I don't know how many hours I've spent playing this game(probably around 60-100 hours). I mentioned my negative experiences with transportation in the main discussion, but nobody mentioned this feature there. Actually, it's a key feature like the fuse or ultrahand, but I'll still give a spoiler warning:
I had initially found "that part" of the map boring, so I left it for later. I'm almost at the end of the game now and just discovered this feature.
I remember those moments when I wandered barefoot in the deserts for hours because I couldn't be bothered to make a vehicle, and I thank Nintendo for this unfortunate design choice.
but I still haven't found a single one, which is another problem. I believe these two elements should have been available earlier in the game, like fuse and ultrahand.
It's f*ing AUTO-BUILD!!!
I had initially found "that part" of the map boring, so I left it for later. I'm almost at the end of the game now and just discovered this feature.

I remember those moments when I wandered barefoot in the deserts for hours because I couldn't be bothered to make a vehicle, and I thank Nintendo for this unfortunate design choice.
I also just learned about the fairies that upgrade your armor,