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Does anyone else miss objective-based FPS's?

The likes of Goldeneye? I know there's TS, but that series blows. I'm getting sick of all the FPS games where the whole point of it is to kill baddies with amazing A.I, move on and kill more baddies with better A.I. I want objectives damnit, like meeting up with Trevelyn (sp?) and blowing up the gas tanks :(
Jim Bowie said:
Did you not factor Deus Ex or its sequel into this equation?

Tried Deus Ex on PS2 and hated it (probably due to the sloppy port). I don't play PC games anymore, so I couldn't check it out that way.
Matlock said:

I think he meant in a good game.

Dream FPS for me: I want an objective-based shooter with the mechanics and balance of Halo (2), set in modern times. Don't want none of that Sci-Fi BS.

I just hate the fact that A.I driven, Squad based FPS's are getting the attention nowadays. I want BIG, like Halo 2 big, FPS's that are objective-based and have the flow of Goldeneye with the cinematic quality of games nowadays :(


Society said:
Ya i played that. Still only one game.

I will try that. I wonder if there will be an Action Half-Life Source? Might just wait for tha.t

Maybe, but I think they're doing the UT one now. I say try the HL one if it's still availabe, it rocks.


Pedigree Chum said:
I know there's TS, but that series blows.

You're entitled to your opinion, but I think you're nuts. (Or just have poor taste, take your pick.) The original Timesplitters was lacking, but the sequel kicks much ass.
In my mind, the difference between objective-based first person shooters and the more traditional key/button collect/push type is a matter of linearity (is that a word?).

Doom, Quake, Unreal, Half-Life, and Halo all followed this formula. Games where certain objectives must be fulfilled before you can progress.

Games like Goldeneye are open in design, allowing you to complete the objectives in a flexible order. A lot of 'realistic' first person shooters (war, modern and historical military games) use this pattern. Games like Dark Forces, Stryfe and System Shock are the early innovators here.

To be honest, I prefer the more combat oriented first person shooters. Halo, for example, is totally old-school in its design and execution. Doom 3 never deviated further than 'find objective item and proceed through previously locked door'. Half-Life was also totally linear - one scripted event triggers the opening of your next path.

I'm interested to see how Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 further their respective series'.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I was never a fan of Goldeneye but I loved Perfect Dark. I wouldn't mind more FPS games that featured these mechanics. More GOOD ones, at least.
Pedigree Chum said:
Tried Deus Ex on PS2 and hated it (probably due to the sloppy port). I don't play PC games anymore, so I couldn't check it out that way.

well what the hell?

if you dont play PC games then you are gonna miss out on All types of FPS games...hence....what do you expect?

PC is the Home of FPS games.

If you dont play PC, then dont expect to have a big variety of FPS.


Does anyone else miss polished 3rd person games? A great 3rd person game > fps.

Biggest problem with 3rd person games are the camera issues though.


MS Viral Marketing
Yea, I also can't wait for a new Perfect Dark. Till then, Halo 2 will do just fine; but PD. The Meat Sims, the challenges, the farsite and laptop... the complex. Such memories!!!

The ninja sims!!

Remote Mines:)


Blah blah blah....

all I want. is for FPS designers to stop giving players a 3 foot high ledge as an impassable barrier.

Hell, along with the ability to tote 10 different guns and enough ammo to sink a battleship, it would be nice if a character could HOIST themselves up a wall.

A more intelligent interaction with the environment would definetly help FPS games stop feeling like textured and colored boxes and more like worlds.
truesayian said:
If you want this type of game.. why you sayt hat time splitters blows?... It's a great game... and 3 will make it better.

THe problem wasn't really the gameplay, but that the leves had no coninuity. I hope TS3 gets things right.
buck naked said:
I'm interested to see how Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 further their respective series'.

I can't comment on HL2, but Halo 2, from people who played it recently is more of the same, just better looking and with a new physics engine. Which isn't a bad thing. MP2 is more of the same with a slightly tweaked engine and some new moves and that iffy mutli-player.


Timesplitters 2 suffers from extremely poor level design. The first mission (on the dam) on the hardest difficulty setting is awesome. But after that the levels get more and more linear and unimaginative. The multiplayer mode also suffered from this, but it did have a few good levels (the mexico one was good.)

If Timesplitters 3 has the same mechanics but better level design (and mulitplayer options) then it has the chance to be as good as GE and PD.

Oh yeah, the story sucked too, might as well have had no story.
Sriram said:
Timesplitters 2 suffers from extremely poor level design. The first mission (on the dam) on the hardest difficulty setting is awesome. But after that the levels get more and more linear and unimaginative. The multiplayer mode also suffered from this, but it did have a few good levels (the mexico one was good.)

If Timesplitters 3 has the same mechanics but better level design (and mulitplayer options) then it has the chance to be as good as GE and PD.

Oh yeah, the story sucked too, might as well have had no story.

Thanks for basically typing out everything I disliked about the game. Lets hope that TS3, with EA backing it with support/$$$ ends up being great. Like you said the mechanics/objective-based gameplay is great like GE/PD, it's just that everything else needs to be worked on.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I can't comment on HL2, but Halo 2, from people who played it recently is more of the same, just better looking and with a new physics engine.

Err, from the very minimal amount of info I've read (I'm avoiding spoilers here), some people are VERY disappointed by the fact that it is NOT more of the same. It sounds like it is very different.

That is appealing to me, though. I can't wait for it.
If you liked Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, you MUST play No One Lives Forever 1 and 2. They're like the evolved forms of Goldeneye, with cooler objectives, gadgets, and writing.
Drinky Crow said:
If you liked Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, you MUST play No One Lives Forever 1 and 2. They're like the evolved forms of Goldeneye, with cooler objectives, gadgets, and writing.

How is the PS2 version of NOLF?
It suffers from some godawful load times, but it's not bad. Not GREAT -- if you can play the PC version, *definitely* go that route -- but it's better than the port of Deus Ex, IMHO.


I might pick up No one lives forever sometime soon then.
Whats the latest news on TS3? As far as I know, second sight was FRs only other project, so TS3 should be out soon right.
Im really looking forward to a next gen version of TS more though, I think the level editor would really be alot better using next gen tech. Its kind of wasted potential at the moment. It needs lifts, more varied environments (outdoors maybe), balconies and most of all bigger areas to work with.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The port of Deus EX on PS2 is rawk, more intuitive interface and a bevy of feature adjustments to make the control scheme as painless as possible. New content and relatively swift loadtimes, persistant framerates, plus brand new for $10. What exactly has all of you convinced it sucked so hard?

NOLF PS2 was garbage, collision issues were a constant frustration, load times were horrendous, and the graphics took a massive hit. Doug had it backwards.

Jim Bowie

miyuru said:
You forgot to mention how shitty Doom 3 is.




Are these games really that objective-based?

I mean yeah, they are different than just "Clear a room and move" games but it doesn't seem as though they are all that differernt. Okay, so instead of finding a key I hack a computer or take pictures of some secret documents.

Who cares? The only challenge is still in the killing.....the ease with which the objectives are completed kind of makes it seem superfluous. You still spend most of your time clearing rooms, the only difference is that in one game you just move on and in another you plant a tracking device....and then move on.
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