That doesn't fix the boring level designs, recycled content and disappointing final boss.
I don't see it. I finished DMC 4 twice last week, so my memory isn't failing me, I don't think.
The levels are boring, why? Because you need to find a treasure to get from point A to point B, while killing everything in your path? They even throw in the occasional platforming sections so that it doesn't become repetitive. I don't see how that's boring. You spend 90% of your time fighting demons, which is the meat of the game's system anyway. I don't need platforming QTEs, or chase sequences ripped from GoW, to feel that a game isn't boring about its level design.
Recycled content as in, what? Boss battles? Well, sure, they recycle one boss battle and then pit all the previous bosses against you in Mission 19, but that always strikes me as "See how good you've gotten for the past 13 hours by beating these assholes again".
I never felt like those were added in to punish the player, but to reward him instead.
Recycled levels? Sure, you can go through the same sections twice or something, but they're either different in some way or you're just passing through, what's the big deal?
Disappoint final boss? Anything is disappointing by comparison with DMC 3. Killing the old man made sense story-wise. Would Dante be a better boss? Sure, it doesn't make sense though. Would Credo be a better boss? Sure, but again, it doesn't make sense.
If you said something like "They should have added more Credo fights!". Well, definitely. I can't argue.
Exceed's timing kinda is way too strict to be a genuinely useful mechanic, but ymmv. Gotta strike a balance for depth.
You don't need to nail every strike to get your shit going. If you can't manage to rev 3 strikes, maybe DMC isn't for you.
So then DMC4 would be a 4 hour game with horrible level design, still. DMC4 has too many issues to fix by just doing one or two things.
Sure seems on par with other action games this gen. Wasn't Heavenly Sword 5 hours of horrible combat and platforming? So, two hours less than DmC, but much better combat? Yeah, that sounds good.
But, you know that's a bullshit number. Nobody finishes DMC once and people spend a lot of time in Bloody Palace. Not to mention that the fact that Dante has a separate
bonus campaign doesn't somehow remove it from the game.
Those extra 3 or 4 hours aren't going anywhere. Bloody Palace has unlimited replay value.