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Donald Trump: Why you should vote for me

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Not happening.



Your hopes have become my hopes and your dreams have become my dreams

I hope you lose in such a record breaking fashion that it fucks over the republican party this year and for years to come, and I dream every business you have or will ever touch is burned to the ground as fallout from this breathtakingly stupid campaign.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
You have my vote Donald, and the vote of 800,000+ other Iowans to help Make America Great Again!
Welp, at least you admit to being a xenophobic, sexist/misogynistic, fascist supporting racist. As well as someone who actively wants to vote against their own self interest due to trying to vote for an idiot who bankrupted multiple casinos in the span of two years. It's always better for that honesty so that I can never take anything you say seriously. :mad:


This means renegotiating Bill and Hillary Clinton’s disastrous NAFTA and China deals that have deindustrialized the United States — importing unemployment and exporting our wealth.

Clunky. Exporting employment is what they wanted to say, but they wanted to have an import/export thing going so they forced it.
Welp, at least you admit to being a xenophobic, sexist/misogynistic, fascist supporting racist. As well as someone who actively wants to vote against their own self interest due to trying to vote for an idiot who bankrupted multiple casinos in the span of two years. It's always better for that honesty so that I can never take anything you say seriously. :mad:



I hope you lose in such a record breaking fashion that it fucks over the republican party this year and for years to come, and I dream every business you have or will ever touch is burned to the ground as fallout from this breathtakingly stupid campaign.

These type posts are so effin dumb. Every business he has crumbles? Seriously? Lol I keep seeing this, and it's a total shit response. Your basically saying fuck him I hate you and wish to see your 35000 employees join the unemployment line.


super anecdote evidence but here in China we watch us election news too. My dad likes Trump to be prez because it would make US weaker. Coming from a big Putin fan like him, it is no surprise lol.

I would assume a lot of Chinese mainlanders think that way too. There was even a piece from NPR about this I think?


listen to the mad man
RE: Trump's first hundred days


Anti-corruption: I disagree with #1, #2, #3, #5.
Protecting workers: I disagree with all 7 ideas
Security: I disagree with all 5 ideas

I disagree with 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. 10 is not at all specified.

So all in all this is not a particularly good pitch if we're meant to be focusing on concrete policy proposals. Are the people who think this is "not bad" just going off the fact that the sentences are coherent and it doesn't have racial slurs? Because it's still all poorly conceived demagoguery, much of it based on policies we've already tried and failed.
So much hate from everyone. Wish people would stop spitting vitriol against vitriol.

Bad and terrible people deserve it to an extent. People have been angry for months at this guy for all of the shit he said and all of the things that have been reported on them. We should be able to let out a bit of our anger at it. It's like finally seeing a villain get what's finally coming to them.

Can't really think of one good thing to say about him and hope finally karma catches up to him.


I convinced my half American co-worker to go to the embassy here and vote against Trump.

He was totally disinterested in the election so I had to treat him to Carl's Jr in return.

And remind him that Donald plans to force our company to work exclusively inside the US

I did my part.
What do you think would be a proper response from people?

Ignore it? I just feel like you're playing into exactly what him and his supporters want by spitting hate and anger towards them. Prove to him that America is better than what he represents. We as a country were built on working with others and understanding all backgrounds of life. Do you think 45% of America is going to go away after Tuesday night? No, we need build ways to help bridge and fix why this country has become so divided. Throwing up your hands and saying fuck these people is the wrong way to do that.
Ignore it? I just feel like you're playing into exactly what him and his supporters want by spitting hate and anger towards them. Prove to him that America is better than what he represents. We as a country were built on working with others and understanding all backgrounds of life. Do you think 45% of America is going to go away after Tuesday night? No, we need build ways to help bridge and fix why this country has become so divided. Throwing up your hands and saying fuck these people is the wrong way to do that.

Nah. Fuck all fascists and fascist supporters. Ignoring it is the easy and lazy way out.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ignore it? I just feel like you're playing into exactly what him and his supporters want by spitting hate and anger towards them. Prove to him that America is better than what he represents. We as a country were built on working with others and understanding all backgrounds of life. Do you think 45% of America is going to go away after Tuesday night? No, we need build ways to help bridge and fix why this country has become so divided. Throwing up your hands and saying fuck these people is the wrong way to do that.

There's nothing wrong with taking their actual issues seriously, but Trump isn't doing that, so how are "we" supposed to?

Their jobs weren't actually stolen by foreigners.
Immigrants aren't actually destroying the country.
Hillary isn't actually a murderess.
Trump's "policies" will literally make everything worse.
The main thing they seem to care about is hating brown people.

How do we address their passionate cries?

They're not saying anything reasonable, and have been tricked by a morally bankrupt party into supporting policies that are counter to their own interests.

The best way to fix their real problems is by providing them facts and forcing the Republican party to do a hard reset.


RE: Trump's first hundred days

I posted a similar comment on the previous page, broadly sharing your views.

Anti-corruption: I disagree with #1, #2, #3, #5.

Interested in why you think #1 and #5 are a bad idea. #2 and #3 speak for themselves.

So all in all this is not a particularly good pitch if we're meant to be focusing on concrete policy proposals. Are the people who think this is "not bad" just going off the fact that the sentences are coherent and it doesn't have racial slurs? Because it's still all poorly conceived demagoguery, much of it based on policies we've already tried and failed.

My take was one of surprise, in that they all seemed very typical, right-of-the-Republican-party policies, with only a light sprinkling of the demagoguery wankerism that Trump spouts out in person.

I do wonder who this is aimed at, as I can only imagine that anyone voting for Trump would have made their minds up to support him a very long time ago, with nothing - scandals, policy, anything - shaping their views.
The issue with the discourse of talking to Trump supporters is that the entirety of Democracy's goal has already been shoved aside by them - they actively support a fascist. If Democracies operate under the notion that the people will choose and eliminate fascism then we're stuck. Not only that, a lot of them totally know it and are all for it.

These are also people who believe the CIA, FBI, NSA, White House, Democratic Party, GOP, CNN, NBC, BBC and pretty much every organization that is not staunchly right-wing are all legitimately rigged or under the control of the Clintons. and then go and take tabloid-tier rumormongering at face value while screaming and whining about media bias.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
Ignore it? I just feel like you're playing into exactly what him and his supporters want by spitting hate and anger towards them. Prove to him that America is better than what he represents. We as a country were built on working with others and understanding all backgrounds of life. Do you think 45% of America is going to go away after Tuesday night? No, we need build ways to help bridge and fix why this country has become so divided. Throwing up your hands and saying fuck these people is the wrong way to do that.

Yeah, I'm gonna ignore someone who called me and my people rapists, criminals and drug runners, and is being endorsed by one of the major political parties just because they want to stick it to Hillary.
Ignore it? I just feel like you're playing into exactly what him and his supporters want by spitting hate and anger towards them. Prove to him that America is better than what he represents. We as a country were built on working with others and understanding all backgrounds of life. Do you think 45% of America is going to go away after Tuesday night? No, we need build ways to help bridge and fix why this country has become so divided. Throwing up your hands and saying fuck these people is the wrong way to do that.

Fuck those people. Yup. Feels good, doc..
Yeah, I'm gonna ignore someone who called me and my people rapists, criminals and drug runners, and is being endorsed by one of the major political parties just because they want to stick it to Hillary.

Leave it to apathetic people who aren't at any risk to sit in their ivory tower and tell you how you should deal with those who oppress you while they themselves do nothing.

Gonna do a reverse MLK pokemon summoning on their asses and drop this because it's very much relevant as hell.

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and that when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress. I had hoped that the white moderate would understand that the present tension in the South is a necessary phase of the transition from an obnoxious negative peace, in which the Negro passively accepted his unjust plight, to a substantive and positive peace, in which all men will respect the dignity and worth of human personality. Actually, we who engage in nonviolent direct action are not the creators of tension. We merely bring to the surface the hidden tension that is already alive. We bring it out in the open, where it can be seen and dealt with. Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.

Back to the thread: Fuck Trump, fuck his supporters, fuck empathising with any of them. They're all deplorable pieces of shit. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, I don't give a fuck about their made up plights and fears, they can all get fucked.


Ignore it? I just feel like you're playing into exactly what him and his supporters want by spitting hate and anger towards them. Prove to him that America is better than what he represents. We as a country were built on working with others and understanding all backgrounds of life. Do you think 45% of America is going to go away after Tuesday night? No, we need build ways to help bridge and fix why this country has become so divided. Throwing up your hands and saying fuck these people is the wrong way to do that.

Nah, fuck that racist and his racist supporters. I am not going to hand hold racists to more progressive views. I will step over them when the future eventually knocks them down. They are no longer the majority so they can either change or die but none of us should have to help them with anything. Fuck 'em and anyone like 'em.
Leave it to apathetic people who aren't at any risk to sit in their ivory tower and tell you how you should deal with those who oppress you while they themselves do nothing.

Gonna do a reverse MLK pokemon summoning on their asses and drop this because it's very much relevant as hell.

Back to the thread: Fuck Trump, fuck his supporters, fuck empathising with any of them. They're all deplorable pieces of shit. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, I don't give a fuck about their made up plights and fears, they can all get fucked.

Seriously, they support that asshole, they are racists and facists. Full stop. There is no single issue or asinine reasons to keep supporters from being called a spade, because there are none. If you support a spade, you are a spade. No two ways about it.


I cannot be the only person troubled by the fact Putin showed up at a Trump rally in Florida yesterday. I may be wrong but I cannot recall a time in my life (38) where a presidential nominee Republican or Democrat had a foriegn diplomat or leader come to this country to attend a rally and endorse him. But this is a major red flag that is being underreported by the media.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America

This is fantastic.

I cannot be the only person troubled by the fact Putin showed up at a Trump rally in Florida yesterday. I may be wrong but I cannot recall a time in my life (38) where a presidential nominee Republican or Democrat had a foriegn diplomat or leader come to this country to attend a rally and endorse him. But this is a major red flag that is being underreported

Holy shit... this is actually real. How have I missed this?

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