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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


Interesting that the BF stuff is coming rather sooner than I was expecting. The tone of the rumour made it sound - to me - like everyone had to agreed to it, they just weren't sure when they could get people together to do the recording, and it might yet be some way off.

In that regard, May is much sooner than I was anticipating. And I daresay that this will allow them some Christmas presales!

Death and the Queen

Blake Ritson (Rudolph), Alice Krige (Queen Mum), Beth Chalmers (Hortense), Alan Cox (Death)

Please let her secretly be the Cybercontroller.


Huh? The drama stars the 10th Doctor, no one said anything about the 11th??

Psssh you can keep your Geronimo!



I wasn't a huge fan of The Woman Who Lived. Mostly because of the Lion Man. It was good to see the Doctor off on his own with Clara for once, but outside of his moments there wasn't that much for me. I am not a big fan of Ashildr in this one, but maybe next time I see her it I'll change my mind. At one point someone yells something along the lines "A Lion Man!" in the middle of the chaos, and it made me laugh. I don't think that was a good part.
David Tennant needs to get more work damn it!

Dude is awesome.

Well... looking at hsi wiki page and he does seem to get plenty of work but he needs to be in something I have actually watched.
I have not kept up with that but I heard he is in it as the bad guy?

I have zero idea what the story around Jessica Jones though. No exposure to that at all.

In Jessica Jones he basically plays a serial rapist creep who uses mind control to get what he wants. He's had a few roles like this in the UK, as full-on creeps, and he's really very good at it. He should be great in that, but if it's like any of his other similar roles you might find it hard to swallow if you're most familiar with his grinning, gurning Doctor.


I'm of the opinion that the best Doctors are actors who might often be cast as villains.

Troughton having had the delightful opportunity to do that within Doctor Who!

It's one reason Davison is a bit of a damp squib to me. There's no 'edge' there. That Tennant makes a good creep is unsurprising.

While you wouldn't call him villainous, I thought Davison was quite good as a flawed character in At Home With The Braithwaites.
I'm of the opinion that the best Doctors are actors who might often be cast as villains. It's one reason Davison is a bit of a damp squib to me. There's no 'edge' there. That Tennant makes a good creep is unsurprising.
Hmmm can't say I can see Smith as a particularly ferocious villain, but I don't really think I've seen him in anything outside of Who.

On the subject of those Christopher Eccleston# storyboards from Day of the Doctor; as much as John Hurt was a revelation and I'm glad he was added to the lore, I'd always have preferred the original plan. Day of the Doctor seems to have one Doctor too few. And the archive footage of Eccleston they purposely uses just adds insult to injury.


Hmmm can't say I can see Smith as a particularly ferocious villain, but I don't really think I've seen him in anything outside of Who.

On the subject of those Christopher Eccleston# storyboards from Day of the Doctor; as much as John Hurt was a revelation and I'm glad he was added to the lore, I'd always have preferred the original plan. Day of the Doctor seems to have one Doctor too few. And the archive footage of Eccleston they purposely uses just adds insult to injury.

Matt Smith did do an American Psycho musical after Doctor Who and was also a villain in that terrible Terminator movie that came out this year.
Just finished episode 7 of season 6. I jokingly guessed the twist. Still watching it's execution was pretty cool.

Amy still annoys the fuck out of me, Rory slightly less.


Matt Smith seems to be trying to crack into Hollywood by way of bit roles.

I haven't seen anything he's been in since after Doctor Who, but I hear his Terminator role is a bit more significant than what it appears:
He's Skynet right?

He's also in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies coming up, too. And he was also in Lost River (not a big movie).

Quickly looking up Wikipedia, it looks like he has a leading role in a movie next year called Patient Zero, and it's American-produced.
I haven't seen anything he's been in since after Doctor Who, but I hear his Terminator role is a bit more significant than what it appears:
He's Skynet right?

No matter how you look at it, he was still only in the movie for a few minutes, though. Supposedly, he was going to get a bigger role in the sequels, but there aren't going to be any sequels.
Here's some early storyboards from The Day of the Doctor featuring Eccleston:

It also shows that presumably at the stage he was involved the order was a bit different, as it depicts 9 jumping through the portal from the barn to end up with 10 and Elizabeth, rather than 11. There's also no 'Bad Wolf' but instead a generic little girl, presumably because they probably wouldn't have wanted to have shown Chris and Billie together to avoid undermining Series 1, the same way she never interacts with Tennant.

The fact that they were at the storyboard stage suggests that he maybe declined a fair bit later than everybody originally thought, and at least for a while courted the idea rather than gave a flat no right away.

Im so fucking mad at Eccleston. He is basically fucking up a character because he doesnt give a shit. Its like the only way to safe the 9th doctor is having him on comics or a videogame with someone doing his voice.
I loved Eccleston in the new series start, he was amazing, but fuck, as much as I love the war doctor retcon this would have been amazing, already seeing this panels makes me hyped.
Im so fucking mad at Eccleston. He is basically fucking up a character because he doesnt give a shit.

Why should he? He was taken on for a single year contract, and it doesn't sound as if he enjoyed it. Why do so many fans of the show think past actors owe them _anything_? I thought the John Hurt storyline worked very well, too.
It would have been great if Eccleston was in the 50th anniversary episode obviously but even if he was I would have hoped they kept the War Doctor.

Never liked the idea of a already existing doctor being the one who did the Time War dirt that got tossed around since it never suiting any of them.

I dont think anything was lost or ruined by him not returning then but it would have been nice if he did.
I wish CE wasn't a grump and did the 50th too, but Moffat retconning the War Doctor into the mix really made jerkass post Journey's End 10 make a lot of sense. Of course he raged agains the dying of the light in the End of Time. He did have so much more to do.

Big Nikus

Hmmm can't say I can see Smith as a particularly ferocious villain, but I don't really think I've seen him in anything outside of Who.

Matt Smith did do an American Psycho musical after Doctor Who and was also a villain in that terrible Terminator movie that came out this year.

He also played a creepy murderous psychopath in Lost River (didn't like the movie though, but Smith was good).


Seeing how she's still here after so many seasons, I honestly can't wait until she gets an awful ending -- which actually will probably be less awful than any of the others' endings.

The only modern companions to have had less time as a companion than Clara are Martha and Donna. She's just about to overtake Billie, and still well behind Amy/Rory.

I'm not sure that really fits "so many"


The only modern companions to have had less time as a companion than Clara are Martha and Donna. She's just about to overtake Billie, and still well behind Amy/Rory.

I'm not sure that really fits "so many"

I think it feels longer because she first appeared at the start of series 7 and then that got split in two.


I honestly still really like Clara. I mean, I'm looking forward to Capaldi getting his brand new own companion, but I think she gets better and better after a rocky start back with Smith.

My girlfriend already started tearing up at the end of the last episode, when the Doctor said 'I missed you, Clara Oswald' etc (she knows she's leaving). The actual moment when she leaves my girlfriend is going to be a mess. First companion departure for her. Also she cries easily when it comes to certain movies/tv shows :p. Capaldi showing genuine, vulnerable emotion always get her tears going. I guess it reminds her of her boyfriend, who is also normally a grumpy robot who only opens up to a very rare group of people he trusts ;).
For me Clara isn't so much a good companion as she is a part of a fantastic Doctor/companion pairing. Her and Capaldi just work so well together. But on her own, interacting with other people....eh. I think that's why they're emphasising the Doctor losing her so much, because its the loss of that relationship, rather than the loss of the character, that will be heartbreaking. She's mainly saved thanks to Jenna just repeatedly knocking it out of the park, but I think she can't shake off her uneven foundations to be great in her own right.

It's kind of the inverse problem I have with the 10th Doctor and Donna. Together, I'd happily watch them in just about anything. But the 10th Doctor on his own...
Just received an email whose subject line started with "Doctor Who: Mark Gatiss now announced for..."

I shat myself thinking it was going to be showrunner, just about him attending this fan festival. Phew.


Just received an email whose subject line started with "Doctor Who: Mark Gatiss now announced for..."

I shat myself thinking it was going to be showrunner, just about him attending this fan festival. Phew.

I'm going to the Australian fan festival in a few weeks. Pretty hyped. Photo with Mark Gatiss is like $30 lol.


Oh man, this finally turned up today and it is stunning.

There is so much detail and concept art in here, utterly gorgeous.

Out of curiosity, exactly how much artwork is included with the Classic Dr. Who series? I would assume most of the book would focus on the new series, given most of the materials would be better preserved.


The only modern companions to have had less time as a companion than Clara are Martha and Donna. She's just about to overtake Billie, and still well behind Amy/Rory.

I'm not sure that really fits "so many"

I think it feels longer because she first appeared at the start of series 7 and then that got split in two.

She's got (as of TWWL) two total. Half - roughly - of Series 7, all of 8, half of 9.

Time-wise she's already surpassed every other New Who companion as the 'primary' companion, is the thing. (Dec. 25th, 2012 - Oct. 25th, 2015 = 2 years, 9 months; next closest is Amy at Apr. 3rd, 2010 - Sep. 29th, 2012 = about 2 years, 6 months.) And by the time she leaves she'll have been in two and a half series and four specials as the primary companion, across almost three full years. Add to that that one of those specials was the 50th anniversary, and you can see how she leaves an impression.

Of course if you account for after-leaving guest appearances and the like, Rose and River take the cake (and Sarah Jane's the one baking it), but basically the reason it feels like Clara's been around so long is that she really has been around so long.

I am going to miss Clara, though. Her character suffered from a terrible case of the writers not knowing what to do with her (especially in series 7!), but Jenna's put a hell of a lot of work into the part, and her chemistry with Capaldi across the last two series helps smmoth over the rough patches in characterization.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
The only modern companions to have had less time as a companion than Clara are Martha and Donna. She's just about to overtake Billie, and still well behind Amy/Rory.

I'm not sure that really fits "so many"
Feels longer because of the mid season breaks. Too long.

I've been ready for someone new since the previous season.
The banter with Sam Swift before the hanging was hilarious. Didn't think a dick joke would ever crack Doctor Who, and here we are.

I'm only just watching this episode now. I'm enjoying it a lot. The "well hung" joke really took me by surprise, I'm kind of impressed they managed to keep that one in.


So according to Digital Spy in their weekly set of teasers, the upcoming episode has something of a political slant (An episode about resettling people without the knowledge of the native population? Surely this can only be the most apolitical of storylines!)

It's about the only thing that worries me given Harness... does not have a good record with that sort of thing.


What if Gatiss turns out to be the the anti-moffat? As in, his standalone episodes are meh, but he can do an incredibly intriguing overarching storyline
I'm only just watching this episode now. I'm enjoying it a lot. The "well hung" joke really took me by surprise, I'm kind of impressed they managed to keep that one in.

When I consider that the situation is that a man is about to be executed in a rather brutal manner, I find it difficult to feel any empathy with anybody who might have objected to mild sexual innuendo. We've not yet been so thoroughly colonised by the puritanical silliness of our cousins across the pond.
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