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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


Just finished watching and wow what an episode that was it was such a rollercoster of a ride

The amount of time I almost cried was insane, it got me right in the feels :( The Doctor never said it but he loved Clara like a dad imo and watching him being blinded by pure emotion was amazing and The Doctor is never himself when he's emotional.

I don't understand why the sisterhood was present though? that seemed just shoehorned in for shits and giiggles.

Oh and finally a new screwdriver!

Side note Clara in that outfit <3


For was convoluted as the finale was, I still really loved it and cried a bit when the Doctor didn't recognize Clara when he said he would know when he met her.

I did think that judging from the grafitti and the whole diner disappearing that he might realize that was her. Maybe he did, but it was pretty ambiguous unless I'm an idiot.


I loved how he stood up against Rassilon. It had something of DCAU Darkseid. "I am many things, but here, I am god."

However I didn't like how stubborn he was in getting Clara back to live. It felt out of place. Wonder why Moffat had so much trouble to finally let go of her.

Also Hybrid resolution: ?????????
That's not what a hybrid is.


Moffat adding a gap for Clara and Ashildr to have Big Finish adventures forever I see. It was convoluted and kinda a mess of an episode but then that's pretty much the norm for a Moffat finale. At least this one was a highly emotional exit for a companion, that was well done.

Also the poor general had to use a regeneration only for the Doctor to realize after maybe he was going a bit too nutso trying to save Clara. Out of all the Time Lords that general was the only cool one and he was on the side of the Doctor most of the time.


Also the explanation for Gallifrey is: "Oh we just got out of that pocket universe ourselves. Don't worry about it"?

EDIT: Now that I'm thinking about it I might have written this episode as Clara having to return to her death immediately, while also having the Doctor forget about her, instead of her given the chance to roam the universe for an infinite amount of time. That kinda takes the sting out of her death. Maybe I'm just sadistic and want to see maximum tragedy inflicted.


Well, this episode didn't go where I expected it! I think it was a good thing that the focus wasn't so solely on Gallifrey; you might hate me for saying it, but man, Gallifrey and the Time Lords are boring.

The first 15 minutes were nice, though. I liked how they kept him completely silent in the beginning; words are his weapon, but he used them sparingly here (side-note: it may possibly have been unintentional, but them saying "drop your weapons!" and he then lets go of his spoon was funny if you remember Robot of Sherwood). Then it got a bit boring for a while; the impeccable Doctor/Clara-chemistry pulling the work here and saving what would otherwise be quite bad. Gallifrey works better as missing and/or gone, unless you have a really good story to tell there.

Initially it was a disappointment to see Moffat be so...Moffat, and retcon the Clara-death. It would've been a fine ending for her. However, ultimately I'm ok with it because I think what they are doing instead is better. Having the end be "she fails at being The Doctor" is ok, but for her to be so characteristically Doctorish and run away from her own fate in that way, in a classic TARDIS no less, is simply too heartwarming for me to not feel fulfilled with. The "anti-Donna twist" (didn't know any better thing to call it, lol) of The Doctor getting his memory wiped instead of Clara was great, too. In the end all these events clears us from the typical "Doctor is sad because he lost a companion"-period. We sort of got that in Heaven Sent and it was great, but it's definitely the most triumphant companion exit since Martha, which means we'll have a Doctor who's already moved on in the Christmas Special and series 10, and who won't go on about Clara and how great she was when a new companion shows up.

By no means a perfect episode, but it worked where it counted, and that's the most important thing. Also, props to Murray Gold for good (though not quite as good as last week) music, and to Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman for great performances once again.


Heh, Clara got 2nd Doctor'd

Also the poor general had to use a regeneration only for the Doctor to realize after maybe he was going a bit too nutso trying to save Clara. Out of all the Time Lords that general was the only cool one and he was on the side of the Doctor most of the time.
The general has been through so much crap and still isn't allowed to have a name <.<
Just finished it. Boo! Fucking BOO!

I HATE Moffat's take on Gallifrey, they don't seem alien at all outside of the Time Lord city. Apparently outside of the main cities, late 19th century earth clothing is in fashion, and people just wait for the return of Doctor Jesus. Rassilon was a fucking punk. He sucked, a LOT. No menace, no sense of authority, NOTHING.

Then there is the Clara shit. Wow, it is now official. Moffat has no balls. I mean, he just can't actually kill off a companion. It's total BS. The most powerful moment in Who in the last several seasons? Make it mean nothing. Bringing back the dead really worked once, with Rory in the S5 finale. This one did not work.

There were some good scenes though, I liked the Me and Doctor conversation, I even liked some of the stuff with Clara, but man that ending felt cheap and unearned as hell.


I liked it. I usually don't like "lore-heavy" episodes, which is why I thought last week's episode was so good, so I set my expectations low for this one, but it was pretty alright and definitely better than I expected. I think it may be one of my favorite season finales actually - someone said it was like The Wedding of River Song and I couldn't disagree anymore, that one was an absolute mess in comparison on all fronts.

Some stray thoughts.

- I laughed at the general regenerating with makeup on.

- Man, the Doctor got selfish this episode. He shot a time lord! I thought he'd accepted Clara's death in the previous episode, but I guess not.

- Poor Rassilon was onscreen for like 5 minutes lol

- I like how they set up a clean slate for the next season. I love the new screwdriver. That last scene of the Doctor in the TARDIS getting his new screwdriver nailed it. I love this doctor.

- As much as I liked her, I hope the next companion isn't so tied to the lore as Clara was, mostly because I don't want companions going forward to last as long as Clara did. I want them to be more expendable.

- I love Clara having a TARDIS if only for the people who will inevitably hate it. I'm gonna go browse reddit right after this.

- The christmas episode looks cheesy and silly as hell. I CAN'T WAIT.


Loved the episode, hit all the emotional highs and lows for me.

As a Clara fan, I loved how she is able to have adventures again and she can be what she wants. She can be the doctor and of course ME gets to travel around in a tardis, which is what she wanted to do way back when. All around great episode and who didn't love Clara's theme being played on guitar. Did like the fact that the doctor remembers all the great times he had with her but couldn't picture her, but then when he sees his tardis he got to see her and everything. Maybe it was covenant and stuff, but I personally loved that.

I hope we get to see her one final time before she goes and faces the raven.


Also - had Clara faced Weeping Angels before? I don't remember if she did. It felt like someone was going through a checklist and realized she hadn't so they put one in there. Maybe she has though. Someone remind me?

And I just thought of something I disliked. I don't like the Doctor remembering every iteration of his stay in the confession dial. That makes no sense. He should only remember his last iteration, and that's how I'm going to choose to interpret it - sure, he could still be carrying the frustration and pain of knowing he stayed there for whatever amount of billions of years, but I plain refuse to believe he actually got his memories from all the other iterations "because reasons".


I'm glad they did a intergender regeneration on screen. Hopefully that will finally put that argument to rest.
It's also more evidence that it's normal for Time Lords to be much more likely to regenerate into their birth sex seeing as for The Master and The Corsair they were almost always male and the general was almost always female.

And I just thought of something I disliked. I don't like the Doctor remembering every iteration of his stay in the confession dial. That makes no sense. He should only remember his last iteration, and that's how I'm going to choose to interpret it - sure, he could still be carrying the frustration and pain of knowing he stayed there for whatever amount of billions of years, but I plain refuse to believe he actually got his memories from all the other iterations "because reasons".
Not only does it not make sense in the context of the mechanics of the episode even if he did remember it should all just blur together except for punching the wall because it was all the same.
That was a hot mess of cool scenes thrown together with little regard for consequence.

but it was an entertaining hot mess of cool scenes thrown together with little regard for consequence.

It used to be that Time Lords wore more than just the red of the Doctor's chapter, the Prydonians.

Even though I had issue with the Brigadier's corpse being turned into a Cyberman, Dark Water/Death in Heaven were better. A rewatch might change my opinion, a couple of weeks till the Christmas special airs so there's time for a rewatch.

The Christmas special looks like a lot of fun.


Also - had Clara faced Weeping Angels before? I don't remember if she did. It felt like someone was going through a checklist and realized she hadn't so they put one in there. Maybe she has though. Someone remind me?

Time of the Doctor in their brief and utterly pointless cameo appearance.
Y'know I came to actually like Clara this season, never liked her that much in either 7 or 8, in both of those she just felt like a Mary Sue. This season, I finally get around to liking her as they dial the Sue-ness back and give a great death episode and an amazing follow up, just to have her go full on Mary Sue for the final shots. She has a Tardis for fuck's sake and is functionally immortal until she chooses to die. And she's over the stuff with Danny apparently. God it really is bad fanfic.
I am so excited for next season. The red velvet, the new screwdriver, that moment...it was as if the 12th Doctor had finally fully settled. Makes the entire last two seasons feel like they were just a long setup for the fully realized 12th Doctor. His origin story. A man struggling to know himself after one of the defining moments in his life was flipped around on him (50th). Now he's here and free of some baggage, too.

That was strange seeing Gallifrey and the Time Lords in new Who. I'm not accustomed that. Cool!
And oh my god was I pumped to see the Doctor in the classis tardis theme again.
Setting up Rassilon to be a villain again in the future was a good touch.

The flying diner looked really stupid though. Should have just had it stuck on default tube setting and attached to the end of the diner, as the 11th doctor did. Good thing we'll never see it again. (Edit: I just watched the ending again and I cant stop laughing at how stupid that flying diner looks haha totally ruins the moment)
I enjoyed the twist on the memory wipe. When it was going to be Clara I thought "Oh, this again?" And then they flipped it on me. I still dont agree with her having yet another false death though. Should have just let her be.

My least favorite new Who season had my favorite Capaldi ep and favorite companion exit

So I guess it was still memorable, but boy was there nothing else to write home about this year

Kind of how I felt about it too. Last three episodes together were a powerhouse but the rest of the season left me cold.

This might actually be a setup for the Valeyard

I think every single episode that ever airs, someone accuses it of being a setup for the Valeyard.
..honestly I'd love to have the Valeyard back.





I don't even care that Clara didn't really die, I am just gobsmacked by the "FUCK GALLIFREY MYTHOS LOL" nature of the whole thing. Absolute perfection.
I've just realised: what about Clara's family? During Coleman's stint they haven't touched on the family too much, but from their perspective she just disappeared one day without a trace. Even Rory's dad found out what happened to him and Amy!

Fucking brutal.
Gallifrey: Well no one knows really what is happening. Gallifrey is not "rebooted" on anything. Although they just decided it was back ? That's it, just found it ? Because that's equally as bad for me. I thought it was still lost in a pocket universe.

It's rebooted in the sense that it's now part of Moffat's vision of the Doctor Who universe. Ken Bones, Rapscallion or whatever they call her, all the pretty soldier boys. And the sisterhood of corncrake or whatever they are.

I have no care for Ashildr and Clara. The latter was supposed to be dead two episodes ago, and actually have something meaningful to the series in terms of consequences. And the hybrid mcguffin was resolved like a slaughterhouse resolves a bovine population.

I don't know, just a lot of flash with little substance to me

Where does this raging lust for Clara's blood come from?


I've just realised: what about Clara's family? During Coleman's stint they haven't touched on the family too much, but from their perspective she just disappeared one day without a trace. Even Rory's dad found out what happened to him and Amy!

Fucking brutal.
They probably just dumped her in the street or something
I've just realised: what about Clara's family? During Coleman's stint they haven't touched on the family too much, but from their perspective she just disappeared one day without a trace. Even Rory's dad found out what happened to him and Amy!

Fucking brutal.

I'm sure she'll make sure to visit them.


Well, I uh... that sure was a spectacle, huh?

I mean, I think I understand what happened? Mostly? Seemed like there was an awful lot of window dressing around a fairly thin plot, though. Like, everything in the Cloisters, what was that in aid of? Rassilon was there, and then he just sorta left? I guess the point of that was just to show that Gallifrey was pro-Doctor and anti-Rassilon.

I'm a little annoyed that Moffat just can't let go of Clara, but I suppose we'll at least have a new full-time companion for next season (and I can't ever fault the writers creating what ought to known as "Big Finish Gaps"). I thought Maisie was great as Me this week, looking stunning to boot.

So yeah, I think it'd probably just hurt my head to try to make sense of everything I saw, but I appreciated the fireworks, as Ohilia sorta said.
Not quite as identical as i thought during the episode, but gotta be a homage right?
same Classic TARDIS too.


It just occurred to me that the Doctor staged a coup and bailed and that's just sort of brushed over

Yeah that's... kind of the point. He didn't give a fuck about Gallifrey, about all those people, he only cared about Clara and about himself. "You've broken every rule you ever stood for." He shot the General!

Such is the nature of the Hybrid.
That was a hot mess of cool scenes thrown together with little regard for consequence.

but it was an entertaining hot mess of cool scenes thrown together with little regard for consequence.

Which is, let's just be honest, the single best thing about Doctor Who. Continuity, canon, all that crap is for the DC and Marvel people to waste time on.

It used to be that Time Lords wore more than just the red of the Doctor's chapter, the Prydonians.

Used to be that Time Lords thought they ran the fucking universe.

I found the latest lot of Time Lords much more credible. The fiftieth anniversary special and its surrounding mini-episodes helped to create a vision of Gallifrey. Moffat has been carefully building on that, producing this lovely vision of Doctor Who as a real person with at least a semi-credible reason to run off in a stolen capsule.

Time and again during the Clara era Moffat has slipped these enticing snippets of Gallifrey into the episodes. They really paid off here.


This episode just confirmed to me even more that Clara had long overstayed her welcome and seriously needed to be gone. Actually annoyed that they've left open the possibility of her returning afterall.

They really had absolutely nothing for her after she threw herself into the Doctors timeline, and in the attempts to desperately find something for her to do she just got forced into being practically the main focus of the show over and above the title character and ended up suffering from the same 'know it all better than the Doctor' shit that River Song has going for her.
Clara also had no reason, or right, to be upset at the Doctor losing his memories of her when she fucking did it to him. If you really didn't want him to forget, then don't fucking screw with the memory device. And she suddenly flipped from willing to sacrifice herself and die, to so desperate to carry on that she was willing to say "Fuck the universe and The Doctor, I'm more important".
Ugh....why can't new Who write decent female characters? Clara's only redeeming feature by this point was that she didn't inexplicably fall in love with the Doctor and try to get in his pants like the others. Really hope that the next companion (or at least 'main' companion) is a guy next time.

It was great to see a white man regenerate into a black woman though. Confirms once and for all that anyone of any race can play the role of The Doctor in future, not just a white guy.
I thought that was fucking marvellous, personally. Messy in places, sure, but one hell of a core to it.

Amongst other things, I loved the Doctor FINALLY being called out on what he did to Donna, and having the tables turned on him. It only took the show seven years!
It just occurred to me that the Doctor staged a coup and bailed and that's just sort of brushed over

That kind of shocked me as well but I guess the whole thing was just an excuse/ruse to use the timelords to bring clara back and then get the fuck out of there.

Wait, why did the Doctor need anything from the Matrix? What did that have to do with anything? It seems like he just stole a tardis from it but that seems like an awful bad place to park them. Why? What did I miss here?


Wait, why did the Doctor need anything from the Matrix? What did that have to do with anything? It seems like he just stole a tardis from it but that seems like an awful bad place to park them. Why? What did I miss here?

He didn't need anything from the Matrix, it was just a way to access the service tunnels to a Tardis hanger without being chased, or at the very least hugely slowing down his pursuers.


It just occurred to me that the Doctor staged a coup and bailed and that's just sort of brushed over

It's not the first time. Probably won't be the last.

War hero or no, I'd have a deep sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever the Doctor shows back up on Gallifrey if I were a Timelord. Seems like every time he comes home, he dethrones the current government, crowns himself Lord President just long enough to complete his current scheme and then fucks off again, presumably throwing the local government into utter chaos.

I am a little disappointed the Doctor didn't have more of a showdown with Rassilon. Hopefully, that will pay off later at least.

There was something about how the Karn high priestess called the Doctor boy...are they related somehow? It seemed familial somehow. Presumably she can't be his mother since she was one of the conciencious objectors of Rassilon's plan in End of Time, which means she's not from Karn. I don't know. There was something about it though.


Quite liked that. The scenes on Gallifrey felt like they ran three times longer than they needed, and I'm not sure what the point of the Doctor's coup was.

But the second half -- from when they reach the end of the universe -- was really nicely done. Haven't been a fan of Me at all, but I thought Maisie was actually quite good in her conversation scene with the Doctor, I liked the revelation of the Doctor AND Clara being the Hybrid (and, in the run up to that reveal, both dismissing the fan theory of Me being the Hybrid and temporarily reviving than handwaving the idea of the Doctor being half-human), and I liked the subversion of the Donna-esque resolution: it's the Doctor who forgets, rather than Clara. And then the reveal of the diner being Clara and Me's TARDIS, with the Doctor suiting up again in his TARDIS and "run you clever boy" on the chalkboard...all really well edited and perfectly scored.

I guess there wasn't much plot to this episode, and I mostly didn't care for all the Gallifrey stuff, but the exploration of what the Doctor's companions mean to him, the lengths he'll go for them, and the final send-off for both Clara and the Doctor/Clara relationship was very well done in my eyes.

Overall I think S8 was stronger than this year, but S9 had the better opener and finale.

Christmas special looks a bit balls though.
Well, this episode didn't go where I expected it! I think it was a good thing that the focus wasn't so solely on Gallifrey; you might hate me for saying it, but man, Gallifrey and the Time Lords are boring.

The first 15 minutes were nice, though. I liked how they kept him completely silent in the beginning; words are his weapon, but he used them sparingly here (side-note: it may possibly have been unintentional, but them saying "drop your weapons!" and he then lets go of his spoon was funny if you remember Robot of Sherwood). Then it got a bit boring for a while; the impeccable Doctor/Clara-chemistry pulling the work here and saving what would otherwise be quite bad. Gallifrey works better as missing and/or gone, unless you have a really good story to tell there.

Initially it was a disappointment to see Moffat be so...Moffat, and retcon the Clara-death. It would've been a fine ending for her. However, ultimately I'm ok with it because I think what they are doing instead is better. Having the end be "she fails at being The Doctor" is ok, but for her to be so characteristically Doctorish and run away from her own fate in that way, in a classic TARDIS no less, is simply too heartwarming for me to not feel fulfilled with. The "anti-Donna twist" (didn't know any better thing to call it, lol) of The Doctor getting his memory wiped instead of Clara was great, too. In the end all these events clears us from the typical "Doctor is sad because he lost a companion"-period. We sort of got that in Heaven Sent and it was great, but it's definitely the most triumphant companion exit since Martha, which means we'll have a Doctor who's already moved on in the Christmas Special and series 10, and who won't go on about Clara and how great she was when a new companion shows up.

By no means a perfect episode, but it worked where it counted, and that's the most important thing. Also, props to Murray Gold for good (though not quite as good as last week) music, and to Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman for great performances once again.

That's a really great way to put it. Plus the whole memory wiping twist arises purely because the Doctor doesn't think Clara could have reversed the doohickey. But she manages to out Doctor him.

I liked the episode over all. If you look at it as a finale to the Doctor and Clara (and Me to a certain extent) and the hybrid stuff it's pretty great. It's a really nice character study that shifts the old line of 'Clara can't travel with the Doctor because she's too reckless' to being 'the Doctor can't travel with Clara because he's too reckless'. The Gallifrey stuff was where the episode stumbled though. Like, it was missing an episode where Gallifrey had already returned and the Doctor was just popping back again. That all felt like a unnecessary nerdy top layer to the main drive. I'm presuming Moffat wrote the ep hoping to get Timothy Dalton back which is why Rassilon has such a small role and then disappears.

But I just love that Clara exit. There was a point about 40 mins in and they start discussing mind wipes that I was seriously ready to flip. When the Doctor even calls out having done it before I was internally yelling 'THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT WAS A TERRIBLE STORYLINE MOFFAT'. But to have it flipped, and to have the companion fly away in her TARDIS at the end was kinda perfect, and ties in to the whole dual nature of the season. And as JoRu says, sure, she gets a 'happy ending', but we still know at some point she has to step up and die, which makes it bittersweet.

And yeah, the new Sonic is rad. The video on the website showing off its TARDIS-lights is super cool.


I honestly don't think we'll see Clara again during Moffat's tenure so I wouldn't worry too much about her. It's just left open for Big Finish stories.

In terms of her exit it's quite a happy ending for everyone really. She now gets to live as long as she wants, choosing when to die, traveling with Ashildr. Basically one of the happiest endings for a companion I could ever think of, with the Doctor going to lengths never before seen for a companion. It does make any rewatch of Face the Raven seem not as sad now.

While Donna's memory loss was tragic for Donna and left the Doctor emotionally devastated until his regeneration, this one seems to leave the Doctor back at the status quo. So while not a happy conclusion for him it's not exactly a bad one either. At least he's not trying to destroy the universe now.
He didn't need anything from the Matrix, it was just a way to access the service tunnels to a Tardis hanger without being chased, or at the very least hugely slowing down his pursuers.

There has got to be a better plan than that. That's past clever and back around to plain stupid. Take a fucking elevator dude. The first time you stole one you just meandered into an auto shop.

I guess it was just an excuse to write a cool environment into the episode and keep the tension high. It was certainly cool, but apparently pointless to the plot.


I actually loved that, I was hoping the doctor would reset his tardis back to the classic design but I love his new sonic look's old and new at the same time.I doubt Clara orbme will he coming back though.

The Christmas special looks fun.


There has got to be a better plan than that. That's past clever and back around to plain stupid. Take a fucking elevator dude. The first time you stole one you just meandered into an auto shop.

I guess it was just an excuse to write a cool environment into the episode and keep the tension high. It was certainly cool, but apparently pointless to the plot.

I'd imagine that they'd lock down the regular entrances to anywhere that a Tardis was being kept when they know the Doctor is on the loose and looking for a way out.


Also Gallifreyan prophecies are dumb apparently. Should have been more specific and said a "A pair of travelers would destroy Gallifrey" because it's kinda a big leap to call a Doctor and a companion a "hybrid". What a useless prophecy!


I honestly don't think we'll see Clara again during Moffat's tenure so I wouldn't worry too much about her. It's just left open for Big Finish stories.

She'll probably make an appearance when Twelve regenerates. Like Ten's farewell tour, or Eleven's vision of Amy.


We're already down two series of Capaldi. Time fucking flies.

I'll take a tally here: anybody want a Christmas Special OT, or do you guys just wanna keep it to this thread? I can whip one up no problem.

Also, I'm thinking of setting up another Off-Season thread like the last one. I think it worked out pretty well before.

And a new Big Finish thread would be neat. Just a thought. Doctor Who (the member, not the Doctor) had one before, I think. There's a ton of interest for Big Finish now more than before (myself included!).
Also Gallifreyan prophecies are dumb apparently. Should have been more specific and said a "A pair of travelers would destroy Gallifrey" because it's kinda a big leap to call a Doctor and a companion a "hybrid". What a useless prophecy!

"Prophecies never say anything useful." :p
There has got
I guess it was just an excuse to write a cool environment into the episode and keep the tension high. It was certainly cool, but apparently pointless to the plot.


It's not the first time. Probably won't be the last.

I am a little disappointed the Doctor didn't have more of a showdown with Rassilon. Hopefully, that will pay off later at least.

maybe in 2017, that seemed more of a setup than anything else/

There was something about how the Karn high priestess called the Doctor boy...are they related somehow? It seemed familial somehow. Presumably she can't be his mother since she was one of the conciencious objectors of Rassilon's plan in End of Time, which means she's not from Karn. I don't know. There was something about it though.

She was in End of Time?

That kind of shocked me as well but I guess the whole thing was just an excuse/ruse to use the timelords to bring clara back and then get the fuck out of there.

Wait, why did the Doctor need anything from the Matrix? What did that have to do with anything? It seems like he just stole a tardis from it but that seems like an awful bad place to park them. Why? What did I miss here?

it's supposed to be a cool visual, but yeah, it could have just as easily been a sewer or a boiler room.

I thought that was fucking marvellous, personally. Messy in places, sure, but one hell of a core to it.

Amongst other things, I loved the Doctor FINALLY being called out on what he did to Donna, and having the tables turned on him. It only took the show seven years!

That was def one of the better aspects of the episode. Which basically gets undone by the end of the ep. "who the fuck's been using my blackboard?"

It must be a hell of a job to be a painter and decorator doing Moffat's house. "are you absolutely sure you want green, mate?" I mean, really, really sure?"
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