GaimeGuy said:
I don't believe bungie jumping or riding roller coasters medically dirupts the chemical balances in your brain for days, weeks, months, or years at a time, but I could be wrong.
No, but a snapped wire or a bad parachute can. That's my point, it's all risks. You driving down the road is a risk. You can say you'd rather not take an unnecessary risk, and that's fine. But you shouldn't go around preaching about how
marijuana of all things is a major risk, because it's just fucking not. Ecstasy, yes. I can understand
GaimeGuy said:
I guess witnessing the negative effects that these things have on people has made me more determined to stay away from them. A few hours of pleasure doesn't justify the potential damage of a lifetime.
And my point is that unless you saw someone get lung cancer or you saw them get in a car and drive while under the influence when discussing marijuana, you ain't seen nothing but a dumb fuck who was going to fuck his life over anyway. I've graduated from college. Been a grade B-A student most of my life, and I've taken far more serious drugs than fuckin' weed. And I know plenty of others like that as well. Anecdotal evidence is about a arms length away, which is why it's best to rely on science. And
scientifically, there is no evidence that it makes you lack motivation (when you're not smoking, of course), or that it burns brain cells, or that it "fries your brain." All that is mythtalkin', and it's bullshit. I don't like bullshit. I'm hopin' you don't like bullshit as well.
I respect people who don't do drugs. To me, they have more willpower than I can ever have, especially knowing what I do; experiencing the pleasures that are more spectacular than your mind can even fathom. And yet these people resist. Maybe they are able to resist because they haven't experienced it, or because they're stronger. Either way, I respect those people. But I don't respect the same people who try to shit on people with big moral stories filled with garbage that is never true except for people who are too damned dull to see the truth: People ruin their lives because they're fucking idiots, and it would have happened with or without marijuana.
That's all I'm sayin'. We can have enlightening talks about all sorts of drugs, and my motto is let the fools put what they want into their body. S'long as they ain't hurting you or I, so long as they ain't blowing their weed smoke in your face or hoppin' in a car while rollin' balls, let them in peace.
But this is America.
Cyan said:
Basically, e can seriously fuck up your brain chemistry. I know that it's hard to take seriously, since the government demonizes every kind of illegal drug, but you really want to watch out for e.
The professor of the class I took on this actually said during one lecture that he thought we should experiment and try things out, but the the one thing he hoped we got out of the class was to avoid e. Given all the brain chemistry crap, I'm inclined to follow his advice.
Yes, but not on your first time. Which is basically the thing we said bullshit to. You ain't going to roll hard and have your seratonin levels fucked for weeks. That takes a lot of rolls, not just a night on the rave scene.
catfish said:
Does E really make you impotent while you are on it?
I've never had the oppurtunity to test that out, I would believe it though seeings as I don't think I'm capable of feeling anything below my neck while on it.
FUCK YES. God, it's the must frusturating thing because every touch is
infinitely more pleasurable, and yet you can't bust a nut for your god damned life. And often this impotency lasts for a few days, so it REALLY sucks if you had a great roll.