You guys do realize that not all lobbying is corporate right? Just because it's abused by corporations doesn't mean it doesn't have an important purpose.
But it corrupts the process. Undeniable. John Stewart puts it really well:
It's not a good argument to flaunt the good thing and act like it's a give-or-take. Every parliamentary system throughout the ages have shown itself to be selfishly influenced by personal gains superseeding the act of serving the best interests of the people. To ignore this is not just outrageously ignorant- It's almost insane.
Ignore Trump in this- Him saying anything, doesn't matter.
What matters is that Hillary has vowed to deal with Citizens United within her first month in office. What matters is that it has to stop with election fundraising deciding more and more of the process as Americans low voter turnout is connected to the effects of throwing hundreds of millions of dollars after campaigning.
Elections are bought and paid for, because most people vote for the guy who panders the most to them. Most people don't know what the fuck is going on, and that plays into how they vote. Thats just how it is.
So money decides the process. There is no question about that, and its for that reason that the US has a history with electing famous, powerful and rich officials. From actors to business men and powerful "dynasty" like families who can use money to move ahead in the herd.
Vast amount of people don't know who the fuck Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders or other non 100+ million dollar backed politicians are. Political campaigns are campaigns for a character. Thats why you have all this bullshit focusing on making them seem like a nice guy to have a beer with or just focusing on them as a person. its a much easier sell to sell the character of a president as someone who can change laws and legislation by pressing a button. And the actual policies are unknown to many of the people who vote for that person.
Disinfranchisement, apathy, laziness and cultural norms have changed a lot. During Abraham Lincolns run they would do speeches for 8+ hours to have outrageous scrutiny on every position, on every subject so you'd know the positions on everything, and that would be what you had to go on. Now a days, most people get their opinions from sound bytes like "make american great again". It's just the dumbing down of the political process in an era where fewer and fewer people have any faith in the process at all.
And the conflict of interest poised from lobbying is a massive part of that.