Armando Iannucci please.
Yes, yes and yes. I hope Capaldi is pushing Moffat to get him on board.
Armando Iannucci please.
It's nothing to do with Arrow. Arrow showrunners are big DW fans, said they'd give him time off. Moffatt ain't interested right now.
I would be fucking over the moon with these two. Like best episodes of Who ever.Random guesses for the two writers:
- Edgar Wright (he's a fan, and after Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Jessica Hynes he should complete the Spaced quartet Yes, I know he's more famous for being a director than a writer, but let me dream)
- Charlie Brooker. It's no secret that he's a big fan of the show, and he hinted in the past that he might try to write an episode for Capaldi's Doctor. Would be my absolute favorite, the man is a genius and would fit the show extremely well.
I'd adore Charlie Brooker writing an episode, but he's knee-deep in his extended Black Mirror Netflix series. I'm not holding my breath.
oh, and season 6's problems are all Moffat, tony, sorry. No surprise that the best episodes in that season are the ones which are largely self-contained. Moffat for me doesn't pull himself out of his post-Eleventh Hour slump until Name of the Doctor. MAYBE Asylum of the Daleks if you can overlook the Moffatisms.
Please, Universe, give me one season of Doctor Who were Johnatan Hickman is a lead writer, or has influence on the direction and the "meta-events" on the show.
Heck, just let him write a few episodes. Please.
I've never understood where this quite baffling vehemence comes from. I can only imagine you have no idea how ridiculous it sounds.
If we're talking comic writers, I'd like to see Dan Abnett write for DW. Dump Harness and put him in the regular rotation.
Look it's got to be Grant Morrison if we're getting any comicbook writer besides Gaiman.
Not sure if this really qualifies as "news", but apparently series 10 will feature two new writers and if Moffat told us who they were, our brains would explode.
I'm not seeing any vehemence in that (very mild) criticism, I must say.I've never understood where this quite baffling vehemence comes from. I can only imagine you have no idea how ridiculous it sounds.
I marathoned the whole of NuWHo through the 50th without much exposure to fandom, so any vehemence I have comes as an honest reaction to what I saw on the screen.
Moffat's made great strides, but Season 6 was mostly a mess.
I'm not seeing any vehemence in that (very mild) criticism, I must say.
The Silence is an unknown evil that blew up the TARDIS.
BUT ACTUALLY they're an alien race that's been on earth for centuries because everyone forgets them
BUT ACTUALLY they're a religion that was founded in opposition to the Doctor.
BUT ACTUALLY the ones fighting the Doctor are a splinter order from the main religion. The true religion is kind of good.
And I actively dislike River Song being Amy Pond's daughter.
It's one aspect of fandom that is truly raw and hateful. There's no reasoning with it. It's just "he's crap because I don't like what he does." Pure, irrational hatred.
I've never understood where this quite baffling vehemence comes from. I can only imagine you have no idea how ridiculous it sounds.
Not sure if this really qualifies as "news", but apparently series 10 will feature two new writers and if Moffat told us who they were, our brains would explode.
Don't be so absurd. We've spent years in this thread arguing about what precisely it is that we do and do not like about Moffat's very distinctive style, and for you to say that people with criticism are just being hateful is frankly crass.
I vote Charlie Brooker (Black Mirror)
And yet the term "moffatism" is what we get. Even if you ignore it, the raw, unreasoning hatred which is so characteristic of fandom is there.
Call me crass if you like, but I won't let this disgusting behaviour just slide by without comment.
Look at this, Moffat laughing at Capaldi being assaulted, I hope none of you will let this disgusting behaviour just slide by without comment.
That's really not funny for guys who have been strangled by curly haired women, like myself.
Sort of. It's a heavily overlaid word. Moffat's view of time travel is a little more fully fledged than most. The more you tinker with time, the more it squirms to resist your efforts. There were always stories like this. Now there are entire series arcs about it.
I vote Charlie Brooker (Black Mirror)
The constantly shifting explanations about the Silence aren't the results of tinkering with time travel, though, they really are just retcons: it's one thing, then it's another thing on top of that first thing, then it's a third thing on top of those first two things, etc.
My take on the Christmas episodes, as well as other Whovians I work with, is that its Christmas, its a one off, a light hearted romp for an hour is fine.
They will never come close to the GOAT A Christmas Carol, so let's just have some fun for an hour or so and not take it so seriously!![]()
While I do want something that lines up to the greatness of A Christmas Carol, I generally enjoy Doctor Who Christmas specials. It's really a great way to cap off my Christmas day.
I really liked Last Christmas, thought it was one of the best episodes of last series.
If it had ended with Old Clara it would have been brilliant actually.