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Does the possibility of extraterrestrials existing and visiting us scare you and why?

Does the possibility of extraterrestrials existing scare you?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Shut up you're stupid (I'm scared hold me daddy)

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Erm… yes. We don’t even need to visit another planet to know that. Soon as we step beyond the boundaries of our native village, if it moves, we kill it first and ask questions later.
It was a rhetorical question.

Let's pray if they exist and IF they visit us that some big smooth brain government doesn't start fucking with them.


Gold Member
Captain Erik Delgado flew in the US Air Force for 10 years and then for 21 years as a Commerical Cargo Pilot. on 19 March 2020, he and his Co-Pilot, a retired F-15 fighter pilot, witnessed this ORB that flew with their aircraft for an astounding 25 minutes!

Here is a video with actual footage. I set the timestamp of the video interview with Chris Lehto to the end where they put all 4 recordings the pilots recovered together.

To me it looks saucer shapped flying at an angle and it is showing a pulsating light pattern

It does not show one the aircraft tcas

Swamp gas ?
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voted poster of the decade by bots
Hopefully they are wise and help us out, our current trajectory is troubling. Hoping we can find some source off limitless energy soon so we can stop fighting over stuff......


Captain Erik Delgado flew in the US Air Force for 10 years and then for 21 years as a Commerical Cargo Pilot. on 19 March 2020, he and his Co-Pilot, a retired F-15 fighter pilot, witnessed this ORB that flew with their aircraft for an astounding 25 minutes!

Here is a video with actual footage. I set the timestamp of the video interview with Chris Lehto to the end where they put all 4 recordings the pilots recovered together.

To me it looks saucer shapped flying at an angle and it is showing a pulsating light pattern

It does not show one the aircraft tcas

Swamp gas ?

The light is out of focus and that pulsating is caused by autofocus.

Just another reminder to take anything pilots report as UFOs with a huge grain of salt.
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Not really. Either we are alone, or if there were aliens with technology capable of getting to Earth, they would likely completely ignore us as we would be to them as an ant is to us.
So if aliens exist and they think they are alone in the universe then suddenly they find us, they'd ignore us? Sounds rather silly don't you think?

That's like us, finding another planet with life on it, even ant like creatures then saying 'who cares, they aren't as intelligent as us let's skip that one'


So if aliens exist and they think they are alone in the universe then suddenly they find us, they'd ignore us? Sounds rather silly don't you think?

That's like us, finding another planet with life on it, even ant like creatures then saying 'who cares, they aren't as intelligent as us let's skip that one'

If they came here, then they've been around the block, there would be billions of planets with life in the universe.


If they came here, then they've been around the block, there would be billions of planets with life in the universe.
How do you know?

We may be the first intelligent life they find, we could be the only intelligent life, it could be just us and them, there could be 10 planets with intelligent life, there could be billions and we are the second most intelligent, there could be millions of variations of this answer, the fact is we don't know but how likely is it they'd just ignore intelligent life?

Edit: and from a scientific and medical viewpoint, we study ants
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It doesn't scare me it excites me, I would love to see how other intelligent lifeforms live and to see their technology.

But we can't just assume intelligent life is kind and have morals etc they could be "Take what they want when they want" who knows!!!

I think we will see alien life in the next 20 years I hope so anyway.


Gold Member
Everyone keeps saying we're like ants. Ants are not capable of blowing the planet up though. Even if our technology is ant like to them we pose a threat if they have interest in this planet.


If they exist and visited us, there's no way I wouldn't be scared. Just no way I wouldn't project onto them how humans have treated everything below us on the good old food chain.


How do you know?

We may be the first intelligent life they find, we could be the only intelligent life, it could be just us and them, there could be 10 planets with intelligent life, there could be billions and we are the second most intelligent, there could be millions of variations of this answer, the fact is we don't know but how likely is it they'd just ignore intelligent life?

Edit: and from a scientific and medical viewpoint, we study ants


But. Do you ignore a cat or give it a stroke? But would you spend your entire existence trying to communicate with it or just go about your mission?



But. Do you ignore a cat or give it a stroke? But would you spend your entire existence trying to communicate with it or just go about your mission?
Depends, if your mission is to communicate with cats then you communicate with cats. If an extraterrestrial species mission is to find intelligent life then... they look elsewhere because there is none here


Anyone else heard Neil degrasse Tyson's assertion that it's ridiculous that UFOs are mostly detected by the US Navy? He's literally saying that it's unusual that the US Navy would be having so many encounters compared to other entities.

Does anyone here want to take a stab at why that's the silliest shit ever?

Common sense non Ph.D. answer:

The US Navy is the largest moving array of sensors on the planet. Oceans are the largest bodies on the planet covering over 70% of the surface. What a fucking genius concept.

We need to stop asking these guys' opinions on things. Literally, anyone with a hint of common sense could figure that out.
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Shit's complex. To bring together multiple hypotheses ie: finding solace through cross referencing multiple approaches regarding the "alien" phenomena isn't easy. The more you hear/learn gives more questions than answers.

There's SO much more regarding the ET phenomena than that's discussed here. Such a shame really. Some posters bring up some perspectives which I appreciate.

Sad to see seemingly educated grownup men approach this topic with tunnel vision. And an disdain for alternative approaches.
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He has not done himself any favours in recent months seems like someone who is speaking before thinking
Tired Dance GIF by US National Archives


Anyone else heard Neil degrasse Tyson's assertion that it's ridiculous that UFOs are mostly detected by the US Navy? He's literally saying that it's unusual that the US Navy would be having so many encounters compared to other entities.

Does anyone here want to take a stab at why that's the silliest shit ever?

Common sense non Ph.D. answer:

The US Navy is the largest moving array of sensors on the planet. Oceans are the largest bodies on the planet covering over 70% of the surface. What a fucking genius concept.

We need to stop asking these guys' opinions on things. Literally, anyone with a hint of common sense could figure that out.

In other news man with eye sees more tits than a blind man


Our calcified pineal gland* doesn't help either seeing it's our primary way of "seeing"

*Just a side note


We've known about UFOs since the late 30s. It's Taken decades to have any of it taken seriously..even now, they deny their existence despite the evidence. We have moved way beyond the "people will panic" stage. Were at the "just fucking tell us stage, we know anyway.." stage.
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We've known about UFOs since the late 30s. Taken decades to take any of it seriously..even now, they deny there existence despite the evidence. We have moved way beyond the "people will panic" stage. Were at the "just fucking tell us stage, we know anyway.." stage.


Predictive programming and manipulation at it's finest.


We've known about UFOs since the late 30s. It's Taken decades to have any of it taken seriously..even now, they deny their existence despite the evidence. We have moved way beyond the "people will panic" stage. Were at the "just fucking tell us stage, we know anyway.." stage.

Yet we don't know. We have an idea. Albeit from different perspectives.

So what's to say?


The prison planet hypothesis has a multitude of approaches/perspectives which further brand out to it's initial hypothesis.


And if we merely entertain the crater earth hypothesis "earth" is quarantined due to ... nevermind lol.


Pretty sure that if someday an alien race comes here they will conquer us or at least study us the same way we do to animals.


Pretty sure that if someday an alien race comes here they will conquer us or at least study us the same way we do to animals.

I've often wondered if this was the beginning of something like that but it was thwarted

According to the broadsheet, around dawn on 14 April 1561, "many men and women" of Nuremberg saw what the broadsheet describes as an aerial battle "out of the sun", followed by the appearance of a large black triangular object and exhausted combattant spheres falling to earth in clouds of smoke. The broadsheet claims that witnesses observed hundreds of spheres, cylinders, and other odd-shaped objects that moved erratically overhead. The woodcut illustration depicts objects of various shapes, including crosses (with or without spheres on the arms), small spheres, two large crescents, a black spear, and cylindrical objects from which several small spheres emerged and darted around the sky at dawn.

Very unlikely everyone was lying or it was some mass hysteria mistake that just so happens to align with the most common UFO shapes seen today by militaries across the world. The explanations from skeptics have been absolutely ridiculous. "Sun Dog bro."

The other thread was deleted, but I posted several videos that were never debunked with this exact description.

cylindrical objects from which several small spheres emerged
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There's unquestionably life all around the universe. That doesn't phase me at all, since we'll never get to interact with any of them.
If, by some completely unrealistic miracle, they ever actually visited us, I'd be terrified.
They'd either be here to enslave/kill us and take our resources.
Or they'd be here to spread wealth and knowledge, but we'd be morons and attack them for some idiotic reason, and then they'd enslave/kill us and take our resources.

As an aside for those who think aliens have already visited us - That means they'd have to originate from within our solar system; there's literally no other way for aliens to visit us. Everything else is simply too far away for objects with mass to travel between.
Though, to be fair, aliens within our own system would be fucking incredible, just on its own; but I don't think it's quite what most people have in mind when picture aliens travelling through space.
And if you disagree, that means you believe that aliens are able to completely transcend literally every single piece of physics-knowledge we have and rely upon, which is quite a leap of faith.


There's unquestionably life all around the universe. That doesn't phase me at all, since we'll never get to interact with any of them.
If, by some completely unrealistic miracle, they ever actually visited us, I'd be terrified.
They'd either be here to enslave/kill us and take our resources.
Or they'd be here to spread wealth and knowledge, but we'd be morons and attack them for some idiotic reason, and then they'd enslave/kill us and take our resources.

As an aside for those who think aliens have already visited us - That means they'd have to originate from within our solar system; there's literally no other way for aliens to visit us. Everything else is simply too far away for objects with mass to travel between.
Though, to be fair, aliens within our own system would be fucking incredible, just on its own; but I don't think it's quite what most people have in mind when picture aliens travelling through space.
And if you disagree, that means you believe that aliens are able to completely transcend literally every single piece of physics-knowledge we have and rely upon, which is quite a leap of faith.

The best human minds were saying crossing the ocean, flight, and space travel to the moon was impossible. There are actually dozens of instances were scientists were proven wrong only a few decades later or even years.

Distance is simply a challenge only reflected by our current understanding of physics.

There will be a time when future humans laugh at our doubt of what's possible. Might be 100 or 10,000 years from now but don't allow yourself into that trap of taking a snapshot of our current capabilities as some apex. It's not even close because time doesn't stop.

It's very likely that galactic travel and immortality are the primitive beginnings of some species. It could be that some discovered space travel so long ago that they need historians to interpret the ancient language used to achieve it.
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There's unquestionably life all around the universe. That doesn't phase me at all, since we'll never get to interact with any of them.
If, by some completely unrealistic miracle, they ever actually visited us, I'd be terrified.
They'd either be here to enslave/kill us and take our resources.
Or they'd be here to spread wealth and knowledge, but we'd be morons and attack them for some idiotic reason, and then they'd enslave/kill us and take our resources.

As an aside for those who think aliens have already visited us - That means they'd have to originate from within our solar system; "there's literally no other way for aliens to visit us". Everything else is simply too far away for objects with mass to travel between.
Though, to be fair, aliens within our own system would be fucking incredible, just on its own; but I don't think it's quite what most people have in mind when picture aliens travelling through space.
"And if you disagree, that means you believe that aliens are able to completely transcend literally every single piece of physics-knowledge we have and rely upon, which is quite a leap of faith."

Lol, that we know of, because we actually don't have a full understanding of physics.

We sure are one heck of a narcissistic, ignorant species.

At one time flight was considered impossible,

We used to think Earth was the center of the Universe.

Many think we're the only advanced civilization.

Turns out, just because you don't understand something yet.... doesn't mean its not possible.

We are not all seeing, all knowing beings, be humble and open-minded.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I've heard some scientists say if there's alien life that's intelligent it will most likely look very similar to us. Apparently it has to do with physics and that intelligent life is most likely going to be bipedal and resemble human beings more than anything.

So, it's like Star Trek in other words.


Gold Member
Very unlikely everyone was lying or it was some mass hysteria mistake that just so happens to align with the most common UFO shapes seen today by militaries across the world.
Yes while reading that wikipedia link you posted (man it is a cracking story..) I noted that the shapes described (black triangles, rods and spheres) are what are being reported today too.. What the heck are these things!


Extraterrestrials are already and have always been here, everything is interconnected and part of something much larger that we don't yet fully understand. We are consciousness trapped in spacetime.


Yes while reading that wikipedia link you posted (man it is a cracking story..) I noted that the shapes described (black triangles, rods and spheres) are what are being reported today too.. What the heck are these things!

Yeah, it's really bizarre. There's a story of Alexander the Greats scholars reporting them on their conquest too, that apparently they were visible during the battles. Shiny silver objects would hover over the battlefield. Could have been the Romans too. I can't remember.

It's really bizarre how many accounts from people who were responsible for reporting in ancient times were describing vehicles in the sky, but they didn't have a way of really understanding or describing them. Ancient Chinese, Indian, and Mayan cultures come to mind as well.

Now we at least know that aerial/space vehicles have a shell to protect the occupants and equipment.
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Extraterrestrials are already and have always been here, everything is interconnected and part of something much larger that we don't yet fully understand. We are consciousness trapped in spacetime.

What do you feel is the single biggest indicator of this?
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What do you feel is the single biggest indicator of this?

Probably personal experience but also hearing so many others personal stories in coping with their grief and events happening to them that really points to a continued communication and existence beyond a physical death that transcends our linear understanding of time. I have also had major precognitive and interconnected syncronitic experiences, not just coincidental encounters but highly unlikely scenarios far greater than winning the lottery, that is really hard to accept could be the doing only of my own unconsciousness unless there is something is up there guiding humanity.

I also had some sort of out of body near-death experience as a child, which may be related to my experiences as an adult. Research also seems to suggest a common trait of an increase in psychic intuition but also the feeling of the past, present and future all happening at once during the encounter. This is a common trait in most spiritual traditions, with time being cyclical, an illusion and everything being connected in a way we don't understand.


The best human minds were saying crossing the ocean, flight, and space travel to the moon was impossible.

Lol, that we know of, because we actually don't have a full understanding of physics.

I, quite honestly, wish you guys were right. But you're comparing apples to miracles.
I agree with the dream: The concept of usable space travel is so tantalizing that it's impossible to deny. It would be like reaching paradise, but in physical form.

But you're not even remotely close to reality.
You guys clearly have no sense of how far away our destinations would be.

Even if you were to travel 99% the speed of light, we're talking about years upon years upon years upon years of travel to reach even the closest destination.
It simply isn't going to happen.

Sure, it's nice to envision some sort of Stargate/Mass Effect/Doctor Who/etc. effect in which we can just travel from place to place without issue; but that's just a dream.

I know, I know... Teleporting might - perhaps, one day - become a thing. But... no. It won't.
You can't just move matter from one place to another without some sort of time-delay.

The best you could hope for would be to make a perfect copy of an object, then delete the original, and then transfer that information across space; which would seem like teleporting (To the object, itself, but to nobody else).
But... no. It would still be limited by the speed of light, which is already a goal that we'll never reach (Unless you assume that literally 100% of our laws of physics are wrong, which would - obviously - be stupid, since time has clearly shown that to not be the case).

Besides, you'd still have to get to the destination in the first place, to create the teleport-receiver-device. It's obviously a non-option.

But wait!, you say. What about blackholes and wormholes???
Nah. That's not an option either.

I guess you could assume that we might - one day - be able to harness the power of a blackhole to do something some-how-relevant to travel, but you'd be wrong.

Even the tiniest of blackholes would engulf our entire planet faster than you'd even know what happened. To assume that human technology could make even the slightest dent in that effect is a level of hubris even God, himself, wouldn't dare tread.
And "wormholes" - or some sort of 'tunnel' through space that's faster than a straight line - is just a dream given to you by science-fiction. Pray tell, how in the world would the universe create something faster than a straight line? You want to bend space-time, itself? Well, now we're back to the blackhole issue.

There's a level of naivete and hubris when it comes to folks who think we can somehow travel the stars.
Yes, humans have done great things, and we will continue to do great things.
But if you think we can - somehow - conquer the universe, you're incredibly wrong.

I really, truly, wish you were right. I think soaring through the Cosmos would be one of humanity's greatest achievements.
But... no. You're not even close to correct.

Hell, just think about something basic, like a Dyson-Sphere. So, assume that we would could, somehow, develop a device that would encompass a star (Obviously, our Sun) and harness its energy for us to be able to use however we want.
Just to put that into perspective: Such a device would require every single atom of every single planet, meteor, asteroid, comet, moon, speck of dust, etc. in our entire solar system; roughly-multiplied by eight.
Then we'd have to assume that every atom of every single speck of matter in our entire solar system was actually usable for such a device.
Then we'd also have to find a way to survive during this process.
Then we'd have to find enough matter to encompass more than EIGHT TIMES OUR ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM just to harness one, single star.

It's also worth mentioning that our Sun isn't even slightly close to strong-enough to power the bending of space-time. In order to do that, we'd have to harness somewhere in the neighborhood of thousands of solar systems of energy.

And the fact that you guys posted memes and 100-year-old retorts as responses is just.... Let's just say you're not doing yourselves any favors, in terms of being persuasive.

I would genuinely like to be as excited about the future of space-travel as you guys are. But, seriously... you seem to be just making shit up out of your asses, and then laughing at people who don't like your scent.
At least post something convincing.............. for once...........

All of that being said, there's absolutely other life out there. There's simply no question. Our universe is far too large for such a thing to not exist elsewhere.
I guess it'd be kinda cool if were special and the only thing out there; but that's just the hubris and naivete talking.
It's just a shame that basically all of them will never get to experience each other.
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