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Does Trophy/achievements add value to your gaming sessions?


There are some truly fun platinums that guide the player through most of what the developers want them to experience, even neat little easter eggs and whatnot. So yeah, in general they do add value but I won't stick to completing a list if I'm not having fun with the game anymore.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
I like trophies/achievements that encourage different types of play and easter eggs or specific goals, and Ines that encourage doing a lot of activities in the game

So yeah they help encourage me to get as much playtime out of a game as possible


It depends. If the Trophy/Achievement is something like "get 100% ___" or some other thing that isn't hard/fun and just time consuming then no, but if it's something like "beat X in Y way" or "play through only using ___" then it can. I played through Dead Space 1 and 2 just using the default Plasma Cutter because there was a trophy for it and I found it super fun, just focusing all my upgrade things on it and turning it into a badass weapon.

I like it when they incentivise different ways to play or exploration and less when it's just "get everything" "get a billion kills with gun" "do task 10000000 times".


Neo Member
As someone who's never 100%ed a game or gotten a platinum I think they only add benefit to the game if they encourage me to play the game in a different way.

I don't see the point of doing something I don't want to do just because I get a little icon or increment a meaningless number. Am I going to have more fun passing the same game for the third time on the hardest difficulty while not doing something in the game; or will I have more fun just playing something different?

I found the Starcraft 2 Wing of Liberty had by far the best achievement system. It basically turned each level into 3 different levels. It encouraged me to play differently than I normally would. "Ok so to beat this level you need to turtle up... but... what if you approached the level as if you had to expand out and destroy X number of buildings?". It completely changed the way I approached the level. I thought that was very good design.
It depends. If the Trophy/Achievement is something like "get 100% ___" or some other thing that isn't hard/fun and just time consuming then no, but if it's something like "beat X in Y way" or "play through only using ___" then it can. I played through Dead Space 1 and 2 just using the default Plasma Cutter because there was a trophy for it and I found it super fun, just focusing all my upgrade things on it and turning it into a badass weapon.
Also my favorite trophies. When devs get creative on how you have to complete a game. Remember the one from Hl²: Episode 2 where you had to carry the garden gnome through the whole game and put it into the rocket. That was amazing.
Like others are saying, it depends on the style of trophy - for me, ones that encourage exploration and for me to try out new/unusual things (such as a class I wouldn't normally use) are interesting to me. Added 'value' may be a bit far but I'm happier that they're there. Even cookie cutter trophies in a game I really enjoy are quite welcome, just because it gives me an excuse to continue in the same universe and gives me something to work towards.

Broadly though, I like seeing them pop-up, feels alright, but not that bothered.


You should reread your Junior Woodchucks guidebook.



As someone who's never 100%ed a game or gotten a platinum I think they only add benefit to the game if they encourage me to play the game in a different way.

I don't see the point of doing something I don't want to do just because I get a little icon or increment a meaningless number. Am I going to have more fun passing the same game for the third time on the hardest difficulty while not doing something in the game; or will I have more fun just playing something different?

I found the Starcraft 2 Wing of Liberty had by far the best achievement system. It basically turned each level into 3 different levels. It encouraged me to play differently than I normally would. "Ok so to beat this level you need to turtle up... but... what if you approached the level as if you had to expand out and destroy X number of buildings?". It completely changed the way I approached the level. I thought that was very good design.

Yeah Wings of Liberty had some very good ones. Likewise Halo Wars had a mission-specific achievement about finishing the game speedily, completing an optional objective, or playing in a different manner/limiting yourself which I quite like alongside the achievements just for completion. Strategy games seem to lend themselves to that sort of trophy.

What do suck are ones that are pure grinding (the Halo Wars "general" rank, a lot of stuff like the Gears of War "Seriously" achievement) or ones that require basic brute-force repetition rather than luck (such as with "If they came to hear me beg..." in Halo Reach, where you had to survive an otherwise lethal fall by assassinating an enemy. Which just meant you spent hours throwing yourself off a cliff and either not having your assassination count, or the enemy moving at the last moment and you splattering behind him.
I think it depends on the game for me. For example, with RPGs I'm normally a completionist generally, and so if the Plat is tailored towards that, then I'm more inclined to do so. But it doesn't necessarily enhance the experience of the game.
ok...But I'm getting some conflicting info here. Are you not currently able to see this progress on your 3DS or WiiU yet?
It was not really implemented on Wii U or 3DS as those weren't designed with it in mind. My Nintendo is a fairly recent thing and the in game missions have only corresponded with mobile games so far.

There are a few missions based on simply going to the eShop for example on your Wii U or 3DS but nothing in games.


Mostly they just add stress for me.

Gravity Rush 1's plat was an example of a great plat though come to think of it.


I'm no achievement hunter, but i really like them, so yes, they add value to my gaming session.

Makes me feel like i reached a new milestone.

This is also why i like to be notification about them while playing, and not check some website if i managed to do something like it is currently with the Nintendo mobile games or the Pokémon games.

There's quite a difference between the game telling you "Hey, you just did something special, here's a trophy for doing so!" and checking a website to see what else you need to do, thus becoming an achievement hunter.


Absolutely. I don't even go for the full 100% (think I have 4 completed games on Xbox 360 or something) but they make me play beyond just the storyline.

As much as I love Nintendo games, they give me little to no reason to collect/do/play anything beyond the storyline. I loved Pikmin 3, and I fully completed the story with all possible items. Beyond that? Did nothing. Finishing one mission, didn't get anything, and moved on to the next game. System wide achievements would've probably gotten me to play it a lot more as I absolutely love the game.


They're the worst kind of bullshit. Yet another psychologically-manipulative addiction mechanic in an industry that just can't stop itself from using them, only this time they exist to turn people into platform devotees.
They're the worst kind of bullshit. Yet another psychologically-manipulative addiction mechanic in an industry that just can't stop itself from using them, only this time they exist to turn people into platform devotees.
The worst kind of bullshit = thing you can completely ignore and/or disable? They're completely inuntrusive.


Yes and no.

I always try to "complete" a game by getting platinum if its relatively obtainable. I do not like obscure trophies that have zero relation to the game content such as pulling of one in a million type kills/feats/actions or things that are miss able without any warning. To me its lazy, uninspired and a complete turn off.

I like when I can complete a game and then tidy up trophies after without any recourse. It makes me feel like I experienced everything the game has to offer and I dont mint shelving it after and moving onto the next game.


I used to love them! I was always trying to get 1000/1000 and platinum trophies until devs decided to add trophies/achievements to the MP portion of games. Killzone 2 topped that. After I got the platinum for that game I vowed to stop wasting time on them altogether.

In my humble opinion, I believe that these achievements and trophies promote the OCD in us all. I've noticed a difference in my behavior since stopping.

Overall I feel great and I don't miss them at all.


They're the worst kind of bullshit. Yet another psychologically-manipulative addiction mechanic in an industry that just can't stop itself from using them, only this time they exist to turn people into platform devotees.

This doesn't appear to be my experience at all. The concept of the trophy/achievement itself carries little value to me. It's when I enjoy a game immensely and aren't quite ready to put it down does the added value present itself. And even then does it have no bearing on preference of platform to me.


In some games I end up discovering secrects and other stuff because of trophies.

Makes me feel like I fully experienced the game.

So yes.
Yes and no honestly. If a game has "good" achievements/trophies, I'll almost always take the time to hunt them down. My definition of "good" here would just be extra objectives that help you appreciate the game more or maybe play a different way. Stuff like "Do XX thing XXX times" can burn in hell though.

That being said, Nintendo has managed to scratch that same itch for me without system-wide achievements. Games like Mario almost always feature coins/collectibles that give you a reason to track them down. Even if that reason is something as small as a stamp on your save file. In relation to Nintendo specifically, I don't think that having stuff like that tied to an account-based achievement list would make me any more or less likely to play their games.
Only game I've 100% is Firewatch, because you get it for beating the game. My goal is to Plat Diablo 3 and possibly Stardew Valley(long way off). Last gen when I had unlimited amount of time I used to 100% pretty much every game for 360.


For me, it removes value because the mostly primitive and stupid goals are annoying, distracting and break the immersion. I hate it when these messages pop up every 20 seconds and I always disable them. Games were much better without these artificial goals.


Add a lot to the value of the games I play. I don'T have too many platinum, only 33 but I don't go for them if they are exceedingly grindy or with too many annoying multiplayer trophies.

I explore way more the game worlds I play since their introductions. Since you can turn them off, there's no downside. If you hate it, don't use it.
of course. some people won't look at side content like challenge missions without trophies. it adds an extra layer of incentive.

it made made me look at content i probably wouldn't have tried etc. they're pretty good to prolong the life of your favorite games. i love to look at trophy complete % on PSN and check out other peoples lists with similar taste. there is lots of fun to be had with this system. getting a plat after a long ass road like in SFV is also very rewarding. i play that anyway, so yea, gimme that plat.

they can be a pain if you absolutely must get 100% in every game you play. i see this a problem for some people. trophy design is another difficult layer to get right for devs. many just suck at it.

this my.nintendo.com systems seems to be pretty bad at first glance. horrible rewards. their point system was much better when they offered physical goods. now it's all trash.
100000% yes.

I LOVE trophies and achievements and they always add more fun to the endeavor, which kills me that Nintendo doesn't add trophies/achievements as a system wide thing. Instantly makes me never want to buy third party games on their devices.

Love getting them for all games, especially those that I love. Trophies/Achievements are a-mazing and I LOVE the small additions that have been added to them (social features, wallpapers for Xbox, screenshots for Playstation, etc). They're just 10000000000% upside for me c:


Not anymore. I used to be a trophy hunter, and I will still platinum the games I enjoy, but it's not the end goal of playing a game for me anymore.


I like them as a record of what I accomplished in a game, but I hate when these are just "do something 1000 times" and other stupid things...

I can live without, but are a nice addition.


To me they add value when they encourage you to experience stuff in the game you may have missed. I would have never done the Chalice Dungeons on Bloodborne if it wasn't for the Platinum trophy requiring you to go through some of them. Stuff like "get 100 headshots" or "collect all orbs/treasures/etc." can go die in a fire, though.

I have to say that it's shame that trophies seem to have replaced in-game achievements and unlocks.
Nope, I dislike achievements in general. There are good ones - ones which act as a per-stage modifier but a lot of them are harmful to the gameplay experience and balancing as they interfere with a game's intrinsic design, and many do nothing at all.

They're the worst kind of bullshit. Yet another psychologically-manipulative addiction mechanic in an industry that just can't stop itself from using them, only this time they exist to turn people into platform devotees.

Yup, they play on skinner's techniques in order to engage people with a platform more and increase the number of games they play and the amount of time they spend in games across a platform. I turn off trophy notifications on PSN and achievement notifications on Xbox Live. Shame you can't do it for Steam, though.

The worst kind of bullshit = thing you can completely ignore and/or disable? They're completely inuntrusive.

No they aren't. Take multiplayer games for instance:

Influencing Behavior

This is the worst offender of the whole achievements system. As I previously stated, a game already has its own motivators -- in fact, the purpose of a game designer is balancing motivators around a goal to create the intended gameplay experience.

But some achievements actually influence players to act in ways that they would not normally act. I remember this kind of thing happening a lot in Team Fortress 2. Often there would be a medic doing something really stupid instead of healing teammates. Angrily, I'd ask, "What the hell are you doing, dude? Heal us."

"I'm going for an achievement", he'd reply.

This is really not that rare an occurrence, particularly when a game is new. We now have a situation where players are actively not playing correctly and disturbing or ruining the game experience for other players because of achievements.

A common mistake would be to blame this on that player. Let's put it this way: if you're blaming a player for wanting to make use of the system of achievements, then you're proving my point even further that they need to go.


When I was younger I use to go after the platinum for many games but now I dont really even focus on it. I play the game to enjoy it and wont do some of the sometimes ridiculous things to just get a trophy from it.

I have friends that are so obsessed with it, they would read up on how to approach a gme for an efficient platinum beforehand, so hence reading spoilers etc before even playing through it once themselves.

Fair enough if you want to play it that way (its your purchase afterall) but not for me.

The only games I will generally go out my way to platinum now is if after a quick glance after nearing end of game Im only a couple of trophies away and their easily obtainable I will probably do it.


I really enjoy trophies and achievements. Getting a platinum trophy is a fun incentive to 100% a game you love. I would never buy a game just for easy trophies, though.


Achievements tend to have the opposite effect on me. I've been making an effort to 100% every major wii u release and getting achievements basically makes me hate whatever game I'm playing. Getting 100% in smash, xenoblade, and pokken tournament is just boring, tedious bs through and through.
They're not important to me in the slightest. Things kept popping up while I was playing Resident Evil 7 and it almost messed up the immersion. I don't play enough video games nowadays to get too upset about it though.
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