I'm the all purpose digital video guy working for CUNY, the City University of New York.
My tasks include having to tape and edit whatever events they want me to at my campus, and either author DVDs with DVD Studio Pro, or prepare them for streaming web delivery. In addition, I have to digitize whatever else I get, either from CUNY central, or individual professors.
Admittedly, a lot of the material is dry, since we're a college, but my co-workers are great, the pay for now (and being part time, and a full time student) is good, and I get medical benefits.
Plus, this month is my time to shine, because it's Commencement time!
Last year's Commencement DVD was a three camera, 21-miniDV tape shoot, with two discs, in widescreen, with all sorts of bonus footage, including a 24-styled "Making of Commencement" video.