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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

God I reeeeally hate Rose's whole girl crush on the doctor and her constant crying that leads to really stupid decisions. (I'm at the end of S2).

Fuckin hope Mikey doesn't go back to this chick man.


The start had me kinda hoping that this would be a Missy-centric episode, with her eyes replacing The Doctor's in the opening like Clara's did last season.
She stole the show regardless, but still it would have been fun.

Also I hope that the Sonic Sunglasses go the same way as the Fez. Hopefully with Clara having enough of them and crushing them under her heel, ala River and Amy double teaming the Fez


I like a lot of this episode, but I will say this: I'm beginning to fear, after two episodes, that they're making a misstep with Capaldi. The guitar/tank goofiness, the sunglasses - he's a bit different to last year, essentially a bit more Tennant/Smith-ish - I assume a reaction to some of the negative words on his attitude from some fans and press, especially in the UK where some papers pegged it to the ratings slump & said he was too old and grumpy - but I'm starting to get the feel (admittedly only two episodes in) that it's diluting some of what made him so fresh and magnificent last year. When he was allowed his darkness in these stories he really shone, and I hope he's allowed to fester in that more in the coming weeks.

PS: I'm really hoping this 'what did you really flee Gallifrey for/confession dial' isn't this year's 'arc'. Can we have an arc again that isn't all specifically about the universe revolving around the Doctor? Every year -- his prison, his death, his death again but now with a secret -- and then anything with the Master is always about 'them' ultimately; S3 was too. I yearn for something disconnected from him like planets disappearing from space that he stumbles into again.
They've been roomy for years:


That one you have to blame on RTD.

Talk about one picture being able to bring back nightmares.

I like a lot of this episode, but I will say this: I'm beginning to fear, after two episodes, that they're making a misstep with Capaldi. The guitar/tank goofiness, the sunglasses - he's a bit different to last year, essentially a bit more Tennant/Smith-ish - I assume a reaction to some of the negative words on his attitude from some fans and press, especially in the UK where some papers pegged it to the ratings slump & said he was too old and grumpy - but I'm starting to get the feel (admittedly only two episodes in) that it's diluting some of what made him so fresh and magnificent last year. When he was allowed his darkness in these stories he really shone, and I hope he's allowed to fester in that more in the coming weeks.

PS: I'm really hoping this 'what did you really flee Gallifrey for/confession dial' isn't this year's 'arc'. Can we have an arc again that isn't all specifically about the universe revolving around the Doctor? Every year -- his prison, his death, his death again but now with a secret -- and then anything with the Master is always about 'them' ultimately; S3 was too. I yearn for something disconnected from him like planets disappearing from space that he stumbles into again.

Ya know, there was a moment where Capaldi was talking to Davros and I was like 'Wow he's totally Tennant-ing'. Something about his mannerisms and speech patterns was very 10th Doctor. And I do wonder if thats just Capaldi himself responding to last year. He seems to subconsciously draw on other Doctors, and I imagine he wants to be a bit...smoother this year. Not necessarily softer, just not as harsh. And I agree with you, that would be a shame, because that really made S8 feel fantastically uncomfortable. Into The Dalek, while being mostly throwaway, will always stick with me thanks to that antibody scene.

And re: arcs lets be honest, the planets/bees disappearing was only an arc as much as a couple of very odd, obscure mentions. Rose was more of an arc for S4. The trouble is to make a good finale you need high stakes. Which either means the Doctor is in mortal danger, the companion is in mortal danger, or Daleks. So its kinda hard to not have an arc revolving around him.


Sorry everyone, playing a bit catch up. What did Missy say about her Daughter and the Pin she was given? I couldn't understand at all.
I really enjoyed that episode. The bit about the Dalek vocab was brilliant.
Gonna watch it again later today.

why can the Dalek armor seat a human being if it was designed to hold watermelon-sized blobs

Humans fitting inside Daleks goes back to the very first Dalek story when 6" something Ian Chesterton fits inside one. There's another 70s story with a Thal woman inside one.

But yeah, it is silly. But also, it is fun.


The episode was just in the okay zone up until the regeneration energy scene. I hated that bullshit before and still hate it here. I don't know how I feel about the sonic screwdriver change. I could use less of it and its million functions in future episodes, sure, but if they keep overusing it via the sunglasses it would probably suck more. Guess it's wait and see.

The episode, just like the first one, was full of great short scenes, dialogue, funny and clever quotes and good performances. The
"other chair in Skaros"
was great. I just didn't like the main story. Episode 1 was better in the regard, but in this one... meh. It doesn't really help that the Daleks pose no threat whatsoever. Unfortunately they have to use it at least once every season, because they could really take a break.


I thought the second part was solid but once again a very predictable quick "fix" to the events. I feel like the stories truly are becoming "samey" which is unfortunate. Still solid though.

Not sure how I feel about the Sonic eyeglasses. Could be funny but could also become annoying and dumb if used to much. I do hope they bring back the sonic screwdriver eventually.



Hope he does get his sonic back in some form. I mean, the big problem is you can't see his eyes with shades. And he's an actor, so...

And obviously they can't have Davros reform. He's one of the Rogues Galler-- I mean, the Doctor's Arch-Nemesese. If Davros reforms, he has to die.
I was a little iffy on last weeks episode but I really like how they pulled everything together this week. The subversion of last weeks cliff hanger bullshit and Davos' sudden face turn worked really well as did the mercy ending. Missy was obviously a star throughout.

I'd agree that they're making Peter too much of a goof. Though after tonight's episode episode addressed a lot of the things that concerned me in the premier I hope that they're doing it to actually lead up to something.
Better than the first episode. The stuff with Missy/Clara was great and the stuff with Doctor/Davros was pretty good too. I was worried that they would have Davros go out like a punk, but nope.

Sonic Sunglasses are the dumbest idea ever.

Missy really got me liking her this episode though. She reminded me a lot of the Alex McQueen master, like a LOT. He was the best part of the latest Eight Doctor stuff, and it's nice to see some of that spark here.
At the very least, Moffat's aim of making the Daleks have a greater impact on this show seems to have worked. As far as Dalek episodes go -that is episodes with Daleks in them- this is one of the best yet, and it's probably the best since the shows return.

Admittedly, yes, there are faults with the conclusion, but I felt like this is a step up from the typical Exterminate extravaganza modern-who is known for. I do wonder if the long dialouge sequences will be lost on children, but they played far better with me than any action scene.


Better than the first episode. The stuff with Missy/Clara was great and the stuff with Doctor/Davros was pretty good too. I was worried that they would have Davros go out like a punk, but nope.

Sonic Sunglasses are the dumbest idea ever.

Missy really got me liking her this episode though. She reminded me a lot of the Alex McQueen master, like a LOT. He was the best part of the latest Eight Doctor stuff, and it's nice to see some of that spark here.

I dunno, think how many pairs of cheap ass sunglasses you can sell to kids and crazy fans? Must be a lot cheaper to make a shitty pair of sunglasses than a Sonic Screwdriver toy that lights up and makes sounds.
I liked that two parter. Michelle Gomez is hilarious and absolutely terrifying at the same time. I love it!

Sounds great, I guess she was just as good in part 2 then. :)

That's why I've loved her so far too. She's been great!

"We on the other hand have a pointy stick." :D Let's get started!


I was actually wondering if they were going to go through with it and kill off Davros for a while there. So mission accomplished I guess.

Also what a waste of regeneration.

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like Moffat is overstuffing the storylines to their overall detriment?

This two parter had some great ideas in it, but it also had a bunch of half-baked ones all kind of piled-up on top of each other with the end result being less than the sum of its parts.

I feel that he's far to enthralled with making everything bigger and more overblown than it needs to be, and the show is suffering for it.

Moffatt needs to start exercising a bit of restraint, particularly in an editorial sense.
I thought that having two part back would fix his "Lol I wrote 2 episodes of material and stuffed it into one" problem but in the end he just started writing 3 episodes of material instead.


can already see the sunglasses being sold in comic shops this holiday season. Not a bad thing because they look good at least.

Another good episode, I enjoyed it very much.
I was actually wondering if they were going to go through with it and kill off Davros for a while there. So mission accomplished I guess.

Also what a waste of regeneration.

I thought that having two part back would fix his "Lol I wrote 2 episodes of material and stuffed it into one" problem but in the end he just started writing 3 episodes of material instead.

Really? I felt that the opposite was true, I felt that part 1 was largely superfluous, and could have really been cut without losing much. ,


Really? I felt that the opposite was true, I felt that part 1 was largely superfluous, and could have really been cut without losing much. ,
I guess you could actually argue both since most of the problem stuff in episode 1 could've been cut but some of it also could've been fleshed out


So, I really liked the episode. Genuinely believe it could end up being one of my Capaldi favorites.

First of all, unlike the first episode the pacing was on point. The episode didn't really veer off-course at any moment (again, unlike the first part which was all over the place). Probably the only scene that felt "out of sync" with the rest of the episode for me is when the Doctor briefly escapes from Davros only to return after some meaningless dialog about looking for Clara - I think it would have been better if he'd stayed trapped with Davros the whole time, but then again at least it set up the chair gag.

All Missy/Clara scenes were great. At some point I caught some of the 11th Doctor in Missy, no doubt people love her. Clara was ok, she felt very disoriented throughout the episode.

The Doctor/Davros parts of the episode were the best thing about it though. I loved the dialog between them - Capaldi is definitely getting used to the role and I don't mind him channeling Tennant a bit - I feel like he has achieved a perfect balance between the character he established in S8 and and who he's trying to be now. Anyway, their exchange was great and on second viewing I could even see how the Doctor let down his guard when he did, even if he had a backup plan prepared. The Davros actor did a really good job - some really memorable lines.

And I don't really mind the Dalek "dictionary" thing. I'd assume that everytime we've seen a Dalek speak of anything other than hate (like in Into the Dalek or Proto Clara) is because they were able to beat their programming or were faulty in some way - Clara was inside the suit for like 6 hours tops - if there's a way to override the "translation software" she wasn't going to figure it out within that timeframe. There really was nothing that messed with the established lore, which is surprising for Moffat. I mean, maybe the "hybrid" legend thing, but I don't mind it that much. I wonder if Dalek/Time Lord hybrids are a thing now?

Oh, and the music was great too. Also, I'm a fan of the sunglasses. I say he can keep them, though I wasn't a fan of the TARDIS regeneration thing. It would have been better to reuse siege mode somehow - I really liked that concept and hope it isn't going to be forgotten forever.

Overall, very satisfied. Will watch again.


Really? I felt that the opposite was true, I felt that part 1 was largely superfluous, and could have really been cut without losing much. ,

I agree. The whole thing could've been turned into a much more consistent 1.5 hours-long first episode without losing much just by cutting half of the first part, easily.


The one thing that really bugged me in the episode though. Has the HADS ever worked like that before? Because I was under the impression that it's supposed to just move somewhere else.

It's nice that Davros has finally figured out not to trust the Daleks though after they keep murdering him and/or putting him in a home

I want Michelle Gomez to be around as long as possible.
LOL You keep saying that but you keep not dying

Edit: Damn that's a good scene with the Doctor and Davros.

Edit: What about when I come out? I have no idea...YIKES Missy!
Those were some impressive dodges Missy!

I want Michelle Gomez to be around as long as possible.

So much this.


Is there a Doctor Who 2005 cast that matches or surpasses this one? I had never seen an episode before season 8. I watched some season 6 episodes now and I like the cast way less.


It's like Clara's story is doing a 360. While not the same I'm remembering Asylum of the Daleks a lot here. This is actually pretty disturbing when I see Clara's expression and thinking about what's she going through right now.


Good conclusion to the two-parter.

I wasn't sure where they were going with Davros reforming, but his scenes with the Doctor were great. Davros starting to tear up and switching off his eyestalk caught me off-guard, I didn't think he'd go that far.

Missy is insane. And her scenes with Clara were tense, just because of how her mentality just clashes with the events happening. It was genuinely hilarious for me that Clara fell for Missy's "look over here" trick to get her identified and handcuffed in the Dalek sewers. I figured she'd be more hesitant after being pushed down the hole. Same thing when Missy told her to get in the Dalek. I guess the other option would've been Missy killing her or something. But "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" came into play.

I also like the lack of sonic screwdriver. I'm assuming, with Davros now in possession of it, he's getting a new one at some point this season. I don't think sonic sunglasses will survive after a few episodes, but I wouldn't mind if they kept the sonic screwdriver away from the Doctor for a few episodes.
LOL Missy takes the opportunity to poke him in the eye.

Edit: That second to last scene... Damn, that was ice cold Missy.

And yeah, it was kinda weird Clara went along with getting in the Dalek so easily after two times already getting messed around with by Missy.
Also, I suppose Clara was too scared and/or too worked up to try thinking "open" sometime earlier? I suppose that's okay enough.

That's a cool looking preview. Those isolated places tend to be quite interesting.


Assuming the Doctor saved him as a young boy, it'd make sense for a dying Davros to bring the Doctor back to save him again.
Not a bad guess after all, and a pretty good opener all things considered.

Though they never did explain what boy Davros was doing out there in the first place.
That was pretty good. Loved the scenes with davros. Season is definitely starting off better than the previous one

Oh, and the bit where missy dumps clara down the hole made me laugh more than it probably should have
Just started S3, question if it's spoilerific then just say so

Doctor's new companion (Freema Agyeman's character) uh...she was in last season's final episode working at Torchwood before the Cybermen killed her. So why is she alive now or were the roles unrelated? Probably a really dumb question since the new season didn't start immediately when the old one ended so vast majority of people don't even remember the 3 minutes she was in said episode. Either way happy to see her, I really like her.


Just started S3, question if it's spoilerific then just say so

Doctor's new companion (Freema Agyeman's character) uh...she was in last season's final episode working at Torchwood before the Cybermen killed her. So why is she alive now or were the roles unrelated? Probably a really dumb question since the new season didn't start immediately when the old one ended so vast majority of people don't even remember the 3 minutes she was in said episode. Either way happy to see her, I really like her.

This question is answered on the first episode of series 3.

Adeola is Martha's cousin.
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