Salacious Crumb
Junior Member
Should try a sherry or port cask finished scotch, Glenmorangie Quinta Ruben is a good starter whisky.
Will do, and like your name, too.Should try a sherry or port cask finished scotch, Glenmorangie Quinta Ruben is a good starter whisky.
TO INFINITY AND TO BED.No. The buzz hits like a truck though
Angel envy or uncle nearest is pretty good. That is what i drink at least.I've been drinking for 10 years. Can put down vodkas, tequilas, rums (the easiest). Whiskey I have not been able to get a handle on. It makes IPAs taste like strawberry shakes. Reason I ask is cuz I see in movies, shows, and games how people just put that shit down. What the hell?
And dont tell me to stick to single malts or distill it with water. Im talkin straight fuckin bitch ass whiskey.
Drink responsibly.
This is a myth. The distillation process is very important to obtain high quality alcohol. Low quality gives you a hang over and burns when you drink it.All ethanol works the same, so why pick a gross one? Booze snobs with “acquired tastes” should be put on a watchlist.
There are certain ones that taste very nice but you're best off getting used to the taste of cheap whiskey first, so you can appreciate the generally more expensive brands and rarer flavors.
I usually have whiskey with some coke if it's cheap stuff. Hot whiskey can be nice to have before bed in winter.
I prefer a nice cold beer for most occasions though.
I just mean something that tastes quite like Jameson... we have a brand here that is 20-30 euro that tastes almost identical.I think made a thread on this once but cheap/gross whiskey still tastes gross mixed with coke/in a cocktail. Can totally taste the difference if using Canadian Mist vs Crown.
If can afford it, at least go medium end. Never hit the floors unless desperate and at that point it’s time to do shots (still prefer better tasting spirits for shots).
This is a myth. The distillation process is very important to obtain high quality alcohol. Low quality gives you a hang over and burns when you drink it
Acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) is an aldehyde produced by plants as part of their normal metabolism. It is also produced by the oxidation of ethanol. Acetaldehyde has a boiling point of 20.8˚C and is believed to be a major contributor to the severity of hangovers.