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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


The Amiga Brotherhood
I wonder if Capaldi is unsure if he'll be leaving seeing as, seemingly, S10 will be Moffat's last, and no-one yet knows how he or whoever takes over from him wants to leave the show.

Like, maybe the next person wants an established Doctor and a new companion, maybe they want an established companion and a new Doctor, or maybe they want a Moffat style clean slate. I don't feel like it's driven by some great Tumblr-based conspiracy to get a pretty boy in again.

Yeah, that makes sense. Combined with the problems with filming and scheduling, things are just up in the air.

I can't see him leaving after 3 though, it just wouldn't feel right.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
3 seasons really isn't enough for Capaldi. I feel like I barely know the Twelfth Doctor even after two years.

True, I think this season is one of the best New Who and it feels like the first season where we got to see Capaldi's doctor.

So two more, pretty please!! ;___;


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Three seasons is exactly what Tennant and Smith did, but for some reason it feels so much shorter with Capaldi.

I feel that it is because maybe we had too much Clara and we need a new companion for the doctor, or the stories just started getting really good and now we are on break


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I'm crazy excited for tomorrow!! I'm an unashamed River Song fan

I will be the first to admit that I am looking forward to the Christmas special just because it is River song and Silly Doctor.

If anyone can pull off a good silly Doctor, it is Peter Capaldi. It is half the reason why the episode "the caretaker" was so awesome.


Heads up: This week's Humble Book Bundle is another Doctor Who audiobook - i.e. Big Finish - bundle.

Of note: The Ten and Eleven stories from the Destiny of the Doctor anniversary collection
Phantasmagoria (Early Mark Gatiss, briefly nodded to in The Unquiet Dead. Features David Walliams!)
The Sirens of Time (The very first Big Finish Doctor Who release, with their original three Doctors (C. Baker, McCoy, Davison)

It looks like the bulk of what they're offering is the very first BF stories, 1-8 are there if you pay $15.
Heads up: This week's Humble Book Bundle is another Doctor Who audiobook - i.e. Big Finish - bundle.

Of note: The Ten and Eleven stories from the Destiny of the Doctor anniversary collection
Phantasmagoria (Early Mark Gatiss, briefly nodded to in The Unquiet Dead. Features David Walliams!)
The Sirens of Time (The very first Big Finish Doctor Who release, with their original three Doctors (C. Baker, McCoy, Davison)

It looks like the bulk of what they're offering is the very first BF stories, 1-8 are there if you pay $15.

Not that cheap then I guess. With 15 you do get access to the new Torchwood episode, so that could be cool. I haven't listened to most of these, but Marian Conspiracy is AWESOME. It's the first one with Evelyn Smythe. She kicks major ass, and again shows how we don't always need youg girl companions from modern day.
PC says Season 10 might be his final year

The original Doctor Who, William Hartnell, was only on screen from November 1963 until October 1966. He was exhausted. Patrick Troughton took over and was last seen on screen in June 1969. He and the two companion actors were completely knackered. Do you not think maybe three years is enough for any sane person?


The original Doctor Who, William Hartnell, was only on screen from November 1963 until October 1966. He was exhausted. Patrick Troughton took over and was last seen on screen in June 1969. He and the two companion actors were completely knackered. Do you not think maybe three years is enough for any sane person?
To be fair, the number of episodes they would shoot per season was kind of insane during 60s Who. Though conversely I'm sure they probably spend a lot less shooting days per episode back then.


I think Capaldi is just saying that because he hasn't signed up beyond season 10 yet. I could honestly see Capaldi going for more then 3 years since he really seems to love the role.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Yeah, tbh, the tumblr crowd loves him just as much as they did Tennant and Smith...

Yeah, it kind of surprises me.

I was worried that "older doctor" would repel many of the fangirls, but they love him as much as Tennant and Smith, even more so because of his acting chops and his less cuddly persona.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Introducing a new companion, establishing his relationship with them, and setting up his exit all in one series would be a nightmare and a huge waste.

You need a series to introduce them, and then a series for his departure with no distractions.

The show is much more character heavy with Capaldi, which is why it feels like we still don't really know him and he hasn't been around long enough.

He needs more than 3 to get the job done, and I think that's what he'll do.
Yeah, it kind of surprises me.

I was worried that "older doctor" would repel many of the fangirls, but they love him as much as Tennant and Smith, even more so because of his acting chops and his less cuddly persona.

Women and girls (and men and boys) who happen to enjoy Doctor Who may be interested in the show for reasons other than pretty faces. It's actually a great show. It has strong, optimistic themes, interesting characters and good stories (we watched Midnight today.)

But that should not surprise us. It's why we keep coming back.
I think Capaldi is just saying that because he hasn't signed up beyond season 10 yet. I could honestly see Capaldi going for more then 3 years since he really seems to love the role.

It wouldn't surprise me if he sticks around. He may well be bargaining for more time to pursue other projects, by the sound of it. That would suggest he intends to stay.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
It wouldn't surprise me if he sticks around. He may well be bargaining for more time to pursue other projects, by the sound of it. That would suggest he intends to stay.

Peter Capaldi is one of those rare talents who could easily pull off being an amazing director/musician on his free time, while being an amazing actor on his own right. What would be really cool is to see him write a Doctor Who "doctor lite" script, direct it, co-write the music with Murray Gold, and appear in it for several scenes. He is one of the few people who can pull this off well.


Yeah, it kind of surprises me.

I was worried that "older doctor" would repel many of the fangirls, but they love him as much as Tennant and Smith, even more so because of his acting chops and his less cuddly persona.

The whole theory that they wouldn't like him because he's older was based around dismissing the SHOCKING idea that "tumblr fangirls" or whatever might actually like the show.

Anyway, as for why Capaldi could think people don't like him as much as previous Doctors, I don't know, it might have to do with the fact that in every panel he's in with Moffat, the later is always asked when will the Doctor be a woman. Might as well turn to Capaldi and ask him when the hell is he leaving the job.
Add to that the less direct element of lower ratings, I get it.

Personally, I hope he sticks around till the end of series 11, at least. I highly doubt that whoever they get to succeed Moffat will mind having Capaldi still at the helm for a year.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Personally, I hope he sticks around till the end of series 11, at least. I highly doubt that whomever they get to succeed Moffat will mind having Capaldi still at the helm for a year.

Plot twist, Peter leaves his role as the doctor to take over as showrunner.

That would be pretty funny :p


The Amiga Brotherhood
The whole theory that they wouldn't like him because he's older was based around dismissing the SHOCKING idea that "tumblr fangirls" or whatever might actually like the show.

Anyway, as for why Capaldi could think people don't like him as much as previous Doctors, I don't know, it might have to do with the fact that in every panel he's in with Moffat, the later is always asked when will the Doctor be a woman. Might as well turn to Capaldi and ask him when the hell is he leaving the job.
Add to that the less direct element of lower ratings, I get it.

Personally, I hope he sticks around till the end of series 11, at least. I highly doubt that whoever they get to succeed Moffat will mind having Capaldi still at the helm for a year.

Hopefully he gets a BAFTA for Heaven Sent to cheer him up a bit.


During the Australian Doctor Who festival, during the Q&A session, someone asked Steven Moffat: "Can you bring back David Tennant?"

All I could think about was poor Peter sitting up there next to Moffat, how awkward that must be.


Capaldi should be reading reviews, seeing as they (rightfully so) praise him all the time.

Yeah, reviewers/fans usually criticize the production team and writers, not Capaldi. A lot of the fanbase love him (Peter should keep ignoring Tumblr fangirls though, that's a smart move).

He absolutely should stay through the first year of the next showrunner, it could provide a smooth transition. He's such a talented actor it would help out.


During the Australian Doctor Who festival, during the Q&A session, someone asked Steven Moffat: "Can you bring back David Tennant?"

All I could think about was poor Peter sitting up there next to Moffat, how awkward that must be.

I get secondhand embarrassment really quickly, and I'd just cringe.

I was at a Q&A session with Jenna Coleman and Karen Gillan in Toronto last summer, and it got downright awkward.


During the Australian Doctor Who festival, during the Q&A session, someone asked Steven Moffat: "Can you bring back David Tennant?"

All I could think about was poor Peter sitting up there next to Moffat, how awkward that must be.

Ugh, I think I saw that on Youtube. Just fucking gross.


Not that cheap then I guess. With 15 you do get access to the new Torchwood episode, so that could be cool. I haven't listened to most of these, but Marian Conspiracy is AWESOME. It's the first one with Evelyn Smythe. She kicks major ass, and again shows how we don't always need youg girl companions from modern day.

Well, if the buyer just wants a BF taster, pay-what-you-want gives you 1-3 plus the 10 story. The average is really high - $13 - so you might as well ignore that and go straight to $15 if you want more. In terms of RRP, I think the old BF stories are about £2 each, the Destiny ones £3, so I think you're getting a good deal in that regard


During the Australian Doctor Who festival, during the Q&A session, someone asked Steven Moffat: "Can you bring back David Tennant?"

All I could think about was poor Peter sitting up there next to Moffat, how awkward that must be.

What a waste of a question.
During the Australian Doctor Who festival, during the Q&A session, someone asked Steven Moffat: "Can you bring back David Tennant?"

All I could think about was poor Peter sitting up there next to Moffat, how awkward that must be.
Doctor Who fans doing Q&A- not even once.


During the Australian Doctor Who festival, during the Q&A session, someone asked Steven Moffat: "Can you bring back David Tennant?"

All I could think about was poor Peter sitting up there next to Moffat, how awkward that must be.

Should've asked about John Barrowman tbh


I was at a Q&A session with Jenna Coleman and Karen Gillan in Toronto last summer, and it got downright awkward.

I don't know anything other than I don't think I could even watch footage of this due to suspected insane cringe factors reached

Seriously. I'm not even going to google it.
In my experience, at least, Q&As with the actors aren't too bad, lacking social skills notwithstanding. Questioners tend to be well-meaning, at least, and awkwardness tends to come from over-enthusiasm with the odd bit of creepiness.

Writer Q&As, on the other hand, get really nasty- there are a sizeable portion of hardcore Who fandom who have absolutely no respect for the people who make it, and have no issues at all with saying so. The writers Q&A at the Festival with Moffat, Whithouse and Mathieson that I saw last month was genuinely, acutely uncomfortable.


The whole theory that they wouldn't like him because he's older was based around dismissing the SHOCKING idea that "tumblr fangirls" or whatever might actually like the show.

Anyway, as for why Capaldi could think people don't like him as much as previous Doctors, I don't know, it might have to do with the fact that in every panel he's in with Moffat, the later is always asked when will the Doctor be a woman. Might as well turn to Capaldi and ask him when the hell is he leaving the job.

Well if Moffat wants to give the "tumblr fangirls" something to freak out positivaly, choosing an actress to replace Capaldi would be THE way to go xD

But not now ... because Capaldi deserves better scripts than he is receiving
I watched The Angels Take Manhattan today.

My eyes went for a bit of a swim at the end.

Amy addresses her daughter as Melody in her final words. It's a subtle detail that Moffat fails to miss.


Speaking of River Song, have we still ever found out how she got the screwdriver from Silence in the Library? It doesn't look like any of the screwdrivers the Doctor has had yet.


Well if Moffat wants to give the "tumblr fangirls" something to freak out positivaly, choosing an actress to replace Capaldi would be THE way to go xD

But not now ... because Capaldi deserves better scripts than he is receiving

But my point is that the people so many dismiss and describe condescendingly as just "tumblr fangirls" actually like the show and Capaldi as well.

Anyway, personally, I'd like to see the Doctor played by a woman, maybe even as soon as the 13th Doctor. I just think it's really rude and inconsiderate from people to keep asking that question when Capaldi just got hired.
Hell, Moffat just gets visibly pissed off at this point, and I can't blame him. How much clearer can he make it that the Doctor could indeed change gender!


The 'H' stands for hentai.

I legit smiled at that, 12 is too awesome.

I know I will like this "silly" Christmas Special.

Hell, Moffat just gets visibly pissed off at this point, and I can't blame him. How much clearer can he make it that the Doctor could indeed change gender!

Very true, Matt Smith alluded to gender changing during regeneration. Then the Master went from Man to Woman in the last regeneration. Then in Hell Bent we saw a gender changing regeneration on screen for the first time ever.

So yes, it is entirely possible for 13 and beyond to be a female doctor. Hopefully not Jenna Coleman though :p


Happy Holidays WhoGAF! Can't wait for the Xmas special hope you are all having a good time.

Also just found out that John Guilor played the voice of William Hartnell in the 50th Anniversary special.. mind blown..


Rupert Booth for guest star please!
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