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Does anyone else have this issue with Sudeki?

The game looks great and the battles are fun so far. It's definitley in the B+ category at the moment.

There's one thing that's annoying though and I can't seem to pin point it...the game is very harsh on my eyes. Maybe it's the framerate but I'm not sure. (what's the framerate on this game anyway?)

The only other time I'm felt like this is when playing Zelda TOoT on the Gamecube. It literally almost gave me a headache after a few minutes. In certain parts, Riddick had the same issue when turning to the left or right early on in the game.

That's really the only downside though, however it's a big annoyance to me. I want to play the game without feeling like I need to rip my eyes out after 10 minutes.



Hasn't happened to me.

The game has been very smooth for me at most times, with very few exceptions.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
there's some visual effect that gives me headaches, but never been able to figure it out, last game that really affected me was Sly Cooper.


First day I played it my eyes hurt when I looked at the screen too long, but that was because I had a sinus headache all day.
This is a rare thing for me though and the above instances are the only ones that i can remember experiencing it.

The blurring effects might add to it as well (but they've never been a problem before).


being watched
Tabris said:
It's probabaly because it's 60 fps of bad art hitting you all the time.

It would hurt anyone's eyes :)

Well he did say he also had the same problem with Zelda.

Oh wait...


maximum360 said:
There's one thing that's annoying though and I can't seem to pin point it...the game is very harsh on my eyes. Maybe it's the framerate but I'm not sure. (what's the framerate on this game anyway?):(
I experienced similar problems (tearing, me thinks) with my early preview code of the game. It was awful in the town and almost made me feel like I shouldn't play it at all. I think it went away after I started playing again the next morning. Not helping I know, but at least you are/were not alone.


Does anyone else have this issue with Sudeki?

what, you mean the issue of suckage? (i kid, i kid. i havent played it).

but, that actually might be the camera. i sometimes get dizzy due to lagging camera movements in 3rd person games.
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