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Scrow said:
You’re blind... hell you can even right click the images like I did an see the difference in file size... and yes society, they both have terrible compression. Nintendo and other developers/publishers should stop using jpegs for screenshots and instead use pngs.

Anyway, all that image quality stuff aside; this game is now one of my most anticipated. It looks like nothing but pure fun.

in photoshop.. you can use the save for web setting with minimal resolution loss - it won't be highly printable but it'll look fine on the internet. File size has got a bit to do with how it can look The jpeg/save for web feature can really scale the file size of an image down. The same jpeg can be like 30 times bigger in file sized when saved as a tif.


Still Tagged Accordingly
TheGreenGiant said:
in photoshop.. you can use the save for web setting with minimal resolution loss - it won't be highly printable but it'll look fine on the internet. File size has got a bit to do with how it can look The jpeg/save for web feature can really scale the file size of an image down. The same jpeg can be like 30 times bigger in file sized when saved as a tif.
... so?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Jumpman said:
This game looks awesome, I hope it's as fun to play as it is to stare at.
From the sound of it, it is. It most definitely is. :D


Please Nintendo, make more side-scrollers with this graphics engine! 2D Metroid with this engine = DROOL!


GaimeGuy said:
From the sound of it, it is. It most definitely is. :D

I hope so. I'm buying Donkey Konga (Toys R Us deal) basically just for the drums, so I'll be able to play Jungle Beat the way that it was intended.
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