The_Technomancer said:What do people consider the lows of 1-4? Looking through them...well...Aliens of London sucked, we can all agree on that. (and by extension Boom Town)
Series 2 was pretty much all gold, IMO. Tooth and Claw and Fear Her were mediocre, and that was the worst of it. Series 3 also didn't really have any stinkers to me although the finale built itself up and then fell over drunk in the final episode. Series 4...the Sontaren Stratagem wasn't all that hot, I guess.
I mean I really really liked 1-4.
Everyone has there opinions on what good and what is bad but I will disagree with that Series 3 had no stinkers. The Daleks storyline was horrible. Gridlock wasn't great and others were average. The stand outs were Blink and human nature and family of blood. Also, the lead to the finale was fine till the end when the doctor became gollum and then became jesus at the end.
I like Moffat's overall storylines more than RTD so far.