Would be funny if they do kill off clara and leave it ambiguous as to whether it was her or a zygon
Thought the episode was fine, nothing too special. It had both ups and downs, but judging from some of the reactions here you'd think it'd killed your dog or something.
I'm baffled at the responses here. I wasn't expecting anyone to be blown away with excitement, and apart from a few great scenes (especially near the end) neither was I, but some of you seem genuinely offended by it, quality wise. I can't possibly see where that would come from. It was a good set-up episode, with an easy-to-follow plot; decent atmosphere; some good character moments and references; and a nice cliffhanger. There were lesser moments, sure, but none that I really took notice of or would consider "bad".
The Zygons are predictable in their ways, but I thought their strength as villains; that creep factor when posing as humans, was used well. Way better set-ups than in Day Of The Doctor. My fear is that, because they are one-trick-ponies, the second episode will suffer in this area because they've already played that card several times already and it was getting over-done by the time the New Mexico-officer inevitably revealed herself.
I liked the look of the episode, and with a solid if unremarkable Murray Gold-score. While not particularly dense in detail I liked the different locations. The high amount of extras was refreshing too for a Moffat-era episode; the episode reminded me a little bit of the series 4 two-parter with Martha. Lots of UNIT-stuff, alien invasion, and with an "evil Martha" to boot. This one was more polished, though (the higher production values help a lot). I feel dumb for not seeing that "Zygon Clara"-twist coming, I can understand if it was totally obvious to others, but I am glad I didn't, everything's so much better when you get surprised. Thought that was a well-executed moment (sexy evil Clara isn't so bad, either!).
So, anyway, yeah, that was pretty subpar. The Doctor had like all the effect of a Doctor Who standee. He just kinda walked into scenes, stood there, and scowled at things ineffectually. The worst being the raid on Zergistan or wherever. Firstly: No way he rolls like "Try not to kill a bunch of them" as if its fait accompli (he's the PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD so far as they're concerned, why isn't he throwing weight. This Doctor LOVES to throw weight.) Secondly, no way he signs off on a plan that consists of "Everybody run up on a church front door, and then stand there to be talked out of getting Osgood by obvious false copies."
Basically, the entire scene is completely, 100% bullshit. AND it's unnecessary, because you could simply have the Doctor decide to bail to the town BY HIMSELF as a means to beat UNIT to the bombing, only to find out the Zygons have already abandoned it after killing a bunch of people, and left Osgood under the floor. So that way you have a Doctor who is still in character, is actually proactive and employing his own agency, and you completely sidestep that uninvolving, poorly acted horseshit.
The rest of the episode is more or less okay: Slow-paced setup that doesn't really hit the notes it quite wants to hit, but is at least setting up a decent part two (hopefully). But holy shit, everything having to do with the Doctor from the second he arrives in that staging area from the moment he has the conversation with Osgood is just ass.
Ugh, seeing Gretchen Egolf in this reopened up the Journeyman wounds.
If the mummies boy soldier weren't already dead, he'd be so fired. How utterly dumb can you be?
Doctor Who use to be one of my favorite shows of all time but now there is NO story arc at all and just very average monster of the week episodes that are not even that good. What happened to this series? :/
How have you missed the obvious story arc they've been hammering into us all series?
"You mean like a HYBRID!!!????"
What story arc are you referring to?
Doctor Who use to be one of my favorite shows of all time but now there is NO story arc at all and just very average monster of the week episodes that are not even that good. What happened to this series? :/
I will just say that letting soldiers die for a possible tactical/intelligence advantage is kind of Twelve's thing.
Moffatt better have something AMAZING up his sleeve to make me ignore the fact that the Doctor has been the source of several important hybrids already in the new series aloneEvery episode this season has referred to a hybrid at least once.
"Hybrid" is this season's "Bad Wolf."
Nobody knows how it's gonna tie into the finale, but everyone can tell "hybrid" is going to have something to do with it.
If this weren't doctor who, I'd have dropped it years ago. I'm just holding out hope that someone new will take over before I can't take it anymore
Sounds like the first 35 years of Doctor Who
I've just watched this week's episode, The Zygon Invasion. I've got to say this is some of the strongest storytelling I've seen in some time on Doctor Who. I wasn't expecting much after Harness's Doctor Who debut. Kill the Moon was in my opinion the weakest episode by far in the last series, which was a disappointment given Harness's established track record.
I must admit I'm baffled by all the reactions here. I thought this was a remarkably assured, convincingly dark and intriguing set-up for the two-parter as a whole, but some of you guys seem almost personally offended by how bad it was.
The biggest complaint that I'm seeing is that UNIT were terrible at their jobs which, yeah, no shit, it's UNIT.
I've looked around at a lot of different places, and GAF is the only place I've found with such a widespread tepid reaction. That's what baffled me so much. Even Gallifrey Base was, by their standards (they are unbelievably negative towards everything), mostly positive about the episode. The IMDB user score is (though it's with fewer votes than the other episodes so far) 8.6, which is just 0.1 points from the highest this series (The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar both have 8.7).
Every episode this season has referred to a hybrid at least once.
"Hybrid" is this season's "Bad Wolf."
Nobody knows how it's gonna tie into the finale, but everyone can tell "hybrid" is going to have something to do with it.
Well that was fucking terrible, some awful dialogue and filled with plot holes.
I give up on this fucking show.
To what plotholes do you refer?
Anything to do with the zygons manipulating people.
How do they know to appear as family members of an operator of a drone that they can't see?
How can they scan people's brains for loved ones from memories but can't answer anything about them?
Why is everyone in this episode, supposed trained professionals, all hit with the fucking stupid virus? We deserve to be invaded if that's our defense!
Add on some really cringe worthy dialogue, obvious twists and for it all to inevitably be cleaned up all too nicely next week by some deus ex machina, I'm fucking done with this show.
EDIT: ah it was from the guy who wrote kill the moon? That explains a lot!
You forgot Capaldi wondering from scene to scene, standing in the background, commenting on the going on.
It is just a really terrible episode. We're back to the community theater effort of season 1, just with a bigger budget and even less of a damn given.
This post. I like it.Linkin Park are going to be in the series finale. That's my Hybrid theory.
Woah now. I realise you're upset here, but one thing you can't argue is that the production team on S1 didn't give a damn. Those guys worked their asses off.
Whens the last time we got a Doctor Dances, Water of Mars, Doctors Wife, or The Girl in the Fireplace?