back for optimal damage, dual axes seem to actually do more damage in general even from the front than a backstabber. I think the only plus side is that daggers have a lower requirement compared to axes, which would mean getting INT to 10 would be much easier.

I already have 12 AP a turn, with movement of 3.7 and can charge across the screen with the chance for a knockdown (which in turn is 50% additional damage). Can typically ram something and then get two attacks off as well, which will either outright kill, or get something near death for the archer to finish off. Everything I read about Rogues talks about how it's "first turn setup", "second turn kill something". By turn two with the Warrior I've potentially CC'd one or more enemies and killed two. Oh, and I'm not squishy against physcial attacks either.


Question, I already finished D:OS. Is there really any reason to play the EE again? I'm usually not a huge fan of replaying a game, but I would consider it since D:OS was such a fantastic game.

If I did replay, I may do tactical mode since the first play through was kind of easy.


I'm lvl 12-13 and really want to start over my chars, but I'm too damn far.

This game is fucking awesome if it hadn't been said enough.
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