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DNC suspends Sanders campaign access to database after staff breached Hillary's data

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I just went over that subreddit.

It's the definition of an echo chamber, nothing is being talked about, everyone is saying "the political revolution has begun" or something. Complete denial of wrong doing, Bernie is perfect and bla bla bla.

It's annoying when people pick a side and close their ears. It's the reason why politics are a mess. People are more interested in being right than doing what's best.


That shouldn't surprise you at all. Clinton doesn't benefit from this controversy. As this thread should demonstrate, all it does is fire up Bernie supporters.

She does benefit, but it's more about Clinton and her campaign being above the fray and let the DNC and her allies throw a bit of fire in it. Bernie is responding well too. Both campaigns are responding well from my POV - strategically.


Bernie is going to sue to keep up his PR image of being anti-establishment, even though the suit is about the establishment giving him back his establishment data.
It's annoying when people pick a side and close their ears. It's the reason why politics are a mess. People are more interested in being right than doing what's best.

well, lets not pretend that reddit is even a remotely good place for a discussion.

By design popular stuff within a community is popular and any dissenting opinion is smashed to the ground. It's literally an echo chamber (community) with a discussion format (upvote/downvote) that encourages an echo chamber.


That shouldn't surprise you at all. Clinton doesn't benefit from this controversy. As this thread should demonstrate, all it does is fire up Bernie supporters.

The thread was posted by a Clinton supporter. And it was a fucking stupid thing the Sander's staffer did. It doesn't make the campaign look good. Sanders was having a relatively good week too with the Communication Workers and DFA endorsement. I guess the Sanders campaign must feel strongly about accessing the data the've been barred from.


The thread was posted by a Clinton supporter. And it was a fucking stupid thing the Sander's staffer did. It doesn't make the campaign look good. Sanders was having a relatively good week too with the Communication Workers and DFA endorsement. I guess the Sanders campaign must feel strongly about accessing the data the've been barred from.

It's more about muddying the waters and whipping up his supporters into believing that Bernie is the victim here. Damage control. The best defense is a good offense. It's actually very Trump like. For all the times that Trump threatened a lawsuit, in the end it was Bernie who actually went there.

If they wanted their access back they could've just got rid of what they stole but it looks like they want to play for keeps.


I think you're misunderstanding the post you're quoting. He's talking about the Sanders campaign's decision to sue the DNC to get their access back. I don't think anybody is claiming that the Sanders campaign itself decided to steal data.

Even if they didn't mean to steal data (which going by that story on CNN seems pretty damn unlikely) it seems like the campaign - with his blessing or not - is trying to keep it now that they have it - at least long enough to put it somewhere they can hide it out develop campaign actions based on it.
At the rate it's going this thread isn't long for this world anyway, but just in case there's any hope of self-reflection, a friendly advisory: If you disagree with someone, express your disagreement without passive-aggressive sniping about them or meta-commentary about their post history.
At the rate it's going this thread isn't long for this world anyway, but just in case there's any hope of self-reflection, a friendly advisory: If you disagree with someone, express your disagreement without passive-aggressive sniping about them or meta-commentary about their post history.

Does that mean I'm now a mod by attrition?
What exactly has Bernie done? He's gotten the vote that everyone knew he would, young liberal white dudes. If he was polling better in places that weren't as white as a sugar powdered doughnut you would have an argument, but he isn't.

I would respect Bernie more if he actually attempted to play the game in order to win. I would respect him if the first words out of his mouth weren't "Hi everyone, I'm a democratic socialist", and then wait months to attempt to actually explain what a "democratic socialist" is (and then fail horribly in explaining what it actually is)

I tried to be behind him, I really did. "Maybe he'll explain his very extreme positions, maybe he will be able to convince people". I kept telling myself that.

Then time went on and nothing happened, he just kept saying the same shit that speaks to the same base that we knew would follow him instead of attempting to try and branch out and make a fucking attempt to take a piece of the Hillary pie.

After the first debate I was done, "Oh yea well maybe not a 90% tax rate... but...". WTF Bernie, you can't fucking say shit like that, are you fucking stupid?

He's a fucking joke of a politician, he's right on nearly all the issues (to a degree) but he has zero chops in the political game. That's why I'm pragmatic when it comes to Hillary, because I know that when it comes to policy that has a hope in hell of getting passed she is the best shot, and regardless, her and Bernie stand on the same side of 90% of all the most important current issues.

Well, he didn't try to ban video games like Hillary. He's the longest running senator in history I believe. And he would probably attempt to actually work on the issues he fights for. Hillary won't, everyone should know this. She's partly bought and paid for.

Here is what Bernie had done.


Lulz. I hope once Hillary becomes the democratic candidate, all the sanders supporters will yell CONSPIRACY and boycott hillary
Well, he didn't try to ban video games like Hillary. He's the longest running senator in history I believe. And he would probably attempt to actually work on the issues he fights for. Hillary won't, everyone should know this. She's partly bought and paid for.

Here is what Bernie had done.

Go watch the Killer Mike interview. Definite attempt at presenting his ideas to a segment that traditionally doesn't listen to him regularly. Interestingly enough nothing he says there is new policy he's thought of current; he's ALWAYS been in support of the things said in that interview. Funny that.

Better yet also look into his voting record and past actions; he's been very consistent.

Unlike Hilary.


So instead of talking about the issues I brought up with his campaigning, the responses are "na bro go look up all the shit that makes Bernie amazing and btw Hillary is a shrill"

It's like you guys didn't even read the post.

He's the longest running senator in history I believe

...He's been in the senate for eight years, 07-15


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
That takes me back, lol.

Is their lawsuit claiming that they did not do anything wrong, or that they should still have access to their own data even though they fucked up?
The lawsuit makes two claims on this point. The first is that the Sanders party did not breach their contract with the DNC because there is no provision in there prohibiting them from accessing or using the information of other candidates. The second claim is that by failing to keep Clinton's information private, the DNC might have actually breached their contractual obligations to the Clinton campaign.


The lawsuit makes two claims on this point. The first is that the Sanders party did not breach their contract with the DNC because there is no provision in there prohibiting them from accessing or using the information of other candidates. The second claim is that by failing to keep Clinton's information private, the DNC might have actually breached their contractual obligations to the Clinton campaign.

That's pretty funny.


I just went over that subreddit.

It's the definition of an echo chamber, nothing is being talked about, everyone is saying "the political revolution has begun" or something. Complete denial of wrong doing, Bernie is perfect and bla bla bla.

Welcome to subreddit culture. How long have you known of Reddit? ;)


Lulz. I hope once Hillary becomes the democratic candidate, all the sanders supporters will yell CONSPIRACY and boycott hillary

I think that was bound to be the case for the extreme folk from the start.

No... that would be bad.

Nah, the crazy people aren't in large enough numbers to care about that. Those folks that would do that don't care about policy at all. Hillary was never going to get their vote.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
He's a fucking joke of a politician, he's right on nearly all the issues (to a degree) but he has zero chops in the political game. That's why I'm pragmatic when it comes to Hillary, because I know that when it comes to policy that has a hope in hell of getting passed she is the best shot, and regardless, her and Bernie stand on the same side of 90% of all the most important current issues.

Your cynicism is a problem. I almost feel bad for snipping this, but I really only care about the "fucking joke of a politician" portion. He's had a very consistent and successful career as a politician. You're way off base with that one.

Your prerequisite of being willing to "play the game" and compromise one's values for votes is a great example of how the Democratic party got into the state it's in today. It also completely misses the point of the campaign.

Removing all of my personal hatred for the man and his horrific message out of the situation, yes, Trump is actually running a competent campaign.

No. No way. Not competent in any traditional sense of the word in the context of a presidential election.

This is the most ridiculous thing I've read tonight.

Basically you're saying that since he's losing that it's admiral he's taken this "unique" approach - which is apparently what you're terming theft of proprietary data mining metrics.

Since he's losing its apparently perfectly alright for them to lie to the press, try to delay any orderly audit if their systems to make sure the stolen data has actually been purged (make no mistake this lawsuit is all about preventing an audit that will reveal they still have those analytics), and basically act like belligerent children.

This is quite the 180 from supporters that were telling me all about how upstanding Bernie Sanders was supposed to be.

Hold on. Do you think this incident came as a result of an order from Sanders as opposed to a staffer seeing a security failure on behalf of the DNC and acting in a stupid manner?

You're taking a lot of liberties here. Lying to the press? Ehhhh... You think the lawsuit is intended to cover up some even more devious details? What the fuck is that? You're venturing further and further into GOP-esque rhetoric.

They think the DNC is overreaching with a punishment that is temporarily crippling their campaign. They have to push the issue otherwise the campaign officially dies. You think that in the week they pass 2 million individual contributions and gained, arguably, their most important endorsement that they're just going to let their campaign die quietly because one of their staffers stupidly exploited a DNC fuck up? That's a nice way to piss all over the people he's been courting this whole time.

Or maybe you think this was all orchestrated by Bernie? You think he was just sitting at his computer waiting for a security breach so he could snoop?


So instead of talking about the issues I brought up with his campaigning, the responses are "na bro go look up all the shit that makes Bernie amazing and btw Hillary is a shrill"

It's like you guys didn't even read the post.

...He's been in the senate for eight years, 07-15

Your post was essentially: the Democratic establishment owns the black vote and Bernie is a God damn moron for not acting more like an establishment Democrat. What response were you expecting? "you're absolutely correct, Mr. Boss"?


Lulz. I hope once Hillary becomes the democratic candidate, all the sanders supporters will yell CONSPIRACY and boycott hillary

Making funny of Bernie supporters and egging them to not support Hilary would be stupid. Classic case of an unforced error that could cost you a critical swing state, or even a Senate seat if it is a close race.


The lawsuit makes two claims on this point. The first is that the Sanders party did not breach their contract with the DNC because there is no provision in there prohibiting them from accessing or using the information of other candidates. The second claim is that by failing to keep Clinton's information private, the DNC might have actually breached their contractual obligations to the Clinton campaign.

I imagine them drawing that up with a trollface. Even I have to admit that is an excellent troll, no matter how scummy.


So are the Sanders supporters basically the left version of Ron Paul supporters now? Thinking it's a conspiracy, that it's meant to bring him down for the more mainstream Hillary? I also don't get why Bernie is seen as this political outsider and anti-establishment. I mean he was mayor of the largest city in Vermont for 10 years, a congressman for almost 16 years, senator now for almost 9 years. He's very much part of the political establishment even if he considers himself different from mainstream Democrats and is an independent.

I always thought Bernie never had a chance in the general election. Hillary will capture a lot of the independent and centrist and maybe even some moderate Republican votes.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member

So instead of talking about the issues I brought up with his campaigning, the responses are "na bro go look up all the shit that makes Bernie amazing and btw Hillary is a shrill"

It's like you guys didn't even read the post.
I did and I think you made valid criticisms. I wouldn't say "fucking joke of a politician", but he does not know how to play the game. I agree with you, he waited too long to explain what a democratic socialist was and did not explain it well. Polling data showed early on it was a detrimental label. He does repeat his message too much. Maybe he truly believes that pushing his core issues is enough to win people over, regardless of everything else. Not how you play the game of thrones.
So it feels like everybody is pretty wrapped up in the political aspect of this and are probably not necessarily that interested in the technical part of it, but this has some interesting parallels to a recent story in the tech world where a security researcher was searching for vulnerabilities in Facebook's infrastructure, and ended up pushing a little too hard apparently. Dude's side of the story is here, and there was some good discussion of it on the Hacker News forum (note: not that kind of hacker, long story).

It's a very fine line to walk, trying to demonstrate to a third party that they have security vulnerabilities in a live application. If you have too light a touch, it's very easy for them to just shrug and say "we're looking into it," but if you're too heavy-handed, you can wind up in jail, no matter how noble your intentions were. That said, Uretsky definitely fucked up here and I imagine he's feeling pretty awful tonight knowing what he brought down on the Sanders campaign.


So are the Sanders supporters basically the left version of Ron Paul supporters now? Thinking it's a conspiracy, that it's meant to bring him down for the more mainstream Hillary? I also don't get why Bernie is seen as this political outsider and anti-establishment. I mean he was mayor of the largest city in Vermont for 10 years, a congressman for almost 16 years, senator now for almost 9 years. He's very much part of the political establishment even if he considers himself different from mainstream Democrats and is an independent.

I always thought Bernie never had a chance in the general election. Hillary will capture a lot of the independent and centrist and maybe even some moderate Republican votes.

I think you'd see plenty of people calling this comparable to Watergate, but the focus is only on the comments on the other spectrum.


DNC ends up looking real damn suspicious here to outright ban him from the data, which is critical information in a campaign. This is gonna get real messy. If the DNC really wanted to kill his campaign they would have leaked this info and not banned him, giving him no play but to constantly defend himself. The ban gave him the ability to sue and paint a picture of conspiracy, which there may or may not be. I mean this happening right before a debate and nearing voting is a bad blow.


DNC ends up looking real damn suspicious here to outright ban him from the data, which is critical information in a campaign. This is gonna get real messy. If the DNC really wanted to kill his campaign they would have leaked this info and not banned him, giving him no play but to constantly defend himself. The ban gave him the ability to sue and paint a picture of conspiracy, which there may or may not be. I mean this happening right before a debate and nearing voting is a bad blow.

Keep in mind that we have nothing but the word of the Sanders campaign (which has changed its story several times today) that they haven't kept the stolen data.


So it feels like everybody is pretty wrapped up in the political aspect of this and are probably not necessarily that interested in the technical part of it, but this has some interesting parallels to a recent story in the tech world where a security researcher was searching for vulnerabilities in Facebook's infrastructure, and ended up pushing a little too hard apparently. Dude's side of the story is here, and there was some good discussion of it on the Hacker News forum (note: not that kind of hacker, long story).

It's a very fine line to walk, trying to demonstrate to a third party that they have security vulnerabilities in a live application. If you have too light a touch, it's very easy for them to just shrug and say "we're looking into it," but if you're too heavy-handed, you can wind up in jail, no matter how noble your intentions were. That said, Uretsky definitely fucked up here and I imagine he's feeling pretty awful tonight knowing what he brought down on the Sanders campaign.

I'll admit that I don't have technical knowledge to judge the vericity of Uretsky's story or what the Sanders campaign or the DNC is saying. Is there a way to get an idea of what likely happened given what is known?


He's the longest serving Independent in Congressional history. That's probably what the guy/gal meant. No need to give him a hard time over it.

Maybe what he/she meant, but not what he/she posted - was simply responding to that, and I don't think it comes across as giving him/her a hard time, especially in comparison to some of the heated rhetoric being posted already.
Your cynicism is a problem. I almost feel bad for snipping this, but I really only care about the "fucking joke of a politician" portion. He's had a very consistent and successful career as a politician. You're way off base with that one.

Your prerequisite of being willing to "play the game" and compromise one's values for votes is a great example of how the Democratic party got into the state it's in today. It also completely misses the point of the campaign.

Yea, the Democratic party is in such a fucked state by being on the side of women rights, gay rights, climate change, regulation, infrastructure spending, voting rights...

I'm not a cynic, I'm possibilist if anything is fit to describe me. When I see a candidate describe himself as a socialist, in America, I become concerned why someone would do such a thing. When that candidate then doesn't really make an effort to explain what he meant and has people run wild with what he said I become quite concerned with how capable he is in running a campaign, knowing such a description is not a good one for most people.

When he then gets asked about his past comments on his 90% tax rate on the very rich after talking about being a socialist, and completely flubs in describing his plan for taxing the rich other than "well we're gonna tax the rich, but maybe not 90%", I know he doesn't fucking care about what ever reaction he's gonna get.

It doesn't matter if I agree with what he says, because I've said before I do agree with almost everything he says, but he has completely botched framing his arguments in compelling ways other than "Hey guys I'm a socialist I want to tax the fuck out of you", which is what anyone facing him in the general election will be able to easily chary pick from his past speeches and debates.

Your post was essentially: the Democratic establishment owns the black vote and Bernie is a God damn moron for not acting more like an establishment Democrat. What response were you expecting? "you're absolutely correct, Mr. Boss"?

No it wasn't, maybe you need to read the post that those guys were quoting.


So it feels like everybody is pretty wrapped up in the political aspect of this and are probably not necessarily that interested in the technical part of it, but this has some interesting parallels to a recent story in the tech world where a security researcher was searching for vulnerabilities in Facebook's infrastructure, and ended up pushing a little too hard apparently. Dude's side of the story is here, and there was some good discussion of it on the Hacker News forum (note: not that kind of hacker, long story).

It's a very fine line to walk, trying to demonstrate to a third party that they have security vulnerabilities in a live application. If you have too light a touch, it's very easy for them to just shrug and say "we're looking into it," but if you're too heavy-handed, you can wind up in jail, no matter how noble your intentions were. That said, Uretsky definitely fucked up here and I imagine he's feeling pretty awful tonight knowing what he brought down on the Sanders campaign.

I think if they could make an example, they should have tried to pick a general candidate. Then again, the pickings on the Democratic ticket are sincerely Hillary and Bernie. Who's going to hunt for E.T.'s records to raise an example?

That is assuming this was to "prove a point." Remember, this is politics; spin and bullshit are the bread and butter. I imagine a person representing Sanders wanted to craft a more concrete plan and used this window to get information in a shady manner, unbeknown to Sanders.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The lawsuit makes two claims on this point. The first is that the Sanders party did not breach their contract with the DNC because there is no provision in there prohibiting them from accessing or using the information of other candidates. The second claim is that by failing to keep Clinton's information private, the DNC might have actually breached their contractual obligations to the Clinton campaign.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

In a way it sounds like they hope to take advantage of technicalities?

Just does not make much sense unless the entire point of the lawsuit is to try to appear anti-establishment. Which, I don't think explains much of Bernie's support. While this thread has certainly show it is the cause for some of his support.

To me the election on the Dem side has been the pragmatist versus the idealist.
Both sides of which have valid arguments.

Meanwhile the Republican side has been the Idealist versus the Insane.
I'll admit that I don't have technical knowledge to judge the vericity of Uretsky's story or what the Sanders campaign or the DNC is saying. Is there a way to get an idea of what likely happened given what is known?

At this point, it's not really a technical matter - it sounds like there was a hole in NGP VAN that a child could walk through. I think all that really matters is intent, and that's always hard to judge. Uretsky had a very strong motive for proving to the DNC that there was a security flaw - if he could access the Clinton campaign data, then the Clinton campaign could just as easily access the Sanders campaign data. Then again, the searches that senior DNC officials leaked did not look like simple proof-of-concept searches, those appear to be targeted to benefit the Sanders campaign. It really boils down to whether you're willing to assume goodwill on someone's part and there's evidence both ways.

It mostly just chafes my ass that this whole thing could have been avoided if somebody at NGP VAN had written an integration test. Good job, guys.
At this point, it's not really a technical matter - it sounds like there was a hole in NGP VAN that a child could walk through. I think all that really matters is intent, and that's always hard to judge. Uretsky had a very strong motive for proving to the DNC that there was a security flaw - if he could access the Clinton campaign data, then the Clinton campaign could just as easily access the Sanders campaign data. Then again, the searches that senior DNC officials leaked did not look like simple proof-of-concept searches, those appear to be targeted to benefit the Sanders campaign. It really boils down to whether you're willing to assume goodwill on someone's part and there's evidence both ways.

It mostly just chafes my ass that this whole thing could have been avoided if somebody at NGP VAN had written an integration test. Good job, guys.
I have no idea why I didn't think of this. Yeah, of course.
I think if they could make an example, they should have tried to pick a general candidate. Then again, the pickings on the Democratic ticket are sincerely Hillary and Bernie. Who's going to hunt for E.T.'s records to raise an example?

That is assuming this was to "prove a point." Remember, this is politics; spin and bullshit are the bread and butter. I imagine a person representing Sanders wanted to craft a more concrete plan and used this window to get information in a shady manner, unbeknown to Sanders.

That's a totally valid interpretation. I find those searches very suspicious myself. The most charitable interpretation I can think of is that he could have been planning to take those searches to the DNC to shock them with how incredibly fucked up it would be if they let it continue like this. If that was the case, it was bad judgement. But if it's not the case, it's just straight up malicious intent.
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