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Doctor Who Series Seven |OT| The Question You've Been Running From All Your Life

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Watched a bunch of series 1-3 stuff with roommates last night, including The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace, and Blink. I miss creepy Moffat. I really hope we see the Silence again and not just as window dressing in an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink finale.
I'd assume they'd be a big part of the 'Fall of the Eleventh'. Madame Kovarian's still about somewhere/sometime, and unless the TARDIS exploding was 'Silence falling', we still have that to come as well. I expect them to play a big part in Eleven's future (Or lack of :p).

Speaking of 'Silence will fall', does anyone think that might have to do with the Doctor being wiped from history/records rather than the Silence themselves? It makes sense IMO, and it seems like something Moffat could do (Assuming he hasn't forgotten about it). Of course it could have just been about the events of Day of the Moon/The Impossible Astronaut, considering the Doctor remembered that comment when he first made contact with the Silent's.

Gah, it's been too long since the Christamas special, I need more Who! It's coming back this month, right?
Doctor Whooves? Doctor WHOOVES? DOC-TOR WHOOVES?
The first question!
"Why the hell do people like MLP so much...?"
I'm currently rewatching series 5, and a thought occurred to me. Was it ever found out why the Tardis exploded or how? Or just hasn't occurred yet?
Never said implicitly, and it annoys me to no end. DELIVER MOFFAT.
I'd assume they'd be a big part of the 'Fall of the Eleventh'. Madame Kovarian's still about somewhere/sometime, and unless the TARDIS exploding was 'Silence falling', we still have that to come as well. I expect them to play a big part in the Eleven's future (Or lack of :p).
Once again, we need a big moment. It's like he's been building up to something for three seasons.


Once again, we need a big moment. It's like he's been building up to something for three seasons.
I assume it's all building up to 'The Question' and the 'Fall of the Eleventh', but the question is if those 2 events are connected or not. I'd say we'll get the Question at the end of this season, and the next will build up to the fall. However, I guess this depends on things like the Anniversary special (Regeneration? Sneak peak of the next Doctor? Who knows!), and if we get a S8 with Smith, or a few specials like we got with Tennant. So many questions, HURRY UP AND DELIVER MOFFAT!

I'm assuming Moffat's building up to something big at the end of his run, rather than going from season to season like RTD did. The pieces are sort of in place for a big ending, but some of those things could easily carry over to Twelfth's run (Apart from the fall, obviously). Plus, we have no idea how long Moffat will stay on for, I wouldn't be surprised to see him and Smith leave together considering how long it's been. If he did leave, say, after S8, will he tie up all his loose ends or leave some hanging for the next showrunner (Whithouse?).
They have never come out and specifically said it was The Silence, but that's what we are supposed to believe. Moffet loves to leave loose ends.
Aww, really?
What about that voice that says "the Silence" when the tardis monitor screen cracks?

Always kind of hoped it was Davros.


Aww, really?
What about that voice that says "the Silence" when the tardis monitor screen cracks?

Always kind of hoped it was Davros.
A lot of people assume the Silence were what exploded the TARDIS, but we have no idea how or why (Because destroying the universe isn't exactly a great idea, there are better ways to stop the Doctor from answering the question). They're so many things hanging (Who was trying to build a TARDIS on Earth? Is there a deeper connection between the Silence and the Silents? What's next for River, if anything. What's so dangerous about the question?), the voice during The Big Bang being one of them (I doubt that will be important though).

But it was definitely not Davros, he's dead, and not coming back (At least for a loooooong time, it's not like the Daleks need him anyway).


Sneak peak of the next Doctor?
Have they ever done this before? Given us a look at a future Doctor? I think it would be awesome to do that, especially if it's done a while before he actually appears.. maybe a full season or so, have him show up as a teaser/cameo, then regenerates into that Doctor a year later. That would be awesome.


Have they ever done this before? Given us a look at a future Doctor? I think it would be awesome to do that, especially if it's done a while before he actually appears.. maybe a full season or so, have him show up as a teaser/cameo, then regenerates into that Doctor a year later. That would be awesome.
Agreed, my hope is that Eleven and Twelve run into each other in the Anniversary special or something. It would be a hell of a mindfuck if Eleven regenerated into someone we've seen briefly before with no idea he was the next Doctor at the time. It wold be kinda impossible to keep something like that quiet though.


Is Moffat sticking with the show for a good while? I hate to see him leave loose ends only to never finish. Especially where his resolutions so far felt a bit lackluster, see how the Doctor drove the Silence off Earth for example. In some ways I like the stuff Moffat's brought to the table but it's mostly as a writer than leading the whole thing.

Be nice to see someone make the Dalek's a good threat again, they especially feel as if they had their fangs plucked out. It's almost like Cobra taking on G.I.Joe as seen in the old cartoons. I suppose it sums up my problems with Doctor Who overall nowadays, the Doctor has been played up to be this big thing that he's almost a Christ like character who can do everything and anything. Everything tossed at him seems almost a laugh more than anything even if he meets a brief defeat.

I rather he was brought down a bit.
Have they ever done this before? Given us a look at a future Doctor?


Is Moffat sticking with the show for a good while?

He's talked about preparing Series 8, so it would seem he's onboard at least through 2014. That would give him 58 episodes as show runner (if he does 2014 Christmas, including all Smith episodes) compared to RTDs 60 (not including any mini episodes)


I'm glad they didn't reference that like they did when Romana changed into Princess Astra.

At least it'd make some sense for why someone would want to look like Lalla Ward....I like Colin Baker, but I wouldn't go from looking like Peter Davison to him by choice.


Arc of Infinity. Colin Baker played a guard commander on Gallifrey.
I've seen that before, where an actor will appear at an earlier time. I'm talking about actually introducing him specifically as a future version of the Doctor, before the "current" Doctor becomes him. Like if the tenth had run into the eleventh, and played by Matt Smith, a year or so before the 5th series started.
Freema Agyeman has confirmed she's not involved in the 50th episode, but is involved in a BBC America show about Who turning 50. So that's another person to strike off the list. Never expected her to make it, really, but hearing that confirms in a sense we won't be getting ridiculous mass cameo setup.
You say that like it is a bad thing.
I know Martha has her fans. I am just not one of them.

Hate fucking Martha haters. You just can't accept what a rich and emotionally deep character she is. I mean look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5leDhRGZ2g

Am in fucking tears here! Excuse me whilst I go prepare my Hath/Martha fan fic.


Its a ridiculously funny scene but its probably the most emotionally charged Martha is in the entire series. Oh and she tried to nuke a planet a year after keeping the faith for a year and telling the people of Earth about Jesus Doctor; now she has such little faith shes going to kill everyone.
I have no problem with Freema but Martha was a fucking terrible character. I guess she's supposed to represent the Doctor dealing with the loss of Rose and whatever but she's worthless as a character in and of herself when she just wants the D straight up.

Shame because her basic profile would have lent itself to a strong, interesting character.
Shame because her basic profile would have lent itself to a strong, interesting character.

This is whats so sad. Shes a fucking medical student; its a great idea for such a character on the TARDIS yet her skills, knowledge, passion and drive are used as token traits.

RTD is strong at writing people as emotional beings but I don't think he really succeeds or even 'gets' what can set them apart; in a show like Doctor Who any strength/weakness of the companion should be front and centre.
This is whats so sad. Shes a fucking medical student; its a great idea for such a character on the TARDIS yet her skills, knowledge, passion and drive are used as token traits.

RTD is strong at writing people as emotional beings but I don't think he really succeeds or even 'gets' what can set them apart; in a show like Doctor Who any strength/weakness of the companion should be front and centre.

I think it's more to do with Martha being particularly poorly written for whatever reason. She does some amazing things in her brief time, but if you sit her next to Series 1/2 Rose, Amy or Donna (who is still the best) she looks ridiculously threadbare.
I liked Martha. Even that said, I wish they hadn't written her as in love with the Doctor. The Doctor treated her like shit, the writers treated her like shit, but damn, I loved the thought of a student doctor on the Tardis.

I would link a fanvideo that is awesome about Martha, but it's not on youtube, boo.
At that point the "I'm in love with The Doctor!" thing was getting old, and we hadn't even reached the Amy levels of offering herself on a plate and practically raping him.
Except that's exactly what she does, considering that they don't actually have sex.

My point was she was aggressive! I guess at least she got to the point unlike Rose and Martha who just spent three series fawning. Donna, Amy in S6/7, and hopefully Oswin are really refreshing in that they just have the Doctor as a friend!
I think it's more to do with Martha being particularly poorly written for whatever reason. She does some amazing things in her brief time, but if you sit her next to Series 1/2 Rose, Amy or Donna (who is still the best) she looks ridiculously threadbare.

Brofist. At least she is the best of the female companions. Rory is the best companion to me.
Definitely the best in recent memory. Because he actually challenges The Doctor, and I'm sure at times doesn't like him. It's not just flat-out adoration and wonderment, he tells the Doctor what's what.

That's what I liked about Donna, and I'd argue she was still a bit better than Rory because she wasn't intimidated by him at all, which Rory still kinda was.
I guess, but then you got this


One for the Tennant fans to enjoy, I imagine.

True, but Donna smacked him a bunch of times too :p

I think my favorite Donna moment is when he goes off to die, survives, and she walks up, smacks the crap out of his arm, and then clings to him. It was a silent "I will kill you myself if you ever do that again, but I am glad you are alive."

Edit: Man I wish Donna could have interacted with Eleven, that would have been epic.

More edit: I am not saying I don't like Rory, I love Rory.
True, but Donna smacked him a bunch of times too :p

I think my favorite Donna moment is when he goes off to die, survives, and she walks up, smacks the crap out of his arm, and then clings to him. It was a silent "I will kill you myself if you ever do that again, but I am glad you are alive."

Edit: Man I wish Donna could have interacted with Eleven, that would have been epic.

More edit: I am not saying I don't like Rory, I love Rory.

Yeah, that's a great moment. Especially in contrast, as Martha, who by that point has levelled up to be more strong an independent than she ever was in her time in the TARDIS, drapes herself across him in a "so glad you're alive" hug - and Donna just smacks him.

Donna and the Tenth Doctor really was a special set up. If there's one coupling I'm eager to see more of in Big Finish audio or something down the line, it's that one. She really is his definitive companion.
Honestly, pre-meta crisis Donna is up there with Eccleston and McGann on my list of 50th Anniversary hopes.

There's a reasonable chance I'll get none of these. :(
I fully expect Donna's status as 'default companion' for the 10th Doctor to be confirmed in the Blackpool illuminations thing.

For those unaware: Blackpool, a fairly large traditional British seaside holiday spot, has over-the-top Christmas/Holiday lights every year. They've had a fairly good relationship with Who - a few years ago Tennant turned the lights on at the ceremony, things like that. This year, there's some special lights that have been commissioned by the BBC. They go up in the back end of August.

This year, there's 12 TARDIS shells that have been commissioned. Each supposedly featured a Doctor and one of his companions. 9 will have to be Rose, obviously, and I reckon 10 will end up snubbing Martha for Donna (unless he has both.) Each is going to be put up and unveiled gradually, the 12th going up after the anniversary. Ahem.

But, yeah. It'd better be Donna for the 10th on that. Preferably alone. Sorry, Martha.
I think this and Game of Thrones coming back in the same weekend are going to kill me with excitement. Oh, also it's my birthday that weekend.


My birthday was on Friday. I have NO IDEA what I would have done if it was one Doctor Who/Game of Thrones weekend. Likely would have died from the hype.
My birthday was on Friday. I have NO IDEA what I would have done if it was one Doctor Who/Game of Thrones weekend. Likely would have died from the hype.

I'll have to mash 'em up...

"Brace Yourself... The Question is Coming"


"Hear me GERONIMO!"

"Ours is the Wibbly"

"Family, Duty, TARDIS"

Okay, I'll stop now.


paid requisite penance
A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to fish fingers and custard in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.


I fully expect Donna's status as 'default companion' for the 10th Doctor to be confirmed in the Blackpool illuminations thing.

For those unaware: Blackpool, a fairly large traditional British seaside holiday spot, has over-the-top Christmas/Holiday lights every year. They've had a fairly good relationship with Who - a few years ago Tennant turned the lights on at the ceremony, things like that. This year, there's some special lights that have been commissioned by the BBC. They go up in the back end of August.

This year, there's 12 TARDIS shells that have been commissioned. Each supposedly featured a Doctor and one of his companions. 9 will have to be Rose, obviously, and I reckon 10 will end up snubbing Martha for Donna (unless he has both.) Each is going to be put up and unveiled gradually, the 12th going up after the anniversary. Ahem.

But, yeah. It'd better be Donna for the 10th on that. Preferably alone. Sorry, Martha.

It will probably be Rose for both. :p
It's Jack for one of them, surely. I know he's not a "proper" companion but seems like he's definitely coming back, and he's a big draw.


Kills Photobucket
I really, really liked S1 Rose. Her and Eccleston worked great together.

As others have said, Martha was missed opportunity. I didn't even mind the "i love the doctor". I liked that she's the one companion so far in new Who that joins him for reasons other than running from a mundane life (well, and Rory, who just followed Amy).

Amy/Rory > S1 Rose > Amy > Martha > S2 Rose > Donna.

Only good Dona episode was Midnight.
Returning monster design picture.
Only good Dona episode was Midnight.

Woah woah woah. The Fires of Pompeii? Planet of the Ood? Turn Left? The Library two-parter?

Hell, I'd come up to bat for Partners in Crime and The Unicorn and the Wasp. Series 4 comedy is best comedy.
Whoa whoa whoa basis?
Barrowman saying he'd been approached and then furiously backpedalling.

Barrowman's got form for this kind of thing. When he was papped in full Captain Jack gear on the End of Time shoot, he tried to deny it by claiming he always wears his Jack costume out and about in Cardiff, and decided to go for a drink at the bar that the Doctor Who crew were filming at...
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