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Don't Starve PS4 |OT| Free with PS+

you'll get two respawns but take the health hit for both

Touchstones do not lower your maximum health, only Meat Effigies do that.

I just ran into my first chess area after like 5 plays. Those guys do not mess around. I don't even know how you would fight those. =l

They're tough, but rewarding. I find the knights (the horse-looking guys) are the easiest. First, draw them away from the camp, then attack them once or twice, run away to dodge their attack, run in and hit them again, etc. What makes it difficult is the giant rhino charging around the bishops shooting lasers at you so you have to constantly watch out, however, a fresh log suit, a spear, and some healing food in reserve I find is plenty to take out a knight and get two gears. Gears are one of my big targets before even the first winter, since they allow you to make an icebox which is a chest that keeps your food fresh longer, wonderfully valuable once you've got consistent sources of food that produce it faster than you can eat it. If you're lucky enough to find the chessboard early, you can nearly store up enough food to last all through winter.

I think I may have to figure out how to play more efficiently though. There are so many different things you can create and I was only able to make a small amount of them because I'm so worried about eating and gathering stuff.

That's what the early game is always like, most of your time is spent just trying to get food. One thing that I find helps a bit is to remember that hunger is not like sanity. Your character performs just as well at 15 hunger as 150. As such, don't be afraid to start a day at full hunger and pretty much ignore food for that entire day. You will make it just fine and have a chance to spend the next day gathering food to fill yourself up again.
On day 22. 2nd day of Winter. Thought I'd chill at my camp and try not to venture too far so. But there were a couple of hounds that came out of nowhere. I'm trying to shake them off but even when they leave my sight I have no idea where they're at. They don't seem to run far off because I went back towards my camp and there they were. =l I hope I don't die just because a couple of random hounds came at me. I need to somehow kill them or get rid of them while keeping myself from starving or being caught in the dark. =(

I'm on day 17. So Winter starts on day 20? Does the cold affect your health?


Does putting floor tiles affect sanity at night or prevent cold during winter? Does flooring do anything or just aesthetic?
Btw. what is the point of building a wall (for example around the camp)? I would imagine if hounds etc. attack, they will run through the gate or opening and the you'll have a hard time kiting inside your closed camp.

Edit: Thanks for the info, WhirlwindMonk.
Btw. what is the point of building a wall (for example around the camp)? I would imagine if hounds etc. attack, they will run through the gate or opening and the you'll have a hard time kiting inside your closed camp.

You can eventually build traps to damage them. With enough traps, then entire group of hounds will die before ever making it to you, and walls are the easiest way to force them to run over those traps.


You can eventually build traps to damage them. With enough traps, then entire group of hounds will die before ever making it to you, and walls are the easiest way to force them to run over those traps.

Whats the best trap and what kinda ingredients do you need?
Whats the best trap and what kinda ingredients do you need?

Unfortunately, that would be the tooth trap, which requires a log, a rope, and a hound's tooth, which you get from killing hounds. Fortunately, each one has ten uses, so, in theory, once you get a couple going, they should be self sustaining, killing the hounds for more teeth. I have never really used them, though, since I have the worst luck in the world when it comes to tooth drops.


Worth noting that beefalos seem to attack without provocation if you are armed with a spear when you approach them. Swapping to equip and axe or something does not seem to do the same, and they ignore you.

Not managed to kill one yet either, they just trample me.


Day 20. I have an awesome base surrounded by stone. I have discovered a big amount on the map. Sadly 4 dogs are coming for me and I cannot seem to defeat them. They just destroy the stone wall :(.
Worth noting that beefalos seem to attack without provocation if you are armed with a spear when you approach them. Swapping to equip and axe or something does not seem to do the same, and they ignore you.

Not managed to kill one yet either, they just trample me.

Not sure what happened in your case, but beefalo only attack without provocation during mating season (you can tell because they'll all have red backsides).

The key to killing them is kiting. Attack, then run until there's only one chasing you, attack it again, then run, keep repeating so you draw this one further and further away from the group, then run in and kill it. It's not hard, just can be annoying and time consuming. Also, wear a log suit.
I tried it yesterday for the first time but honestly I have no freaking idea what I'm doing and why. Is there a good tutorial out there?


What kind of strategies do you guys have for building your home base, what day you typically start trying to build it? I've found that it takes several days to explore enough of the map to know where stone is and where trees, rabbits, etc are. I've heard a lot of people say to build it near a road and build it in a corner that is adjacent to the materials you'll need. But when I zoom out on the map, it's very intimidating knowing how big the map is and knowing that wherever I build my camp is probably not the most ideal place, but if I just kept exploring, that would last probably 10-15 days and then I wouldn't have much time before winter.


Not sure what happened in your case, but beefalo only attack without provocation during mating season (you can tell because they'll all have red backsides).

The key to killing them is kiting. Attack, then run until there's only one chasing you, attack it again, then run, keep repeating so you draw this one further and further away from the group, then run in and kill it. It's not hard, just can be annoying and time consuming. Also, wear a log suit.

Yeah, they looked a bit flushed lol. But when i ran off and came back - in the same day - with an axe equipped they all left me alone. Maybe the 'mating season' ended mid day?

Problem I have is healing is so slow. I can take something on, but will have low health from it for an age. All the things I can see that heal me require more fights to obtain, meaning I am fucked and just have to wait it out till I get better.
Problem I have is healing is so slow. I can take something on, but will have low health from it for an age. All the things I can see that heal me require more fights to obtain, meaning I am fucked and just have to wait it out till I get better.

This is why I've prioritized making bee boxes as early as possible in my more recent games. With a bug net and a beekeeper hat, I take little to no damage gathering the bees and honeycomb I need and once you learn how to kite a small nest of spiders, getting the silk is pretty easy. Honey combined with morsels in a crock pot makes honey nuggets which heal 20 health, if you have some actual meat, you can make honey ham which heals 30.

The absolute best, though it depends on some luck, is mandrake soup. They look like carrots in the ground, but the difference isn't hard to spot once you see one. Pull them out in the day, they die, gather them up, keep them in a chest. A mandrake and three sticks in a crock pot makes mandrake soup which heals 100 health and 150 hunger. Like I said, takes some luck, so don't use it on a whim, but in an emergency, it can save your life.
Might seem like a strange question but if I like spelunky will there be a chance that I'll like this, too? I tried it for about 10 minutes but it seem too aimless to really get me to want to keep playing it.


This is why I've prioritized making bee boxes as early as possible in my more recent games. With a bug net and a beekeeper hat, I take little to no damage gathering the bees and honeycomb I need and once you learn how to kite a small nest of spiders, getting the silk is pretty easy. Honey combined with morsels in a crock pot makes honey nuggets which heal 20 health, if you have some actual meat, you can make honey ham which heals 30.

The absolute best, though it depends on some luck, is mandrake soup. They look like carrots in the ground, but the difference isn't hard to spot once you see one. Pull them out in the day, they die, gather them up, keep them in a chest. A mandrake and three sticks in a crock pot makes mandrake soup which heals 100 health and 150 hunger. Like I said, takes some luck, so don't use it on a whim, but in an emergency, it can save your life.

I've found two of them. The first time ate it and it healed me fully. The second time I cooked it first, then the screen went black, then I ate it and it went black again. It took me to morning the next day with full everything. Need a stack of these in a chest for sure. I'll try and concentrate on honey bits in my new game.
I've found two of them. The first time ate it and it healed me fully. The second time I cooked it first, then the screen went black, then I ate it and it went black again. It took me to morning the next day with full everything. Need a stack of these in a chest for sure. I'll try and concentrate on honey bits in my new game.

Cooking and crock pot heal the same, which is roughly double what raw heals. The nice thing about cooking it in a crock pot is that it doesn't make you black out, though such a thing might be desirable if you want to skip the night.


I hope you console guys are really enjoying this game. I picked it up Early Access when it first released and was addicted to the oppressive difficulty and the learning curve of the game.

Have fun with this one guys, one of my favorites of 2013!

And if I may make a suggestion, much like Dark Souls, this game is better played blind.


Oh God, oh God. I've managed to last the longest thus far. 20 days and still counting. I saved and quit the game but I know "Winter is coming" when I come back to the game.

So What should I do? I've basically just explored the map and placing fireplaces all over the map so I can get by quite easily from one place to another. But what should I need to survive winter? I still have one worship stone intact so should anything bad happen that'll resurrect me. But I'd rather be prepare for winter now.
Oh God, oh God. I've managed to last the longest thus far. 20 days and still counting. I saved and quit the game but I know "Winter is coming" when I come back to the game.

So What should I do? I've basically just explored the map and placing fireplaces all over the map so I can get by quite easily from one place to another. But what should I need to survive winter? I still have one worship stone intact so should anything bad happen that'll resurrect me. But I'd rather be prepare for winter now.

Make a heat stone and rabbit earmuffs. If you can manage it, sneak over to some beefalo at night and shave them for their fur and make a fur hat (warmer than the earmuffs). Go back to your touchstone, build a chest, and put enough wood and grass in there to make a fire (or make another firepit if you have the materials and just leave wood) along with some basic tools, a weapon, armor, and another warm hat. Chances are you will die. Winter is pretty unforgiving. Don't give up, just learn from your mistakes and after another couple tries, you'll learn to survive winter.


Sweet lord this game is awesome. A few questions (sorry if they are answered already, combed through the thread and didn't see these)

How do I zoom out of the map?

Is there another mode besides survival? I read about adventure mode but have no option for it.

What is the point of the "XP" you get after dying?

Is it ever possible to build a structure you can actually enter, with a roof on it? Can you build doors or is it always open / exposed to the elements?

Can Chester be killed? (by enemies)

Is it worth stealing the "eggs" or nest things that the large stick legged eye-ball creatures have in their camp?

Is there a maximum number of days or is it endless?


The real challenge in Don't Starve is to get my wife to hand over the DS4 so i can have a turn.

Heh, its a highlight of PS4 for my wife as well. :) Awesome game, took us a few tries, but we got to the winter now and fighting for survival. 5 days left and we should make it, but i am afraid that we will not survive next hounds attack. Barely survived last one at the start of the winter, we really should start building a panic room with tooth traps at the entrance and exit, but we dont have resources for it. :/


I got killed by hounds on day 12 because i was not prepared for something like that to happen.

It's fun, but it also encourages systematic gameplay, which i hope isn't going to take away from the openness of the games potential.


I really enjoyed this game when I first started, but now that I've passed Day 30 and I've settled into a sustainable routine it has gotten really boring.


I died at the 5th day in my 2nd playthrough. I was starving for 3 days so I started to eat any raw shit that I could find, until I lost my sanity and got killed by a shadow! Lol
I am loving playing as the Strongman. I like the " I'M MIGHTY! " status when you are above 3/4th health. I have been rolling with a log suit and a spear for awhile.

One thing I need to learn to do is kill only what I need for the next 3 days or so, anything else is going to just cause spoiling to the food.

My last run was at Day 17 and had a stockpile of 20 or so cooked meats spoil because I horded it all from a herd of Beefalo lol. Not a good plan.

So next time around, will kill maybe 2 beefalo at a time and keep that around. I am starting to put Signs on the map to mark important areas, makes it easier to know where the Beefalo are or where the Gold is or whatever.

This really is a fantastic game though. Well done!


After few games of 5-6 days, I managed to survive 31 days, only to get killed by hounds who managed to corner me against my own wall.

I love this game!


Oh God, oh God. I've managed to last the longest thus far. 20 days and still counting. I saved and quit the game but I know "Winter is coming" when I come back to the game.

So What should I do? I've basically just explored the map and placing fireplaces all over the map so I can get by quite easily from one place to another. But what should I need to survive winter? I still have one worship stone intact so should anything bad happen that'll resurrect me. But I'd rather be prepare for winter now.

Good luck son, winter is nothing to joke about.

Get a refrigerator box and throw any food you have in their.

Is there an end/reward to this game or is it never-ending?

Yes, explore the map and find Maxwell's Door.
I really enjoyed this game when I first started, but now that I've passed Day 30 and I've settled into a sustainable routine it has gotten really boring.

Find Maxwell's door and enter adventure mode, dig up the underground and explore there, try to complete the portal to the next world, find and fight some of the bosses of the world. The game may be called Don't Starve, but there's much more to it than just surviving. There are plenty of things that aren't even possible to attempt until after you've got a stable routine going around day 30.


Find Maxwell's door and entire adventure mode, dig up the underground and explore there, try to complete the portal to the next world, find and fight some of the bosses of the world. The game may be called Don't Starve, but there's much more to it than just surviving. There are plenty of things that aren't even possible to attempt until after you've got a stable routine going around day 30.

Wow! This game is A LOT deeper than I ever thought!


Something about this game rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the combination of mundane tasks (eating, sleeping, harvesting resources) combined with the rogue-like nature of the game where a single death wipes out whatever progress one makes, necessitating the repetition of said mundane tasks. Maybe I'll try again in a few months with a fresh perspective.
Is there a tutorial for this game on GAF/online?

This one seems pretty good to me, and the wiki as a whole is a great resource for learning how to use and handle pretty much anything in the game.

Wow! This game is A LOT deeper than I ever thought!

And I didn't even touch on the 3-4 tiers of crafting beyond what's necessary to hit some level of stability. Each of them is harder than the last to gather materials for, with the Shadow Manipulator pretty much requiring you to drive yourself insane (temporarily) to get the materials to build it.


Something about this game rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the combination of mundane tasks (eating, sleeping, harvesting resources) combined with the rogue-like nature of the game where a single death wipes out whatever progress one makes, necessitating the repetition of said mundane tasks. Maybe I'll try again in a few months with a fresh perspective.

It's just too hardcore bra! ;)

I kid, I kid.

yeah, you can change a lot of values before starting the game.

Does this have any effect on XP gaining?


Day 20. I have an awesome base surrounded by stone. I have discovered a big amount on the map. Sadly 4 dogs are coming for me and I cannot seem to defeat them. They just destroy the stone wall :(.

When that happened to me in the winter I had 2 flocks of penguins really close to my camp. I ran the dogs into the penguins, the dogs ended up smashing their eggs and the penguins went ham on the dogs destroying them. I collected their spoils and went back to the camp unscathed.

Its pretty funny turning animals on each other. Also I ended up burning down this huge forest while escaping from something that was attacking me, the damn thing took up just an immense portion of the map and it all burned including what was chasing me. I really stink at the combat in this game, I usually end up trapping spiders rather than kill them. Just drop 2 traps as you are running away and they both get caught in them. I understand watching for attacks and then dodging but I like that you can be creative with it.


Something about this game rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's the combination of mundane tasks (eating, sleeping, harvesting resources) combined with the rogue-like nature of the game where a single death wipes out whatever progress one makes, necessitating the repetition of said mundane tasks. Maybe I'll try again in a few months with a fresh perspective.

That is pretty much what got me as well. After 4 cracks at it, I couldn't be bothered to go around and collect loads of grass, saplings, chopping down trees, etc... just to get back up to where I was. It's like playing a game with no real save mechanism.

I would have been pissed if I'd spent $15 on this. It's like a game specifically designed to abuse people instead of just let them have fun.


Gold Member
I tried it yesterday for the first time but honestly I have no freaking idea what I'm doing and why. Is there a good tutorial out there?

i felt the same and even posted the exact same message here the other day..

i just tried to put another concerted effort in and its making more and more sense. once i realized its a real time rouge-like.

now im addicted....

also - look at the controls and itll clear up what you need. don't just wander.. make a concerted effort to survive and keep exploring slowly. set yourself small goals/ tasks each day or so.

from what i can tell you should establish a home area too.

your first goal should be to stock up on berries/seeds/carrots ( food) as well as gather twigs from saplings and grass to craft an axe. with the axe you can then chop trees to get logs and build a fire. that should get your through your first night.

i am frustrated how easy it is to lose all progress and how slow it is to get back to a decent playing state


Sweet lord this game is awesome. A few questions (sorry if they are answered already, combed through the thread and didn't see these)

How do I zoom out of the map?

Is there another mode besides survival? I read about adventure mode but have no option for it.

What is the point of the "XP" you get after dying?

Is it ever possible to build a structure you can actually enter, with a roof on it? Can you build doors or is it always open / exposed to the elements?

Can Chester be killed? (by enemies)

Is it worth stealing the "eggs" or nest things that the large stick legged eye-ball creatures have in their camp?

Is there a maximum number of days or is it endless?

I only play on PC, so can't answer ps4 zoom questions.

If you find maxwell's door in survival mode, you can start adventure mode. If you die in adventure mode, you wake up in survival mode and can't go back into adventure mode anymore for this playthrough.

XP unlocks new characters. Each character has different perks.

It is supposed to be always open. You can make an umbrella if you don't want to lose sanity in the rain. If you surround yourself in walls with no exits, hounds will attack and destroy walls to get to you.

Chester can be killed. He will drop all items stored in him after death. However, he will eventually respawn and move to the eyebone.

It is far less risky to get eggs from captured birds in bird cages than from tallbirds, unless you want to raise your own baby tallbird. Once the tallbird reaches adulthood it hates you though, like wild tallbirds. Eggs can be used in the crockpot to make bacon and eggs or pierogi.

I haven't hit a max yet.


Does this have any effect on XP gaining?

It should not, unless they patched it.

Playing in summer only is a good way to familiarise yourself with the world and unlock most characters.

Once you've understood the gist of the game, play default. If you're looking for a challenge, set food to minimal.
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