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Don't Starve PS4 |OT| Free with PS+

Welp, i have discovered the all of the caves and entire above ground map. I built everything, only thing left to do is adventure. Adventure mode is nearly impossible though. As soon as i die ill get the platinum trophy, I think i might just on purpose.


Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
I just hate that there isn't really a good way to ease you into these things. If you hit a scenario, mess up, but then had a chance to do it again soon after, that would be fine.

The perma death makes you go through all the same mundane parts of the game to get to where you were before... then you get a little farther, die again, and go through all the mundane parts again.

Well, if you want to be able to prepare yourself, here are all the scenarios and what's special about them:

The King of Winter - Permanent winter. Front-runner for the most difficult scenario. If you can build a Crock Pot and a Bird Cage you can sustain yourself by farming spiders for monster meat. For every 4 monster meats you get you can feed 3 to your bird to get eggs, then mix 1 monster meat and 3 eggs in the Crock Pot for some Meatballs. Wendy's the best at this, since she can use Abigail to safely farm multiple spider dens simultaneously. Add that to the list of reasons why Wendy is the Goddess of Adventure Mode. Walrus Camps are available all the time in this mode, giving you trivial access to the Tam o' Shanter and Walking Cane. Get one of each before moving on, but otherwise rush through as quickly as possible. Perpetual winter means virtually all resources are finite, so you're dying a slow death from the moment you spawn.

The Game is Afoot - Probably the easiest scenario if you know what you're doing. Great choice to set up a long-term camp and prototype tons of stuff. Starts with a 10 day winter, then becomes eternal summer. Just hunker down and survive for the first 10 days and you've got nothing to worry about. You need to navigate enemy-infested areas to get the teleporter pieces; just build a Log Suit and a Football Helmet and run like the dickens. Trying to fight is pointless unless you're using WX-78, in which case you should kill all the clockwork enemies for gears.

A Cold Reception - Near-constant rain. Frogs fall from the sky and try to eat you. Extremely fast seasonal cycles. Otherwise pretty standard. Decent place to set up long-term camp. Sanity management is an issue, but is easily combated by farming bees or sleeping a lot. Killing frogs will get you tons of food. Abigail can annihilate swarms of them at a time for tons of Frog Legs, proving for the umpteenth time that Wendy is the ultimate Adventure Mode character. There's basically always a Pig King with an accompanying town on this map, which can be a good place to settle if you don't find any better camping locations.

Archipelago - Basically a test of sanity management. A bunch of islands separated by wormholes, so going anywhere involves paying the wormhole sanity cost. There's one teleporter piece per island, so you have to visit all of them once. Just hop through wormholes until you find the savannah island then set up camp alongside your stalwart friends, the noble Beefalo. Build up some sanity-restoring items then blitz the teleporter pieces. A shockingly easy scenario once you get used to it; finishing it before the first winter is entirely possible.

Two Worlds - Two islands separated by wormholes. One's placid and well-stocked with resources, one's vicious and contains all the teleporter pieces. All about preparation. Build up on your starter island, then hop through a wormhole to the dangerous second island with a well-stocked inventory. All the teleporter pieces are on the second island, and you can nab them all in one trip if you're well-stocked. Just bring food, sanity restorers, and be speedy. 15 days of prep, 5 days of searching is a good benchmark to aim for. If you're efficient in your time usage that should be more than enough.

Darkness - I'm not going to lie: you're probably going to die the first time you reach this, the final scenario. Endless night time. Nothing grows, your sanity is constantly falling, and if you're caught without a light source you die. Wendy loses 25% less Sanity in darkness than other characters, and Abigail is constantly at full power, in case you had any doubts about who the best Adventure Mode character is (it's Wendy; seriously, use Wendy). Bring a light source with you (Miner's Hat, Pumpkin Lantern, whatevs) and a stack of Fireflies to replenish it with. Then run. Gather only what you need and never stop moving. Time is your worst enemy in this stage (well, basically everything is your worst enemy in this stage, but the more time you spend in it the more time everything has to whittle you down). The sooner you end it the better. It's like The King of Winter that way: the instant you spawn your finite supply of resources begins dwindling. You're dying from the moment you arrive, so you gotta hustle.

That's basically the long and short of it.

evil ways

Just got killed by a big fucking walking tree. Seconds after he killed me, he walked over my fireplace, caught fire and fled. Figures.


Lasted 5 days, grew a beard, went spelunking into a cave, and was chased by spiders. Eventually went mad due to lack of mental energy and killed by my own figments of imagination (or spiders).

Cool game. Have no idea how to get my mental and heart back up. Also, what is the point? Survive, or explore the whole map? Eat? Cook? Kill?


Just got killed by a big fucking walking tree. Seconds after he killed me, he walked over my fireplace, caught fire and fled. Figures.

deal with the tree:
You can plant pine cones to make the tree happy and stop attacking you

Im super addicted to this game now
Cant believe i didnt play it on steam sooner


Damn this actually plays really well in Remote Play. I'm impressed. My dream of playing this game while in bed right before sleep is going to come true.


Damn this actually plays really well in Remote Play. I'm impressed. My dream of playing this game while in bed right before sleep is going to come true.

It does. Only problem is the small text size and icons. But if you have the number of ingredients and stuff memorized I guess it's not so bad.

And even with brightness all the way up on the Vita, it doesn't seem to match the clarity of actually playing it on a TV.

But besides those minor gripes, it does play really well. Glad that the controls switch to the triggers on the Vita. I'd never play it if it used the rear touch for the L2/R2 functions.

EDIT:Some highlights of my current playthrough.

I saw some pigs guarding a bunch of hay/grass. So I burned it all just to be an ass.

I guess the hay/grass is not what they were defending

I destroyed that pig's house and made him chase me into a spider nest. The spiders killed his ass. lol

Now they're chasing me.

So I just burned a good portion of the forest down, killing the spiders and their nests in the process.

Mission Accomplished.jpg

Surviving winter. I have 6 meat drying racks to make jerky out of dead bunnies. That fridge is getting no action cuz I have to eat whatever I make right now. And I laid down a carpet but I don't think it's helping much. lol. Those heat stones and my winter hat are making it easy to stave off the cold, though.

I'm on day 25 now and stopped. As long as I don't get brutally attacked by something, I should survive winter for the first time.

And winter is feeling very much like Harvest Moon did for me on the SNES. There's not much you can do during winter. At least not that I know of. I'm too afraid to leave my camp right now. lol. I REALLY need to destroy some trees and rocks right now, though. =l


Darkness -
I'm not going to lie: you're probably going to die the first time you reach this,[/B] the final scenario. Endless night time. Nothing grows, your sanity is constantly falling, and if you're caught without a light source you die. Wendy loses 25% less Sanity in darkness than other characters, and Abigail is constantly at full power, in case you had any doubts about who the best Adventure Mode character is (it's Wendy; seriously, use Wendy). Bring a light source with you (Miner's Hat, Pumpkin Lantern, whatevs) and a stack of Fireflies to replenish it with. Then run. Gather only what you need and never stop moving. Time is your worst enemy in this stage (well, basically everything is your worst enemy in this stage, but the more time you spend in it the more time everything has to whittle you down). The sooner you end it the better. It's like The King of Winter that way: the instant you spawn your finite supply of resources begins dwindling. You're dying from the moment you arrive, so you gotta hustle.

That's basically the long and short of it.

I appreciate your response! I'm going to try practicing some more tomorrow and see if I can improve without being frustrated. I think your part in bold is the most frustrating aspect of the game.. I can't imagine getting that far (even if you're good at adventure mode, that will take some serious time to get through) and then having to start all over from the beginning.
I died once and got to collect my stuff again without the game resetting, then I died again and it all reset. What gives?

I am not really feeling the game. So much grinding just to sit around...

Evo X

Holy FUCK, this game is addicting. Sat down for a session and ended up playing for 3 and a half hours! Only reason I stopped is because I was about to pass out from sleep deprivation.


I basically move into supply run mode in Winter. STILL searching for a goddamn gear though. And I have no marshes so I can't get into papyrus manufacture.


I died once and got to collect my stuff again without the game resetting, then I died again and it all reset. What gives?

I am not really feeling the game. So much grinding just to sit around...

You must've come across one of these before you died.


They're called touch stonesand if you find one and put it together, it'll bring you back to life when you die.

If you don't find one of those or don't create certain items that'll bring you back to life, it's game over when you die. File deleted.

I mostly like the game since I keep learning how to better use things as I play. Also like seeing how long I can survive. Some people on here seem to be really good at it. My current highest is 25 days right now and going.


So i seem to hit a lvl cap, unlocked the lumberjack, but there are obviously more characters to unlock. How it is done?

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
Fuuuu >.> died at day 36 as the robot. Had a near perfect spot. Quarry NE. Beefalo SE. Wormhole near said beef to another quarry. 2 caves nearby. 6 chest, 8 improved farms, 15 berry bushes, 3 bee boxes, 6 drying racks. Half the camp with stone walls. Went insane robbing graves. Terrorbird thing 3 shot me with log armour and a football helmet goddamn. I had a stupid life amulet too but didnt get it on in time. I even had all the random parts and found maxwells door. Shit got too greedy lol


Day 39. Still no gear. All my food is rotting and it's only through the miracle of cooking one monster meat with a bunch of morsels that I've managed to stay alive. Jumped through a wormhole, ran into a hunting party of walruses with like 20 hounds, outran them to a quarry, stole a little gold, ran into a swamp, stole some reeds, ran back to the wormhole, set the entire forest on fire to try and discourage pursuit. It didn't work, but I'm still alive.

I found this fleshy bulb thing and I don't know what it does. I suspect it will be bad.


Fired this up for the first time earlier... Very addictive! Bit daunting at first... But once you get a hang of what you need to do to stay alive, it's very, very good.

There's a stone you activate which effectively gives you an extra life. You lose all your gear though.


Dumb question, but how do you save? I played last night and wanted to end the game before I made a mistake but felt forced to keep going.


Dumb question, but how do you save? I played last night and wanted to end the game before I made a mistake but felt forced to keep going.

Press Options button and hit "Save and Quit". When you start the game back up it will return you to exactly where you were when you quit.


Press Options button and hit "Save and Quit". When you start the game back up it will return you to exactly where you were when you quit.

If you die and close the application you will return to your save. Its a bit cheating but hey..

Press the touchpad to look at the map.

And Chinner yeah.
There's an adventure mode though.


this game is seriously addictive, another ps+ winner. pretty much makes me lose track of time whenever i start another run.

but i´m having a really hard time whenever i get towards winter.
made my camp close to a pig village now, pretty handy to have them fight spiders for you.
also made a crock pot but having difficulties finding efficient recipies (i think eating 4x berries gives you more against hunger than cooking 4 berries for that jam thing and eating that).
also, you always have to fill the pot up with 4 things, what are some good "fill-up" items?
k i really dont want to read any of this thread because i know theres tons of spoliers every where. But i cant figure out how you make logs into lumber and im seriously stuck ... HOW DO YOU DO IT? by logs i mean you chop down a tree adn get the log but then you need to make it into a board or lumber ...how?


k i really dont want to read any of this thread because i know theres tons of spoliers every where. But i cant figure out how you make logs into lumber and im seriously stuck ... HOW DO YOU DO IT? by logs i mean you chop down a tree adn get the log but then you need to make it into a board or lumber ...how?

Build a science machine to be able to refine objects like wood or stone.
It's funny turning the pigs on each other.

Feed a pig until he declares that he's your friend
Find another pig and smack him
Your pig will act as your bodyguard and start fighting the pig you smacked
Other pigs in the area will join in since they always protect one another
Watch a Royal Rumble erupt hahaha

I love this game.
+1 for this game being addictive. Death is almost always final, your hand is never held, and every day is a learning experience.

I reached day 27 before attacking the
out of desperation for food. I hadn't thought my decision through and ended up being revived twice by the touchstones, dying from exposure both times. And that's when it hit me that I need to craft a coat & hat, as my beekeeper gear just isn't cutting it for winter.


How do you use the trap, drop it on the ground then herd an animal towards it?

You can do that.. I do it that way for spiders. For rabbits I just leave the trap on the hole and come back later. Frogs I just put the trap in the general area and come back later. You can bait the traps for more effectiveness but I don't find this necessary at all


You can do that.. I do it that way for spiders. For rabbits I just leave the trap on the hole and come back later. Frogs I just put the trap in the general area and come back later. You can bait the traps for more effectiveness but I don't find this necessary at all


Made it to day 4 until I was on the verge of starvation and taken out by a single bee....


If anyone is having issues getting a hang of this game I suggest editing the world before you start for a longer day and a longer summer. This will at least get you somewhat thrown into the world of Don't Starve.
I played up until it went dark and I was sitting alone with my camp fire about to go out.

This game just creeps me out. I have a thing about getting lost in the woods. Plus the art style reminds me of some cartoon that used to scare me as a child.


I just found a maxwells door on my 5th or so play through and only have an axe. Am I supposed to go through the door?

You can If you want to. If you go through the door you start adventure mode, If you die in that mode you will be back to your normal playthrough with nothing lost.


On my first life, I went 9 days. Second life, 23 days. I simply couldn't last through winter. I tried to adapt. My insanity turning stockpile of rabbits to monsters and thus making them not a good source of food (I couldn't make jerkey from them or even eat most of them) was a huge problem. I didn't freeze, what eventually got me is my sanity got so low that the
shadow monsters became real and killed me

This time, I'm trying from the start to position myself to last winter. I have focussed on drying racks to try and stockpile jerkey ahead of time. I've got a heating stone and a tent. Sanity is a hard thing to battle, but lots of jerkey and a tent, I'm hoping, can keep me sane.

Incidentally, it seems like
Wendy is a very effective character to use. Why? If you hear hounds coming, drop your flower, murder a rabbit, and sit tight. This also works if you get into some other kind of trouble, but so far I've just used it to survive hounds.


On my first life, I went 9 days. Second life, 23 days. I simply couldn't last through winter. I tried to adapt. My insanity turning stockpile of rabbits to monsters and thus making them not a good source of food (I couldn't make jerkey from them or even eat most of them) was a huge problem. I didn't freeze, what eventually got me is my sanity got so low that the
shadow monsters became real and killed me

This time, I'm trying from the start to position myself to last winter. I have focussed on drying racks to try and stockpile jerkey ahead of time. I've got a heating stone and a tent. Sanity is a hard thing to battle, but lots of jerkey and a tent, I'm hoping, can keep me sane.

Incidentally, it seems like
Wendy is a very effective character to use. Why? If you hear hounds coming, drop your flower, murder a rabbit, and sit tight. This also works if you get into some other kind of trouble, but so far I've just used it to survive hounds.

Wait what happens if you do that as her? Im always getting fucked by hounds but im on day 29 right now and I wish winter will soon be over.


Wait what happens if you do that as her? Im always getting fucked by hounds but im on day 29 right now and I wish winter will soon be over.

Wendy starts with a special item, a flower that can be used to summon her dead sister, who follows Wendy and does AOE damage to enemies. To use it, you drop it on the ground and sacrifice an animal (murdering a rabbit in your inventory works fine) near it and wait for her to summon.
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