So, I really liked the episode. Genuinely believe it could end up being one of my Capaldi favorites.
First of all, unlike the first episode the pacing was on point. The episode didn't really veer off-course at any moment (again, unlike the first part which was all over the place). Probably the only scene that felt "out of sync" with the rest of the episode for me is when the Doctor briefly escapes from Davros only to return after some meaningless dialog about looking for Clara - I think it would have been better if he'd stayed trapped with Davros the whole time, but then again at least it set up the chair gag.
All Missy/Clara scenes were great. At some point I caught some of the 11th Doctor in Missy, no doubt people love her. Clara was ok, she felt very disoriented throughout the episode.
The Doctor/Davros parts of the episode were the best thing about it though. I loved the dialog between them - Capaldi is definitely getting used to the role and I don't mind him channeling Tennant a bit - I feel like he has achieved a perfect balance between the character he established in S8 and and who he's trying to be now. Anyway, their exchange was great and on second viewing I could even see how the Doctor let down his guard when he did, even if he had a backup plan prepared. The Davros actor did a really good job - some really memorable lines.
And I don't really mind the Dalek "dictionary" thing. I'd assume that everytime we've seen a Dalek speak of anything other than hate (like in Into the Dalek or Proto Clara) is because they were able to beat their programming or were faulty in some way - Clara was inside the suit for like 6 hours tops - if there's a way to override the "translation software" she wasn't going to figure it out within that timeframe. There really was nothing that messed with the established lore, which is surprising for Moffat. I mean, maybe the "hybrid" legend thing, but I don't mind it that much. I wonder if Dalek/Time Lord hybrids are a thing now?
Oh, and the music was great too. Also, I'm a fan of the sunglasses. I say he can keep them, though I wasn't a fan of the TARDIS regeneration thing. It would have been better to reuse siege mode somehow - I really liked that concept and hope it isn't going to be forgotten forever.
Overall, very satisfied. Will watch again.