JoeFenix: Big words, but DmC is not pronounced as a new standard or the new top of the genre. No need to pretend otherwise in order to draw insane amounts of disappointment, pathos and rage at the same time. The problems with the game are clearly understood and articulated as well.
It would, however DO WELL for DMC as a series to hold onto SOME of the aspects of this game as a true new standard. In an ideal world - for me, anyway - true DMC5 would feature no bactracking, a level variety that is similar to what is in DmC (insane variety, basically.), bold color choices (not copying DmC, but being at least that daring in that aspect), and maybe, just maybe free camera and a platforming that is actually fun to do this time. Although I understand that I am in the minority who enjoys replaying the platforming sequences in the game
I just do not understand why it has to be black and white. Either GodMade or UtterShit. Why? Why cant some parts of this game actually be recognized as clearly great and something to hold on to? Is it that threatening in other aspects? I do not think that anyone at Ninja Theory or at Capcom actually thinks that the combat system in DmC is superior to DMC4/DMC3 and should be "kept" as the new standard. If you think that, I would not want to share that worldview, as I deem it too pessimistic or fear-based...