I wanted to like this episode, as a massive fan of everything with Daleks but a bunch of stuff ruined it for me:
1) The Daleks are now so pathetic that they have to ask the Doctor for help.
2) The Daleks are now a parliamentary democracy. What the hell?
3) There are a mix of RTD-era Daleks and the new hideous neon redesign, when it's been pretty much established that the two types of Daleks should hate each other in one of my favorite stories in the original Who:
Dr Rachel Jensen: Now, Doctor, will you please answer one question? Why are two Dalek factions fighting each other?
Doctor: Ace?
Ace: It's simple, isn't it? Renegade Daleks are blobs—
Doctor: *puzzled disapproval* Blobs?
Ace: —, Imperial Daleks are bionic blobs with bits added. Well, you can tell that Daleks are into racial purity, so one lot of Daleks reckon that the other lot of blobs are too different. They're mutants. Not pure in their blobbiness.
Doctor: Result?
Ace: They hate each others' chromosomes. To death.
-- From TVTropes "Remembrance of the Daleks" quotes page
That, and, y'know, the Moffat episode where the redesign happened.
Then I got excited because there was an entire planet full of old insane Daleks. So many types of Daleks, right? Will the Abomination be there?
Except apparently, all Daleks, (including the ones the Doctor specifically fought throughout his career, and we presumably have seen on-screen as other models) have been ret-conned into RTD-era Daleks. With the sole exception of what appears one Imperial Dalek in the scene where Pond is hallucinating.
Meh to Moffat.
Oswin is cute, although her name is dangerously close to names I've used for a variety of male characters in games which had my better half and I cracking up thoughout the episode (although her rocket-punching a Dalek would have drastically improved the episode).