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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons

I love Clara but it's a good time for her to leave. If only because DW fans get antsy if they haven't got either a new companion or new Doctor to speculate over.

Speaking of which, if the 2016 gap year rumour is also true I doubt we'll get a proper full-time companion anytime soon. I have to imagine it'll just be guest stars a la Tennant's specials.

I think eventually though the new companion will probably be like Catherine Tate - a fairly well known actress who is also slightly older. I think the risk of casting someone older and not instantly recognisable is that it might alienate a younger audience. I suddenly thought of Joanna Lumley and then cried a little inside because that will never ever happen.


Soo, what's exactly going on with AMC and Doctor Who? Or is the BBC just wants Doctor Who to be syndicated everywhere?

Seeing as how in a report the BBC recently talked about how they were selling Doctor Who in more markets worldwide then any other show they have I'm guessing it's just because they are trying to get it syndicated as many places as possible.
Excitied for the new season.

Loved Clara, but I think is time for her to go. Thats the beautiful thing about Doctor Who (and why I laugh of the girls in the group were we usually talk about Doctor Who, of hating Clara but wanting Tennant to return everytime they open their mouth), that characters come and go, and you are never bored. I loved some of the past actors, but I will never want them to return for a full role in the series if it isn't for a special, or stories in audiobooks.

Thanks for the prologue. Love Capaldi's Doctor.



Ah good, everyone can see it now. I speculated about some of the hints towards the future earlier in this thread, but some other observations:

- Can anyone identify the Doctor's shirt?
- Capaldi increasingly starts looking like Doc Brown from Back to the Future. Forget Lego Dimensions, we need Christopher Lloyd in Doctor Who.
- Is 'I was looking for a bookshop' a reference to a previous
story, or just a thing he was doing inbetween?
- Capaldi is the best.


I'm looking forward to the new season! I have been really enjoying Capaldi's Doctor so far, but I think I'll be happy to see Clara go (assuming she does this time). I liked her with Matt Smith, but didn't care much for her character last season.


Doctor Who stars Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman talk season 9 and the best way to drive a TARDIS


For die-hard Doctor Who fans, it can seem like a very long wait for new episodes, especially for those without a time-traveling police box at their disposal. But with the ninth season premiering this Saturday, the Doctor is nearly in. We sat down with the show’s stars Peter Capaldi (going into his second season) and Jenna Coleman (going into her third — and last) to discuss their experience scampering around the universe for another year.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: You are filming your second season together. How’s the working relationship now?
PETER CAPALDI: Us personally? [Sighs and rolls eyes] I can barely stand to be here with her.
CAPALDI: Jenna’s fabulous. I always like when we get back to the TARDIS and it’s just us. We have huge adventures where gigantic things have happened, but personally I’m always most pleased when we are doing our stuff in the TARDIS.

So at this point have you fiddled with all the various buttons and levers?
COLEMAN: I have. Peter has a system and a method. I like to press things, and Peter looks very disapprovingly at me.
CAPALDI: I’m like, “Get your hand off of that! That’s
 not what that one does!” I thought it was important 
 to have a logic to the switches, so I worked out a rough geography of what each one does. The thing about the TARDIS is that it has a telepathic and organic quality about it as well as a mechanical one.

Sure, like a Prius.
CAPALDI: Exactly. So it has a relationship with each individual Doctor. So one can alter the purpose of a specific switch.

Would you ever ask Jenna, “How did the last guy do it?” Or is that like asking about an ex?
CAPALDI: Pshaw! I’d never ask how to work the TARDIS. Ever. Never need to. When I first arrived, the props man very kindly showed me around the TARDIS and showed me how to operate it and I didn’t want to say, “You don’t have to show me any of this stuff, I know exactly how to drive this beast.”

What does season 9 look like for Clara and the Doctor?
COLEMAN: They’ve become adrenaline junkies. Especially Clara. She doesn’t fear her own mortality in the same way anymore, so with that reckless abandon comes quite a lot of danger. Especially when you have two 
 similar minds without the person to say, “You guys…”

CAPALDI: I think they’re very bonded. The Doctor’s quite a tricky part to play because, if you go back to Chris Eccleston’s first episode, he says that he could see all that ever was and all that ever is and all that ever will be and that drove him mad. I took that to mean that he could see the future and the past, so he knows the fate of his companions, and that’s quite a difficult knowledge to have. So this season especially, he’s decided to enjoy what good times are available to him. You only live once, even if you’re 2,500 years old. So grab it and embrace it and hold it tight, because it’s dark outside.
COLEMAN: Scottish doom!

CAPALDI: She says I’m full of Scottish doom.


Lol, Capaldi's so sassy.

Also, sad to see Jenna leave but it was expected and a good time to do so. Clara as a character has been hit-and-miss so far (though mostly hit in series 8 IMO), but definitely the most well-acted companion the show's had.


Gonna miss Clara, I loved her in season 8.

With the titles of the last 2 episodes of season 9, I have a feeling there will be some really stupid
Danny reunion in heaven
or some shit like that.

I am watching Genisis of the Daleks for the first time today, and this totally looks like Skaro with the mist and the gas masks.



I'll miss Clara, but it is indeed time to move on. I just wish they changed the ending completely for the last Christmas special. Not a fan of old-person makeup ever, and the whole thing could've easily been handled better when plans changed and they decided to keep her longer.

Excited to see what they do as an exit this time, though I doubt it'll top the ending of series 8. Moffat will make it hurt, regardless :(

Anyway, who are we liking for next companion? It's Shona, right? Shona will be great.
I just hope, for fuck's sake, they don't bring Osgood as a companion...
I'll miss Clara, but it is indeed time to move on. I just wish they changed the ending completely for the last Christmas special. Not a fan of old-person makeup ever, and the whole thing could've easily been handled better when plans changed and they decided to keep her longer.

Excited to see what they do as an exit this time, though I doubt it'll top the ending of series 8. Moffat will make it hurt, regardless :(

Anyway, who are we liking for next companion? It's Shona, right? Shona will be great.
I just hope, for fuck's sake, they don't bring Osgood as a companion...

I'd be down with Shona. It really felt like they were setting her up for something at the end of Last Christmas.
I just hope, for fuck's sake, they don't bring Osgood as a companion...
I honestly disagree, I think she could be a great companion, her character just need a few tweaks, and the journey could get really interesting.

She's obviously insecure about herself, spending her entire adult life being obsessed with the Doctor, and after Clara leaves, and River Song does the trademark "Don't travel alone v2 Redux Edition", he decides to make good on his promise, and take on Osgood. Throughout her tenure, she discovers that travelling in the TARDIS isn't as glorious as she originally thought, that people get hurt a lot, and as she travels she comes into herself more, and gets more confident in herself, and leaves the TARDIS on her own accord, she could be a mirror for a lot of people that watch the show.

I think it could be nice to see a character progression like that ala Martha.


I honestly disagree, I think she could be a great companion, her character just need a few tweaks, and the journey could get really interesting.

She's obviously insecure about herself, spending her entire adult life being obsessed with the Doctor, and after Clara leaves, and River Song does the trademark "Don't travel alone v2 Redux Edition", he decides to make good on his promise, and take on Osgood. Throughout her tenure, she discovers that travelling in the TARDIS isn't as glorious as she originally thought, that people get hurt a lot, and as she travels she comes into herself more, and gets more confident in herself, and leaves the TARDIS on her own accord, she could be a mirror for a lot of people that watch the show.

I think it could be nice to see a character progression like that ala Martha.

Eh, I'm one of the Moffat fans, but I think having Osgood as a constant companion would take it a bit too far. That fangirl-bit would get annoying real quick, and it's a well they go to too often (they even did it on Sherlock as well - I don't like it when they play to the internet/tumblr crowd so obviously).

I'm just hoping for someone new. Someone who can function a bit more independently from the Doctor - I'm not a Donna-fan because I don't like the shouty comedy (just my personal taste, don't kill me!), but I do like the general idea behind her. Shona would work well in that regard actually, because with her you have someone who's own life seems to be a bit of a mess and a disappointment, and someone who wouldn't mind leaving that all behind without having to fall in love with the Doctor. Someone who needs the travelling more than she needs the man who makes it possible, of that makes any sense. ,


Clara should have left last year, she has really overstayed her welcome. I hope she leaves before the finale, I don't want it to turn into the Clara show.

The next companion can be anyone as long as we don't get another woman from 21st century england. Make it someone from the past, the future, another planet or *gasp* a man! We had Rory but as great as he was, he wasn't the main companion, he tagged along because of Amy.


Haven't been reading this thread much, but so damned happy to see Clara leaving. I mean we'll still have to endure her in at least part of S9, but S10's wide open for a huge improvement.


Kills Photobucket
I don't know why I was thinking the season started next Saturday.

Happily surprised!

Have avoided most spoilers, though I've heard about some things. Can't wait for more Capaldi.


Just saw someone post about this on GB, I think the BBC messed up and showed a trailer for The Witch's Familiar just before, on iplayer it cuts off because the next programme isn't allowed to be streamed. (I assume, or they realized they played the wrong trailer)

Don't click if you don't want a SUPER SPOILER



I just hope, for fuck's sake, they don't bring Osgood as a companion...

I'm confused.... didn't she die?

I mean I know death isn't an absolute end all in a series like this but still bending the rules to bring someone back is usually reserved for a main character not a bit part that you want to make into a main character o_O


I bought series 7 Blu-Ray last August for like $28. Series 8 has less episodes and still hasn't been on sale. Lowest I've seen it was $55 for 12 episode and no Christmas special. Shame because I really want to pick up series 8 but can't afford that high of price.
I bought series 7 Blu-Ray last August for like $28. Series 8 has less episodes and still hasn't been on sale. Lowest I've seen it was $55 for 12 episode and no Christmas special. Shame because I really want to pick up series 8 but can't afford that high of price.

Won't go on sale for a while as the new series hype will drive people to buy it. Will be reduced for Xmas though.
I bought the bbc shop collectors edition Blu Ray with the tardis blueprint cover and a tardis sound effect. That one was on special offer.

Has loads of special features. Really enjoy it.
I'm confused.... didn't she die?

I mean I know death isn't an absolute end all in a series like this but still bending the rules to bring someone back is usually reserved for a main character not a bit part that you want to make into a main character o_O

Remember Osgood has a Zygon duplicate. But which one died?


Just saw someone post about this on GB, I think the BBC messed up and showed a trailer for The Witch's Familiar just before, on iplayer it cuts off because the next programme isn't allowed to be streamed. (I assume, or they realized they played the wrong trailer)

Don't click if you don't want a SUPER SPOILER


Not gonna click that. Not. Gonna. Click. I can be strong, only a couple more hours until it airs (although I can guess what it would be I suppose).

Can't wait for this. Throwing another party tonight, as usual when Doc Who starts again (or has a finale). Best show in the world bitchesss

See you all on the other side!


Yooooooooo can't wait for later!

I've been listening to Big Finish audios during the off season

Adric and Turlough will return.
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