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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


sputum-flecked apoplexy
"half human, on my mother's side"




Holy shit, best episode of the season no question. Bit of a quibble with the wall not resetting, but even still, amazing setting, Capaldi knocked it out of the park as per and the ending was incredible.

Originally thought Bird was meant to represent Phoenix, the idea that the Doctor burns himself and rises from the ashes. How will the fandom take the idea the original Doctor died, as well as the next trillion or so iterations of him?



That episode was absolutely amazing. Wasn't bored for a single minute, and the ending...

Can't wait for next week.


Well that was astonishingly good. Very few actors are capable of holding together such a thing on their own and Capaldi nailed it.

While I twigged on the time loop very early on, damn that's brutal. Billions of years just to break through.

I want it to be next week already.

So this was caused by a giraffe? I knew it!


Why does he wear the mask!?
I did love the touch of him getting further through the story as he tunnelled deeper into the wall.

Yeah same, I can look past the wall not resetting

Also, next week won't be the Doctor
maybe the Master or Rassilon?


as soon as the building started to rotate and shit I figured it was the confession dial with interior relative dimensions like a tardis...

good ep tho
Also, I wonder if this and the last ep is moffat giving the middle finger to people saying he doesn't like killing people

"I killed the doctor's companion, AND I killed the doctor...3 billion times"
That would be glorious.

Also...I can't remember but between the series and Big Finish is Omega actually dead?

The tv series ignores BF if the story they want to make calls for it.

Series wise he's in the anti-matter dimension after his failed escape against the fifth doctor.

Considering he coated all the camera equipment in saliva last time round, probably not.

I loved the spitlord man


A friend just made a good point

The Doctor said "The hybrid is me". Potentially some wordplay there by Moffat, obviously referring to Ashildr a.k.a. "Me"

Unless it's the whole "half-human on my mother's side" stuff.


Beautiful episode. I loved every second of it. Poor doctor was stuck in there for 7k years before we even see him actually go through it all and then at the end when he realizes that he has been doing it for a billion+ years chipping away at something stronger then diamonds with only his fists....got damn. I can see why he is very pissed off.
Negativity corner:

What the buggering shit was going on with that random text on the wall part way through? It looked like a display in the visitor attraction they were filming in that they couldn't be bothered to cover up but it was RIGHT THERE IN THE FRAME and I wanted the Doctor to JUST TURN AROUND AND READ IT FOR GOD'S SAKE.

EDIT: Oh, it was the text of the Doctor's speech from the beginning of the episode (just checked iPlayer).

Other than that, great episode!


That was bloody amazing. Nothing more to add right now. Very, very happy. Capaldi certainly got an episode he deserved.


A friend just made a good point

The Doctor said "The hybrid is me". Potentially some wordplay there by Moffat, obviously referring to Ashildr a.k.a. "Me"

Unless it's the whole "half-human on my mother's side" stuff.

Oh shit.
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