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Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Appreciation: Bongos Vs. New Play Control


Wow. This ranks very highly in my list of threads I never knew I always wanted.

This game also ranks very highly in my top Gamecube games of all time. Seriously, the bongo controls made this game great. Fuck the 'should have used the Gamecube controller' zealots.

Super stylish, rad music, and one of the best gameplay mechanics ever conceived in a platformer. The combo system and medals seriously kicked up the replay value of this game 10-fold. Also, the one-on-one boss battles were fantastic, and made Donkey Kong a total badass. The variety in gameplay makes the pacing of this game so fantastic. Each stage offers something different.

Seriously, if you haven't played it and you have completionist compulsions, give it a shot. It's a top class game.
One of my favorite GameCube games, it was so fresh. I remember playing it for hours the day I got it and my hands hurt like hell after. Great game.


Good to hear so many people really enjoyed this game too! For the longest time, I felt as if I was the only one. ;)

Anyone have an idea what this game sold? On Cube? On Wii? On both platforms? I imagine its pretty low, but how low?


you can still get the bongos for a decent price if you look around though, right?

this isn't as bad as my recent dilemma with wanting Samba de Amigo on DC maracas (first party, apparently) vs the Wii version


The bongos, as used in this game, have to be one of my favorite accessories of all time.

They just look awesome, too. DEM RIDGES.


Bongos any day of the week. Man, I want the GC Nintendo back, sunshine, DKJB, Chibi Robo, Wind Waker... damn.


The Gamecube version is easily my second-favorite Nintendo-published game on that system, and it's really not that far behind Metroid Prime at that. Absolutely brilliant level design and gameplay mechanics, and even though they reused the crap out of the boss archetypes, it never stopped being awesome to get a successful parry in on one of them and just wail on them.


Bongos all the way. Without that tactile sense of rhythm the game is just a kinda above average but pleasant platformer. The bongos push it over the edge though

This game was better than DKCR.

Disagree. DKCR has way better platforming and its boss fights stay engaging (only the punchout style Kongs are really any fun in DKJB imo)
The highs in DKJB are higher for sure tho. Dat Suspended in Air Jello level
One of my favorite games ever as well! I never tried the wiimote setup........and I kinda don't want to, the bongos were part of how the game felt.
Couldn't stand what little I played of the Wii version due to the lack of bongos, even if I appreciated some of the added flourishes it got compared to the other NPC-ports. Bongos are literally what makes this game and its unique combo-platforming system so great.

Feel the game itself is sorta overrated (when talking to other Nintendo fans; well aware on the whole it bombed both times it was released) though; incredibly short, really easy to platinum every level the first time through and even in comparison to Rare's questionable character design EAD Tokyo was mostly awful at creating memorable new DK characters. Definitely lays a solid foundation for a more 'Returns' style sequel though which hopefully wouldn't feel as bare bones as its predecessor (probably due to its development being squished between Sunshine and Galaxy).

I'd rank it just behind DKC2 and Returns.


I could not stand the New Play Control version. I tried it a couple times and was so disappointed in the experience I sold it on Amazon.

I loved the original, beyond the awesome gameplay, for being a Donkey Kong platformer without the horrible Rare universe characters. A+ would buy again.


I remember the combo system with the speedrun video, it gets awesome with world 3.
They give dk some wild animations too,breaking the giant egg with frantic headbutts, didn't remember that.


To everyone who appreciates the brilliant combo system in this game and wants to play another game which uses something similar:


Runman: Race Around The World! It's a freeware game by Tom Sennet and Matt Thorson. The combo system isn't exactly the same (it's based on maintaining speed instead of not touching the ground) but it's a seriously fantastic freeware game. PLAAAAAAY IIIIIIT.


I had the urge to play the GameCube version again recently and I still LOVE it! Such a timeless game.

With Tropical Freeze on Wii U having been released since starting this topic in 2013, does anyone still long for a sequel to Jungle Beat, even if it required the New Play Controls?


With Tropical Freeze on Wii U having been released since starting this topic in 2013, does anyone still long for a sequel to Jungle Beat, even if it required the New Play Controls?

It'll never get a sequel on dedicated hardware but I wouldn't be surprised to see a new Jungle Beat game for smartphones.


I've still got boxed Bongos for this. 2 even maybe. But I don't have the game any more.!

Need to rebuy that.
I also bought this launch day. It was great, seeing this images reminded me how tough it was to perfect each level and all the hidden tips inside the game.
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