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DNC chair won't speak at Dem convention following Wikileaks fallout

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I swear it's like Democrats aren't even taking this seriously. Trump and the Republicans are literally shooting themselves into extinction and these idiots can't seem to take one step before tripping over their corruption.
All these years I made fun of a conservatives who fell for Fox News propaganda, turns out the far left was even dumber and more gullible than that. You're literally letting yourself be manipulated by a disgraced pedophile and Vladimir Putin.

Don't forget this guy:



What does this actually have to do with Clinton?
It really shouldn't, these are DNC emails, not Hillary emails, even if her name is found on leaks it's not like they are tied directly to her. I think we all learned by now that staff from all campaigns can be a little too enthusiastic and cross lines.
I swear it's like Democrats aren't even taking this seriously. Trump and the Republicans are literally shooting themselves into extinction and these idiots can't seem to take one step before tripping over their corruption.
It's been like this since day one. "Haha trumps a joke he won't get anywhere and will quit so let's completely disregard him". Every time he got closer and closer the same laughs of denial. I wonder if those same people will be laughing come November.
A lot of party elders abstained or weren't invited.
Donald Trump has the support of the RNC, those in the Republican party with power and GOP voters most importantly. Attempting to portray the GOP as a buffer to his Presidency to justify your passive support for him is a little sad. "It's ok minorities, the Republican Party will protect you from Trump!" is a hilariously unconvincing pitch.

And I'm not shielded from their loss if Trump really is a fascist (But he isn't.)
I have said nothing of fascism in this thread. Do not loop me into that discussion. Trump is undeniably a racist, however. You've already indicated you are not a member of any of the groups most threatened by his Presidency despite your willingness to chastise those who are for fervently opposing him at all costs.



All these years I made fun of conservatives who fell for Fox News propaganda, turns out the far left was even dumber and more gullible than that. You're literally letting yourself be manipulated by a disgraced pedophile and Vladimir Putin.

The far left already doesn't like the democratic party, this kind of news wouldn't change their resolve for the positive or negative.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I swear it's like Democrats aren't even taking this seriously. Trump and the Republicans are literally shooting themselves into extinction and these idiots can't seem to take one step before tripping over their corruption.

I don't understand. They were hacked four months ago and emails were stolen from them. The emails were given to Wikileaks by the Russian government. Wikileaks is now releasing them. The emails reveal strong favoritism at the DNC though no active collusion or sabotage. There were also very inappropriate things said about Bernie's religion from some senior staffers. As a result, the DNC head will not speak and I'm sure is about to punch her time card for the last time.

But the DNC is making mistakes? This stuff is not new. Would you have them allow DWS to speak?


I'm impressed by just how much Clinton and the DNC is botching what should be a slam-dunk win.

The problem has always been Clinton. Sadly otherwise rational people would continue to lineup and explain how every negative thing that comes out this election cycle is the product of the widespread slandering of her character rather than Hillary making questionable decisions.
The DNC are simply another symptom of her weakness as they needed to stack the deck in order for her to defeat a 74 year old Jewish socialist who the majority of people had not heard of an year ago.
The field this year was horrendous and Clinton and her team should thank their lucky stars they are facing a candidate more hated than her in the GE. But Trump being a racist, bigot, populist doesn't excuse the democrats thinking they can put up a weak candidate like Clinton who people dislike and don't trust. If she somehow loses this election - people need to direct their animosity towards her and the apparatus who made her inevitable but I'm not holding my breath.
It's been like this since day one. "Haha trumps a joke he won't get anywhere and will quit so let's completely disregard him". Every time he got closer and closer the same laughs of denial. I wonder if those same people will be laughing come November.

They were too busy being condensending pricks to Sanders supporters to properly see the rise of Trump so I don't blame them too much for being oblivious. I hope they can learn to get over their pretentious state of mind and focus on the chaos that's coming.


The problem has always been Clinton. Sadly otherwise rational people would continue to lineup and explain how every negative thing that comes out this election cycle is the product of the widespread slandering of her character rather than Hillary making questionable decisions.
The DNC are simply another symptom of her weakness as they needed to stack the deck in order for her to defeat a 74 year old Jewish socialist who the majority of people had not heard of an year ago.
The field this year was horrendous and Clinton and her team should thank their lucky stars they are facing a candidate more hated than her in the GE. But Trump being a racist, bigot, populist doesn't excuse the democrats thinking they can put up a weak candidate like Clinton who people dislike and don't trust. If she somehow loses this election - people need to direct their animosity towards her and the apparatus who made her inevitable but I'm not holding my breath.
There was no stacking of the deck by the DNC.


He would never ever ever be president for 8 years
You would have a GOP and DNC candidate 4 years from now and he would he would be soundly defeated.

By that time he'll have nominated at least 2 if not more Supreme Court Justice, his influence will be an extremely long lasting one if he's elected.
I've lost a lot of respect for the Democratic Party. I don't know who I'm voting for come November

Why does everyone assume I'm voting for Trump? We have other candidates outside the two party system and I didnt explicitly rule anyone out.

Because it's party over principle. Anything but a vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump. It doesn't matter if you want to vote 3rd party for another candidate who aligns closer to your beliefs.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Because it's party over principle. Anything but a vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump. It doesn't matter if you want to vote 3rd party for another candidate who aligns closer to your beliefs.

Yes, everyone, listen to conservatives about how you should vote third party to better align with your beliefs as they line up behind Donald Trump.

Hillary is not the DNC. Your argument is becoming of children.


oh please if you're voting for trump then just say so. stop pretending the candidates are anything alike for you to even be considering one or the other.

I hate this accusatory tone, trying to sniff out "traitors". Personally, I'm all for Hillary (compared to the danger that is Trump), but I can't STAND some of the rhetoric coming from the Hillary camp.


The problem has always been Clinton. Sadly otherwise rational people would continue to lineup and explain how every negative thing that comes out this election cycle is the product of the widespread slandering of her character rather than Hillary making questionable decisions.
The DNC are simply another symptom of her weakness as they needed to stack the deck in order for her to defeat a 74 year old Jewish socialist who the majority of people had not heard of an year ago.
The field this year was horrendous and Clinton and her team should thank their lucky stars they are facing a candidate more hated than her in the GE. But Trump being a racist, bigot, populist doesn't excuse the democrats thinking they can put up a weak candidate like Clinton who people dislike and don't trust. If she somehow loses this election - people need to direct their animosity towards her and the apparatus who made her inevitable but I'm not holding my breath.
Stack the deck? Wtf are you even talking about. Bernie Sanders lost due to his own stupidity and poor choice in campaign manager. I'm fucking tired of hearing excuse after excuse for Sanders. It's pretty fucking simple. He lost because in his infinite wisdom he decided not to contest the southern states. It's that fucking simple. He hired a moron as his campaign manager and then decided that they would just let Clinton rack up huge wins in the south. Stop making excuses for Sanders and looking for conspiracies where none exist. He made a catastrophic mistake not contesting the southern states. That's why he lost. Stacked deck my ass.
Yes, everyone, listen to conservatives about how you should vote third party to better align with your beliefs as they line up behind Donald Trump.

Hillary is not the DNC. Your argument is becoming of children.

Also, the "party over principle" thing ignores that the real argument is...y'know, math. First past the post is a thing that exists whether we want it to or not.

nel e nel

Also, the "party over principle" thing ignores that the real argument is...y'know, math. First past the post is a thing that exists whether we want it to or not.

When 3rd party candidates hold less than 1% of all elected offices in the country, a vote for them is pretty much throwing a vote away.

See the recent exchange between Dan Savage and the Green Party spokesperson for some highlights on this.


So let's say DWS leaves
Any ideas of who replaces her? Is it a hierarchy thing? Or is it voted by other members?
If a Dem is President, she will pick the next chair (with a perfunctory confirmation vote by the members). If not, the members vote from candidates running for the position.


The problem has always been Clinton. Sadly otherwise rational people would continue to lineup and explain how every negative thing that comes out this election cycle is the product of the widespread slandering of her character rather than Hillary making questionable decisions.
The DNC are simply another symptom of her weakness as they needed to stack the deck in order for her to defeat a 74 year old Jewish socialist who the majority of people had not heard of an year ago.
The field this year was horrendous and Clinton and her team should thank their lucky stars they are facing a candidate more hated than her in the GE. But Trump being a racist, bigot, populist doesn't excuse the democrats thinking they can put up a weak candidate like Clinton who people dislike and don't trust. If she somehow loses this election - people need to direct their animosity towards her and the apparatus who made her inevitable but I'm not holding my breath.

I didn't read any email leaked that showed active collusion against Sanders or as stacking the deck toward Clinton. More comments between dnc members showing their personal predilection towards a specific candidate and commenting on what could be drawbacks of the other candidate on a channel they felt secure to share them.


I hate Debbie but the really ugly stuff in the leak against Bernie wasn't even proposed by her. If anything she would have been the one shooting those proposals down.
I hate this accusatory tone, trying to sniff out "traitors". Personally, I'm all for Hillary (compared to the danger that is Trump), but I can't STAND some of the rhetoric coming from the Hillary camp.

I'm inclined to agree. Not about being all for Hillary because I'm not. But some of the rhetoric attempting to paint anyone that isn't balls deep for Clinton as morally wrong is disheartening. No matter how some attempt to justify it by pointing out the oppositions horrible-badness. People may consider third party, happens every election. Just more prominent given how unlikeable each candidate is.


I didn't read any email leaked that showed active collusion against Sanders or as stacking the deck toward Clinton. More comments between dnc members showing their personal predilection towards a specific candidate and commenting on what could be drawbacks of the other candidate on a channel they felt secure to share them.

"It might may (sic) no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist,”

So is this guy part of the Clinton campaign or the DNC?


The title of your linked piece is "DNC staffer", no?

The more important question is, was this written bit acted on? If it is, then you can say the system was rigged. But since it wasn't, aren't you just being thought police?

The Uncounted doc

Everything makes a difference in the outcome.
Oh lord I suppose you think all those right-wing documentaries are truth and fact too
I'm inclined to agree. Not about being all for Hillary because I'm not. But some of the rhetoric attempting to paint anyone that isn't balls deep for Clinton as morally wrong is disheartening. No matter how some attempt to justify it by pointing out the oppositions horrible-badness. People may consider third party, happens every election. Just more prominent given how unlikeable each candidate is.

And I mean...those people have a moral right to consider third parties, so long as they realize they're basically forfeiting their ability to have a say in the election's actual outcome.

Math is math. Wanting, wishing, and dreaming won't change the numbers. If people want to think of their vote as some big statement, some moral gesture, well...that's on them. I think of it as a tool to help produce a particular outcome.



Is that really that scathing? Couldn't that fall in to what I considered a personal predilection and comment between people with similar preferences toward a candidate? Did someone asked Saunders if he believed in God?


Considering the fact that no one acted on that idea, I don't think this proves what you think it does.

It really is by far the most disgusting thing in the emails though. You should not be allowed to hold a high position in the DNC if you propose dividing people by attacking a candidates religion or lack thereof.


It really is by far the most disgusting thing in the emails though. You should not be allowed to hold a high position in the DNC if you propose dividing people by attacking a candidates religion or lack thereof.
I'm not defending the idea. It is indeed gross (though it is also something that would come up in the general, and therefore an issue that Bernie's campaign should have been prepared for). But in no way does that email show the DNC did anything to hurt Bernie.


Watching them scramble has been amusing. Glad to see that her incompetence will have some repercussions and that those who truly run the DNC recognize what a complete failure she has been. Bury her ass and let the real powers take the stage to rebuild confidence.


Trump desperately trying to turn Bernie voters to the dark side is some good shit. All this is gonna do is make Bernie madder and campaign hard against him.


Watching them scramble has been amusing. Glad to see that her incompetence will have some repercussions and that those who truly run the DNC recognize what a complete failure she has been. Bury her ass and let the real powers take the stage to rebuild confidence.
1) What incompetence has she shown?

2) Who truly runs the DNC?

3) I what way has she failed?

Also, would you mind telling me what you think the chair of the DNC does when there is a Democratic President?


Is that really that scathing? Couldn't that fall in to what I considered a personal predilection and comment between people with similar preferences toward a candidate? Did someone asked Saunders if he believed in God?

"Can we get someone" isn't a prediction, it's a suggestion.


"Can we get someone" isn't a prediction, it's a suggestion.

Predilection as in preference. A suggestion made on what was perceived as a safe channel between people that seem to share the same opinion of a candidate and that suggestion wasn't acted on.
I've lost a lot of respect for the Democratic Party. I don't know who I'm voting for come November

Why does everyone assume I'm voting for Trump? We have other candidates outside the two party system and I didnt explicitly rule anyone out.

Mathmatically, there are two candidates.

Not voting or voting for someone other than the two biggest candidates may make a voter feel better about themselves, personally, but it will also increase the chances that the worse of the two biggest candidates has a NET Gain in votes vs. their opponent.

Just remember that when you go to vote for a candidate with no chance to win. You may feel better about yourself, you can impress your anti-establishment friends on Facebook, but you are in fact helping the greater of two evils effectively gain votes.


Considering the fact that no one acted on that idea, I don't think this proves what you think it does.

Is this the email that people are using to prove foul play?

A) It came from neither Clinton nor DWS
B) It was never enacted.

This proves what, exactly?


The title of your linked piece is "DNC staffer", no?

The more important question is, was this written bit acted on? If it is, then you can say the system was rigged. But since it wasn't, aren't you just being thought police?

Yes the DNC's chief financial officer, Bradley Marshal is just another DNC Staffer.

In terms of your second paragraph it loosely reads like this:

"The more important question is, were words acted on? If they are, then I can say Trump is a egotistical, racist, populist, bigot. But since he hasn't acted on them, it could all just be an act"

To me the whole need to defend the DNC and Hillary about every single thing is counter productive. I can criticize the way the primary was handled, dislike Clinton as a candidate immensely and think the DNC has done more to hurt Dem chances in 2016 and still think Clinton is a better choice than Trump.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Yes the DNC's chief financial officer, Bradley Marshal is just another DNC Staffer.

In terms of your second paragraph it loosely reads like this:

"The more important question is, were words acted on? If they are, then I can say Trump is a egotistical, racist, populist, bigot. But since he hasn't acted on them, it could all just be an act"

Why are people so willing to forgive trump's explicit racism, especially liberals? Why don't you go read the New York Times article posted yesterday. He has been acting on racism for 30 years.
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