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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


Will the Christmas be stand alone or will you need to have watched the whole season leading up to it?

Christmas specials in general are usually pretty stand-alone. Sometimes the season finale leads into them, like in The Snowmen where The Doctor's irritated behaviour makes better sense if you've watched prior episodes, but it doesn't seem to be the case this time. There'll probably be several call-backs to season 9, but the gist of it is supposed to be fun and understandable even if you don't follow the show extensively.


Why are The Silence so enigmatic and changing? Because it's fun.
Evidently you're in the minority (at least here) on that one.

There's a way to portray things changing as a result of the time travel in Doctor Who. There's a way to portray the time-line resisting change in Doctor Who. Those things have been done before perfectly well and nobody complained. The Silence are not perceived that way, making a huge grand multi-episode plot about <thing> and then dropping it next episode multiple times is not perceived that way, explaining a cliffhange/plot hole with "Lol I'm the Doctor" over and over again is not perceived that way. It just frustrates a lot of people because it comes off as lazy and/or fickle.
Will the Christmas be stand alone or will you need to have watched the whole season leading up to it?

It will probably help if you know who River Song is. Otherwise Doctor Who Christmas specials tend to be undemanding. They're going for a relatively broad audience this year, if the cast of guest stars is any indication.
Evidently you're in the minority (at least here) on that one.

There's a way to portray things changing as a result of the time travel in Doctor Who. There's a way to portray the time-line resisting change in Doctor Who. Those things have been done before perfectly well and nobody complained. The Silence are not perceived that way, making a huge grand multi-episode plot about <thing> and then dropping it next episode multiple times is not perceived that way, explaining a cliffhange/plot hole with "Lol I'm the Doctor" over and over again is not perceived that way. It just frustrates a lot of people because it comes off as lazy and/or fickle.

I notice that this kind of nitpicking turns up here a lot, and it's funny in an eye-rolling way.

Today I visited a close relative and as usual a Doctor Who story was shown. On this occasion it was a back-to-back showing of Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead. It's an old favourite, but these days we have so much Matt and Peter to watch that a David Tennant episode is becoming quite a rare event. It's a very good episode, very solidly directed. River's perplexity and dismay at meeting Ten and not being recognised beautifully foreshadows her confession to Rory in The Impossible Astronaut. "I live for the days when I see him, but I know that every time I do, he'll be one step further away. And the day is coming when I'll look into that man's eyes, my Doctor, and he won't have the faintest idea who I am. And I think it's going to kill me." That's great writing, whether you watch it forwards or backwards.

I miss the trappings of the Davies/Gardner era. I never failed to watch Doctor Who Confidential, and always tried to see the long version shown after the first broadcast of each episode. I used to love the commentaries you could listen to on the website while you watched the catchup.

I grow tired of people calling unresolved details "plot holes," which they're not. I grow tired of people saying this show isn't being written to their exacting and highly specific standards, as if they knew any better than the current production team how to move it forwards. I grow tired, increasingly, of people who launch personal attacks against writers because an episode wasn't to their taste or a series didn't fit into some procrustean formula.

I enjoy the grandiose moments and the "oh no I've gone too far yet again" moments. I love the fact that none of this makes any more sense than it did in that junkyard the day after the Kennedy assassination. I am proud of the show.

I could nitpick about episodes if I wanted to, but I don't see how that would improve anybody's enjoyment or appreciation of the show. I dislike some episodes that others love and vice versa. But my overwhelming feeling is that it's a really great show.

I missed most of Tom Baker's episodes because I was too busy being a young man, and I don't feel any urge to watch them now, though for most people including me his portrayal is the most recognisable. For me the best Doctor Who is always the current one and the best stories are always the ones that present a new vision of an old friend.


I grow tired of people launching personal attacks against me, calling me vile, inhuman, and disgusting for not liking certain aspects of a TV show, but maybe that's just me.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Don't mind Tony, that's just his Pride Of Britain Awards speech for remarkable achievements in watching a television show.


Still can't get over how incredible Heaven Sent is.

Moffat's finest moment in S9 along with his anti-war speech that elevated The Zygon Inversion.

I hope the Christmas special is tons of fun, A Christmas Carol may be the best but I think it's the right move to go with a light-hearted ep. I'm not expecting something amazing.
I forgot we had a Christmas episode coming. It's probably either the fact that I've barely enjoyed any of them, or that I've barely enjoyed anything with River Song

I can't remember if two things with a 10% chance of me enjoying them adds up to a 20% chance, or if it doesnt change, or if you multiply them together and get 1%, or do you divide and get 100%
Catching up on this thread, I think the theory of why Season 6 didn't work for me is a good one. I also dislike River being Amy and Rory's daughter, for the reasons stated plus the fact that she's a more interesting character than the Ponds.

Also, any use by me of "Moffatism" isn't imbued with any hatred. It's just shorthand for repeating aspects of his work, same was I'd use it with any other creator. I don't hate Moffat. I just dislike the direction he took the show and the things he emphasizes/deemphasizes. It's an opinion, not hatred. I'm not invested enough in the show to hate anybody over it.

Now, on to fun stuff-- this is a link to an imgur album of a friend of mine who makes replicas of the Sonic Screwdrivers. Are they not beautiful? I'm not a huge fan of the Sonic conceptually, but I gotta say these are amazing: http://imgur.com/a/0aDLK



Also, any use by me of "Moffatism" isn't imbued with any hatred. It's just shorthand for repeating aspects of his work, same was I'd use it with any other creator. I don't hate Moffat. I just dislike the direction he took the show and the things he emphasizes/deemphasizes. It's an opinion, not hatred. I'm not invested enough in the show to hate anybody over it.

This. I'm pretty sure you can use the term "RTDism" as well to describe certain things in the early seasons and you'd be equally justified in doing so.
Heaven Sent is, I think, the finest episode of the show there's been next to Midnight, writing wise. I don't think it necessarily resembles the best of Doctor Who in terms of what Doctor Who typically is (for me, that's probably still The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit which has a solid mix - space base, companion/Doctor sentimentality, Doctor love for human ingenuity, both prosthetic AND CG creatures, lots of deaths, and both the companion and the Doctor saving the day in their own ways) but as an individual piece of writing (and indeed execution) it's probably the best the show has delivered. It's nuts.


Picked up the 2nd series of 8th Doctor stories from the Big Finish Main Range. $120 :( :( :( :(

Listened to Scherzo over my commute yesterday and I thought it was a great story. While the bizarre nature of the Divergent universe is not really scientifically believable, the story does a great job of making it at least fucking weird. The decision to make basically nothing happen in the first two parts pays for me, as I wanted time to come to terms with the weird reality as much as the Doctor and Charley did. The ending face-off between Doctor/Charley and the sound creature is disturbing and horrifying.

That said, I could really do without the Doctor/Charley love stuff. I think it's done little more than strip down Charley to nothing but that since it started up. In this episode, she doesn't contribute anything except for pine for love and/or family. I feel like we're so far gone from the Charley I admired in Storm Warning and the Stones of Venice.

The Doctor's personality has also been quite harmed over the last few episodes. He explicitly says this episode that he does not sulk, but I think he's done pretty much nothing else since Neverland. I don't like this new, moody Eight. Even his fascination for the Divergent Universe is tempered by a nihilism and petulance that doesn't suit.


Heaven Sent is, I think, the finest episode of the show there's been next to Midnight, writing wise. I don't think it necessarily resembles the best of Doctor Who in terms of what Doctor Who typically is (for me, that's probably still The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit which has a solid mix - space base, companion/Doctor sentimentality, Doctor love for human ingenuity, both prosthetic AND CG creatures, lots of deaths, and both the companion and the Doctor saving the day in their own ways) but as an individual piece of writing (and indeed execution) it's probably the best the show has delivered. It's nuts.

This mirrors my thoughts exactly. I also think it's so special because, besides the great writing, it excels in basically every area. Direction is great, cinematography is great, the set is great (perhaps except for one or two of the castle areas), music is great, acting is outstanding. It was obvious the entire production knew what a special script it was and delivered accordingly.


Heaven Sent is, I think, the finest episode of the show there's been next to Midnight, writing wise. I don't think it necessarily resembles the best of Doctor Who in terms of what Doctor Who typically is (for me, that's probably still The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit which has a solid mix - space base, companion/Doctor sentimentality, Doctor love for human ingenuity, both prosthetic AND CG creatures, lots of deaths, and both the companion and the Doctor saving the day in their own ways) but as an individual piece of writing (and indeed execution) it's probably the best the show has delivered. It's nuts.

Got to agree. It's in my tricefta with Blink and The Girl in the Fireplace. Just really, really good TV with scene chewing acting.

Plenty of other great episodes, but these are award winners that rise above the rest.
Minor note about the Season/Series Nine DVD + Blu-Ray sets, they'll include both last year's Christmas Special and this year's. That doesn't usually happen, does it?
Minor note about the Season/Series Nine DVD + Blu-Ray sets, they'll include both last year's Christmas Special and this year's. That doesn't usually happen, does it?


Implications of nothing before 2016's Christmas special there then.

EDIT: At least that means no dicking about with the double Christmas special, unlike Series 7 where they weren't going to include both until fans started kicking off.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Catching up on this thread, I think the theory of why Season 6 didn't work for me is a good one. I also dislike River being Amy and Rory's daughter, for the reasons stated plus the fact that she's a more interesting character than the Ponds.

Also, any use by me of "Moffatism" isn't imbued with any hatred. It's just shorthand for repeating aspects of his work, same was I'd use it with any other creator. I don't hate Moffat. I just dislike the direction he took the show and the things he emphasizes/deemphasizes. It's an opinion, not hatred. I'm not invested enough in the show to hate anybody over it.

Now, on to fun stuff-- this is a link to an imgur album of a friend of mine who makes replicas of the Sonic Screwdrivers. Are they not beautiful? I'm not a huge fan of the Sonic conceptually, but I gotta say these are amazing: http://imgur.com/a/0aDLK

I still think the 11th Doctor's sonic has my favorite sonic screwdriver design. The newest one is growing on me though. Your friend makes amazing replicas. I thought they were props or something for a second before reading your post.


One of the interesting things I noticed in Hell Bent was the shot of Clara's extraction... how it directly mirrors the shot of 10 in Pompeii that was specifically called back to in Girl Who Died. What I love about that is how throughout the season most of the arc chatter has been focused on who/what/hybrid when I think the arc is really about the lengths he will go to and costs of the Doctor saving people, that more than the hybrid goes all the way back to the first trailer with the major ripples of the arc beginning in Girl Who Died.

Better yet: the person on the receiving end of the Doctor's hand here? Peter Capaldi.

One of the interesting things I noticed in Hell Bent was the shot of Clara's extraction... how it directly mirrors the shot of 10 in Pompeii that was specifically called back to in Girl Who Died.

Well spotted.

I don't think I could rank the Christmas specials because, with the possible exception of The End of Time, I don't really watch them as often as the normal episodes. This article does what I can't.


There are a few surprises there, but I don't have any vehement quarrels with the order.

I suspect my favourite Christmas special so far might well be Last Christmas, but perhaps that's simply because it's among the few I've watched in the past year. I do remember being particularly impressed at the time.
Had no idea what to ask for this Christmas, so bought myself a Sonic screwdriver... There's no excuse or rationale. I wanted a Doctor Who toy.

And Lego Dimensions was just too much :(


New clip from the Christmas special. (It's the whole "there's a medical emergency" bit from the trailer)
Looks like they reused the Trap St. set. I feel like they should've shot it a bit differently, because even with the changes they made, it just feels like we're back to Face the Raven xD

Had no idea what to ask for this Christmas, so bought myself a Sonic screwdriver... There's no excuse or rationale. I wanted a Doctor Who toy.

And Lego Dimensions was just too much :(

I think I found Lego Dimensions for half off during black friday. Really couldn't justify it even for $60. I'd much rather buy that Lego set, at least it won't drag me down an expansion packages rabbit hole.
PC says Season 10 might be his final year.


Capaldi has already committed to a third year in the role, but nothing is set in stone after that.

“This could be my final year – it’s terrifying. I love Doctor Who but it can be quite an insular world and I do want to do other things. There will come a time when this is over. But I knew that when I started. I was thinking about my regeneration scene from the outset. That’s my terrible melancholic nature. When you accept the job you know there’ll come a day, inevitably, when you’ll be saying goodbye.”

Capaldi says that he doesn’t read reviews but he admits that comments about his appointment and performance over the last two years have filtered back.

“Some feel good and some feel bad. I always think that if you’re Doctor Who, somebody somewhere’s going to love you. That’s comfort. But if people don’t like me there’ll be another one along in a minute. It’s only Doctor Who – and I say that with the greatest of respect and affection. It’s not a life-threatening illness.”

Does he mind the criticisms about his age? “No, because every Doctor should be different from the last one. If you want exclusively young, sexy guys, to me that’s not Doctor Who. You want occasional ones like that – but then some other eccentrics.”

Fucking shippers and Tumblrs, man...


Jeez I hope not. I love Capaldi in the role, and it still feels like he just started yesterday. Can't blame Capaldi because his reasoning makes sense of course, but still. I was hoping for at least 2 or even 3 more seasons. If he needs a break for that to work and we'd really have a year without Who I would be totally fine with that.


i say he goes two more seasons then calls it quits. Demanding job and big time commitment, but this season he found his stride in playing the doctor and he can't waste that with only one more season. But 4 seasons as the doctor and an exit is good.

My head says 4 and out, but my heart says do it till you absolutely hate it and go 5-6 years but I just don't see Peter doing it for that long.


My head says 4 and out, but my heart says do it till you absolutely hate it and go 5-6 years but I just don't see Peter doing it for that long.

Meh, Tom Baker had some terrific times as the Doctor, but he continued to the point where he hated it and it really showed on the screen. He did 7 seasons, but he really should have quit at least a year earlier than he did. I'd rather he would have quit on a high point.

That said, yes, 3 seasons does seem too short for Capaldi.


I feel 3 seasons would not be enough for Capaldi. He can't leave before delivering another Zygon monologue or another Hell Bent. In all honesty, I would prefer to watch lots and lots of those moments but I will take what I can have, if he feels he doesn't have fun anymore, who are we to disagree?
I always assumed it would be three seasons for Capaldi. He just seems like the type of actor who would be in demand and have difficulty sticking with one series for too long. He's obviously in love with role though and wants to make it work as best he can.

I want more.
I wonder if Capaldi is unsure if he'll be leaving seeing as, seemingly, S10 will be Moffat's last, and no-one yet knows how he or whoever takes over from him wants to leave the show.

Like, maybe the next person wants an established Doctor and a new companion, maybe they want an established companion and a new Doctor, or maybe they want a Moffat style clean slate. I don't feel like it's driven by some great Tumblr-based conspiracy to get a pretty boy in again.
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