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Does Trophy/achievements add value to your gaming sessions?


No, I don't care about sharing it. There's no "progress". Like there's no overall level to how many coins you've collected, no 100% coin for completing everything in the game etc...atm, it just seems like some mobile games rewards and specific games, Not a system wide thing.

But there is completion. If you completed a mission, it's done. There is a way to see how many coins you've collected and all Platinum coins are added together.

Not all games on other platforms have a trophy/achievement for 100% completing everything either
EDIT: I'm just reading your comment on top, if that's the case then they have the equivalent of PSN/XBL why aren't they talking about it? That's awesome! Switch being my second console, if really for the those special games where I'm going to put in 100+ hours into like Zelda or Smash or Mario kart, so it's kinda important to me.

They did talk about it - when they launched Nintendo Accounts and My Nintendo.

They haven't said if they will implement it on the Switch but I would be very surprised if they didn't.
Before trophies I would very rarely attempt to 100% a game (apart from Final Fantasy)
Since trophies it definitely at least makes me want to attempt to 100% a game.

I wouldn't buy a game just for the trophies but I always check the trophy list before I buy a game and if I am torn between the choice of two games I go by whichever one has the better trophy list.

I am quite a completionist so I love that side of it. If they removed it I'd be pissed.


This is a whynotboth.jpg situation.

My Nintendos "rewards" have largely been junk anyway, so getting 1000 coins or however many it was on FEHeroes isn't particularly enticing. Especially since about all you can spend them on is refilling stamina bars/the dueling arena limit.

I like being able to see a complete list of what my friends have played and beaten, and they appreciate it for me. Can't do that with Nintendo (yet). And it sucks a bit. If nothing else, it gives a good guide to what I can talk about with them that is/isn't a spoiler prior to both finishing.

You can also spend them on various downloads

Or on discounts for full titles
I have a few Platinum's and a few 1000/1000 gamerscore but I don't really care in general. If I really like a game I'll have a look if there are ones I can easily get but if I try and fail a few times I give up. I'm not too fussed if I get them or not. They are nice to have though - Steam needs a noise with them popping up though as that is half the fun of them.
I used to be a huge achievement buff during the early 360 years but then kinda started ignoring them over the years when I realized that I'd rather play many games instead of maxing out fewer games.

Interestingly enough I find myself now going back. I've been trophy hunting on the PS4 first the last month or 2 and an enjoying the heck out of it. Platinumed AC2, The Order, Rachet & Clank and several others. Currently working on the Platinum of Uncharted and RE7. I'm really, really having fun at the moment.

I plan on sticking to this kind of gaming in the future. Meaning, buying less games but getting the Platinum in each. Really love the feeling that, when I max out a game, I basically know it in and out whereas when I just complete it I usually don't remember most of it any more. I just feel like I get more out of my games with the first approach.
Yeah, it does...I definitely feel like I get more out of games. I won't ever go back and get 100% everything in my list, as I have stuff I think is kinda crappy or played once and never went back to. But yeah for my favorites, I get the 'completionist' bug.


Yes they do, but I like to draw a line that I won't cross. I have a lot of 80-90% finished games, because going for the platinum in them would be a chore (I'm talking about serious obstacles like having to replay the entire game under new rules or go after hundreds of collectibles).


It's kind of fun seeing them pop up sometimes but otherwise I don't really care about getting trophies


Absolutely because it gets me to try new gameplay styles and challenges that I wouldn't have on my own. I usually find the most efficient way of playing and repeat but a good set of achievements will force me to be better rounded as a player, ultimately creating a better experience.
Every time I commit myself to getting a platinum (which is rare, and normally just for games I really like), I end up resenting the game by the time I get that last trophy. Now, to be fair, I only have 5 Plats, but I think I'm done messing with them. I'd rather just play the game until I'm tired of playing it, rather than forging along for no real good reason.

A good recent example of this was Doom. Even though it was a relatively easy one to 100%, I got so tired of playing the game by the time I reached the end that I couldn't really care less. It was such a hollow feeling.


Rarely actually go for 100% achievements, however I think games usually should have even more of them.

I like it when a game covers every single challenge it might have. Does it have more than 1 character? Add an achievement for finishing it with each of them. Does it have multiple difficulty levels? One for each. 50 bosses? One for each.

It'just fun going back and looking at what I've done and maybe take a challenge that's worth my time.

I have no difficulty simply ignoring those boring and/or grindy ones though, no need at all for that 100%.
They did talk about it - when they launched Nintendo Accounts and My Nintendo.

They haven't said if they will implement it on the Switch but I would be very surprised if they didn't.
ok...But I'm getting some conflicting info here. Are you not currently able to see this progress on your 3DS or WiiU yet?
None but it's a nice feeling when you unknowingly get a platinum trophy in a game. Highlights the fact it was a good game. Persona 4 golden was such a game.

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Unconfirmed Member
Rarely. I stopped paying attention to them years ago for the most part.

Sometimes I'll use them to set goals in open ended games like Forza Horizon 3 I guess. Chipping away at doing all the exhibitions and championships after maxing all festival sites for instance.

Story driven games? I beat them and move on. MP games? I play until I'm sick of it and move on.

Too many times getting frustrated and/or playing games long after I was bored of them back on 360 when achievements were new.
Trophies definitely add value to my gaming experience. Many trophy lists can expand the life of a game for me, as well as encourage me to approach the game from perspectives that I may otherwise not consider. I mean, I don't go out of my way to do stuff that I find mundane - but if it seems like an interesting goal to stride towards, then I'll give it an honest attempt.

Additionally, they provide a loose record of playtime and progress through a game, which is nice since Sony won't give us our playtime through normal means.
You can also spend them on various downloads

Or on discounts for full titles

I know that. The my nintendo "discounts" are utter jokes, and would be laughed off for even calling them sales on any other ecosystem, let alone a reward. And the 3DS themes speak for themselves. There's a good reason the mynintendo thread is full of negativity, the reward service is crap (especially compared to club nintendo beforehand).


Neo Member
Adds nothing to me. It really is just an interface pop-up that detracts from the game (visual is out of style from the current game). I play against myself and love to live my own adventure, since Atari's Adventure (no obvious pun intended) until Dark Souls era and beyond.


It depends. I love stuff like the trophies in Smash Brothers, which come with tons of trivia.

Most other achievementsystems tho feel way too much like carrots dangling in your face, which is quite insulting.
Trophies definitely add value to my gaming experience. Many trophy lists can expand the life of a game for me, as well as encourage me to approach the game from perspectives that I may otherwise not consider. I mean, I don't go out of my way to do stuff that I find mundane - but if it seems like an interesting goal to stride towards, then I'll give it an honest attempt.

Additionally, they provide a loose record of playtime and progress through a game, which is nice since Sony won't give us our playtime through normal means.

As much as I hate online trophies too it does give me a reason to try the online aspect of a game I would otherwise have no interest in at all.

Like Assassins Creed when they had the online trophies
It adds nearly nothing for me. Still, I do rarely go out of my way to finish trophies if I know a platinum is attainable. I have only done this for Odin Sphere and FFXV. I think the coolest function of trophies is seeing what percentage of the player base has attained it. It is slightly satisfying to see when you are in the ~5% of players who downed the Nameless King.


Not for me personally but I can see how it would enhance the experience for people. My Older brother is as old school as it gets when it comes to gaming and he loves them. Different strokes for different folks certainly apply here.
I have an addiction to getting all trophies in every game I play. I truly enjoy it though and look at it as a challenge. I know it is not normal but it works for me. I get some weird sense of ultimate satisfaction doing it and finishing a game.


If its nothing crazy like Seriously... from gears of war I will make an attempt if I liek the game enough. Something like Mile High from MW & MWR I do just to see if I can.


In answer to the title, yes. I do think trophies/achievements add value. Latest example was Titanfall 2. I would never have bothered running the gauntlet to beat a certain time without the trophy. I did it, and learned a ton about movement and momentum in the game.

I really like this example - trophies/cheevos not only give you a reason to stick around with a game after you've beaten it, but provide interesting opportunities to encourage more experimentation with gameplay and mechanics.
I have an addiction to getting all trophies in every game I play. I truly enjoy it though and look at it as a challenge. I know it is not normal but it works for me. I get some weird sense of ultimate satisfaction doing it and finishing a game.

You haven't truly completed a game until that platinum pops. I know that feeling man.

It's triumph haha


Nope. I don't see the point in them. I'm not going to play a game for longer than I would have otherwise due to achievements. I don't even notice them on steam/PSN.
I think the whole system is great for people who don't do optional things in games just for the sake of it.

For instance, wouldn't it be for trophies I would not be playing Uncharted now on Crushing difficulty but most certainly just move on to the next game. Instead I am fighting myself through Crushing now and enjoying it immensely. Without the trophy I would never do that.

So I'd say this system really is made for people who are not a completionist by default.

Really love the community behind it nowadays as it's really easy to snuff out the games with stupid and annoying trophies and also you can find help/guides for most of them easily.
It adds value until that one trophy that makes you grind a million points in a minigame... then I feel like I have to do it because I'm stuck at 97℅ completion


Neo Member
I find that when I earn some trophies or achievements during a session that I feel like I actually accomplished something. I know they are worthless, but I still would love to have something similar on the Switch.


i've never cared about achievements for the most part. i can think of 3 games i've 100%'d - ssfiv, hotline miami (which didn't register cause of the 100% achievement glitch at the time) and not a hero.


Yeah, they definitely add to a game if I enjoy it enough. I've actually found myself doing things I would usually just skip previously to get a trophy. Course, I don't force myself if the trophy starts to feel like it's becoming a chore.

It probably wouldn't be the only deciding factor in whether or not I pick up a Switch but it'd definitely factor into my decision.


They're a fun carrot. Especially now that the Xbox has a unique pop for rare achievements, you essentially get to complete the game against the wider population.
Yes. It's the way I maximize my time with a game. It often makes me play the game differently than I normally would.

Without trophies I'd bounce off games way quicker than I do now and I'm glad they give me something to aim for beyond getting from point A to Z.


I'll try to for games that are really enjoyable with multiple playthroughs or playtime. So things immersive RPGs likely the Witcher and fallout to me are worthwhile and not purely achievements driven. It's a neat mark of accomplishment that is meaningless to most.


Achievements do nothing for me. I think the fact that they're called "achievements" on Xbox is pretty ironic actually. They hold no value or actual merit.


You haven't truly completed a game until that platinum pops. I know that feeling man.

It's triumph haha

Yep. I had put like 100 hours into Witcher 3 and still didn't feel like it was done until that platinum popped for me.

Back in the 360 days I did anything and everything to get achievements. I eventually stopped around 96,000 gamerscore and moved to the PS3 where trophies didn't click with me. Now, on the PS4, I only go for a platinum if I really enjoyed the game, like my above example of Witcher 3.

Zeta Oni


Being able to look up achievements and now being able to see the percentage completed can tell you some interesting information. For example, in Metal Gear Solid V, only 3% of the entire player base received the "Accomplished" achievement, which requires completing all missions.

That's it, just complete all missions, and you get the achievement. 97% of the people who played the game on Xbox One didn't even manage to do that, which I find to be really interesting. More recently, in FFXV, around 5% of the total players on Xbox have gotten the achievement for defeating
, and only 25% have actually beaten the game.

Also, comparing against friends is always fun. The achievement leaderboard is a competitive little way to keep me interested in my backlog, so I stay in the lead. Being able to go in and look at other peoples achievements is also pretty cool, seeing what games they got the 100% (or close to it) will tell you plenty about what kind of games they like, and particular achievements will let you know exactly how far in the game they made it.

Lastly, call me a completionist cause I just don't feel like I've truly 100% a game until that last achievement comes up.
Really enjoy them.

I don't usually spend a lot of time on multiplayer trophies, but if I really enjoy a game, it can give me a new reason to go back and enjoy it in a different way.

I do understand the folks who give it no value.

I would like to see rewards for platinum's/achievements like when I got a free theme for Bloodborne. I think that's a fun thing developers should explore.

Also, comparing against friends is always fun. The achievement leaderboard is a competitive little way to keep me interested in my backlog, so I stay in the lead. Being able to go in and look at other peoples achievements is also pretty cool, seeing what games they got the 100% (or close to it) will tell you plenty about what kind of games they like, and particular achievements will let you know exactly how far in the game they made it.

Also this


I don't know about value. I like seeing the achievement pop but I don't often search them out.
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