oh no it's not perfect, just really good
I wonder if we'll eventually get the reverse from critics about DCEU films.
"Eh. It's not complete dogshit so..."
oh no it's not perfect, just really good
Its not like this criticpoint is brought up by people who are interested in a neutral discussion, from my view this is always just a thing that gets brought up to distract from the flaws and horrible movies of the own "fraction".It's kinda why I always question the criticism that marvel movies get a "pass" from critics when the reality is they're never anything less than competent movies.
Just wait till DC makes a Zatanna movie.
"hurr durr raimi's movies are too camp
tobey cries a lot derrr
peter's not a dork
not muh webshooters
you people just have nostalgia derka derr"
Everytime. I'll see y'all in 2045 when Spider-Man 2 gets inducted into the National Film Registry for being the defining superhero movie of the 21st century.
I hope duckroll bans all the Spider-Man 2 hate, its still better than ya fave MCU movie F R E E
"hurr durr raimi's movies are too camp
tobey cries a lot derrr
peter's not a dork
not muh webshooters
you people just have nostalgia derka derr"
Everytime. I'll see y'all in 2045 when Spider-Man 2 gets inducted into the National Film Registry for being the defining superhero movie of the 21st century.
Raimi spider-man ain't shit compared to MCU films let alone X1 and X2.
I hope duckroll bans all the Spider-Man 2 hate, its still better than ya fave MCU movie F R E E
Is this a common thing?
I hope they cast Claire Danes as Peter Parker after Homecoming flops and they reboot it again. Then we can really have some next level crying.
I hope duckroll bans all the Spider-Man 2 hate, its still better than ya fave MCU movie F R E E
It's pretty much a joke among fans who keep claiming that Peter Parker spent the majority of the films being mopey and that Maguire's acting consisted largely of bad crying. The argument has slowed-down in recent years, but I remember feuding with fanboys on IMDb and comicvine in the past about it.
Spider-Man should feature a mystery involving terrorism and his parents disappearance, cause we all know the last time they did a mystery with his parents it worked out so well.
X1 was not a good film...
... You can't do this to me, I MADE THIS COMPANY
I wonder if we'll eventually get the reverse from critics about DCEU films.
"Eh. It's not complete dogshit so..."
Except the sequel be in the MCU, kind of how like the Galaxy Of the Guardians 2 will probably be in the MCU, which is why I won't see it, which sucks.And apart from the avengers being mentioned and the credits scene, it sounds like this movie is pretty self contained.
Except the sequel be in the MCU, kind of how like the Galaxy Of the Guardians 2 will probably be in the MCU, which is why I won't see it, which sucks.
Yeah, and that was enough for all of us at the time. We were just happy to have a serious movie after all the schlocky bullshit we had to put up with.X-Men 1 got a gigantic pass for not being Batman and Robin, The Phantom, or Steel levels of late-90s shit.
X-Men 1 got a gigantic pass for not being Batman and Robin, The Phantom, or Steel levels of late-90s shit.
Yours was better
Also on a separate note, remember when Spiderman 2 referenced Dr. Strange?
I refuse to believe this film will be as good as Spiderman 2.
I cannot.
Yo Spider-Man 2 is the Citizen Kane of non-Citizen Kane movies.I was gonna say, imagine if people came into other movie threads and spouted on about [blank} being the best [blank] movie of all time so dismissively
But then I thought about it and we do get some of that with movies like Fury Road or The Raid or the Before Trilogy.
Yay. Really excited to see this.
Also Spiderman 2 is great. Still holds up.
Oh, and quick and dirty chart to note what has come before:
IM, Avengers, Guardians and Civil War were the only >90 RT scores, and the 7.0 average rating seems pretty solid.
The Amazing Sympatheticman
The Wah Slinger
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Sad
But you're right, when he's not being mopey there's plenty of healthy wholesome cringe to sustain a trilogy.
Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy is so great it's still used as a comparison to show greatness, MCU movies are used as comparison pieces to show, "yeah, I suppose you'll like it if you liked this one."
Not all high rated RT movies are equal.
X-Men 1 got a gigantic pass for not being Batman and Robin, The Phantom, or Steel levels of late-90s shit.
So basically, you don't judge the movies on their own basis. The fact that that they're set in a universe of other characters is enough for you to dislike them.Except the sequel be in the MCU, kind of how like the Galaxy Of the Guardians 2 will probably be in the MCU, which is why I won't see it, which sucks.
Can't believe we're almost through two pages and there haven't been any "I thought Marvel wasn't doing origin movies anymore!" comments.
Anyway, super hyped for this. Re-reading The Oath in preparation. Aw yiss.
Oh damn I just realized Marvel's not doing any origin stories for another three years, thank god.Why would there be when everyone should know it's an origin? And when did they say that? Isn't Captain Marvel going to be an origin also
Damn Marvel do a good villain, for once, please.
They managed to have the best villain this year with Zemo at least. Though that isn't saying much since he wasn't all that great either.Damn Marvel do a good villain, for once, please.
Damn Marvel do a good villain, for once, please.
They managed to have the best villain this year with Zemo at least. Though that isn't saying much since he wasn't all that great either.
I think they've already done a few good villains, Zemo, Pierce, Loki mostly because they kept the character around, even Ultron I think was really good, mostly because James Spader was perfect and great casting for the role, the character was only hamstrunged by screentime.
The problem is, is that they often put more emphasis on the heroes then the villains, and the villains are sort of left as an afterthought or just become cliche or boring as a result.
Damn Marvel do a good villain, for once, please.
Except the sequel be in the MCU, kind of how like the Galaxy Of the Guardians 2 will probably be in the MCU, which is why I won't see it, which sucks.
Enchantress 😂Who would even be his competition? Lex Zuckerberg?
X1 got a free pass because people enjoyed it. I actually think The Phantom is a more enjoyable film personally, plus it's a much better looking movie, since X1 was actually restricted by budget constraints and time scheduling, and when you consider that, Singer actually did a pretty good job.
Only one that came close would be Ajax in Deadpool. He was very generic but the film does a good job at making you hate him. But yeah Apocalypse sucked, Lex was terrible, Enchantress was even worse, and Joker was unmemorable and only in that film for like 5 minutes.Who would even be his competition? Lex Zuckerberg?
Her belly-dancing was pretty sinister.Enchantress 😂