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Doctor Who Series 9 |OT| Let Zygons Be Zygons


Whens the last time we got a Doctor Dances, Water of Mars, Doctors Wife, or The Girl in the Fireplace?

Series 7 severly lacked the truly high points, and I think this season does too (though I personally think the quality is higher now than in series 7), but series 8 had some really great moments and episodes. I think Listen, Mummy On The Orient Express and Dark Water rank very high if listing the best Doctor Who-episodes since 2005 (Flatline is also great, albeit not quite as good as those other three). Dark Water in particular I thought was the most chilling and well-acted (apart from Samuel Anderson as Danny, though it's definitely his best appearance) episode the show's had.
I liked evil Clara. The rest was pretty bad. Definitely my least favourite episode of the series. The stand-off with the soldiers and the Zygons was cringeworthy as hell. Not good.


Didn't really care for this episode, but I wasn't really expecting to either tbh. I've never liked UNIT or Kate Stewart (I hope in vain that she's actually dead), and the Zygons plot was a huge drag on the 50th special for me so I wasn't exactly looking forward to its follow-up here.
Honestly, I just really dislike modern day invasion episodes. Sontaran stratagem, death in heaven, army of ghosts, etc. There's just something about them that bores me.

To be fair to this, this isn't a wide scale invasion yet but as soon as Unit or Torchwood or the army gets involved in things I start tuning out

I really liked Sontaran Strategem, just because it finally demonstrated that no, UNIT is not a bunch of entirely useless goobers if they're allowed to just do their thing.


Yeah, I take that back. They did miracles with a budget that should have been lunch money.

But Doctor Who is established now and past that. I'm fine with it being geared towards kids, but these past few seasons have just been awful in the writing / directing / editing.

It's a shame, since Capaldi has the chops to do some wonderful stuff with the series.

Whens the last time we got a Doctor Dances, Water of Mars, Doctors Wife, or The Girl in the Fireplace?

S1 had a budget of around £1 million per ep if I recall, will get source later


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
No strong feelings either way about this one. I liked the look of some scenes. Thought it was ok overall, but the writing was quite disjointed. I agree that the relationship of the Doctor with UNIT felt off.

I have to say, the Zygons are the most unconvincing alien race looks-wise for me in Doctor Who, and that's saying something. It always takes me out of the scene when there's one around, no matter how much they try to make it work.


Jesus Christ, this episode was awful. First episode in the season that I feel that way. They snuck some nice references here and there, but aside from those, it was just terrible all around. I can't even articulate properly as to why I hated it so much. Almost stopped watching it, like, 10 times.

The scene with the soldiers, goddamn.


Did they/are they going to address that Kate had a Zygon double as well? Or did the Kate Zygon realize she was a Zygon and is the one who started this whole revolution and that's why this Kate we're with now is so hellbent on destroying all the Zygons, because they finally realized who was who.
Did they/are they going to address that Kate had a Zygon double as well? Or did the Kate Zygon realize she was a Zygon and is the one who started this whole revolution and that's why this Kate we're with now is so hellbent on destroying all the Zygons, because they finally realized who was who.

So if the old Zygon Kate is still around, then we now have two Zygon Kates.


Did they/are they going to address that Kate had a Zygon double as well? Or did the Kate Zygon realize she was a Zygon and is the one who started this whole revolution and that's why this Kate we're with now is so hellbent on destroying all the Zygons, because they finally realized who was who.

I just assumed that the Kate we've been following is the Zygon one; seeing as she had all the details on the Zygon settlement operation. Figured the Human one would show up in Part 2.
Definitely a weak episode. I do like evil Clara, she seems even more attractive as a bad guy, if that's possible. Really liked the last four episodes, so this is a downer.


This feels like such a big RTD episode.

Anyway, did not enjoy the episode much. It's incredibly stupid how events unfolded.

The scene in front of the church between the UNIT soldiers and the Zygons in disguise really takes the cake at being stupid.

I initially thought they were going to play it off like the supposed Zygons at the church were actually humans, and it just so happened that it has one of the soldiers' mothers in there.

But no, they just kept going with it. Plainly obvious these are Zygons, they still drop their weapons and willingly walk into a trap. It was playing off emotions, and the question of "can you shoot your own mother?" but it was absolutely ridiculous when, after the soldier's method of testing the Zygon failed, they just fucking walked into the church. They couldn't have just backed off instead.

That being said, Evil Clara was a neat twist. I kind of figured she'd have gotten swapped out when she went inside the kid's apartment by herself. When she commented on Jac being "middle aged", it felt like something was off, since Clara isn't generally so blunt.


What even was the purpose of the UNIT leader woman going to that New Mexican town, all on her own?

She went there to investigate. New Mexico was where Osgood was, and got captured. Presumably this is where the Zygon "revolution" began. She went there alone because it was secret, secret.

She already suspected that the woman she met there was a Zygon, and took it out after it revealed itself. We never actually saw her getting "zapped", and never saw a body on the ground. Zygons' gonna be tricked.


Concerning Truth and Consequences and Kate being there, I thought what the Zygon Sheriff said was quite interesting, that the reason for the uprising is because a child Zygon couldn't control its shapeshifting power yet, some humans saw it change back for a moment and that started a huge Zygon vs Human conflict.

Is that what broke the peace?
Linkin Park are going to be in the series finale. That's my Hybrid theory.




Oh my god the scene with the soldier's mother was all kinds of bad. That's probably the moon egg of series 9

Pretty meh episode over all, but I do like how they keep continuity going with the Doctor being president.

Also didn't that plane crash?


But no, they just kept going with it. Plainly obvious these are Zygons, they still drop their weapons and willingly walk into a trap. It was playing off emotions, and the question of "can you shoot your own mother?" but it was absolutely ridiculous when, after the soldier's method of testing the Zygon failed, they just fucking walked into the church. They couldn't have just backed off instead.

That's what made it so bad. The soldier obviously knew at the start.

"You're obviously not my mother you're a Zygon"

*asks two easy questions, Zygon fails to answer either*

"Welp, I'm convinced. Let's walk into the obvious trap"


i thought it was an okay episode, if a bit of a warm-up exercise for the second part. didn't particularly notice any plot holes, but i've trained myself to ignore them in science fiction and just enjoy the ride regardless.

nice, tense episode with a fun twist in my view.


Meh the episode was ok but I feel most of these two-parter episodes this season are stretched really thin.
I've been rewatching Who recently and the funny thing I found is that while I like Davis' later episodes (Series2 staring with The Impossible Planet, 3, 4, and the Specials), I very much prefer Moffat's earlier episodes (Blink, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, most of Season 5, and I'm warming up to Season 6). Season 7 was very "eh" and I have, for the life of me, not been able to get into Capaldi's Doctor (though Missy has been absolutely brilliant and I loved Danny calling the Doctor on some of his bullshit).


Didn't you see? She died in this episode.
Wouldn't it be a cruel twist - and a really evil way to mix it up - if Clara actually was dead? Like, that's it, she's gone for good. We weren't expecting a Clara Zygon - or at least not expecting her to be perma-killed in the name of having a Clara Zygon - so it really would be an utter shock to the system if she is legit dead. Seems like a thing Moffat would do. Hm.
Doctor Who to contine for at least 5 more years.

In an interview with Variety, he said: "It is definitely going to last five more years, I've seen the business plan. It's not going anywhere.

"And I think we can go past that. It's television's own legend. It will just keep going."

"Peter Capaldi is going nowhere," he confirmed.


Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Wouldn't it be a cruel twist - and a really evil way to mix it up - if Clara actually was dead? Like, that's it, she's gone for good. We weren't expecting a Clara Zygon - or at least not expecting her to be perma-killed in the name of having a Clara Zygon - so it really would be an utter shock to the system if she is legit dead. Seems like a thing Moffat would do. Hm.

"Real Clara" is dead, and now the Doctor has to decide what to do with evil sexy Zygon Clara. Does he kill her, and finally erase Clara for good, or let her live and just accept that it's the closest thing to a companion he can have? I think it would be interesting, but it's obviously not what they're going to do.

Doctor Who to contine for at least 5 more years

Did anyone really think it was going anywhere? Glad Capaldi's here for a bit longer though.


Doctor Who to contine for at least 5 more years.
Seen the business plan? Do they mean merchandising and Spinoff and Big Finish stuff? Or is the plan for the series proper more complicated than just 'do a series a year.' Cus I'm getting annoyed at all the moving around.


Wouldn't it be a cruel twist - and a really evil way to mix it up - if Clara actually was dead? Like, that's it, she's gone for good. We weren't expecting a Clara Zygon - or at least not expecting her to be perma-killed in the name of having a Clara Zygon - so it really would be an utter shock to the system if she is legit dead. Seems like a thing Moffat would do. Hm.

You say this in context of an episode whereby we find the dramatically and quickly killed Osgood from last year is back...kinda....sorta...because of reasons.

Thats definitely a Moffat thing to do.
"I've seen the business plan" is a bollocks quote, as with a company like the BBC you just never know. RTD was saying shit like this during Series 2, saying the show was indestructible, but then during Series 3 it came dangerously close to being cancelled once RTD left, he had to fight for them to do the showrunner switch thing, as for a good time the BBC plan was to wind it off when RTD was done - that's how fast things can change back and forth.

It's good that he's confident, though! And I think if the rumours are true and there's a whole lot less Who next year it'll actually do the show good.
I think that the church scene was easily the best of the episode, and a damned good candidate of best of the series so far.

It was dirty, psychological warfare against soldiers who weren't trained for it. Moaning that the soldiers aren't acting logically is rather missing the point.

If this had been a Torchwood episode (and, frankly, it wasn't far away at times) the soldier would have shot his mum only to find that she was telling the truth.

"I've seen the business plan" is a bollocks quote, as with a company like the BBC you just never know. RTD was saying shit like this during Series 2, saying the show was indestructible, but then during Series 3 it came dangerously close to being cancelled once RTD left, he had to fight for them to do the showrunner switch thing, as for a good time the BBC plan was to wind it off when RTD was done - that's how fast things can change back and forth.

It's good that he's confident, though! And I think if the rumours are true and there's a whole lot less Who next year it'll actually do the show good.

In fairness, from what I hear the contracts to include Doctor Who in the massive theme park they're building in Kent for 2020 are signed, sealed and sorted. There'd be enormous kickback if Who was cancelled between now and then.
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