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Does the possibility of extraterrestrials existing and visiting us scare you and why?

Does the possibility of extraterrestrials existing scare you?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Shut up you're stupid (I'm scared hold me daddy)

Results are only viewable after voting.


I won't use your poll seeing my thought's regarding terra/extra terra beings have their own perspective regarding Gaia and it's inhabitants.

Good, bad? Matter of perspective (some what)
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*Refreshes biennially
To talk about YouTube MSM content?

To keep it all in one place. This is at least 2nd thread about UFO/aliens this week. One was easy to keep up with!



To keep it all in one place. This is at least 2nd thread about UFO/aliens this week. One was easy to keep up with!


Ik weet het ...

Wellicht Heb ik zelf tunnelvisie regarding seeing this UFO/UAP phenomenon being "discussed" through MSM that's mostly owned by "companies" like BlackRock. And thus an alert goes off; but I'm not sure yet how to interpret said alert. Could've many approaches as to use this distraction
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Gold Member
No. I'm not scared. Humans have the potential to do great things... It's the powerful elites (no matter which party you are loyal to) that doesn't want us to! We could have batteries that charge in 2 seconds or the cure for cancer (they really don't want it out there because there's no money in cures). Aliens would change that because the dollar would become useless once they show us how amazing tech can be!

For me, at least, it's further proof of God's existence!
You do know that rich elites die of cancer ALL THE TIME...right? You really think they are squashing magic anti-cancer tech for us just so they can die of the same thing?

Super charging batteries would benefit them as well (or cars running off water, human photosynthesis, levitation tech, or whatever else you think they are suppressing), it doesn't really make a lot of sense.

As for aliens, barring some sort of warp drive breakthrough that allows an otherwise fairly primitive species to travel betwixt the stars, I don't really see interstellar war being an even remote consideration. Mucking around eith gravity wells makes no sense when all the resources are out in space and are much easier to get.

i DO worry about the Fermi paradox a bit and the Dark Forest companion theory, and here we are skipping cheerfully past the wolves with our bright lights and whistling.


I find it really hard to believe there's isn't life on other planets but I have zero fear that they'll ever make it here during my lifetime.

That said, if they did come here, our own history says it wouldn't just be to break bread.


I find it really hard to believe there's isn't life on other planets but I have zero fear that they'll ever make it here during my lifetime.

That said, if they did come here, our own history says it wouldn't just be to break bread.
I don't doubt life on other planets, but intelligent life is another matter.


Gold Member
If they are here, its likely in the form of robotic probes that they probably sent out to survey habitable worlds a long long time ago. They are unaccesable by humans, and totally harmless.

The revelation would be hilarious. The absolute conviction of many people against even entertaining the idea is an embarrassing level of hubris. If you watched the UAP hearing and didn't come to the conclusion that at the very least further investigation should occur, then you are blinded by it. Aliens or not, pilot safety and misappropriation of spending are real concerns - and if it was all a dog and pony show, people should go to jail.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
No, quite the opposite. I would be thrilled to find out aliens are real and even more thrilled if they were visiting Earth.

What I find scary is if there is no extraterrestrial life elsewhere. That would mean something is "different" or "wrong" about our universe and that maybe it was made for us only. I find that hard to believe considering there's billions of stars in the galaxy and billions of galaxies with billions of stars.

However, a lack of extraterrestrial life may also prove in the existence of the Judeo-Christian god which of course wouldn't be a bad thing. I guess it just depends on how you look at it.
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No, I've seen ET and he seems like a cool enough dude.

I find it really hard to believe there's isn't life on other planets but I have zero fear that they'll ever make it here during my lifetime.

That said, if they did come here, our own history says it wouldn't just be to break bread.

They have bread on their own planet. They sought us out for Korean BBQ and Mexican food.
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I'd wonder why they would even officially visit since I figured they had been studying us for a while and still decided to visit us.


Gold Member
Do you ever go outside, sit next to ant ant hill and demand to talk to the ant in charge? Do you ever feel the need to explain the inner workings of a computer to a chicken?

The notion that technological and intellectually superior beings would be even remotely interested in us is laughable.

No, the real alien will come from inside. The true extraterrestrial experience will be when we create Artificial Super Intelligence, and the machine will form thoughts, ideas and concepts unfathomable by the human mind.


Gold Member
They just need to waste 30 min on twitter and reddit to cancel our planet from their routes, no need to worry about alien invasion.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Do you ever go outside, sit next to ant ant hill and demand to talk to the ant in charge? Do you ever feel the need to explain the inner workings of a computer to a chicken?

The notion that technological and intellectually superior beings would be even remotely interested in us is laughable.

No, the real alien will come from inside. The true extraterrestrial experience will be when we create Artificial Super Intelligence, and the machine will form thoughts, ideas and concepts unfathomable by the human mind.
We've studied ants and we know pretty much everything about them and their colonies. Nice try.
The notion that you think you know whether extraterrestrials would be interested in us or not is even more laughable.
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Gold Member
We've studied ants and we know pretty much everything about them and their colonies. Nice try.
The notion that you think you know whether extraterrestrials would be interested in us or not is even more laughable.

You think the ants actively register that they were being studied? Or that the humans asked the ants for permission? Or gave the ants advice after studying them? If a higher life form studies us, it is hubris to think that it will communicate with us at all. We are to them as what ants are to us.
You think the ants actively register that they were being studied? Or that the humans asked the ants for permission? Or gave the ants advice after studying them? If a higher life form studies us, it is hubris to think that it will communicate with us at all. We are to them as what ants are to us.
Why assume we are ants to them? In any case, scientists have tried communicating with ants using chemicals and acoustics.

If we are "ants" to them as you say, then that would open the possibility we've been interpreting their attempts at communication in the same way the ants do. I also find it fascinating that on one hand you compare humanity to ants and on the other hand you bring up the unfathomable potential of our AI creations.

Either way you stand on the matter, it's science fiction until further notice so our imagination is the limit when it comes to extraterrestrials and their philosophy. Nothing is off the table when it comes to how they would think or act, and it's fun to speculate.


I just read that today may be the day we find out if Aliens have responded to the 13 pictures/ messages we sent out 40 years ago. Apparently they started looking today/ this morning to see if there were any replies. It was stated that the radio waves that were sent out, have had time to reach a number of exo planets. Would be awesome if they find a reply.



I welcome them and if they want to take me as their human spokesperson, I will also do that. Take me with you please.


I just read that today may be the day we find out if Aliens have responded to the 13 pictures/ messages we sent out 40 years ago. Apparently they started looking today/ this morning to see if there were any replies. It was stated that the radio waves that were sent out, have had time to reach a number of exo planets. Would be awesome if they find a reply.
I presume that timeframe includes the time for a signal to be sent back? Getting the signal there at the speed of light also needs the same amount of time to send and receive a response (basically, the closest planet must be within 20 light years of us if we sent out a signal 40 years ago and we expect to hear the response now)
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Yes, I know that, the closest is around 4.3 light years away, but having the ability to support life (within the habitable zone) is different to actually supporting life. There are only 11 planets within 50 light years that could theoretically support life, what are the chances that any of these actually do? (And again, for this message to go out and come back it must be within 20 light years, so even less planets to choose from)

Put it this way if any of those 11 planets does have intelligent life then out of the billions/trillions of planets out there then hundreds of millions of planets could have intelligent life. (Using made up maths based on If two or more planets less that 20 light years apart do)
Not gonna lie the possibility of my ex's visiting me scares me shitless.

But I know they exist, I'm not in denial.
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I presume that timeframe includes the time for a signal to be sent back? Getting the signal there at the speed of light also needs the same amount of time to send and receive a response (basically, the closest planet must be within 20 light years of us if we sent out a signal 40 years ago and we expect to hear the response now)
According to what I read, you are correct. The group felt like yesterday was the "ample" amount of time given to start looking to see if they have replied.
Its like a giant fucking game of Marco Polo!


Even if they exist it's statistically unlikely in your lifetime.

Humans have existed for hundreds of thousands of years for them to come during your lifetime when they could have at any time before makes it extraordinarily anomalous. Lets say they come next year, that would have been a ~1 in 180,000 chance.


Tell us you are new to the subject without telling us


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

I do believe there is life in the universe. I actually believe the universe is teeming with life, including in our own system outside of Earth (Europa for example)

However, I think intelligent is very rare. I don't think we're the only intelligent life in our galaxy, but I think there may be only a few planets that have life as intelligent or more than ourselves.

In terms of being scared, no. I would actually be excited. It would of course depend on their intentions. Hollywood loves to paint aliens as aggressive conquerors, but there is no guarantee they would be. They might be peaceful. They might not have any concept of war or tribalism. Depends on how evolution worked on their home planet I guess.

Either way, it would be exciting. I'd love for them to be like the Tyranids from 40K! How amazing would that be!


The one thing that I hope above all else, is that aliens do not visit our planet until such a time as we have evolved enough and become technologically proficient enough to EXTERMINATE THE XENOS SCUM.

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