A lot of hardcore "no's" in this thread with the same bullet points:
- I'm too selfish
- I would be a shit parent
- They cost too much
- I won't have enough time
- Blah blah blah
A lot of you would be great parents, but you just don't know it. Once the hormones start kicking women become mothers and when the bonds start happening guys become fathers. There ain't a "best time" to have kids, my mom was right about that. It's always too early or in the way.
But change your attitude towards parenthood as that is the most important part of it. If you gonna bitch and moan how the kids are the core of your problem then you've got bigger issues than thinking you would be a shitty parent...
Changing the "me, me, me, me!" attitude towards a more giving one was a milestone for me and a most satysfying one at that
I have 2, they are great, even when they are bad they are great. It is a lot of work, but they are worth it. Best thing you will ever do is get married and raise children into responsible adults.
There is no joy like the joy of you child telling you they love you, or hugging you, or leaning on you.
Our son can't talk yet, but he always comes around and hugs. He currently has a phase where only my wife can put him to sleep. If i take him to his room it's all hell loose with screams and fits of anger. I thought i was doing something wrong but it turns out he just doesn't want to go to sleep with me. But every evening he hugs me and waves his hand. So he i's telling me i'm cool and all, but mom's just better dad.
I would have said hell no in my 20s and even early 30s. Then I warmed up to the idea and now have a 5-month-old son. He's awesome. Yeah, I don't have as much time to game, but I also know people whose kids are a little older who have plenty of time to do whatever. Or they game with them and share their hobbies with them. It's just all about time management and prioritization.
That said, I'm struggling with the idea of having another one. I don't want him to be an only child but having just one kid is also pretty easy.
Time for everything will come back. We have a 1.5 year old now and we have time for our own activities as well. He has a good sleeping pattern now, we get more rest in the night and when he sleeps we can do what we want, so now i can stsrt gaming again.
Had my first last February, right before shit hit the fan with Covid stuff.
To be honest I was 50/50, it was the quality of my relationship that made me say yes. She wanted a baby, we had the means and I thought she would be a great mum. So I wanted a baby with her.
And I love the little guy, he is cute as anything. All he wants to do is play and explore at this point. He laughs and smiles all day long. It is exhausting sometimes, but if you can settle into the new routines. The relationship becomes give and take with somebody having to be with the baby at any and all points. So far so great, but I'm aware it's a long ride and I'm at the extremely early stages. My outlook is all positive at the moment.
The bigger difficulty this year has been lockdowns. The baby has honestly been easy mode compared to the effects of Covid on general life. I'm in London, England for reference.
The playing and exploring part is the greatest and worst at the same time.
The "Yes parent, i want to do this, this, that, touch this and that, what is this,.give me, give me! No, don't stop me, i want that! O look a piece of trash!" attitude is the most tiring and you can't take your eyes away from him because he needs to know you are with him. And then he suddenly shifts to sitting on his ass and moving the same lego brick for 10 minutes in his hand without paying attention to you.
Have a 5 year old and one on the way. Greatest thing that’s ever happened to me and it’s not even close. You are missing out on a major part of life by opting out of children.
To each their own, but being a parent adds such a depth to life.
Yeah, it's like a New Game +, or a harder mode in Souls. Life stays the same, you just get a ton of extra quests, activities and story lines to explore.
More than your typical vanilla.day 1 player.