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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

The mercy thing also makes no sense since clearly they don't have mercy. Some great deja vu with Clara inside a Dalek though.
Yeah, the uncomfortable callbacks to what happened to Oswin really hit in that sewer / graveyard.

I thought the Daleks knowing mercy (remember it was in the Big Bang episode too with a murderous River Song) was because of what the Doctor did afterwards, saving Davros.


I need to wait for it to become available on Iplayer to confirm, but there seemed to be a transition between the 6th and 11th Doctors during the black and white sequence. It was when Missy said "It doesn't matter which one he currently was" or something to that affect.

I swear it looked like a child.
The Daleks not being able to say certain words thing perplexes me, as the one in The Big Bang begs for mercy (which I always thought was a terrible moment) and the one in Dalek does in another manner, screaming "have pity," so hmm

I need to wait for it to become available on Iplayer to confirm, but there seemed to be a transition between the 6th and 11th Doctors during the black and white sequence. It was when Missy said "It doesn't matter which one he currently was" or something to that affect.

I swear it looked like a child.

It was Hartnell. 4>1>12.
I thought that was properly fabulous, myself.

That scene with the Doctor and Davros at the sunset is straight in amongst the all-time greats, double crossing be damned.

Also, Missy was brilliant. Make her a companion!


The Amiga Brotherhood
I think that's a great couple of episodes, most interesting it's been for a while.

BBC have changed their schedule for tomorrow by the way, and are showing both back to back in the afternoon as a feature-length episode.


Davros scenes felt totally inspired by Alan Moore Killing Joke finale.

The Daleks not being able to say certain words thing perplexes me, as the one in The Big Bang begs for mercy (which I always thought was a terrible moment) and the one in Dalek does in another manner, screaming "have pity," so hmm

Moffat made it blindingly clear in "Day of the Doctor" that he only cares about continuity when it benefits his script idea.

Best not to think about it too hard I guess


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like Moffat is overstuffing the storylines to their overall detriment?

This two parter had some great ideas in it, but it also had a bunch of half-baked ones all kind of piled-up on top of each other with the end result being less than the sum of its parts.

I feel that he's far to enthralled with making everything bigger and more overblown than it needs to be, and the show is suffering for it.

Moffatt needs to start exercising a bit of restraint, particularly in an editorial sense.


I need to wait for it to become available on Iplayer to confirm, but there seemed to be a transition between the 6th and 11th Doctors during the black and white sequence. It was when Missy said "It doesn't matter which one he currently was" or something to that affect.

I swear it looked like a child.

I thought it went 4th, 1st, 12th
Moffat made it blindingly clear in "Day of the Doctor" that he only cares about continuity when it benefits his script idea.

Best not to think about it too hard I guess

Maybe only the "superior" New Paradigm Daleks can say pity, eh? So superior they've been now completely quietly shelved for the embarrassment they were


Kinda liked the idea of Davros repenting. Shame it didn't come to pass, but it makes sense I guess. He'll be back in a few years.

Not sure how I feel about sonic sunglasses though.


I really don't like the sunglasses. It's like Moffat invented a way to hand wave things away without requiring any actual hand to be moving.

Every time he puts them on it will grant him Moffat Vision--the ability to see plot holes and walk through them.
No "evil" person thinks they're evil though.

I disagree with that statement, though I agree in the specific case of Davros. But the fact is he went through the time war and came out the other end unchanged, I don't think some quiet musing on Skaro is going to do the trick. It's just unbelievable, which is why I'm glad it was a trick (even though the resolution was lame).
I disagree with that statement, though I agree in the specific case of Davros. But the fact is he went through the time war and came out the other end unchanged, I don't think some quiet musing on Skaro is going to do the trick. It's just unbelievable, which is why I'm glad it was a trick (even though the resolution was lame).
Yeah I guess, its just the performance was so convincing (which I guess was the entire point).


I wish they'd had the balls to actually have Davros reform. That part was so uncomfortably touching where they were both laughing. Instead we get "BWAHAHA HYBRID" that I feel has been definitely done before (in the New York one?)

The mercy thing also makes no sense since clearly they don't have mercy. Some great deja vu with Clara inside a Dalek though.

Davros asked for mercy from the 7th Doctor in Remembrance of the Daleks.. i think, i've not seen that episode in about 10 years or maybe 20
Seriously so annoyed they couldn't just let Davros be repentant.

People actually wanted this?

What exactly would we do with a repentant Davros? He created a horrible dominant force that has laid waste to hundreds of planets. Davros himself has spearheaded a campaign to destroy the universe.

It would have been a pathetic end for the character. There would actually be no coming back from that.

I liked that it was a ruse even if it was telegraphed. That's Davros.

The Doctor coming back and saying I knew you were doing it all along was a bit silly. I wish he was caught off guard and had to deal with the fact that his compassion actually made things worse.

I never liked a repentant Davros.
Maybe he made new imperial daleks

Well, the Special Weapons Dalek was there...
I forget whose side that was on

Nah, I loved the angle of "oh, thanks for rebuilding our army Davros, now stay in the basement" in Journey's End. Shame to see it replaced with "BROWNNOSE. DAVROS. BROWNNOSE. DAVROS." in this.
So the Clara Dalek in Asylum can say whatever she wants, but she can't here? That whole plot point was just dumb and, along with the awful resolution, really dragged down that episode, which otherwise had a lot of good moments.

Plus the pointed stick, which felt like a massive chekhov's gun, but was just forgotten about.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
So the Clara Dalek in Asylum can say whatever she wants, but she can't here? That whole plot point was just dumb and, along with the awful resolution, really dragged down that episode, which otherwise had a lot of good moments.

Plus the pointed stick, which felt like a massive chekhov's gun, but was just forgotten about.

I also liked how Missy conveniently wears something that can pierce Dalek metal.

but then there's the "only other chair on Skaro" gag. That was brill.
Enjoyed that much more than last week mainly because it had no set up stuff to get through. Just lots of juicy Davros/Doctor and Missy/Clara scenes to get through (Which I guess answers who the apprentice and familiar are).

Never thought I'd genuinely care for Davros. Glad it was all a ruse but when he's tearing up about Gallifrey...man.

Kinda tired of praising Gomez at this point but she deserves it. Presuming she'll be back with a Dalek army later in the season. And maybe with Davros as her new pet.

Still trying to work out what the season's themes are. Kinda been trained to just look for keywords or wait for end of episode cutaways but there weren't either. Next week looks like a cross between Satan Pit and 42 which are perhaps the two extremes of quality so we'll see how that goes :)
Some great Davros scenes. Probably his best on-screen dialogue since Genesis of the Daleks.

If anyone else is interested in the character, I really recommend the Big Finish audios "Davros", "The Davros Mission" and "I, Davros". Some fantastic background material for the character, absolutely none of which contradicts his portrayal in the show.

He's a monster, but an interesting one. Especially when he is not in control and has to adapt to survive.


I liked that better than last week's. Great stuff!

The climax was a bit eh and huh (The Doctor expected that Davros would go all weepy and manipulate him into using regeneration energy? Davros' plan was a bit far-fetched to begin with, that was just taking it one step further), and the scene with Clara trying to convince The Doctor not to kill her dragged on and didn't have the intended tension to me. But I loved the lead-up to it all and the final scene concluded it nicely.

Phenomenal acting by all, especially Capaldi and Bleach, who got the best scenes. I think it was brilliant how they made you at first think "oh, this is obviously a trap", but as it went on you slowly started to believe it might not be, before pulling the rug out from under you at the perfect moment.

Pacing was a lot better this time around, the scenes were allowed to grow and develop as they went along. When that happens; even when you get scenes like the very first one, that in terms of story is just "how we escaped!", it's enjoyable because it has a good flow and is written well.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
That'd make sense if they didn't then immediately go "PRAISE DAVROS" over and over.

Honestly, that plus Clara being way too comfortable with co-operating with Missy felt so off.

"You've tried to kill me twice in the last half hour, Missy"
"Lol I know I'm slacking"
"Give me a stick"
"Fuck off Clara ya wank"
"Sorry Missy"
"Get in the Dalek"
"Yes Missy"
That was....


Just all fell a bit flat, really. Perhaps it works better as part of a larger whole. Nice performances, but the ending is just - there.


Missy was perfect. I would actually like for the Doctor to take a break and have Missy be the "Doctor" for a season constantly turning going back and forth in saving and trying to kill her companion. Would also ask for a smart and interesting enough companion that Missy want to keep and that she can't successfully kill when she tries.
Honestly, that plus Clara being way too comfortable with co-operating with Missy felt so off.
I think that happened thanks to the trust to the Doctor. Clara is used to just doing things that seems illogical and work out in the end, because there is always a bigger plan in the end. She really needs to get used to Missy's bigger plan doesn't involve her necessary alive. I think Missy did her "Consider the Doctor" thing for that very purpose. There is a bigger plan and Missy showed with the one time she saved her from the Daleks that she is one of bigger plans. Clara just can't handle Missy.


Davros scenes felt totally inspired by Alan Moore Killing Joke finale.


Last 4 episodes are killing joke inspired with Missy being a pale homicidal maniac with red lipstick in a purple suit that loves, yet hates the protagonist while flippantly offing people.

My wife and I thought it was pretty scatterbrained, even by who standards. Glad others enjoyed it more.
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